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edm::StreamSchedule Class Reference

#include <StreamSchedule.h>


class  SendTerminationSignalIfException

Public Types

typedef std::vector< Worker * > AllWorkers
typedef std::vector< PathNonTrigPaths
typedef std::vector< WorkerInPathPathWorkers
typedef std::vector< PathTrigPaths
typedef std::shared_ptr< HLTGlobalStatus const > TrigResConstPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< HLTGlobalStatusTrigResPtr
typedef std::vector< std::string > vstring
typedef std::shared_ptr< WorkerWorkerPtr
typedef std::vector< Worker * > Workers

Public Member Functions

AllWorkers const & allWorkers () const
 returns the collection of pointers to workers More...
void availablePaths (std::vector< std::string > &oLabelsToFill) const
 adds to oLabelsToFill the labels for all paths in the process More...
void beginStream ()
void clearCounters ()
 Clear all the counters in the trigger report. More...
StreamContext const & context () const
void enableEndPaths (bool active)
bool endPathsEnabled () const
void endStream ()
std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > getAllModuleDescriptions () const
void getTriggerReport (TriggerReport &rep) const
void moduleDescriptionsInEndPath (std::string const &iEndPathLabel, std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > &descriptions, unsigned int hint) const
void moduleDescriptionsInPath (std::string const &iPathLabel, std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > &descriptions, unsigned int hint) const
void modulesInPath (std::string const &iPathLabel, std::vector< std::string > &oLabelsToFill) const
 adds to oLabelsToFill in execution order the labels of all modules in path iPathLabel More...
unsigned int numberOfUnscheduledModules () const
void processOneEventAsync (WaitingTaskHolder iTask, EventPrincipal &ep, EventSetup const &es, std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< PathStatusInserter >>> &pathStatusInserters)
template<typename T >
void processOneStreamAsync (WaitingTaskHolder iTask, typename T::MyPrincipal &principal, EventSetup const &eventSetup, bool cleaningUpAfterException=false)
void replaceModule (maker::ModuleHolder *iMod, std::string const &iLabel)
 clone the type of module with label iLabel but configure with iPSet. More...
StreamID streamID () const
 StreamSchedule (std::shared_ptr< TriggerResultInserter > inserter, std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< PathStatusInserter >>> &pathStatusInserters, std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< EndPathStatusInserter >>> &endPathStatusInserters, std::shared_ptr< ModuleRegistry >, ParameterSet &proc_pset, service::TriggerNamesService const &tns, PreallocationConfiguration const &prealloc, ProductRegistry &pregistry, BranchIDListHelper &branchIDListHelper, ExceptionToActionTable const &actions, std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > areg, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration > processConfiguration, bool allowEarlyDelete, StreamID streamID, ProcessContext const *processContext)
 StreamSchedule (StreamSchedule const &)=delete
int totalEvents () const
int totalEventsFailed () const
int totalEventsPassed () const

Private Member Functions

ExceptionToActionTable const & actionTable () const
 returns the action table More...
void addToAllWorkers (Worker *w)
void fillEndPath (ParameterSet &proc_pset, ProductRegistry &preg, PreallocationConfiguration const *prealloc, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const > processConfiguration, int bitpos, std::string const &name, std::vector< std::string > const &endPathNames)
void fillTrigPath (ParameterSet &proc_pset, ProductRegistry &preg, PreallocationConfiguration const *prealloc, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const > processConfiguration, int bitpos, std::string const &name, TrigResPtr, std::vector< std::string > const &endPathNames)
void fillWorkers (ParameterSet &proc_pset, ProductRegistry &preg, PreallocationConfiguration const *prealloc, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const > processConfiguration, std::string const &name, bool ignoreFilters, PathWorkers &out, std::vector< std::string > const &endPathNames)
void finishedPaths (std::exception_ptr, WaitingTaskHolder, EventPrincipal &ep, EventSetup const &es)
std::exception_ptr finishProcessOneEvent (std::exception_ptr)
void initializeEarlyDelete (ModuleRegistry &modReg, edm::ParameterSet const &opts, edm::ProductRegistry const &preg, bool allowEarlyDelete)
void makePathStatusInserters (std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< PathStatusInserter >>> &pathStatusInserters, std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< EndPathStatusInserter >>> &endPathStatusInserters, ExceptionToActionTable const &actions)
void reportSkipped (EventPrincipal const &ep) const
void resetAll ()
void resetEarlyDelete ()
TrigResConstPtr results () const
TrigResPtrresults ()

Private Attributes

std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistryactReg_
std::vector< BranchToCountearlyDeleteBranchToCount_
std::vector< EarlyDeleteHelperearlyDeleteHelpers_
std::vector< unsigned int > earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_
std::vector< int > empty_end_paths_
std::vector< int > empty_trig_paths_
TrigPaths end_paths_
volatile bool endpathsAreActive_
std::vector< edm::propagate_const< WorkerPtr > > endPathStatusInserterWorkers_
unsigned int number_of_unscheduled_modules_
std::vector< edm::propagate_const< WorkerPtr > > pathStatusInserterWorkers_
edm::propagate_const< TrigResPtrresults_
edm::propagate_const< WorkerPtrresults_inserter_
std::atomic< bool > skippingEvent_
StreamContext streamContext_
StreamID streamID_
int total_events_
int total_passed_
TrigPaths trig_paths_
WorkerManager workerManager_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 147 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<Worker*> edm::StreamSchedule::AllWorkers

Definition at line 155 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Definition at line 151 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Definition at line 159 of file StreamSchedule.h.

typedef std::vector<Path> edm::StreamSchedule::TrigPaths

Definition at line 150 of file StreamSchedule.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<HLTGlobalStatus const> edm::StreamSchedule::TrigResConstPtr

Definition at line 153 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Definition at line 152 of file StreamSchedule.h.

typedef std::vector<std::string> edm::StreamSchedule::vstring

Definition at line 149 of file StreamSchedule.h.

typedef std::shared_ptr<Worker> edm::StreamSchedule::WorkerPtr

Definition at line 154 of file StreamSchedule.h.

typedef std::vector<Worker*> edm::StreamSchedule::Workers

Definition at line 157 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

edm::StreamSchedule::StreamSchedule ( std::shared_ptr< TriggerResultInserter inserter,
std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< PathStatusInserter >>> &  pathStatusInserters,
std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< EndPathStatusInserter >>> &  endPathStatusInserters,
std::shared_ptr< ModuleRegistry modReg,
ParameterSet proc_pset,
service::TriggerNamesService const &  tns,
PreallocationConfiguration const &  prealloc,
ProductRegistry pregistry,
BranchIDListHelper branchIDListHelper,
ExceptionToActionTable const &  actions,
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry areg,
std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration processConfiguration,
bool  allowEarlyDelete,
StreamID  streamID,
ProcessContext const *  processContext 

Definition at line 135 of file

References actReg_, addToAllWorkers(), edm::WorkerManager::addToUnscheduledWorkers(), allWorkers(), end_paths_, fillEndPath(), fillTrigPath(), edm::propagate_const< T >::get(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getEndPaths(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getPSetForUpdate(), edm::service::TriggerNamesService::getTrigPaths(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameterSet(), initializeEarlyDelete(), diffTwoXMLs::label, makePathStatusInserters(), number_of_unscheduled_modules_, geometryDiff::opts, results(), results_inserter_, edm::WorkerManager::setOnDemandProducts(), trig_paths_, edm::StreamID::value(), and workerManager_.

