List of all members | Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
V0Fitter Class Reference

#include <RecoVertex/V0Producer/interface/V0Fitter.h>

Public Member Functions

void fitAll (const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection &k, reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection &l)
 V0Fitter (const edm::ParameterSet &theParams, edm::ConsumesCollector &&iC)

Private Attributes

double cosThetaXYCut_
double cosThetaXYZCut_
bool doKShorts_
bool doLambdas_
double innerHitPosCut_
double kShortMassCut_
double lambdaMassCut_
double mPiPiCut_
double tkChi2Cut_
double tkDCACut_
double tkIPSigXYCut_
double tkIPSigZCut_
int tkNHitsCut_
double tkPtCut_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpottoken_beamSpot
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollectiontoken_tracks
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< reco::Vertex > > token_vertices
bool useRefTracks_
bool useVertex_
bool vertexFitter_
double vtxChi2Cut_
double vtxDecaySigXYCut_
double vtxDecaySigXYZCut_

Detailed Description

Description: <one line="" class="" summary>="">

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

Definition at line 40 of file V0Fitter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

V0Fitter::V0Fitter ( const edm::ParameterSet theParams,
edm::ConsumesCollector &&  iC 

Definition at line 49 of file

References cosThetaXYCut_, cosThetaXYZCut_, doKShorts_, doLambdas_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), innerHitPosCut_, kShortMassCut_, lambdaMassCut_, mPiPiCut_, tkChi2Cut_, tkDCACut_, tkIPSigXYCut_, tkIPSigZCut_, tkNHitsCut_, tkPtCut_, token_beamSpot, token_tracks, token_vertices, useRefTracks_, useVertex_, vertexFitter_, vtxChi2Cut_, vtxDecaySigXYCut_, and vtxDecaySigXYZCut_.

50 {
51  token_beamSpot = iC.consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(theParameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("beamSpot"));
52  useVertex_ = theParameters.getParameter<bool>("useVertex");
53  token_vertices = iC.consumes<std::vector<reco::Vertex>>(theParameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("vertices"));
55  token_tracks = iC.consumes<reco::TrackCollection>(theParameters.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("trackRecoAlgorithm"));
56  vertexFitter_ = theParameters.getParameter<bool>("vertexFitter");
57  useRefTracks_ = theParameters.getParameter<bool>("useRefTracks");
59  // whether to reconstruct KShorts
60  doKShorts_ = theParameters.getParameter<bool>("doKShorts");
61  // whether to reconstruct Lambdas
62  doLambdas_ = theParameters.getParameter<bool>("doLambdas");
64  // cuts on initial track selection
65  tkChi2Cut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("tkChi2Cut");
66  tkNHitsCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<int>("tkNHitsCut");
67  tkPtCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("tkPtCut");
68  tkIPSigXYCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("tkIPSigXYCut");
69  tkIPSigZCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("tkIPSigZCut");
71  // cuts on vertex
72  vtxChi2Cut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("vtxChi2Cut");
73  vtxDecaySigXYZCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("vtxDecaySigXYZCut");
74  vtxDecaySigXYCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("vtxDecaySigXYCut");
75  // miscellaneous cuts
76  tkDCACut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("tkDCACut");
77  mPiPiCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("mPiPiCut");
78  innerHitPosCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("innerHitPosCut");
79  cosThetaXYCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("cosThetaXYCut");
80  cosThetaXYZCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("cosThetaXYZCut");
81  // cuts on the V0 candidate mass
82  kShortMassCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("kShortMassCut");
83  lambdaMassCut_ = theParameters.getParameter<double>("lambdaMassCut");
84 }
bool doLambdas_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:52
double tkChi2Cut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:55
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes(edm::InputTag const &tag)
double cosThetaXYZCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:69
double lambdaMassCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:72
double tkIPSigXYCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:58
bool vertexFitter_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:49
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< reco::Vertex > > token_vertices
Definition: V0Fitter.h:77
std::vector< Track > TrackCollection
collection of Tracks
Definition: TrackFwd.h:14
double vtxDecaySigXYZCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:63
double tkDCACut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:65
int tkNHitsCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:56
bool useRefTracks_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:50
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollection > token_tracks
Definition: V0Fitter.h:74
bool useVertex_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:76
double mPiPiCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:66
double kShortMassCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:71
double tkIPSigZCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:59
double cosThetaXYCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:68
double innerHitPosCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:67
double vtxDecaySigXYCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:62
double tkPtCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:57
double vtxChi2Cut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:61
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > token_beamSpot
Definition: V0Fitter.h:75
bool doKShorts_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:51

