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PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig Class Reference

#include <PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h>

Inheritance diagram for PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig:


struct  AllVariables

Public Types

enum  mvaCategories { UNDEFINED = -1, CAT_EB = 0, CAT_EE = 1 }

Public Member Functions

void constrainMVAVariables (AllVariables &) const
std::vector< float > fillMVAVariables (const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > &particle, const edm::Event &iEvent) const override
int findCategory (const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > &particle) const override
const std::string & getName () const final
int getNCategories () const override
const std::string & getTag () const final
bool isEndcapCategory (int category) const
float mvaValue (const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > &particle, const edm::Event &) const override
 PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig (const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
void setConsumes (edm::ConsumesCollector &&) const override
 ~PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base
 AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base (const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
virtual void getEventContent (const edm::Event &iEvent) const final
template<typename... Args>
std::vector< float > packMVAVariables (const Args...args) const
virtual ~AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base ()

Public Attributes

const uint nCategories = 2
- Public Attributes inherited from AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base
const edm::ParameterSet _conf

Private Attributes

AllVariables allMVAVars_
EffectiveAreas effectiveAreas_
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< const GBRForest > > gbrForests_
const std::string MethodName_
const std::string name_ = "PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig"
const edm::InputTag phoChargedIsolationLabel_
double phoIsoCutoff_
std::vector< double > phoIsoPtScalingCoeff_
const edm::InputTag phoPhotonIsolationLabel_
const edm::InputTag phoWorstChargedIsolationLabel_
const edm::InputTag rhoLabel_
std::string tag_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 23 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig ( const edm::ParameterSet conf)

Definition at line 7 of file

References GBRForestTools::createGBRForest(), gbrForests_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), mps_fire::i, nCategories, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, tag_, electrons_cff::weightFile, mvaElectronID_Fall17_iso_V1_cff::weightFileNames, and ~PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig().

7  :
9  MethodName_("BDTG method"),
10  phoChargedIsolationLabel_(conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("phoChargedIsolation")),
11  phoPhotonIsolationLabel_(conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("phoPhotonIsolation")),
12  phoWorstChargedIsolationLabel_(conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("phoWorstChargedIsolation")),
13  rhoLabel_(conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("rho")),
14  effectiveAreas_( (conf.getParameter<edm::FileInPath>("effAreasConfigFile")).fullPath()),
15  phoIsoPtScalingCoeff_(conf.getParameter<std::vector<double >>("phoIsoPtScalingCoeff")),
16  phoIsoCutoff_(conf.getParameter<double>("phoIsoCutoff"))
17 {
19  //
20  // Construct the MVA estimators
21  //
22  tag_ = conf.getParameter<std::string>("mvaTag");
24  const std::vector <std::string> weightFileNames
25  = conf.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("weightFileNames");
27  if( weightFileNames.size() != nCategories )
28  throw cms::Exception("MVA config failure: ")
29  << "wrong number of weightfiles" << std::endl;
31  gbrForests_.clear();
32  // The method name is just a key to retrieve this method later, it is not
33  // a control parameter for a reader (the full definition of the MVA type and
34  // everything else comes from the xml weight files).
36  // Create a TMVA reader object for each category
37  for(uint i=0; i<nCategories; i++){
39  // Use unique_ptr so that all readers are properly cleaned up
40  // when the vector clear() is called in the destructor
42  edm::FileInPath weightFile( weightFileNames[i] );
45  }
47 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base(const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
static std::unique_ptr< const GBRForest > createGBRForest(const std::string &weightFile)
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< const GBRForest > > gbrForests_
PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::~PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig ( )

Definition at line 50 of file

References mvaValue().

Referenced by PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig().

50  {
51 }

Member Function Documentation

void PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::constrainMVAVariables ( AllVariables ) const

Definition at line 271 of file

Referenced by fillMVAVariables(), and getTag().

271  {
273  // Check that variables do not have crazy values
275  // This function is currently empty as this specific MVA was not
276  // developed with restricting variables to specific physical ranges.
277  return;
279 }
std::vector< float > PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::fillMVAVariables ( const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > &  particle,
const edm::Event iEvent 
) const

Implements AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base.