149  :
150  workerManager_(modReg,areg, actions),
151  actReg_(areg),
152  results_(new HLTGlobalStatus(tns.getTrigPaths().size())),
154  trig_paths_(),
155  end_paths_(),
156  total_events_(),
157  total_passed_(),
160  streamContext_(streamID_, processContext),
161  endpathsAreActive_(true),
162  skippingEvent_(false){
164  ParameterSet const& opts = proc_pset.getUntrackedParameterSet("options", ParameterSet());
165  bool hasPath = false;
166  std::vector<std::string> const& pathNames = tns.getTrigPaths();
167  std::vector<std::string> const& endPathNames = tns.getEndPaths();
169  int trig_bitpos = 0;
170  trig_paths_.reserve(pathNames.size());
171  for (auto const& trig_name : pathNames) {
172  fillTrigPath(proc_pset, preg, &prealloc, processConfiguration, trig_bitpos, trig_name, results(), endPathNames);
173  ++trig_bitpos;
174  hasPath = true;
175  }
177  if (hasPath) {
178  // the results inserter stands alone
179  inserter->setTrigResultForStream(streamID.value(), results());
181  results_inserter_ = makeInserter(actions, actReg_, inserter);
183  }
185  // fill normal endpaths
186  int bitpos = 0;
187  end_paths_.reserve(endPathNames.size());
188  for (auto const& end_path_name : endPathNames) {
189  fillEndPath(proc_pset, preg, &prealloc, processConfiguration, bitpos, end_path_name, endPathNames);
190  ++bitpos;
191  }
193  makePathStatusInserters(pathStatusInserters, endPathStatusInserters, actions);
195  //See if all modules were used
196  std::set<std::string> usedWorkerLabels;
197  for (auto const& worker : allWorkers()) {
198  usedWorkerLabels.insert(worker->description().moduleLabel());
199  }
200  std::vector<std::string> modulesInConfig(proc_pset.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("@all_modules"));
201  std::set<std::string> modulesInConfigSet(modulesInConfig.begin(), modulesInConfig.end());
202  std::vector<std::string> unusedLabels;
203  set_difference(modulesInConfigSet.begin(), modulesInConfigSet.end(),
204  usedWorkerLabels.begin(), usedWorkerLabels.end(),
205  back_inserter(unusedLabels));
206  std::set<std::string> unscheduledLabels;
207  std::vector<std::string> shouldBeUsedLabels;
208  if (!unusedLabels.empty()) {
209  //Need to
210  // 1) create worker
211  // 2) if it is a WorkerT<EDProducer>, add it to our list
212  // 3) hand list to our delayed reader
213  for (auto const& label : unusedLabels) {
214  bool isTracked;
215  ParameterSet* modulePSet(proc_pset.getPSetForUpdate(label, isTracked));
216  assert(isTracked);
217  assert(modulePSet != nullptr);
218  workerManager_.addToUnscheduledWorkers(*modulePSet, preg, &prealloc, processConfiguration, label, unscheduledLabels, shouldBeUsedLabels);
219  }
220  if (!shouldBeUsedLabels.empty()) {
221  std::ostringstream unusedStream;
222  unusedStream << "'" << shouldBeUsedLabels.front() << "'";
223  for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itLabel = shouldBeUsedLabels.begin() + 1,
224  itLabelEnd = shouldBeUsedLabels.end();
225  itLabel != itLabelEnd;
226  ++itLabel) {
227  unusedStream << ",'" << *itLabel << "'";
228  }
229  LogInfo("path")
230  << "The following module labels are not assigned to any path:\n"
231  << unusedStream.str()
232  << "\n";
233  }
234  }
235  if (!unscheduledLabels.empty()) {
236  number_of_unscheduled_modules_=unscheduledLabels.size();
237  workerManager_.setOnDemandProducts(preg, unscheduledLabels);
238  }
241  initializeEarlyDelete(*modReg, opts,preg,allowEarlyDelete);
243  } // StreamSchedule::StreamSchedule
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
returns the collection of pointers to workers
roAction_t actions[nactions]
void fillTrigPath(ParameterSet &proc_pset, ProductRegistry &preg, PreallocationConfiguration const *prealloc, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const > processConfiguration, int bitpos, std::string const &name, TrigResPtr, std::vector< std::string > const &endPathNames)
void initializeEarlyDelete(ModuleRegistry &modReg, edm::ParameterSet const &opts, edm::ProductRegistry const &preg, bool allowEarlyDelete)
void setOnDemandProducts(ProductRegistry &pregistry, std::set< std::string > const &unscheduledLabels) const
void addToUnscheduledWorkers(ParameterSet &pset, ProductRegistry &preg, PreallocationConfiguration const *prealloc, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration > processConfiguration, std::string label, std::set< std::string > &unscheduledLabels, std::vector< std::string > &shouldBeUsedLabels)
volatile bool endpathsAreActive_
void addToAllWorkers(Worker *w)
edm::propagate_const< WorkerPtr > results_inserter_
unsigned int number_of_unscheduled_modules_
WorkerManager workerManager_
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > actReg_
void fillEndPath(ParameterSet &proc_pset, ProductRegistry &preg, PreallocationConfiguration const *prealloc, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const > processConfiguration, int bitpos, std::string const &name, std::vector< std::string > const &endPathNames)
StreamID streamID() const
StreamContext streamContext_
element_type const * get() const
unsigned int value() const
Definition: StreamID.h:46
edm::propagate_const< TrigResPtr > results_
std::atomic< bool > skippingEvent_
void makePathStatusInserters(std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< PathStatusInserter >>> &pathStatusInserters, std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< EndPathStatusInserter >>> &endPathStatusInserters, ExceptionToActionTable const &actions)
TrigResConstPtr results() const
edm::StreamSchedule::StreamSchedule ( StreamSchedule const &  )

Member Function Documentation

ExceptionToActionTable const& edm::StreamSchedule::actionTable ( ) const

returns the action table

Definition at line 289 of file StreamSchedule.h.

References dataset::name, geometryDiff::opts, MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::out, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and w.

Referenced by fillEndPath(), fillTrigPath(), and finishedPaths().

289  {
290  return workerManager_.actionTable();
291  }
WorkerManager workerManager_
ExceptionToActionTable const & actionTable() const
Definition: WorkerManager.h:79
void edm::StreamSchedule::addToAllWorkers ( Worker w)

Definition at line 883 of file

References edm::WorkerManager::addToAllWorkers(), and workerManager_.

Referenced by fillEndPath(), fillTrigPath(), makePathStatusInserters(), and StreamSchedule().

883  {
885  }
const double w
WorkerManager workerManager_
void addToAllWorkers(Worker *w)
AllWorkers const& edm::StreamSchedule::allWorkers ( ) const

returns the collection of pointers to workers

Definition at line 256 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by clearCounters(), getAllModuleDescriptions(), getTriggerReport(), initializeEarlyDelete(), replaceModule(), and StreamSchedule().

256  {
257  return workerManager_.allWorkers();
258  }
WorkerManager workerManager_
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
Definition: WorkerManager.h:75
void edm::StreamSchedule::availablePaths ( std::vector< std::string > &  oLabelsToFill) const

adds to oLabelsToFill the labels for all paths in the process

Definition at line 713 of file

References edm::Path::name(), create_public_lumi_plots::transform, and trig_paths_.

713  {
714  oLabelsToFill.reserve(trig_paths_.size());
715  std::transform(trig_paths_.begin(),
716  trig_paths_.end(),
717  std::back_inserter(oLabelsToFill),
718  std::bind(&Path::name, std::placeholders::_1));
719  }
std::string const & name() const
Definition: Path.h:73
void edm::StreamSchedule::beginStream ( )

Definition at line 499 of file

References edm::WorkerManager::beginStream(), streamContext_, streamID_, and workerManager_.