Member Function Documentation

void V0Fitter::fitAll ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection k,
reco::VertexCompositeCandidateCollection l 

Definition at line 87 of file

References funct::abs(), reco::CompositeCandidate::addDaughter(), ClosestApproachInRPhi::calculate(), ALCARECOTkAlJpsiMuMu_cff::charge, reco::Vertex::chi2(), cosThetaXYCut_, cosThetaXYZCut_, reco::Vertex::covariance(), ClosestApproachInRPhi::crossingPoint(), SoftLeptonByDistance_cfi::distance, ClosestApproachInRPhi::distance(), doKShorts_, doLambdas_, Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::dot(), PVValHelper::dx, reco::TrackBase::dxy(), reco::TrackBase::dxyError(), PVValHelper::dy, PVValHelper::dz, reco::TrackBase::dz(), reco::TrackBase::dzError(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByToken(), TransientVertex::hasRefittedTracks(), reco::TransientTrack::impactPointTSCP(), innerHitPosCut_, TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint::isValid(), TransientVertex::isValid(), kShortMassCut_, lambdaMassCut_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag2(), mag2(), ResonanceBuilder::mass, reco::LeafCandidate::mass(), TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint::momentum(), eostools::move(), mPiPiCut_, reco::Vertex::ndof(), reco::Vertex::normalizedChi2(), reco::TrackBase::normalizedChi2(), reco::TrackBase::numberOfValidHits(), reco::BeamSpot::position(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), reco::TrackBase::pt(), TransientVertex::refittedTracks(), reco::BeamSpot::rotatedCovariance3D(), AddFourMomenta::set(), reco::LeafCandidate::setPdgId(), reco::RecoChargedCandidate::setTrack(), mathSSE::sqrt(), ClosestApproachInRPhi::status(), TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint::theState(), tkChi2Cut_, tkDCACut_, tkIPSigXYCut_, tkIPSigZCut_, tkNHitsCut_, tkPtCut_, token_beamSpot, token_tracks, token_vertices, reco::TransientTrack::trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(), useRefTracks_, useVertex_, KalmanVertexFitter::vertex(), AdaptiveVertexFitter::vertex(), vertexFitter_, electrons_cff::vertices, badGlobalMuonTaggersAOD_cff::vtx, allConversions_cfi::vtxChi2, vtxChi2Cut_, vtxDecaySigXYCut_, vtxDecaySigXYZCut_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), reco::Vertex::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), reco::Vertex::y(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), and reco::Vertex::z().

Referenced by V0Producer::produce().

