83 std::shared_ptr<TrackerGeometry>
99 theTracker = std::shared_ptr<TrackerGeometry>( trackerBuilder.
build(&(*gD), *ptp, tTopo));
102 auto theAlignableTracker = std::make_unique<AlignableTracker>( &(*theTracker), tTopo );
107 Alignments* alignments = theAlignableTracker->alignments();
121 throw cms::Exception(
"NotAvailable") <<
"PoolDBOutputService not available";
124 alignmentErrors->clear();
134 delete alignmentErrors;
const bool theSaveFakeScenario
whether or not writing to DB
std::shared_ptr< TrackerGeometry > produce(const TrackerDigiGeometryRecord &iRecord)
Produce the misaligned tracker geometry and store it.
Class to update a given geometry with a set of alignments.
TrackerGeometry * build(const GeometricDet *gd, const PTrackerParameters &ptp, const TrackerTopology *tTopo)
~MisalignedTrackerESProducer() override
void setWhatProduced(T *iThis, const es::Label &iLabel=es::Label())
const DepRecordT & getRecord() const
const std::string theErrorRecordName
std::shared_ptr< TrackerGeometry > theTracker
MisalignedTrackerESProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &p)
const std::string theAlignRecordName
misalignment scenario
void writeOne(T *payload, Time_t time, const std::string &recordName, bool withlogging=false)
void applyAlignments(C *geometry, const Alignments *alignments, const AlignmentErrorsExtended *alignmentErrors, const AlignTransform &globalCoordinates)
const edm::ParameterSet theScenario
if theSaveToDB is true, save a fake scenario (empty alignments), irrespective of the misalignment sce...
cond::Time_t currentTime() const
Builds a scenario from configuration and applies it to the alignable tracker.
T const * product() const