Definition at line 132 of file

References funct::abs(), constrainMVAVariables(), reco::Photon::ShowerShape::e2x2, heepElectronID_HEEPV50_CSA14_25ns_cff::e5x5, effectiveAreas_, mvaPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_nonTrig_V1_cff::esEffSigmaRRMap, Exception, findCategory(), reco::Photon::full5x5_showerShapeVariables(), mvaPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_nonTrig_V1_cff::full5x5E2x2Map, mvaPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_nonTrig_V1_cff::full5x5E5x5Map, cutBasedElectronID_CSA14_50ns_V1_cff::full5x5SigmaIEtaIEtaMap, mvaPhotonID_PHYS14_PU20bx25_nonTrig_V1_cff::full5x5SigmaIEtaIPhiMap, edm::Event::getByLabel(), EffectiveAreas::getEffectiveArea(), isEndcapCategory(), edm::Ptr< T >::isNull(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), SiStripPI::max, Max(), eostools::move(), AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base::packMVAVariables(), phoChargedIsolationLabel_, phoIsoCutoff_, phoIsoPtScalingCoeff_, phoPhotonIsolationLabel_, phoWorstChargedIsolationLabel_, reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), reco::Photon::r9(), rho, rhoLabel_, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::scPhi, reco::Photon::superCluster(), PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varChIsoRaw, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varE2x2overE5x5, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varESEffSigmaRR, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varESEnOverRawE, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varPhoIsoCorr, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varPhoIsoRaw, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varR9, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varRawE, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varRho, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varSCEta, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varSCEtaWidth, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varSCPhiWidth, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varSieie, PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varSieip, and PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::AllVariables::varWorstChRaw.

Referenced by getTag(), and mvaValue().

132  {
134  //
135  // Declare all value maps corresponding to the above tokens
136  //
142  //
143  edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<float> > phoChargedIsolationMap;
144  edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<float> > phoPhotonIsolationMap;
145  edm::Handle<edm::ValueMap<float> > phoWorstChargedIsolationMap;
147  // Rho will be pulled from the event content
150  // Get the isolation maps
151  iEvent.getByLabel(phoChargedIsolationLabel_, phoChargedIsolationMap);
152  iEvent.getByLabel(phoPhotonIsolationLabel_, phoPhotonIsolationMap);
153  iEvent.getByLabel(phoWorstChargedIsolationLabel_, phoWorstChargedIsolationMap);
155  // Get rho
156  iEvent.getByLabel(rhoLabel_,rho);
158  // Make sure everything is retrieved successfully
159  if(! ( phoChargedIsolationMap.isValid()
160  && phoPhotonIsolationMap.isValid()
161  && phoWorstChargedIsolationMap.isValid()
162  && rho.isValid() ) )
163  throw cms::Exception("MVA failure: ")
164  << "Failed to retrieve event content needed for this MVA"
165  << std::endl
166  << "Check python MVA configuration file and make sure all needed"
167  << std::endl
168  << "producers are running upstream" << std::endl;
170  // Try to cast the particle into a reco particle.
171  // This should work for both reco and pat.
172  const edm::Ptr<reco::Photon> phoRecoPtr(particle);
173  if( phoRecoPtr.isNull() )
174  throw cms::Exception("MVA failure: ")
175  << " given particle is expected to be reco::Photon or pat::Photon," << std::endl
176  << " but appears to be neither" << std::endl;
178  // Both pat and reco particles have exactly the same accessors.
179  auto superCluster = phoRecoPtr->superCluster();
180  // Full 5x5 cluster shapes. We could take some of this directly from
181  // the photon object, but some of these are not available.
182  float e2x2 = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
184  float full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
185  float full5x5_sigmaIetaIphi = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
186  float effSigmaRR = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
188  AllVariables allMVAVars;
190  const auto& full5x5_pss = phoRecoPtr->full5x5_showerShapeVariables();
191  e2x2 = full5x5_pss.e2x2;
192  e5x5 = full5x5_pss.e5x5;
193  full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta = full5x5_pss.sigmaIetaIeta;
194  full5x5_sigmaIetaIphi = full5x5_pss.sigmaIetaIphi;
195  effSigmaRR = full5x5_pss.effSigmaRR;
197  allMVAVars.scPhi = superCluster->phi();
198  allMVAVars.varR9 = phoRecoPtr->r9() ;
199  allMVAVars.varSieie = full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta;
200  allMVAVars.varSieip = full5x5_sigmaIetaIphi;
201  allMVAVars.varE2x2overE5x5 = e2x2/e5x5;
202  allMVAVars.varSCEta = superCluster->eta();
203  allMVAVars.varRawE = superCluster->rawEnergy();
204  allMVAVars.varSCEtaWidth = superCluster->etaWidth();
205  allMVAVars.varSCPhiWidth = superCluster->phiWidth();
206  allMVAVars.varESEnOverRawE = superCluster->preshowerEnergy() / superCluster->rawEnergy();
207  allMVAVars.varESEffSigmaRR = effSigmaRR;
208  allMVAVars.varRho = *rho;
209  allMVAVars.varPhoIsoRaw = (*phoPhotonIsolationMap)[phoRecoPtr];
210  allMVAVars.varChIsoRaw = (*phoChargedIsolationMap)[phoRecoPtr];
211  allMVAVars.varWorstChRaw = (*phoWorstChargedIsolationMap)[phoRecoPtr];
213  //photon iso corrected:
215  double eA = effectiveAreas_.getEffectiveArea( std::abs(superCluster->eta()) );
216  double phoIsoPtScalingCoeffVal = 0;
217  if( !isEndcapCategory( findCategory ( particle ) ) )
218  phoIsoPtScalingCoeffVal =; // barrel case
219  else
220  phoIsoPtScalingCoeffVal =; //endcap case
221  double phoIsoCorr = (*phoPhotonIsolationMap)[phoRecoPtr] - eA*(*rho) - phoIsoPtScalingCoeffVal*phoRecoPtr->pt();
223  allMVAVars.varPhoIsoCorr = TMath::Max(phoIsoCorr, phoIsoCutoff_);
225  constrainMVAVariables(allMVAVars);
226  //
227  // Important: the order of variables in the "vars" vector has to be EXACTLY
228  // the same as in the .xml file defining the MVA.
229  //
230  std::vector<float> vars;
231  if( isEndcapCategory( findCategory( particle ) ) ) {
232  vars = std::move( packMVAVariables(
233  allMVAVars.scPhi,
234  allMVAVars.varR9,
235  allMVAVars.varSieie,
236  allMVAVars.varSieip,
237  allMVAVars.varE2x2overE5x5,
238  allMVAVars.varSCEta,
239  allMVAVars.varRawE,
240  allMVAVars.varSCEtaWidth,
241  allMVAVars.varSCPhiWidth,
242  allMVAVars.varRho,
243  allMVAVars.varPhoIsoCorr,
244  allMVAVars.varChIsoRaw,
245  allMVAVars.varWorstChRaw,
246  allMVAVars.varESEffSigmaRR,
247  allMVAVars.varESEnOverRawE
248  )
249  );
250  } else {
251  vars = std::move( packMVAVariables(
252  allMVAVars.scPhi,
253  allMVAVars.varR9,
254  allMVAVars.varSieie,
255  allMVAVars.varSieip,
256  allMVAVars.varE2x2overE5x5,
257  allMVAVars.varSCEta,
258  allMVAVars.varRawE,
259  allMVAVars.varSCEtaWidth,
260  allMVAVars.varSCPhiWidth,
261  allMVAVars.varRho,
262  allMVAVars.varPhoIsoRaw,
263  allMVAVars.varChIsoRaw,
264  allMVAVars.varWorstChRaw
265  )
266  );
267  }
268  return vars;
269 }
const float getEffectiveArea(float eta) const
int findCategory(const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > &particle) const override
std::vector< float > packMVAVariables(const Args...args) const
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:74
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:464
T Max(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:44
def move(src, dest)
int PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::findCategory ( const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > &  particle) const