89 {
90  using std::vector;
93  iEvent.getByToken(token_tracks, theTrackHandle);
94  if (theTrackHandle->empty()) return;
95  const reco::TrackCollection* theTrackCollection = theTrackHandle.product();
97  edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> theBeamSpotHandle;
98  iEvent.getByToken(token_beamSpot, theBeamSpotHandle);
99  const reco::BeamSpot* theBeamSpot = theBeamSpotHandle.product();
100  math::XYZPoint referencePos(theBeamSpot->position());
102  reco::Vertex referenceVtx;
103  if (useVertex_) {
105  iEvent.getByToken(token_vertices, vertices);
106  referenceVtx = vertices->at(0);
107  referencePos = referenceVtx.position();
108  }
110  edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> theMagneticFieldHandle;
111  iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(theMagneticFieldHandle);
112  const MagneticField* theMagneticField = theMagneticFieldHandle.product();
114  std::vector<reco::TrackRef> theTrackRefs;
115  std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> theTransTracks;
117  // fill vectors of TransientTracks and TrackRefs after applying preselection cuts
118  for (reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator iTk = theTrackCollection->begin(); iTk != theTrackCollection->end(); ++iTk) {
119  const reco::Track* tmpTrack = &(*iTk);
120  double ipsigXY = std::abs(tmpTrack->dxy(*theBeamSpot)/tmpTrack->dxyError());
121  if (useVertex_) ipsigXY = std::abs(tmpTrack->dxy(referencePos)/tmpTrack->dxyError());
122  double ipsigZ = std::abs(tmpTrack->dz(referencePos)/tmpTrack->dzError());
123  if (tmpTrack->normalizedChi2() < tkChi2Cut_ && tmpTrack->numberOfValidHits() >= tkNHitsCut_ &&
124  tmpTrack->pt() > tkPtCut_ && ipsigXY > tkIPSigXYCut_ && ipsigZ > tkIPSigZCut_) {
125  reco::TrackRef tmpRef(theTrackHandle, std::distance(theTrackCollection->begin(), iTk));
126  theTrackRefs.push_back(std::move(tmpRef));
127  reco::TransientTrack tmpTransient(*tmpRef, theMagneticField);
128  theTransTracks.push_back(std::move(tmpTransient));
129  }
130  }
131  // good tracks have now been selected for vertexing
133  // loop over tracks and vertex good charged track pairs
134  for (unsigned int trdx1 = 0; trdx1 < theTrackRefs.size(); ++trdx1) {
135  for (unsigned int trdx2 = trdx1 + 1; trdx2 < theTrackRefs.size(); ++trdx2) {
137  reco::TrackRef positiveTrackRef;
138  reco::TrackRef negativeTrackRef;
139  reco::TransientTrack* posTransTkPtr = nullptr;
140  reco::TransientTrack* negTransTkPtr = nullptr;
142  if (theTrackRefs[trdx1]->charge() < 0. && theTrackRefs[trdx2]->charge() > 0.) {
143  negativeTrackRef = theTrackRefs[trdx1];
144  positiveTrackRef = theTrackRefs[trdx2];
145  negTransTkPtr = &theTransTracks[trdx1];
146  posTransTkPtr = &theTransTracks[trdx2];
147  } else if (theTrackRefs[trdx1]->charge() > 0. && theTrackRefs[trdx2]->charge() < 0.) {
148  negativeTrackRef = theTrackRefs[trdx2];
149  positiveTrackRef = theTrackRefs[trdx1];
150  negTransTkPtr = &theTransTracks[trdx2];
151  posTransTkPtr = &theTransTracks[trdx1];
152  } else {
153  continue;
154  }
156  // measure distance between tracks at their closest approach
157  if (!posTransTkPtr->impactPointTSCP().isValid() || !negTransTkPtr->impactPointTSCP().isValid()) continue;
158  FreeTrajectoryState const & posState = posTransTkPtr->impactPointTSCP().theState();
159  FreeTrajectoryState const & negState = negTransTkPtr->impactPointTSCP().theState();
161  cApp.calculate(posState, negState);
162  if (!cApp.status()) continue;
163  float dca = std::abs(cApp.distance());
164  if (dca > tkDCACut_) continue;
166  // the POCA should at least be in the sensitive volume
167  GlobalPoint cxPt = cApp.crossingPoint();
168  if (sqrt(cxPt.x()*cxPt.x() + cxPt.y()*cxPt.y()) > 120. || std::abs(cxPt.z()) > 300.) continue;
170  // the tracks should at least point in the same quadrant
171  TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint const & posTSCP = posTransTkPtr->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(cxPt);
172  TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint const & negTSCP = negTransTkPtr->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(cxPt);
173  if (!posTSCP.isValid() || !negTSCP.isValid()) continue;
174  if (posTSCP.momentum().dot(negTSCP.momentum()) < 0) continue;
176  // calculate mPiPi
177  double totalE = sqrt(posTSCP.momentum().mag2() + piMassSquared) + sqrt(negTSCP.momentum().mag2() + piMassSquared);
178  double totalESq = totalE*totalE;
179  double totalPSq = (posTSCP.momentum() + negTSCP.momentum()).mag2();
180  double mass = sqrt(totalESq - totalPSq);
181  if (mass > mPiPiCut_) continue;
183  // Fill the vector of TransientTracks to send to KVF
184  std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> transTracks;
185  transTracks.reserve(2);
186  transTracks.push_back(*posTransTkPtr);