499  {
501  }
WorkerManager workerManager_
StreamContext streamContext_
void beginStream(StreamID iID, StreamContext &streamContext)
void edm::StreamSchedule::clearCounters ( )

Clear all the counters in the trigger report.

Definition at line 868 of file

References allWorkers(), edm::Path::clearCounters(), edm::Worker::clearCounters(), end_paths_, edm::for_all(), total_events_, total_passed_, and trig_paths_.

868  {
869  using std::placeholders::_1;
871  for_all(trig_paths_, std::bind(&Path::clearCounters, _1));
872  for_all(end_paths_, std::bind(&Path::clearCounters, _1));
873  for_all(allWorkers(), std::bind(&Worker::clearCounters, _1));
874  }
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
returns the collection of pointers to workers
void clearCounters()
Definition: Worker.h:191
Func for_all(ForwardSequence &s, Func f)
wrapper for std::for_each
Definition: Algorithms.h:16
void clearCounters()
StreamContext const& edm::StreamSchedule::context ( ) const

Definition at line 264 of file StreamSchedule.h.

264 { return streamContext_;}
StreamContext streamContext_
void edm::StreamSchedule::enableEndPaths ( bool  active)

Turn end_paths "off" if "active" is false; turn end_paths "on" if "active" is true.

Definition at line 797 of file

References endpathsAreActive_.

797  {
798  endpathsAreActive_ = active;
799  }
volatile bool endpathsAreActive_
bool edm::StreamSchedule::endPathsEnabled ( ) const

Return true if end_paths are active, and false if they are inactive.

Definition at line 802 of file

References endpathsAreActive_.

802  {
803  return endpathsAreActive_;
804  }
volatile bool endpathsAreActive_
void edm::StreamSchedule::endStream ( )

Definition at line 503 of file

References edm::WorkerManager::endStream(), streamContext_, streamID_, and workerManager_.

503  {
505  }
void endStream(StreamID iID, StreamContext &streamContext)
WorkerManager workerManager_
StreamContext streamContext_
void edm::StreamSchedule::fillEndPath ( ParameterSet proc_pset,
ProductRegistry preg,
PreallocationConfiguration const *  prealloc,
std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const >  processConfiguration,
int  bitpos,
std::string const &  name,
std::vector< std::string > const &  endPathNames 

Definition at line 479 of file

References actionTable(), actReg_, addToAllWorkers(), empty_end_paths_, end_paths_, fillWorkers(), edm::PathContext::kEndPath, and streamContext_.

Referenced by StreamSchedule().

484  {
485  PathWorkers tmpworkers;
486  fillWorkers(proc_pset, preg, prealloc, processConfiguration, name, true, tmpworkers, endPathNames);
488  if (!tmpworkers.empty()) {
489  //EndPaths are not supposed to stop if SkipEvent type exception happens
490  end_paths_.emplace_back(bitpos, name, tmpworkers, TrigResPtr(), actionTable(), actReg_, &streamContext_, nullptr, PathContext::PathType::kEndPath);
491  } else {
492  empty_end_paths_.push_back(bitpos);
493  }
494  for (WorkerInPath const& workerInPath : tmpworkers) {
495  addToAllWorkers(workerInPath.getWorker());
496  }
497  }
std::shared_ptr< HLTGlobalStatus > TrigResPtr
void addToAllWorkers(Worker *w)
ExceptionToActionTable const & actionTable() const
returns the action table
void fillWorkers(ParameterSet &proc_pset, ProductRegistry &preg, PreallocationConfiguration const *prealloc, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const > processConfiguration, std::string const &name, bool ignoreFilters, PathWorkers &out, std::vector< std::string > const &endPathNames)
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > actReg_
std::vector< WorkerInPath > PathWorkers
std::vector< int > empty_end_paths_
StreamContext streamContext_
void edm::StreamSchedule::fillTrigPath ( ParameterSet proc_pset,
ProductRegistry preg,
PreallocationConfiguration const *  prealloc,
std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const >  processConfiguration,
int  bitpos,
std::string const &  name,
TrigResPtr  trptr,
std::vector< std::string > const &  endPathNames 

Definition at line 459 of file

References actionTable(), actReg_, addToAllWorkers(), empty_trig_paths_, fillWorkers(), edm::PathContext::kPath, skippingEvent_, streamContext_, and trig_paths_.

Referenced by StreamSchedule().

464  {
465  PathWorkers tmpworkers;
466  fillWorkers(proc_pset, preg, prealloc, processConfiguration, name, false, tmpworkers, endPathNames);
468  // an empty path will cause an extra bit that is not used
469  if (!tmpworkers.empty()) {
470  trig_paths_.emplace_back(bitpos, name, tmpworkers, trptr, actionTable(), actReg_, &streamContext_, &skippingEvent_, PathContext::PathType::kPath);
471  } else {
472  empty_trig_paths_.push_back(bitpos);
473  }
474  for (WorkerInPath const& workerInPath : tmpworkers) {
475  addToAllWorkers(workerInPath.getWorker());
476  }
477  }
std::vector< int > empty_trig_paths_
void addToAllWorkers(Worker *w)
ExceptionToActionTable const & actionTable() const
returns the action table
void fillWorkers(ParameterSet &proc_pset, ProductRegistry &preg, PreallocationConfiguration const *prealloc, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const > processConfiguration, std::string const &name, bool ignoreFilters, PathWorkers &out, std::vector< std::string > const &endPathNames)
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > actReg_
std::vector< WorkerInPath > PathWorkers
StreamContext streamContext_
std::atomic< bool > skippingEvent_
void edm::StreamSchedule::fillWorkers ( ParameterSet proc_pset,
ProductRegistry preg,
PreallocationConfiguration const *  prealloc,
std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const >  processConfiguration,
std::string const &  name,
bool  ignoreFilters,
PathWorkers out,
std::vector< std::string > const &  endPathNames 

Definition at line 402 of file

References edm::errors::Configuration, edm::Worker::description(), Exception, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getPSetForUpdate(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), edm::WorkerManager::getWorker(), edm::WorkerInPath::Ignore, edm::Worker::kFilter, edm::ModuleDescription::moduleName(), edm::Worker::moduleType(), dataset::name, edm::WorkerInPath::Normal, edm::search_all(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, edm::WorkerInPath::Veto, and workerManager_.

Referenced by fillEndPath(), and fillTrigPath().