Implements AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base.

Definition at line 93 of file

References funct::abs(), CAT_EB, CAT_EE, mvaElectronID_Fall17_iso_V1_cff::ebeeSplit, PVValHelper::eta, isEndcapCategory(), edm::Ptr< T >::isNull(), reco::Photon::superCluster(), and UNDEFINED.

Referenced by fillMVAVariables(), getTag(), and mvaValue().

93  {
95  // Try to cast the particle into a reco particle.
96  // This should work for both reco and pat.
97  const edm::Ptr<reco::Photon> phoRecoPtr = ( edm::Ptr<reco::Photon> )particle;
98  if( phoRecoPtr.isNull() )
99  throw cms::Exception("MVA failure: ")
100  << " given particle is expected to be reco::Photon or pat::Photon," << std::endl
101  << " but appears to be neither" << std::endl;
103  float eta = phoRecoPtr->superCluster()->eta();
105  //
106  // Determine the category
107  //
108  int iCategory = UNDEFINED;
109  const float ebeeSplit = 1.479; // division between barrel and endcap
111  if ( std::abs(eta) < ebeeSplit)
112  iCategory = CAT_EB;
113  else
114  iCategory = CAT_EE;
116  return iCategory;
117 }
reco::SuperClusterRef superCluster() const override
Ref to SuperCluster.
bool isNull() const
Checks for null.
Definition: Ptr.h:164
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
const std::string& PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::getName ( void  ) const

Implements AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base.