187  transTracks.push_back(*negTransTkPtr);
189  // create the vertex fitter object and vertex the tracks
190  TransientVertex theRecoVertex;
191  if (vertexFitter_) {
192  KalmanVertexFitter theKalmanFitter(useRefTracks_ == 0 ? false : true);
193  theRecoVertex = theKalmanFitter.vertex(transTracks);
194  } else if (!vertexFitter_) {
195  useRefTracks_ = false;
196  AdaptiveVertexFitter theAdaptiveFitter;
197  theRecoVertex = theAdaptiveFitter.vertex(transTracks);
198  }
199  if (!theRecoVertex.isValid()) continue;
201  reco::Vertex theVtx = theRecoVertex;
202  if (theVtx.normalizedChi2() > vtxChi2Cut_) continue;
203  GlobalPoint vtxPos(theVtx.x(), theVtx.y(), theVtx.z());
205  // 2D decay significance
206  SMatrixSym3D totalCov = theBeamSpot->rotatedCovariance3D() + theVtx.covariance();
207  if (useVertex_) totalCov = referenceVtx.covariance() + theVtx.covariance();
208  SVector3 distVecXY(vtxPos.x()-referencePos.x(), vtxPos.y()-referencePos.y(), 0.);
209  double distMagXY = ROOT::Math::Mag(distVecXY);
210  double sigmaDistMagXY = sqrt(ROOT::Math::Similarity(totalCov, distVecXY)) / distMagXY;
211  if (distMagXY/sigmaDistMagXY < vtxDecaySigXYCut_) continue;
213  // 3D decay significance
214  if (vtxDecaySigXYZCut_ > 0.) {
215  SVector3 distVecXYZ(vtxPos.x()-referencePos.x(), vtxPos.y()-referencePos.y(), vtxPos.z()-referencePos.z());
216  double distMagXYZ = ROOT::Math::Mag(distVecXYZ);
217  double sigmaDistMagXYZ = sqrt(ROOT::Math::Similarity(totalCov, distVecXYZ)) / distMagXYZ;
218  if (distMagXYZ/sigmaDistMagXYZ < vtxDecaySigXYZCut_) continue;
219  }
221  // make sure the vertex radius is within the inner track hit radius
222  if (innerHitPosCut_ > 0. && positiveTrackRef->innerOk()) {
223  reco::Vertex::Point posTkHitPos = positiveTrackRef->innerPosition();
224  double posTkHitPosD2 = (posTkHitPos.x()-referencePos.x())*(posTkHitPos.x()-referencePos.x()) +
225  (posTkHitPos.y()-referencePos.y())*(posTkHitPos.y()-referencePos.y());
226  if (sqrt(posTkHitPosD2) < (distMagXY - sigmaDistMagXY*innerHitPosCut_)) continue;
227  }
228  if (innerHitPosCut_ > 0. && negativeTrackRef->innerOk()) {
229  reco::Vertex::Point negTkHitPos = negativeTrackRef->innerPosition();
230  double negTkHitPosD2 = (negTkHitPos.x()-referencePos.x())*(negTkHitPos.x()-referencePos.x()) +
231  (negTkHitPos.y()-referencePos.y())*(negTkHitPos.y()-referencePos.y());
232  if (sqrt(negTkHitPosD2) < (distMagXY - sigmaDistMagXY*innerHitPosCut_)) continue;
233  }
235  std::auto_ptr<TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint> trajPlus;
236  std::auto_ptr<TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint> trajMins;
237  std::vector<reco::TransientTrack> theRefTracks;
238  if (theRecoVertex.hasRefittedTracks()) {
239  theRefTracks = theRecoVertex.refittedTracks();
240  }
242  if (useRefTracks_ && theRefTracks.size() > 1) {
243  reco::TransientTrack* thePositiveRefTrack = nullptr;
244  reco::TransientTrack* theNegativeRefTrack = nullptr;
245  for (std::vector<reco::TransientTrack>::iterator iTrack = theRefTracks.begin(); iTrack != theRefTracks.end(); ++iTrack) {
246  if (iTrack->track().charge() > 0.) {
247  thePositiveRefTrack = &*iTrack;
248  } else if (iTrack->track().charge() < 0.) {
249  theNegativeRefTrack = &*iTrack;
250  }
251  }
252  if (thePositiveRefTrack == nullptr || theNegativeRefTrack == nullptr) continue;
253  trajPlus.reset(new TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint(thePositiveRefTrack->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(vtxPos)));
254  trajMins.reset(new TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint(theNegativeRefTrack->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(vtxPos)));
255  } else {
256  trajPlus.reset(new TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint(posTransTkPtr->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(vtxPos)));
257  trajMins.reset(new TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint(negTransTkPtr->trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(vtxPos)));
258  }
260  if (trajPlus.get() == nullptr || trajMins.get() == nullptr || !trajPlus->isValid() || !trajMins->isValid()) continue;
262  GlobalVector positiveP(trajPlus->momentum());
263  GlobalVector negativeP(trajMins->momentum());
264  GlobalVector totalP(positiveP + negativeP);
266  // 2D pointing angle
267  double dx = theVtx.x()-referencePos.x();
268  double dy = theVtx.y()-referencePos.y();
269  double px = totalP.x();
270  double py = totalP.y();
271  double angleXY = (dx*px+dy*py)/(sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)*sqrt(px*px+py*py));
272  if (angleXY < cosThetaXYCut_) continue;
274  // 3D pointing angle
275  if (cosThetaXYZCut_ > -1.) {
276  double dz = theVtx.z()-referencePos.z();
277  double pz = totalP.z();
