1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
9 Function that modifies the pixel digitiser for the Phase 1 pixel detector. 11 First argument is the pixelDigitizer object. 19 digitizer.NumPixelBarrel = cms.int32(4)
20 digitizer.NumPixelEndcap = cms.int32(3)
21 digitizer.ThresholdInElectrons_FPix = cms.double(2000.0)
22 digitizer.ThresholdInElectrons_BPix = cms.double(2000.0)
23 digitizer.ThresholdInElectrons_BPix_L1 = cms.double(2000.0)
24 digitizer.FPix_SignalResponse_p0 = cms.double(0.00171)
25 digitizer.FPix_SignalResponse_p1 = cms.double(0.711)
26 digitizer.FPix_SignalResponse_p2 = cms.double(203.)
27 digitizer.FPix_SignalResponse_p3 = cms.double(148.)
28 digitizer.BPix_SignalResponse_p0 = cms.double(0.00171)
29 digitizer.BPix_SignalResponse_p1 = cms.double(0.711)
30 digitizer.BPix_SignalResponse_p2 = cms.double(203.)
31 digitizer.BPix_SignalResponse_p3 = cms.double(148.)
33 digitizer.ElectronsPerVcal = cms.double(47)
34 digitizer.ElectronsPerVcal_L1 = cms.double(50)
35 digitizer.ElectronsPerVcal_Offset = cms.double(-60)
36 digitizer.ElectronsPerVcal_L1_Offset = cms.double(-670)
39 SiPixelSimBlock = cms.PSet(
40 DoPixelAging = cms.bool(
41 ReadoutNoiseInElec = cms.double(350.0),
42 deltaProductionCut = cms.double(0.03),
43 RoutList = cms.vstring(
44 'TrackerHitsPixelBarrelLowTof',
45 'TrackerHitsPixelBarrelHighTof',
46 'TrackerHitsPixelEndcapLowTof',
47 'TrackerHitsPixelEndcapHighTof'),
48 OffsetSmearing = cms.double(0.0),
49 ThresholdInElectrons_FPix = cms.double(3000.0),
50 ThresholdInElectrons_BPix = cms.double(3500.0),
51 ThresholdInElectrons_BPix_L1 = cms.double(3500.0),
52 AddThresholdSmearing = cms.bool(
53 ThresholdSmearing_FPix = cms.double(210.0),
54 ThresholdSmearing_BPix = cms.double(245.0),
55 ThresholdSmearing_BPix_L1 = cms.double(245.0),
56 NoiseInElectrons = cms.double(175.0),
57 MissCalibrate = cms.bool(
58 FPix_SignalResponse_p0 = cms.double(0.0043),
59 FPix_SignalResponse_p1 = cms.double(1.31),
60 FPix_SignalResponse_p2 = cms.double(93.6),
61 FPix_SignalResponse_p3 = cms.double(134.6),
62 BPix_SignalResponse_p0 = cms.double(0.0035),
63 BPix_SignalResponse_p1 = cms.double(1.23),
64 BPix_SignalResponse_p2 = cms.double(97.4),
65 BPix_SignalResponse_p3 = cms.double(126.5),
66 ElectronsPerVcal = cms.double(65.5),
67 ElectronsPerVcal_L1 = cms.double(65.5),
68 ElectronsPerVcal_Offset = cms.double(-414.0),
69 ElectronsPerVcal_L1_Offset = cms.double(-414.0),
70 ElectronPerAdc = cms.double(135.0),
71 TofUpperCut = cms.double(12.5),
72 AdcFullScale = cms.int32(255),
73 AdcFullScaleStack = cms.int32(255),
74 FirstStackLayer = cms.int32(5),
75 TofLowerCut = cms.double(-12.5),
76 TanLorentzAnglePerTesla_FPix = cms.double(0.106),
77 TanLorentzAnglePerTesla_BPix = cms.double(0.106),
78 AddNoisyPixels = cms.bool(
79 Alpha2Order = cms.bool(
80 AddPixelInefficiency = cms.bool(
81 AddNoise = cms.bool(
82 ChargeVCALSmearing = cms.bool(
83 GainSmearing = cms.double(0.0),
84 PixGeometryType = cms.string(
85 useDB = cms.bool(
86 LorentzAngle_DB = cms.bool(
87 DeadModules_DB = cms.bool(
88 killModules = cms.bool(
89 NumPixelBarrel = cms.int32(3),
90 NumPixelEndcap = cms.int32(2),
97 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase1Pixel_cff
import phase1Pixel
98 phase1Pixel.toModify( SiPixelSimBlock, func=_modifyPixelDigitizerForPhase1Pixel )
def _modifyPixelDigitizerForPhase1Pixel(digitizer)