Definition at line 70 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

References name_.

Referenced by plotting.Plot::draw().

int PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::getNCategories ( ) const
const std::string& PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::getTag ( void  ) const
bool PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::isEndcapCategory ( int  category) const

Definition at line 120 of file

References CAT_EE, and GeomDetEnumerators::isEndcap().

Referenced by fillMVAVariables(), findCategory(), getNCategories(), and mvaValue().

120  {
122  // For this specific MVA the function is trivial, but kept for possible
123  // future evolution to an MVA with more categories in eta
124  bool isEndcap = false;
125  if( category == CAT_EE )
126  isEndcap = true;
128  return isEndcap;
129 }
bool isEndcap(GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector m)
float PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::mvaValue ( const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > &  particle,
const edm::Event iEvent 
) const

Implements AnyMVAEstimatorRun2Base.

Definition at line 54 of file

References debug, fillMVAVariables(), findCategory(), gbrForests_, isEndcapCategory(), eostools::move(), and mps_fire::result.

Referenced by ~PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig().

54  {
56  const int iCategory = findCategory( particle );
57  const std::vector<float> vars = std::move( fillMVAVariables( particle, iEvent ) );
59  const float result =>GetResponse(; // The BDT score
61  // DEBUG
62  const bool debug = false;
63  // The list of variables here must match EXACTLY the list and order in the
64  // packMVAVariables() call for barrel and endcap in this file.
65  if( debug ){
66  printf("Printout of the photon variable inputs for MVA:\n");
67  printf(" varSCPhi_ %f\n", vars[0] );
68  printf(" varR9_ %f\n", vars[1] );
69  printf(" varSieie_ %f\n", vars[2] );
70  printf(" varSieip_ %f\n", vars[3] );
71  printf(" varE2x2overE5x5_ %f\n", vars[4] );
72  printf(" varSCEta_ %f\n", vars[5] );
73  printf(" varRawE_ %f\n", vars[6] );
74  printf(" varSCEtaWidth_ %f\n", vars[7] );
75  printf(" varSCPhiWidth_ %f\n", vars[8] );
76  printf(" varRho_ %f\n", vars[9] );
77  if( !isEndcapCategory( iCategory ) ) {
78  printf(" varPhoIsoRaw_ %f\n", vars[10] );
79  } else {
80  printf(" varPhoIsoRawCorr_ %f\n", vars[10] ); // for endcap MVA only in 2016
81  }
82  printf(" varChIsoRaw_ %f\n", vars[11] );
83  printf(" varWorstChRaw_ %f\n", vars[12] );
84  if( isEndcapCategory( iCategory ) ) {
85  printf(" varESEnOverRawE_ %f\n", vars[13] ); // for endcap MVA only
86  printf(" varESEffSigmaRR_ %f\n", vars[14] ); // for endcap MVA only
87  }
88  }
90  return result;
91 }
int findCategory(const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > &particle) const override
std::vector< float > fillMVAVariables(const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > &particle, const edm::Event &iEvent) const override
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< const GBRForest > > gbrForests_
#define debug
def move(src, dest)
void PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::setConsumes ( edm::ConsumesCollector &&  cc) const

Member Data Documentation

AllVariables PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::allMVAVars_

Definition at line 106 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

EffectiveAreas PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::effectiveAreas_

Definition at line 121 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

Referenced by fillMVAVariables().

std::vector< std::unique_ptr<const GBRForest> > PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::gbrForests_
const std::string PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::MethodName_

Definition at line 105 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

const std::string PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::name_ = "PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig"

Definition at line 94 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

Referenced by getName().

const uint PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::nCategories = 2
const edm::InputTag PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::phoChargedIsolationLabel_

Definition at line 115 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

Referenced by fillMVAVariables(), and setConsumes().

double PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::phoIsoCutoff_

Definition at line 123 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

Referenced by fillMVAVariables().

std::vector<double> PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::phoIsoPtScalingCoeff_

Definition at line 122 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

Referenced by fillMVAVariables().

const edm::InputTag PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::phoPhotonIsolationLabel_

Definition at line 116 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

Referenced by fillMVAVariables(), and setConsumes().

const edm::InputTag PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::phoWorstChargedIsolationLabel_

Definition at line 117 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

Referenced by fillMVAVariables(), and setConsumes().

const edm::InputTag PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::rhoLabel_

Definition at line 118 of file PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig.h.

Referenced by fillMVAVariables(), and setConsumes().

std::string PhotonMVAEstimatorRun2Spring16NonTrig::tag_