278  double angleXYZ = (dx*px+dy*py+dz*pz)/(sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)*sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz));
279  if (angleXYZ < cosThetaXYZCut_) continue;
280  }
282  // calculate total energy of V0 3 ways: assume it's a kShort, a Lambda, or a LambdaBar.
283  double piPlusE = sqrt(positiveP.mag2() + piMassSquared);
284  double piMinusE = sqrt(negativeP.mag2() + piMassSquared);
285  double protonE = sqrt(positiveP.mag2() + protonMassSquared);
286  double antiProtonE = sqrt(negativeP.mag2() + protonMassSquared);
287  double kShortETot = piPlusE + piMinusE;
288  double lambdaEtot = protonE + piMinusE;
289  double lambdaBarEtot = antiProtonE + piPlusE;
291  // Create momentum 4-vectors for the 3 candidate types
292  const reco::Particle::LorentzVector kShortP4(totalP.x(), totalP.y(), totalP.z(), kShortETot);
293  const reco::Particle::LorentzVector lambdaP4(totalP.x(), totalP.y(), totalP.z(), lambdaEtot);
294  const reco::Particle::LorentzVector lambdaBarP4(totalP.x(), totalP.y(), totalP.z(), lambdaBarEtot);
296  reco::Particle::Point vtx(theVtx.x(), theVtx.y(), theVtx.z());
297  const reco::Vertex::CovarianceMatrix vtxCov(theVtx.covariance());
298  double vtxChi2(theVtx.chi2());
299  double vtxNdof(theVtx.ndof());
301  // Create the VertexCompositeCandidate object that will be stored in the Event
302  reco::VertexCompositeCandidate* theKshort = nullptr;
303  reco::VertexCompositeCandidate* theLambda = nullptr;
304  reco::VertexCompositeCandidate* theLambdaBar = nullptr;
306  if (doKShorts_) {
307  theKshort = new reco::VertexCompositeCandidate(0, kShortP4, vtx, vtxCov, vtxChi2, vtxNdof);
308  }
309  if (doLambdas_) {
310  if (positiveP.mag2() > negativeP.mag2()) {
311  theLambda = new reco::VertexCompositeCandidate(0, lambdaP4, vtx, vtxCov, vtxChi2, vtxNdof);
312  } else {
313  theLambdaBar = new reco::VertexCompositeCandidate(0, lambdaBarP4, vtx, vtxCov, vtxChi2, vtxNdof);
314  }
315  }
317  // Create daughter candidates for the VertexCompositeCandidates
318  reco::RecoChargedCandidate thePiPlusCand(
319  1, reco::Particle::LorentzVector(positiveP.x(), positiveP.y(), positiveP.z(), piPlusE), vtx);
320  thePiPlusCand.setTrack(positiveTrackRef);
322  reco::RecoChargedCandidate thePiMinusCand(
323  -1, reco::Particle::LorentzVector(negativeP.x(), negativeP.y(), negativeP.z(), piMinusE), vtx);
324  thePiMinusCand.setTrack(negativeTrackRef);
326  reco::RecoChargedCandidate theProtonCand(
327  1, reco::Particle::LorentzVector(positiveP.x(), positiveP.y(), positiveP.z(), protonE), vtx);
328  theProtonCand.setTrack(positiveTrackRef);
330  reco::RecoChargedCandidate theAntiProtonCand(
331  -1, reco::Particle::LorentzVector(negativeP.x(), negativeP.y(), negativeP.z(), antiProtonE), vtx);
332  theAntiProtonCand.setTrack(negativeTrackRef);
334  AddFourMomenta addp4;
335  // Store the daughter Candidates in the VertexCompositeCandidates if they pass mass cuts
336  if (doKShorts_) {
337  theKshort->addDaughter(thePiPlusCand);
338  theKshort->addDaughter(thePiMinusCand);
339  theKshort->setPdgId(310);
340  addp4.set(*theKshort);
341  if (theKshort->mass() < kShortMass + kShortMassCut_ && theKshort->mass() > kShortMass - kShortMassCut_) {
342  theKshorts.push_back(std::move(*theKshort));
343  }
344  }
345  if (doLambdas_ && theLambda) {
346  theLambda->addDaughter(theProtonCand);
347  theLambda->addDaughter(thePiMinusCand);
348  theLambda->setPdgId(3122);
349  addp4.set( *theLambda );
350  if (theLambda->mass() < lambdaMass + lambdaMassCut_ && theLambda->mass() > lambdaMass - lambdaMassCut_) {
351  theLambdas.push_back(std::move(*theLambda));
352  }
353  } else if (doLambdas_ && theLambdaBar) {
354  theLambdaBar->addDaughter(theAntiProtonCand);
355  theLambdaBar->addDaughter(thePiPlusCand);
356  theLambdaBar->setPdgId(-3122);
357  addp4.set(*theLambdaBar);
358  if (theLambdaBar->mass() < lambdaMass + lambdaMassCut_ && theLambdaBar->mass() > lambdaMass - lambdaMassCut_) {
359  theLambdas.push_back(std::move(*theLambdaBar));
360  }
361  }
363  delete theKshort;
364  delete theLambda;
365  delete theLambdaBar;
366  theKshort = theLambda = theLambdaBar = nullptr;
368  }
369  }
370 }
bool doLambdas_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:52
double tkChi2Cut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:55
T mag2() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:66
float distance() const override
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 3, 3, ROOT::Math::MatRepSym< double, 3 > > SMatrixSym3D
double cosThetaXYZCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:69
double lambdaMassCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:72
double tkIPSigXYCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:58
bool vertexFitter_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:49
