Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- x -
- X
: AlignPCLThresholds
- x()
: AmplitudeSegmentFP420
, Basic2DVector< T >
, Basic3DVector< T >
, Basic3DVector< long double >
, BeamSpotFakeConditions
- X
: BeamSpotObj.BeamSpot
- x()
: BeamSpotOnline
, BeamSpotOnlineRaw_v4
- X
- x()
: BinomialProbHelper
- X
: BscSD
- x()
: BSvsPVHistogramMaker
, Clust
, ClusterShape
- X
: CSCOfflineMonitor
- x
: CTPPSLocalTrackLite
, DeltaOutArr2
, DeltaOutArr3
, DigitizerUtility::EnergyDepositUnit
, DigitizerUtility::SignalPoint
- X()
: DTBtiTrig
, DTBtiTrigData
, DTChambPhSegm
, DTSectCollPhSegm
, DTTracoCand
, DTTracoTrig
, DTTracoTrigData
- x
: EcalTBHodoscopeRecInfoAlgo::BeamTrack
, edmStreamStallGrapher.Point
, egPM::AbsEtaNrClus
, egPM::AbsEtaNrClusEt
, egPM::AbsEtaNrClusPhi
, EnergyDepositUnit
, EnergySegmentFP420
, EPOS::EPOS_Wrapper
- X
: FastTimerSD
, FP420SD
- x
: funct::GaussIntegrator
, funct::GaussLegendreIntegrator
- X()
: funct::X
- x
: GaussianSumUtilities1D::FinderState
- X
: gen::Hydjet2Hadronizer
- x
: gen::PdfInfo
, Geom::Cartesian2Cartesian3D< T >
, Geom::Cylindrical2Cartesian< T >
, Geom::Polar2Cartesian< T >
, Geom::Spherical2Cartesian< T >
, HcalForwardAnalysis::Photon
, HcalForwardAnalysis
, HFShowerPhoton
, HGCal_helpers::Coordinates
, HGCalDigiValidation::digiInfo
, HGCalImagingAlgo::Hexel
, HGCalRecHitValidation::HitsInfo
, HGCalSimHitValidation::hitsinfo
, Hit
, hit
, HitDoublets
, hitfit::Fourvec_Event
- X()
: l1t::emtf::AMC13Header
- x
: l1t::emtf::AMC13Header
, lhef::HEPEUP::FiveVector
, lumiregperbunch.bsmeas
, mathSSE::Rot2< T >
, mathSSE::Rot3< T >
, ME0DigiPreReco
, MonitorTrackResidualsBase< pixel_or_strip >::HistoXY
, MuonGeometryArrange::MGACollection
, MuScleFitMuon
, MuScleFitUtils
, ParabolaFit::Point
- X()
: Particle
- x
: perftools::detail::Hist
, PGlobalSimHit::Vtx
, Phase2ITPixelCluster::Pixel
, Phase2ITPixelCluster
, PhiInterval
, PhOutput
, PixelClusterizerBase::AccretionCluster
, PixelModule
, PixelUnpackingRegions::Module
, Pixinfo
, PMuonSimHit::Vtx
, PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PUSlimmed::recoPrimaryVertex
, PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PUSlimmed::simPrimaryVertex
- X()
: PSFitter::HybridMinimizer
- x
: PTrackerSimHit::Vtx
- X()
: PulseChiSqSNNLS
- x()
: PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >
, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >
, python.rootplot.utilities.Hist
, python.rootplot.utilities.Hist2D
, QcdLowPtDQM::Pixel
, QcdLowPtDQM::Vertex
, Quad
- X()
: RawParticle
- x()
: RawParticle
, Rechit
, RecHitsSortedInPhi
, reco::BeamSpot
, reco::CaloCluster
, reco::CastorCell
, reco::CastorCluster
, reco::CastorEgamma
, reco::CastorJet
, reco::MuonChamberMatch
, reco::MuonMETCorrectionData
, reco::MuonRPCHitMatch
, reco::MuonSegmentMatch
- X
: reco::PFCandidate
, reco::PFCandidateEGammaExtra
, reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra
- x()
: reco::Vertex
, RHStopTracer::StopPoint
, RooCMSShape
, Rot2< T >
, Rot3< T >
, RPFlatParams::EP
, ScoutingVertex
, SignalPoint
, SimplePixel
, SiPixelCluster::Pixel
, SiPixelCluster
, SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm::EnergyDepositUnit
, SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm::SignalPoint
, SiStripFineDelayTOF
, SiStripRecHitsValid::RecHitProperties
, SiStripTrackingRecHitsValid::RecHitProperties
, stAPVGain
, svgfig.Frame
, svgfig.Plot
, svgfig.Text
, svgfig.TextGlobal
, svgfig.VLine
, ThOutput2
, ThOutput
, TkLayerMap::XYbin
, TkRotation2D< T >
, TkRotation< T >
, TotemTestHistoClass::Hit
, TrackClassifier::GeneratedPrimaryVertex
, TwoBodyDecayParameters
- X
: TwoTrackMinimumDistanceHelixLine
- x
: VertexClassifier::GeneratedPrimaryVertex
, VertexType
, Vispa.Views.LineDecayView.DecayNode
, XHistogram::position
- X0()
: BetaBoostEvtVtxGenerator
, BetafuncEvtVtxGenerator
- x0()