409  {
410  vstring modnames = proc_pset.getParameter<vstring>(pathName);
411  PathWorkers tmpworkers;
413  unsigned int placeInPath = 0;
414  for (auto const& name : modnames) {
417  if (name[0] == '!') filterAction = WorkerInPath::Veto;
418  else if (name[0] == '-') filterAction = WorkerInPath::Ignore;
420  std::string moduleLabel = name;
421  if (filterAction != WorkerInPath::Normal) moduleLabel.erase(0, 1);
423  bool isTracked;
424  ParameterSet* modpset = proc_pset.getPSetForUpdate(moduleLabel, isTracked);
425  if (modpset == nullptr) {
426  std::string pathType("endpath");
427  if (!search_all(endPathNames, pathName)) {
428  pathType = std::string("path");
429  }
431  "The unknown module label \"" << moduleLabel <<
432  "\" appears in " << pathType << " \"" << pathName <<
433  "\"\n please check spelling or remove that label from the path.";
434  }
435  assert(isTracked);
437  Worker* worker = workerManager_.getWorker(*modpset, preg, prealloc, processConfiguration, moduleLabel);
438  if (ignoreFilters && filterAction != WorkerInPath::Ignore && worker->moduleType()==Worker::kFilter) {
439  // We have a filter on an end path, and the filter is not explicitly ignored.
440  // See if the filter is allowed.
441  std::vector<std::string> allowed_filters = proc_pset.getUntrackedParameter<vstring>("@filters_on_endpaths");
442  if (!search_all(allowed_filters, worker->description().moduleName())) {
443  // Filter is not allowed. Ignore the result, and issue a warning.
444  filterAction = WorkerInPath::Ignore;
445  LogWarning("FilterOnEndPath")
446  << "The EDFilter '" << worker->description().moduleName() << "' with module label '" << moduleLabel << "' appears on EndPath '" << pathName << "'.\n"
447  << "The return value of the filter will be ignored.\n"
448  << "To suppress this warning, either remove the filter from the endpath,\n"
449  << "or explicitly ignore it in the configuration by using cms.ignore().\n";
450  }
451  }
452  tmpworkers.emplace_back(worker, filterAction, placeInPath);
453  ++placeInPath;
454  }
456  out.swap(tmpworkers);
457  }
vector< string > vstring
WorkerManager workerManager_
std::vector< WorkerInPath > PathWorkers
bool search_all(ForwardSequence const &s, Datum const &d)
Definition: Algorithms.h:46
Worker * getWorker(ParameterSet &pset, ProductRegistry &preg, PreallocationConfiguration const *prealloc, std::shared_ptr< ProcessConfiguration const > processConfiguration, std::string const &label)
void edm::StreamSchedule::finishedPaths ( std::exception_ptr  iExcept,
WaitingTaskHolder  iWait,
EventPrincipal ep,
EventSetup const &  es 

Definition at line 598 of file

References mps_fire::action, actionTable(), cms::Exception::addContext(), cms::Exception::category(), cms::Exception::context(), edm::WaitingTaskHolder::doneWaiting(), MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::e, end_paths_, endpathsAreActive_, edm::exception_actions::FailPath, edm::ExceptionToActionTable::find(), finishProcessOneEvent(), edm::propagate_const< T >::get(), edm::EventPrincipal::id(), edm::exception_actions::IgnoreCompletely, edm::ServiceRegistry::instance(), edm::make_waiting_task(), cmsPerfStripChart::operate(), or, edm::ServiceRegistry::presentToken(), edm::printCmsExceptionWarning(), results_, results_inserter_, edm::exception_actions::SkipEvent, streamContext_, streamID_, and total_passed_.

Referenced by processOneEventAsync().

599  {
601  if(iExcept) {
602  try {
603  std::rethrow_exception(iExcept);
604  }
605  catch(cms::Exception& e) {
607  assert (action != exception_actions::IgnoreCompletely);
608  assert (action != exception_actions::FailPath);
609  if (action == exception_actions::SkipEvent) {
610  edm::printCmsExceptionWarning("SkipEvent", e);
611  iExcept = std::exception_ptr();
612  } else {
613  iExcept = std::current_exception();
614  }
615  }
616  catch(...) {
617  iExcept = std::current_exception();
618  }
619  }
622  if((not iExcept) and results_->accept()) {
623  ++total_passed_;
624  }
626  if((not iExcept) and (nullptr != results_inserter_.get())) {
627  try {
628  ParentContext parentContext(&streamContext_);
629  using Traits = OccurrenceTraits<EventPrincipal, BranchActionStreamBegin>;
631  results_inserter_->doWork<Traits>(ep, es, streamID_, parentContext, &streamContext_);
632  }
633  catch (cms::Exception & ex) {
634  if(ex.context().empty()) {
635  std::ostringstream ost;
636  ost << "Processing Event " <<;
637  ex.addContext(ost.str());
638  }
639  iExcept = std::current_exception();
640  }
641  catch(...) {
642  iExcept = std::current_exception();
643  }
644  }
645  if(end_paths_.empty() or iExcept or (not endpathsAreActive_)) {
646  iExcept = finishProcessOneEvent(iExcept);
647  iWait.doneWaiting(iExcept);
648  } else {
649  auto serviceToken = ServiceRegistry::instance().presentToken();
651  auto endPathsDone = make_waiting_task(tbb::task::allocate_root(),
652  [iWait,this,serviceToken](std::exception_ptr const* iPtr) mutable
653  {
654  ServiceRegistry::Operate operate(serviceToken);
656  std::exception_ptr ptr;
657  if(iPtr) {
658  ptr = *iPtr;
659  }
660  iWait.doneWaiting(finishProcessOneEvent(ptr));
661  });
662  //The holder guarantees that if the paths finish before the loop ends
663  // that we do not start too soon. It also guarantees that the task will
664  // run under that condition.
665  WaitingTaskHolder taskHolder(endPathsDone);
666  for(auto it = end_paths_.rbegin(), itEnd = end_paths_.rend();
667  it != itEnd; ++it) {
668  it->processOneOccurrenceAsync(endPathsDone,ep, es, streamID_, &streamContext_);
669  }
670  }
671  }
volatile bool endpathsAreActive_
std::string const & category() const
exception_actions::ActionCodes find(const std::string &category) const
edm::propagate_const< WorkerPtr > results_inserter_
ExceptionToActionTable const & actionTable() const
returns the action table
ServiceToken presentToken() const
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventID const &, edm::Timestamp const & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
StreamContext streamContext_
std::list< std::string > const & context() const
static ServiceRegistry & instance()
std::exception_ptr finishProcessOneEvent(std::exception_ptr)
element_type const * get() const
edm::propagate_const< TrigResPtr > results_
FunctorWaitingTask< F > * make_waiting_task(ALLOC &&iAlloc, F f)
Definition: WaitingTask.h:90
void addContext(std::string const &context)
void printCmsExceptionWarning(char const *behavior, cms::Exception const &e)
def operate(timelog, memlog, json_f, num)
std::exception_ptr edm::StreamSchedule::finishProcessOneEvent ( std::exception_ptr  iExcept)

Definition at line 675 of file

References actReg_, edm::addContextAndPrintException(), cms::Exception::context(), edm::ExceptionFromThisContext, resetEarlyDelete(), streamContext_, and edm::convertException::wrap().

Referenced by finishedPaths().

675  {
676  using Traits = OccurrenceTraits<EventPrincipal, BranchActionStreamBegin>;
678  if(iExcept) {
679  //add context information to the exception and print message
680  try {
681  convertException::wrap([&]() {
682  std::rethrow_exception(iExcept);
683  });
684  } catch(cms::Exception& ex) {
685  bool const cleaningUpAfterException = false;
686  if (ex.context().empty()) {
687  addContextAndPrintException("Calling function StreamSchedule::processOneEvent", ex, cleaningUpAfterException);
688  } else {
689  addContextAndPrintException("", ex, cleaningUpAfterException);
690  }
691  iExcept = std::current_exception();
692  }
694  actReg_->preStreamEarlyTerminationSignal_(streamContext_,TerminationOrigin::ExceptionFromThisContext);
695  }
697  try {
698  Traits::postScheduleSignal(actReg_.get(), &streamContext_);
699  } catch(...) {
700  if(not iExcept) {
701  iExcept = std::current_exception();
702  }
703  }
704  if(not iExcept ) {
706  }
708  return iExcept;
709  }
void addContextAndPrintException(char const *context, cms::Exception &ex, bool disablePrint)
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > actReg_
StreamContext streamContext_
std::list< std::string > const & context() const
auto wrap(F iFunc) -> decltype(iFunc())
std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > edm::StreamSchedule::getAllModuleDescriptions ( ) const

Return a vector allowing const access to all the ModuleDescriptions for this StreamSchedule. *** N.B. *** Ownership of the ModuleDescriptions is not *** passed to the caller. Do not call delete on these *** pointers!

Definition at line 525 of file

References allWorkers(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, mps_fire::result, and findQualityFiles::size.