double normalizedChi2() const
chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. (or chi-squared * 1e6 if n.d.o.f. is zero)
Definition: TrackBase.h:561
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:508
TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint impactPointTSCP() const
const FreeTrajectoryState & theState() const
double dxyError() const
error on dxy
Definition: TrackBase.h:796
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< reco::Vertex > > token_vertices
Definition: V0Fitter.h:77
double y() const
y coordinate
Definition: Vertex.h:113
std::vector< Track > TrackCollection
collection of Tracks
Definition: TrackFwd.h:14
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
CachingVertex< 5 > vertex(const std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > &) const override
PreciseFloatType< T, U >::Type dot(const Vector3DBase< U, FrameTag > &v) const
Definition: Vector3DBase.h:107
double covariance(int i, int j) const
(i, j)-th element of error matrix, i, j = 0, ... 2
Definition: Vertex.h:130
bool hasRefittedTracks() const
double vtxDecaySigXYZCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:63
math::Error< dimension >::type CovarianceMatrix
covariance error matrix (3x3)
Definition: Vertex.h:45
double tkDCACut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:65
int tkNHitsCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:56
bool status() const override
bool useRefTracks_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:50
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollection > token_tracks
Definition: V0Fitter.h:74
bool calculate(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &sta, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stb) override
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
double pt() const
track transverse momentum
Definition: TrackBase.h:621
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:64
T mag2() const
The vector magnitude squared. Equivalent to
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
Definition: Particle.h:25
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
double chi2() const
Definition: Vertex.h:98
double z() const
z coordinate
Definition: Vertex.h:115
bool useVertex_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:76
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
Definition: Vertex.h:39
unsigned short numberOfValidHits() const
number of valid hits found
Definition: TrackBase.h:820
double mPiPiCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:66
double kShortMassCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:71
double tkIPSigZCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:59
void addDaughter(const Candidate &, const std::string &s="")
add a clone of the passed candidate as daughter
double ndof() const
Definition: Vertex.h:105
double dz() const
dz parameter (= dsz/cos(lambda)). This is the track z0 w.r.t (0,0,0) only if the refPoint is close to...
Definition: TrackBase.h:609
double dzError() const
error on dz
Definition: TrackBase.h:814
double cosThetaXYCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:68
double x() const
x coordinate
Definition: Vertex.h:111
double innerHitPosCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:67
double vtxDecaySigXYCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:62
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:81
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Point3D.h:12
TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint trajectoryStateClosestToPoint(const GlobalPoint &point) const
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:55
double tkPtCut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:57
double vtxChi2Cut_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:61
const Point & position() const
Definition: BeamSpot.h:62
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > token_beamSpot
Definition: V0Fitter.h:75
std::vector< reco::TransientTrack > const & refittedTracks() const
void set(reco::Candidate &c) const
set up a candidate
double normalizedChi2() const
chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f.
Definition: Vertex.h:107
Covariance3DMatrix rotatedCovariance3D() const
ROOT::Math::SVector< double, 3 > SVector3
GlobalPoint crossingPoint() const override
double dxy() const
dxy parameter. (This is the transverse impact parameter w.r.t. to (0,0,0) ONLY if refPoint is close t...
Definition: TrackBase.h:591
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:62
math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
Lorentz vector.
Definition: Particle.h:21
void setPdgId(int pdgId) final
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
bool isValid() const
def move(src, dest)
double mass() const final
bool doKShorts_
Definition: V0Fitter.h:51