: CTPPSFastTrack
, FastCircle
, FastCircleFit
, FWBeamSpot
- X0()
: MixBoostEvtVtxGenerator
- x0
: MSLayer::DataX0
, MSLayer
, reco::BeamSpot
, RecoFP420
, TangentCircle
, tauImpactParameter::TrackHelixVertexFitter
, ThrParameters
, VolumeMediumProperties
- x0_
: FastCircleFit
, RecoFP420
, sistripvvi::VVIObj
, Trapezoid2RectangleMappingX
, VolumeMediumProperties
, VVIObj
- X0_inner
: PFEGammaAlgo
, PFPhotonAlgo
- X0_Map
: PFEGammaAlgo::PFEGConfigInfo
- X0_middle
: PFEGammaAlgo
, PFPhotonAlgo
- X0_outer
: PFEGammaAlgo
, PFPhotonAlgo
- X0_sum
: PFEGammaAlgo
, PFPhotonAlgo
- X0back_
: Crystal
- x0curr
: HDShower
, HFShower
- x0depth
: HDShower
, HFShower
- x0DepthOffset()
: EcalHitMaker
- X0depthoffset_
: EcalHitMaker
: EcalHitMaker
: EcalHitMaker
- x0EM
: HDRShower
, HDShower
, HFShower
- x0Error()
: FWBeamSpot
, reco::BeamSpot
- x0fraction()
: MaterialBudgetCategorizer
- x0FromCm()
: CaloSegment
: EcalHitMaker
- x0HD
: HDRShower
, HDShower
, HFShower
- x0inner_
: PFEGammaAlgo
, PFPhotonAlgo
- X0length()
: CaloSegment
- X0length_
: CaloSegment
- x0middle_
: PFEGammaAlgo
, PFPhotonAlgo
- x0outer_
: PFEGammaAlgo
, PFPhotonAlgo
- X0PS1_
: EcalHitMaker
- X0PS2_
: EcalHitMaker
- X0PS2EE_
: EcalHitMaker
- X0Source
: MultipleScatteringParametrisation
- x0start
: SaturationFcn
- x0ToSigma
: MultipleScatteringParametrisation
- x1()
: CTPPSFastTrack
, DataFormats_METReco::dictionary
, DataFormats_TrackReco::dictionary
, DDPseudoTrap
, DDTrap
, Exhume::CrossSection
, L1DataEmulDigi
, L1MonitorDigi
, reco::PdfInfo
, svgfig.VLine
, svgfig.YAxis
, TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x10
: DataFormats_METReco::dictionary
, TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x11
: TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x12
: TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x15()
: EcalTrapezoidParameters
- x1Max
: Exhume::Event
- x1p
: Exhume::CrossSection
- x1start
: SaturationFcn
- x1x2
: Exhume::CrossSection
- x2()
: CTPPSFastTrack
, DataFormats_METReco::dictionary
, DataFormats_TrackReco::dictionary
, DDPseudoTrap
, DDTrap
, Exhume::CrossSection
, L1DataEmulDigi
, L1MonitorDigi
, reco::PdfInfo
, svgfig.VLine
, svgfig.YAxis
, TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x2labels
: svgfig.Frame
- x2Max
: Exhume::Event
- x2p
: Exhume::CrossSection
- x2s()
: LumiCorrectionSource
, LumiProducer
- x2start
: SaturationFcn
- x3
: DataFormats_METReco::dictionary
, DataFormats_TrackReco::dictionary
, DDTrap
, L1DataEmulDigi
, L1MonitorDigi
, TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x3Data
- x3start
: SaturationFcn
- x4
: DataFormats_METReco::dictionary
, DDTrap
, TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x5
: DataFormats_METReco::dictionary
, TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x6
: DataFormats_METReco::dictionary
, TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x7
: DataFormats_METReco::dictionary
, TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x8
: TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x9
: DataFormats_METReco::dictionary
, TrackingTools_PatternTools::dictionary
- x_
: Averages
, BeamSpotOnline
, BinomialProbHelper
, ConfigurableHisto
, CTPPSDiamondRecHit
, DreamSD
, ESUnpacker
, funct::ConvolutionStruct< A, B, Integrator >::function
, Geom::Cartesian2Cartesian3D< T >
, ME0DigiPreReco
, OpticalAlignInfo
, PatVertexAnalyzer
, PhysicsTGraphPayload
, QcdLowPtDQM::Pixel
, QcdLowPtDQM::Vertex
, root::RooFitFunction< X, Expr >
, ScoutingVertex
, sistrip::LinearFit
, sistrip::MeanAndStdDev
, UnbinnedLikelihoodFit
- x_centralVal
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- x_correction_ME1_1
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- x_correction_noME1_1
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- x_drift
: DTTime2DriftParametrization::drift_distance
- x_f
: Tracker_OldtoNewConverter