525  {
526  std::vector<ModuleDescription const*> result;
527  result.reserve(allWorkers().size());
529  for (auto const& worker : allWorkers()) {
530  ModuleDescription const* p = worker->descPtr();
531  result.push_back(p);
532  }
533  return result;
534  }
Write out results.
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
returns the collection of pointers to workers
void edm::StreamSchedule::getTriggerReport ( TriggerReport rep) const

Return the trigger report information on paths, modules-in-path, modules-in-endpath, and modules.

Definition at line 857 of file

References allWorkers(), end_paths_, edm::TriggerReport::endPathSummaries, edm::TriggerReport::eventSummary, edm::fillPathSummary(), edm::fillWorkerSummary(), edm::EventSummary::totalEvents, totalEvents(), edm::EventSummary::totalEventsFailed, totalEventsFailed(), edm::EventSummary::totalEventsPassed, totalEventsPassed(), trig_paths_, edm::TriggerReport::trigPathSummaries, and edm::TriggerReport::workerSummaries.

857  {
858  rep.eventSummary.totalEvents += totalEvents();
859  rep.eventSummary.totalEventsPassed += totalEventsPassed();
860  rep.eventSummary.totalEventsFailed += totalEventsFailed();
862  fill_summary(trig_paths_, rep.trigPathSummaries, &fillPathSummary);
863  fill_summary(end_paths_, rep.endPathSummaries, &fillPathSummary);
864  fill_summary(allWorkers(), rep.workerSummaries, &fillWorkerSummary);
865  }
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
returns the collection of pointers to workers
int totalEventsFailed() const
int totalEvents() const
int totalEventsPassed() const
static void fillPathSummary(Path const &path, PathSummary &sum)
static void fillWorkerSummary(Worker const *pw, WorkerSummary &sum)
void edm::StreamSchedule::initializeEarlyDelete ( ModuleRegistry modReg,
edm::ParameterSet const &  opts,
edm::ProductRegistry const &  preg,
bool  allowEarlyDelete 

Definition at line 246 of file

References allWorkers(), MicroEventContent_cff::branch, edm::BranchDescription::branchName(), edm::maker::ModuleHolder::createOutputModuleCommunicator(), delta, earlyDeleteBranchToCount_, earlyDeleteHelpers_, earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_, end_paths_, edm::ModuleRegistry::forAllModuleHolders(), runEdmFileComparison::found, edm::pset::Registry::getMapped(), diffTreeTool::index, edm::InEvent, edm::pset::Registry::instance(), checklumidiff::l, gen::n, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, muonDTDigis_cfi::pset, resetEarlyDelete(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, trig_paths_, mitigatedMETSequence_cff::U, and w.

Referenced by StreamSchedule().

248  {
249  //for now, if have a subProcess, don't allow early delete
250  // In the future we should use the SubProcess's 'keep list' to decide what can be kept
251  if(not allowEarlyDelete) return;
253  //see if 'canDeleteEarly' was set and if so setup the list with those products actually
254  // registered for this job
255  std::multimap<std::string,Worker*> branchToReadingWorker;
256  initializeBranchToReadingWorker(opts,preg,branchToReadingWorker);
258  //If no delete early items have been specified we don't have to do anything
259  if(branchToReadingWorker.empty()) {
260  return;
261  }
262  const std::vector<std::string> kEmpty;
263  std::map<Worker*,unsigned int> reserveSizeForWorker;
264  unsigned int upperLimitOnReadingWorker =0;
265  unsigned int upperLimitOnIndicies = 0;
266  unsigned int nUniqueBranchesToDelete=branchToReadingWorker.size();
268  //talk with output modules first
269  modReg.forAllModuleHolders([this, &branchToReadingWorker,&nUniqueBranchesToDelete](maker::ModuleHolder* iHolder){
270  auto comm = iHolder->createOutputModuleCommunicator();
271  if (comm) {
272  if(!branchToReadingWorker.empty()) {
273  //If an OutputModule needs a product, we can't delete it early
274  // so we should remove it from our list
275  SelectedProductsForBranchType const& kept = comm->keptProducts();
276  for(auto const& item: kept[InEvent]) {
277  BranchDescription const& desc = *item.first;
278  auto found = branchToReadingWorker.equal_range(desc.branchName());
279  if(found.first !=found.second) {
280  --nUniqueBranchesToDelete;
281  branchToReadingWorker.erase(found.first,found.second);
282  }
283  }
284  }
285  }
286  });
288  if(branchToReadingWorker.empty()) {
289  return;
290  }
292  for (auto w :allWorkers()) {
293  //determine if this module could read a branch we want to delete early
294  auto pset = pset::Registry::instance()->getMapped(w->description().parameterSetID());
295  if(nullptr!=pset) {
296  auto branches = pset->getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string>>("mightGet",kEmpty);
297  if(not branches.empty()) {
298  ++upperLimitOnReadingWorker;
299  }
300  for(auto const& branch:branches){
301  auto found = branchToReadingWorker.equal_range(branch);
302  if(found.first != found.second) {
303  ++upperLimitOnIndicies;
304  ++reserveSizeForWorker[w];
305  if(nullptr == found.first->second) {
306  found.first->second = w;
307  } else {
308  branchToReadingWorker.insert(make_pair(found.first->first,w));
309  }
310  }
311  }
312  }
313  }
314  {
315  auto it = branchToReadingWorker.begin();
316  std::vector<std::string> unusedBranches;
317  while(it !=branchToReadingWorker.end()) {
318  if(it->second == nullptr) {
319  unusedBranches.push_back(it->first);
320  //erasing the object invalidates the iterator so must advance it first
321  auto temp = it;
322  ++it;
323  branchToReadingWorker.erase(temp);
324  } else {
325  ++it;
326  }
327  }
328  if(not unusedBranches.empty()) {
329  LogWarning l("UnusedProductsForCanDeleteEarly");
330  l<<"The following products in the 'canDeleteEarly' list are not used in this job and will be ignored.\n"
331  " If possible, remove the producer from the job or add the product to the producer's own 'mightGet' list.";
332  for(auto const& n:unusedBranches){
333  l<<"\n "<<n;
334  }
335  }
336  }
337  if(!branchToReadingWorker.empty()) {
338  earlyDeleteHelpers_.reserve(upperLimitOnReadingWorker);
339  earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_.resize(upperLimitOnIndicies,0);
340  earlyDeleteBranchToCount_.reserve(nUniqueBranchesToDelete);
341  std::map<const Worker*,EarlyDeleteHelper*> alreadySeenWorkers;
342  std::string lastBranchName;
343  size_t nextOpenIndex = 0;
344  unsigned int* beginAddress = &(earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_.front());
345  for(auto& branchAndWorker:branchToReadingWorker) {
346  if(lastBranchName != branchAndWorker.first) {
347  //have to put back the period we removed earlier in order to get the proper name
348  BranchID bid(branchAndWorker.first+".");
349  earlyDeleteBranchToCount_.emplace_back(bid,0U);
350  lastBranchName = branchAndWorker.first;
351  }
352  auto found = alreadySeenWorkers.find(branchAndWorker.second);
353  if(alreadySeenWorkers.end() == found) {
354  //NOTE: we will set aside enough space in earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_ to accommodate
355  // all the branches that might be read by this worker. However, initially we will only tell the
356  // EarlyDeleteHelper about the first one. As additional branches are added via 'appendIndex' the
357  // EarlyDeleteHelper will automatically advance its internal end pointer.
358  size_t index = nextOpenIndex;
359  size_t nIndices = reserveSizeForWorker[branchAndWorker.second];
361  earlyDeleteHelpers_.emplace_back(beginAddress+index,
362  beginAddress+index+1,
364  branchAndWorker.second->setEarlyDeleteHelper(&(earlyDeleteHelpers_.back()));
365  alreadySeenWorkers.insert(std::make_pair(branchAndWorker.second,&(earlyDeleteHelpers_.back())));
366  nextOpenIndex +=nIndices;
367  } else {
368  found->second->appendIndex(earlyDeleteBranchToCount_.size()-1);
369  }
370  }
372  //Now we can compactify the earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_ since we may have over estimated the
373  // space needed for each module
374  auto itLast = earlyDeleteHelpers_.begin();
375  for(auto it = earlyDeleteHelpers_.begin()+1;it != earlyDeleteHelpers_.end();++it) {
376  if(itLast->end() != it->begin()) {
377  //figure the offset for next Worker since it hasn't been moved yet so it has the original address
378  unsigned int delta = it->begin()- itLast->end();
379  it->shiftIndexPointers(delta);
382  (itLast->end()-beginAddress),
384  (it->begin()-beginAddress));
385  }
386  itLast = it;
387  }
388  earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_.erase(earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_.begin()+(itLast->end()-beginAddress),
391  //now tell the paths about the deleters
392  for(auto& p : trig_paths_) {
393  p.setEarlyDeleteHelpers(alreadySeenWorkers);
394  }
395  for(auto& p : end_paths_) {
396  p.setEarlyDeleteHelpers(alreadySeenWorkers);
397  }
399  }
400  }
dbl * delta
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
returns the collection of pointers to workers
const double w
std::array< SelectedProducts, NumBranchTypes > SelectedProductsForBranchType
std::vector< BranchToCount > earlyDeleteBranchToCount_
bool getMapped(key_type const &k, value_type &result) const
std::vector< unsigned int > earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_
static Registry * instance()
std::vector< EarlyDeleteHelper > earlyDeleteHelpers_
void edm::StreamSchedule::makePathStatusInserters ( std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< PathStatusInserter >>> &  pathStatusInserters,
std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< EndPathStatusInserter >>> &  endPathStatusInserters,
ExceptionToActionTable const &  actions 