Member Data Documentation

double V0Fitter::cosThetaXYCut_

Definition at line 68 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::cosThetaXYZCut_

Definition at line 69 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

bool V0Fitter::doKShorts_

Definition at line 51 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

bool V0Fitter::doLambdas_

Definition at line 52 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::innerHitPosCut_

Definition at line 67 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::kShortMassCut_

Definition at line 71 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::lambdaMassCut_

Definition at line 72 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::mPiPiCut_

Definition at line 66 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::tkChi2Cut_

Definition at line 55 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::tkDCACut_

Definition at line 65 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::tkIPSigXYCut_

Definition at line 58 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::tkIPSigZCut_

Definition at line 59 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

int V0Fitter::tkNHitsCut_

Definition at line 56 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::tkPtCut_

Definition at line 57 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::BeamSpot> V0Fitter::token_beamSpot

Definition at line 75 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::TrackCollection> V0Fitter::token_tracks

Definition at line 74 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

edm::EDGetTokenT<std::vector<reco::Vertex> > V0Fitter::token_vertices

Definition at line 77 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

bool V0Fitter::useRefTracks_

Definition at line 50 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

bool V0Fitter::useVertex_

Definition at line 76 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

bool V0Fitter::vertexFitter_

Definition at line 49 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::vtxChi2Cut_

Definition at line 61 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::vtxDecaySigXYCut_

Definition at line 62 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().

double V0Fitter::vtxDecaySigXYZCut_

Definition at line 63 of file V0Fitter.h.

Referenced by fitAll(), and V0Fitter().