private |
Definition at line 129 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
private |
Definition at line 178 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
private |
Definition at line 441 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
private |
Definition at line 111 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
private |
Definition at line 72 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
private |
Definition at line 196 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
private |
Definition at line 412 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.AlgorithmName |
Definition at line 289 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.allowSharedFirstHit |
Definition at line 281 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.BPix |
Definition at line 38 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.chargeCut2069Clusters |
Large impact parameter Tracking using mixed-triplet seeding #.
Definition at line 10 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.chi2n_par |
Definition at line 332 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.clusterChargeCut |
Definition at line 14 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.ClusterShapeCacheSrc |
Definition at line 119 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.ClusterShapeHitFilterName |
Definition at line 118 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.clustersToSkip |
Definition at line 257 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.ComponentName |
Definition at line 94 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.constantValueForLostHitsFractionFilter |
Definition at line 203 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.d0_par1 |
Definition at line 337 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.d0_par2 |
Definition at line 339 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.doSeedingRegionRebuilding |
Definition at line 263 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.doublets |
Definition at line 107 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.dz_par1 |
Definition at line 338 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.dz_par2 |
Definition at line 340 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.estimator |
Definition at line 248 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.FilterAtHelixStage |
Definition at line 115 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.FilterPixelHits |
Definition at line 116 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.FilterStripHits |
Definition at line 117 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.Fitter |
Definition at line 291 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.fixedError |
Definition at line 84 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.FPix |
Definition at line 43 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.fractionShared |
Definition at line 280 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.GBRForestLabel |
Definition at line 300 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.hasSelector |
Definition at line 415 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.hitMasks |
Definition at line 131 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.HitProducer |
Definition at line 40 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.inputClassifiers |
Definition at line 312 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.layerList |
Definition at line 33 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.matchedRecHits |
Definition at line 49 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.maxCand |
Definition at line 247 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.MaxChi2 |
Definition at line 233 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.maxDPhiForLooperReconstruction |
Definition at line 249 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.maxElement |
Definition at line 101 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.maxLostHits |
Definition at line 206 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.maxNumberLostLayers |
Definition at line 335 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.maxPtForLooperReconstruction |
Definition at line 250 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.maxRing |
Definition at line 53 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.MeasurementTrackerName |
Definition at line 243 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.minimumNumberOfHits |
Definition at line 198 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.minNumber3DLayers |
Definition at line 336 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.minNumberLayers |
Definition at line 334 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.MinNumberOfCrossedLayers |
Definition at line 271 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.minPt |
Definition at line 199 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.minRing |
Definition at line 52 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStep |
Definition at line 311 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.MixedTripletStep |
Definition at line 425 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepChi2Est |
Definition at line 230 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepClassifier1 |
Definition at line 298 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepClassifier2 |
Definition at line 304 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepClusters |
Definition at line 17 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepClusterShapeHitFilter |
Definition at line 93 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepHitDoubletsA |
Definition at line 98 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepHitDoubletsB |
Definition at line 171 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepHitTripletsA |
Definition at line 106 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepHitTripletsB |
Definition at line 175 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepMasks |
Definition at line 447 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepPropagator |
Definition at line 214 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepPropagatorOpposite |
Definition at line 222 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepSeedLayersA |
Definition at line 32 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepSeedLayersB |
Definition at line 139 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepSeeds |
Definition at line 188 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepSeedsA |
Definition at line 125 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepSeedsB |
Definition at line 176 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepSelector |
Definition at line 325 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepTrackCandidates |
Definition at line 255 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepTrackingRegionsA |
Definition at line 78 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepTrackingRegionsB |
Definition at line 160 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepTracks |
Definition at line 288 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepTrajectoryBuilder |
Definition at line 242 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits |
Definition at line 278 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mixedTripletStepTrajectoryFilter |
Definition at line 202 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.mva |
Definition at line 315 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.name |
Definition at line 331 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.nSigma |
Definition at line 232 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.numHitsForSeedCleaner |
these two parameters are relevant only for the CachingSeedCleanerBySharedInput
Definition at line 259 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.oldClusterRemovalInfo |
Definition at line 11 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.oldHitRemovalInfo |
Definition at line 448 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
Referenced by FastTrackerRecHitMaskProducer.FastTrackerRecHitMaskProducer().
MixedTripletStep_cff.originHalfLength |
Definition at line 74 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.originRadius |
Definition at line 75 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.pixelClusters |
Definition at line 12 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.pixelTripletGeneratorFactory |
Definition at line 132 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.pQual |
Definition at line 418 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.preFilterName |
Definition at line 356 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.produceIntermediateHitDoublets |
Definition at line 102 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.produceSeedingHitSets |
Definition at line 108 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.propagatorAlong |
Definition at line 245 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.propagatorOpposite |
Definition at line 246 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.ptMin |
Definition at line 73 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.qualityCuts |
Definition at line 301 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.refToPSet_ |
Definition at line 14 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.RegionPSet |
Definition at line 72 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.res_par |
Definition at line 333 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.seedCollections |
Definition at line 189 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.SeedComparitorPSet |
Definition at line 113 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.seedFinderSelector |
Definition at line 132 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.seedingHitSets |
Definition at line 112 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.seedingLayers |
Definition at line 99 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.selectedTrackQuals |
Definition at line 416 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.setsToMerge |
Definition at line 418 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.skipClusters |
Definition at line 41 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.src |
Definition at line 256 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.stripClusters |
Definition at line 13 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.TEC |
Definition at line 48 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.TIB |
Definition at line 146 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.tLists |
Definition at line 418 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.trackingRegions |
Definition at line 100 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.TrackProducers |
Definition at line 413 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.trackSelectors |
Definition at line 329 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.TrajectoryBuilderPSet |
Definition at line 262 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.TrajectoryCleaner |
Definition at line 265 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.trajectoryFilter |
Definition at line 244 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.TTRHBuilder |
Definition at line 39 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.useAnyMVA |
Definition at line 327 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.useHitsSplitting |
Definition at line 264 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.useRingSlector |
Definition at line 50 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.vertices |
Definition at line 302 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.
MixedTripletStep_cff.writeOnlyTrkQuals |
Definition at line 419 of file MixedTripletStep_cff.py.