Definition at line 903 of file

References actions, actReg_, addToAllWorkers(), empty_end_paths_, empty_trig_paths_, end_paths_, endPathStatusInserterWorkers_, edm::get_underlying(), pathStatusInserterWorkers_, and trig_paths_.

Referenced by StreamSchedule().

906  {
908  int bitpos = 0;
909  unsigned int indexEmpty = 0;
910  unsigned int indexOfPath = 0;
911  for(auto & pathStatusInserter : pathStatusInserters) {
912  std::shared_ptr<PathStatusInserter> inserterPtr = get_underlying(pathStatusInserter);
914  inserterPtr->moduleDescription(),
915  &actions));
916  pathStatusInserterWorkers_.emplace_back(workerPtr);
917  workerPtr->setActivityRegistry(actReg_);
918  addToAllWorkers(workerPtr.get());
920  // A little complexity here because a C++ Path object is not
921  // instantiated and put into end_paths if there are no modules
922  // on the configured path.
923  if (indexEmpty < empty_trig_paths_.size() && bitpos == {
924  ++indexEmpty;
925  } else {
927  workerPtr.get());
928  ++indexOfPath;
929  }
930  ++bitpos;
931  }
933  bitpos = 0;
934  indexEmpty = 0;
935  indexOfPath = 0;
936  for(auto & endPathStatusInserter : endPathStatusInserters) {
937  std::shared_ptr<EndPathStatusInserter> inserterPtr = get_underlying(endPathStatusInserter);
939  inserterPtr->moduleDescription(),
940  &actions));
941  endPathStatusInserterWorkers_.emplace_back(workerPtr);
942  workerPtr->setActivityRegistry(actReg_);
943  addToAllWorkers(workerPtr.get());
945  // A little complexity here because a C++ Path object is not
946  // instantiated and put into end_paths if there are no modules
947  // on the configured path.
948  if (indexEmpty < empty_end_paths_.size() && bitpos == {
949  ++indexEmpty;
950  } else {
952  workerPtr.get());
953  ++indexOfPath;
954  }
955  ++bitpos;
956  }
957  }
std::vector< int > empty_trig_paths_
roAction_t actions[nactions]
std::vector< edm::propagate_const< WorkerPtr > > pathStatusInserterWorkers_
void addToAllWorkers(Worker *w)
std::shared_ptr< Worker > WorkerPtr
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > actReg_
std::vector< int > empty_end_paths_
T & get_underlying(propagate_const< T > &)
std::vector< edm::propagate_const< WorkerPtr > > endPathStatusInserterWorkers_
void edm::StreamSchedule::moduleDescriptionsInEndPath ( std::string const &  iEndPathLabel,
std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > &  descriptions,
unsigned int  hint 
) const

Definition at line 768 of file

References end_paths_, runEdmFileComparison::found, mps_fire::i, and edm::Path::name().

770  {
771  descriptions.clear();
772  bool found = false;
773  TrigPaths::const_iterator itFound;
775  if(hint < end_paths_.size()) {
776  itFound = end_paths_.begin() + hint;
777  if(itFound->name() == iEndPathLabel) found = true;
778  }
779  if(!found) {
780  // if the hint did not work, do it the slow way
781  itFound = std::find_if (end_paths_.begin(),
782  end_paths_.end(),
783  std::bind(std::equal_to<std::string>(),
784  iEndPathLabel,
785  std::bind(&Path::name, std::placeholders::_1)));
786  if (itFound != end_paths_.end()) found = true;
787  }
788  if (found) {
789  descriptions.reserve(itFound->size());
790  for (size_t i = 0; i < itFound->size(); ++i) {
791  descriptions.push_back(itFound->getWorker(i)->descPtr());
792  }
793  }
794  }
std::string const & name() const
Definition: Path.h:73
void edm::StreamSchedule::moduleDescriptionsInPath ( std::string const &  iPathLabel,
std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > &  descriptions,
unsigned int  hint 
) const

Definition at line 739 of file

References runEdmFileComparison::found, mps_fire::i, edm::Path::name(), and trig_paths_.

741  {
742  descriptions.clear();
743  bool found = false;
744  TrigPaths::const_iterator itFound;
746  if(hint < trig_paths_.size()) {
747  itFound = trig_paths_.begin() + hint;
748  if(itFound->name() == iPathLabel) found = true;
749  }
750  if(!found) {
751  // if the hint did not work, do it the slow way
752  itFound = std::find_if (trig_paths_.begin(),
753  trig_paths_.end(),
754  std::bind(std::equal_to<std::string>(),
755  iPathLabel,
756  std::bind(&Path::name, std::placeholders::_1)));
757  if (itFound != trig_paths_.end()) found = true;
758  }
759  if (found) {
760  descriptions.reserve(itFound->size());
761  for (size_t i = 0; i < itFound->size(); ++i) {
762  descriptions.push_back(itFound->getWorker(i)->descPtr());
763  }
764  }
765  }
std::string const & name() const
Definition: Path.h:73
void edm::StreamSchedule::modulesInPath ( std::string const &  iPathLabel,
std::vector< std::string > &  oLabelsToFill 
) const

adds to oLabelsToFill in execution order the labels of all modules in path iPathLabel

Definition at line 722 of file

References mps_fire::i, edm::Path::name(), and trig_paths_.

723  {
724  TrigPaths::const_iterator itFound =
725  std::find_if (trig_paths_.begin(),
726  trig_paths_.end(),
727  std::bind(std::equal_to<std::string>(),
728  iPathLabel,
729  std::bind(&Path::name, std::placeholders::_1)));
730  if (itFound!=trig_paths_.end()) {
731  oLabelsToFill.reserve(itFound->size());
732  for (size_t i = 0; i < itFound->size(); ++i) {
733  oLabelsToFill.push_back(itFound->getWorker(i)->description().moduleLabel());
734  }
735  }
736  }
std::string const & name() const
Definition: Path.h:73
unsigned int edm::StreamSchedule::numberOfUnscheduledModules ( ) const

Definition at line 260 of file StreamSchedule.h.

260  {
262  }
unsigned int number_of_unscheduled_modules_
void edm::StreamSchedule::processOneEventAsync ( WaitingTaskHolder  iTask,
EventPrincipal ep,
EventSetup const &  es,
std::vector< edm::propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< PathStatusInserter >>> &  pathStatusInserters 

Definition at line 536 of file

References actReg_, edm::WaitingTaskHolder::doneWaiting(), empty_end_paths_, empty_trig_paths_, endPathStatusInserterWorkers_, finishedPaths(), edm::ServiceRegistry::instance(), edm::make_waiting_task(), eostools::move(), cmsPerfStripChart::operate(), edm::hlt::Pass, pathStatusInserterWorkers_, edm::ServiceRegistry::presentToken(), resetAll(), results_, edm::WorkerManager::setupOnDemandSystem(), streamContext_, streamID_, total_events_, trig_paths_, and workerManager_.

539  {
540  this->resetAll();
542  using Traits = OccurrenceTraits<EventPrincipal, BranchActionStreamBegin>;
544  Traits::setStreamContext(streamContext_, ep);
545  Traits::preScheduleSignal(actReg_.get(), &streamContext_);
547  HLTPathStatus hltPathStatus(hlt::Pass, 0);
548  for (int empty_trig_path : empty_trig_paths_) {
549  results_->at(empty_trig_path) = hltPathStatus;
550  pathStatusInserters[empty_trig_path]->setPathStatus(streamID_, hltPathStatus);
551  std::exception_ptr iException = pathStatusInserterWorkers_[empty_trig_path]->runModuleDirectly<OccurrenceTraits<EventPrincipal, BranchActionStreamBegin>>(
552  ep, es, streamID_, ParentContext(&streamContext_), &streamContext_
553  );
554  if (iException) {
555  iTask.doneWaiting(iException);
556  return;
557  }
558  }
559  for (int empty_end_path : empty_end_paths_) {
560  std::exception_ptr iException = endPathStatusInserterWorkers_[empty_end_path]->runModuleDirectly<OccurrenceTraits<EventPrincipal, BranchActionStreamBegin>>(
561  ep, es, streamID_, ParentContext(&streamContext_), &streamContext_
562  );
563  if (iException) {
564  iTask.doneWaiting(iException);
565  return;
566  }
567  }
569  // This call takes care of the unscheduled processing.
572  ++total_events_;
573  auto serviceToken = ServiceRegistry::instance().presentToken();
574  auto pathsDone = make_waiting_task(tbb::task::allocate_root(),
575  [iTask,&ep, &es, this,serviceToken](std::exception_ptr const* iPtr) mutable
576  {
577  ServiceRegistry::Operate operate(serviceToken);
579  std::exception_ptr ptr;
580  if(iPtr) {
581  ptr = *iPtr;
582  }
583  finishedPaths(ptr, std::move(iTask), ep, es);
584  });
586  //The holder guarantees that if the paths finish before the loop ends
587  // that we do not start too soon. It also guarantees that the task will
588  // run under that condition.
589  WaitingTaskHolder taskHolder(pathsDone);
591  for(auto it = trig_paths_.rbegin(), itEnd = trig_paths_.rend();
592  it != itEnd; ++ it) {
593  it->processOneOccurrenceAsync(pathsDone,ep, es, streamID_, &streamContext_);
594  }
595  }
std::vector< int > empty_trig_paths_
std::vector< edm::propagate_const< WorkerPtr > > pathStatusInserterWorkers_
ServiceToken presentToken() const
WorkerManager workerManager_
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > actReg_
std::vector< int > empty_end_paths_
Definition: HLTenums.h:19
StreamContext streamContext_
static ServiceRegistry & instance()
edm::propagate_const< TrigResPtr > results_
FunctorWaitingTask< F > * make_waiting_task(ALLOC &&iAlloc, F f)
Definition: WaitingTask.h:90
std::vector< edm::propagate_const< WorkerPtr > > endPathStatusInserterWorkers_
void finishedPaths(std::exception_ptr, WaitingTaskHolder, EventPrincipal &ep, EventSetup const &es)
void setupOnDemandSystem(Principal &principal, EventSetup const &es)
def move(src, dest)
def operate(timelog, memlog, json_f, num)
template<typename T >
void edm::StreamSchedule::processOneStreamAsync ( WaitingTaskHolder  iTask,
typename T::MyPrincipal &  principal,
EventSetup const &  eventSetup,
bool  cleaningUpAfterException = false 

Definition at line 384 of file StreamSchedule.h.

References edm::addContextAndPrintException(), cms::Exception::context(), edm::WaitingTaskHolder::doneWaiting(), edm::ExceptionFromThisContext, h, triggerObjects_cff::id, edm::ServiceRegistry::instance(), edm::make_functor_task(), edm::make_waiting_task(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, edm::ServiceRegistry::presentToken(), and edm::convertException::wrap().

387  {
390  T::setStreamContext(streamContext_, ep);
392  auto id =;
393  auto doneTask = make_waiting_task(tbb::task::allocate_root(),
394  [this,iHolder, id,cleaningUpAfterException,token](std::exception_ptr const* iPtr) mutable
395  {
396  ServiceRegistry::Operate op(token);
397  std::exception_ptr excpt;
398  if(iPtr) {
399  excpt = *iPtr;
400  //add context information to the exception and print message
401  try {
402  convertException::wrap([&]() {
403  std::rethrow_exception(excpt);
404  });
405  } catch(cms::Exception& ex) {
406  //TODO: should add the transition type info
407  std::ostringstream ost;
408  if(ex.context().empty()) {
409  ost<<"Processing "<<T::transitionName()<<" "<<id;
410  }
411  addContextAndPrintException(ost.str().c_str(), ex, cleaningUpAfterException);
412  excpt = std::current_exception();
413  }
415  actReg_->preStreamEarlyTerminationSignal_(streamContext_,TerminationOrigin::ExceptionFromThisContext);
416  }
418  try {
419  T::postScheduleSignal(actReg_.get(), &streamContext_);
420  } catch(...) {
421  if(not excpt) {
422  excpt = std::current_exception();
423  }
424  }
425  iHolder.doneWaiting(excpt);
427  });
429  auto task = make_functor_task(tbb::task::allocate_root(), [this,doneTask,&ep,&es,cleaningUpAfterException,token] () mutable {
430  ServiceRegistry::Operate op(token);
431  T::preScheduleSignal(actReg_.get(), &streamContext_);
432  WaitingTaskHolder h(doneTask);
435  for(auto& p : end_paths_) {
436  p.runAllModulesAsync<T>(doneTask, ep, es, streamID_, &streamContext_);
437  }
439  for(auto& p : trig_paths_) {
440  p.runAllModulesAsync<T>(doneTask, ep, es, streamID_, &streamContext_);
441  }
445  });
447  if(streamID_.value() == 0) {
448  //Enqueueing will start another thread if there is only
449  // one thread in the job. Having stream == 0 use spawn
450  // avoids starting up another thread when there is only one stream.
451  tbb::task::spawn( *task);
452  } else {
453  tbb::task::enqueue( *task);
454  }
455  }
FWCore Framework interface EventSetupRecordImplementation h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
FunctorTask< F > * make_functor_task(ALLOC &&iAlloc, F f)
Definition: FunctorTask.h:47
void addContextAndPrintException(char const *context, cms::Exception &ex, bool disablePrint)
ServiceToken presentToken() const
WorkerManager workerManager_
std::shared_ptr< ActivityRegistry > actReg_
void processOneOccurrenceAsync(WaitingTask *task, typename T::MyPrincipal &principal, EventSetup const &eventSetup, StreamID streamID, typename T::Context const *topContext, U const *context)
StreamContext streamContext_
std::list< std::string > const & context() const
static ServiceRegistry & instance()
unsigned int value() const
Definition: StreamID.h:46
FunctorWaitingTask< F > * make_waiting_task(ALLOC &&iAlloc, F f)
Definition: WaitingTask.h:90
auto wrap(F iFunc) -> decltype(iFunc())
long double T
void edm::StreamSchedule::replaceModule ( maker::ModuleHolder iMod,
std::string const &  iLabel 

clone the type of module with label iLabel but configure with iPSet.

Definition at line 507 of file

References allWorkers(), edm::Worker::beginStream(), runEdmFileComparison::found, edm::maker::ModuleHolder::replaceModuleFor(), streamContext_, and streamID_.

508  {
509  Worker* found = nullptr;
510  for (auto const& worker : allWorkers()) {
511  if (worker->description().moduleLabel() == iLabel) {
512  found = worker;
513  break;
514  }
515  }
516  if (nullptr == found) {
517  return;
518  }
520  iMod->replaceModuleFor(found);
521  found->beginStream(streamID_,streamContext_);
522  }
AllWorkers const & allWorkers() const
returns the collection of pointers to workers
StreamContext streamContext_
void edm::StreamSchedule::reportSkipped ( EventPrincipal const &  ep) const

Definition at line 378 of file StreamSchedule.h.

References edm::EventID::event(), edm::EventPrincipal::id(), and edm::EventID::run().

378  {
379  Service<JobReport> reportSvc;
380  reportSvc->reportSkippedEvent(,;
381  }
void edm::StreamSchedule::resetAll ( )

Definition at line 877 of file

References results_, and skippingEvent_.

Referenced by processOneEventAsync().

877  {
878  skippingEvent_ = false;
879  results_->reset();
880  }
edm::propagate_const< TrigResPtr > results_
std::atomic< bool > skippingEvent_
void edm::StreamSchedule::resetEarlyDelete ( )

Definition at line 888 of file

References KineDebug3::count(), earlyDeleteBranchToCount_, earlyDeleteHelpers_, earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_, and diffTreeTool::index.

Referenced by finishProcessOneEvent(), and initializeEarlyDelete().

888  {
889  //must be sure we have cleared the count first
890  for(auto& count:earlyDeleteBranchToCount_) {
891  count.count = 0;
892  }
893  //now reset based on how many helpers use that branch
895  ++(earlyDeleteBranchToCount_[index].count);
896  }
897  for(auto& helper: earlyDeleteHelpers_) {
898  helper.reset();
899  }
900  }
std::vector< BranchToCount > earlyDeleteBranchToCount_
std::vector< unsigned int > earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_
std::vector< EarlyDeleteHelper > earlyDeleteHelpers_
TrigResConstPtr edm::StreamSchedule::results ( ) const

Definition at line 329 of file StreamSchedule.h.

References edm::get_underlying_safe().

Referenced by StreamSchedule().

329 {return get_underlying_safe(results_);}
std::shared_ptr< T > & get_underlying_safe(propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< T >> &iP)
edm::propagate_const< TrigResPtr > results_
TrigResPtr& edm::StreamSchedule::results ( )

Definition at line 330 of file StreamSchedule.h.

References actions, and edm::get_underlying_safe().

330 {return get_underlying_safe(results_);}
std::shared_ptr< T > & get_underlying_safe(propagate_const< std::shared_ptr< T >> &iP)
edm::propagate_const< TrigResPtr > results_
StreamID edm::StreamSchedule::streamID ( ) const

Definition at line 193 of file StreamSchedule.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

193 { return streamID_; }
int edm::StreamSchedule::totalEvents ( ) const

Return the number of events this StreamSchedule has tried to process (inclues both successes and failures, including failures due to exceptions during processing).

Definition at line 221 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by getTriggerReport().

221  {
222  return total_events_;
223  }
int edm::StreamSchedule::totalEventsFailed ( ) const

Return the number of events that have not passed any trigger. (N.B. totalEventsFailed() + totalEventsPassed() == totalEvents()

Definition at line 233 of file StreamSchedule.h.

References cuy::rep, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by getTriggerReport().

233  {
234  return totalEvents() - totalEventsPassed();
235  }
int totalEvents() const
int totalEventsPassed() const
int edm::StreamSchedule::totalEventsPassed ( ) const

Return the number of events which have been passed by one or more trigger paths.

Definition at line 227 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by getTriggerReport().

227  {
228  return total_passed_;
229  }

Member Data Documentation

std::shared_ptr<ActivityRegistry> edm::StreamSchedule::actReg_
std::vector<BranchToCount> edm::StreamSchedule::earlyDeleteBranchToCount_

Definition at line 354 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by initializeEarlyDelete(), and resetEarlyDelete().

std::vector<EarlyDeleteHelper> edm::StreamSchedule::earlyDeleteHelpers_

Definition at line 364 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by initializeEarlyDelete(), and resetEarlyDelete().

std::vector<unsigned int> edm::StreamSchedule::earlyDeleteHelperToBranchIndicies_

Definition at line 361 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by initializeEarlyDelete(), and resetEarlyDelete().

std::vector<int> edm::StreamSchedule::empty_end_paths_

Definition at line 349 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by fillEndPath(), makePathStatusInserters(), and processOneEventAsync().

std::vector<int> edm::StreamSchedule::empty_trig_paths_

Definition at line 348 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by fillTrigPath(), makePathStatusInserters(), and processOneEventAsync().

TrigPaths edm::StreamSchedule::end_paths_
volatile bool edm::StreamSchedule::endpathsAreActive_

Definition at line 372 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by enableEndPaths(), endPathsEnabled(), and finishedPaths().

std::vector<edm::propagate_const<WorkerPtr> > edm::StreamSchedule::endPathStatusInserterWorkers_

Definition at line 344 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by makePathStatusInserters(), and processOneEventAsync().

unsigned int edm::StreamSchedule::number_of_unscheduled_modules_

Definition at line 368 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by StreamSchedule().

std::vector<edm::propagate_const<WorkerPtr> > edm::StreamSchedule::pathStatusInserterWorkers_

Definition at line 343 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by makePathStatusInserters(), and processOneEventAsync().

edm::propagate_const<TrigResPtr> edm::StreamSchedule::results_

Definition at line 340 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by finishedPaths(), processOneEventAsync(), and resetAll().

edm::propagate_const<WorkerPtr> edm::StreamSchedule::results_inserter_

Definition at line 342 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by finishedPaths(), and StreamSchedule().

std::atomic<bool> edm::StreamSchedule::skippingEvent_

Definition at line 373 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by fillTrigPath(), and resetAll().

StreamContext edm::StreamSchedule::streamContext_
StreamID edm::StreamSchedule::streamID_
int edm::StreamSchedule::total_events_

Definition at line 366 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by clearCounters(), and processOneEventAsync().

int edm::StreamSchedule::total_passed_

Definition at line 367 of file StreamSchedule.h.

Referenced by clearCounters(), and finishedPaths().

TrigPaths edm::StreamSchedule::trig_paths_
WorkerManager edm::StreamSchedule::workerManager_