- x_i
: Tracker_OldtoNewConverter
- x_max
: function::ZMuMuNormalBack
, function::ZMuTrackScaledNormalBack
- x_min
: function::ZMuMuNormalBack
, function::ZMuTrackScaledNormalBack
- x_unc
: CTPPSLocalTrackLite
- X_vs_Y_eff_at_fixedZeff
: EffPurFromHistos2D
- x_vtx
: ContainmentCorrectionAnalyzer
- x_width_
: CTPPSDiamondRecHit
, RPTopology
- x_width_m
: DTTime2DriftParametrization::drift_distance
- x_width_p
: DTTime2DriftParametrization::drift_distance
- xavg()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xavg_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xavgbcn()
: SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xavgbcn_
: SiStripTemplate
- xavgc2m()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xavgc2m_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xavggen
: SiPixelGenErrorEntry
, SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xAxes_
: TauDQMHistPlotter
: MuIsoValidation
, MuonIsolationDQM
- xaxis_
: ecaldqm::MESetEcal
, ecaldqm::MESetNonObject
- xAxis_
: TauDQMHistPlotter::cfgEntryDrawJob
: cond::payloadInspector::PlotAnnotations
- xAxisLabel
: HLTObjectMonitor::hltPlot
, HLTObjectMonitorProtonLead::hltPlot
- xAxisTitle_
: TauDQMHistPlotter::cfgEntryAxisX
- xAxisTitleOffset_
: TauDQMHistPlotter::cfgEntryAxisX
- xAxisTitleSize_
: TauDQMHistPlotter::cfgEntryAxisX
- xBeam_
: HGCalTBAnalyzer
, HGCalTimingAnalyzer
- xBin_
: PhotonAnalyzer
- xBins()
: ConfigurableAxis
- xbins
- xBjorkenHistory
: DuplicationChecker
- xBjorkenME
: DuplicationChecker
- xbuf_
: edm::StreamerInputSource
- xc
: DTMuonLocalAlignment
, Info1D
, MuonDTLocalMillepedeAlgorithm::Info1D
, MuonDTLocalMillepedeAlgorithm
- xC()
: PhotonFix
- xc
: Residual1DHit
- xc_Data
: ConfigurationDBHandler
- xc_elements
: ConfigurationDBHandler
- xc_encoding
: ConfigurationDBHandler
- xc_header
: ConfigurationDBHandler
- xc_name
: ConfigurationDBHandler
- xc_Parameter
: ConfigurationDBHandler
- xc_type
: ConfigurationDBHandler
- xCenter_
: DTTrigGeomUtils
- xClust_vtx_
: EnergyScaleAnalyzer
- xClust_zero_
: EnergyScaleAnalyzer
- Xcn()
: DTConfigLUTs
- xcoord_on_module_()
: SiPixelCoordinates
- xCornerVal
: WordHist
- xcp
: DTMuonLocalAlignment
, MuonDTLocalMillepedeAlgorithm
, Residual1DHit
- xdata
: CSCThrTurnOnFcn
- xDelta_
: PatVertexAnalyzer
- xdev()
: CSCSegFit
, MuonSegFit
- xDiff
: PrimaryVertexMonitor
- xdouble
: SiPixelTemplateReco::ClusMatrix
- xdpixel()
: TrackerMap
- xdpixelc()
: TrackerMap
- xdpixelfec()
: TrackerMap
- xdpixelpsu()
: TrackerMap
- xDt
: L1TwinMux::PrimitiveCombiner::resolutions
- xE3x3Matrix
: HcalTB02Analysis
- xE3x3MatrixN
: HcalTB02Analysis
- XE54
: FillInfo
- xE5x5Matrix
: HcalTB02Analysis
- xE5x5MatrixN
: HcalTB02Analysis
: TB06Reco
, TB06RecoH2
- xedges
: python.rootplot.utilities.Hist
, python.rootplot.utilities.Hist2D
- xEentry_
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEfficiencyHistos
: DTChamberEfficiencyTest
- xEHcal3x3()
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEhcal3x3_
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEHcal3x3N()
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEhcal3x3N_
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEHcal5x5()
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEhcal5x5_
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEHcal5x5N()
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEhcal5x5N_
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEHcal7x7()
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEhcal7x7_
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEHcal7x7N()
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEhcal7x7N_
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEHcalTot()
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEhcalTot_
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEHcalTotN()
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xEhcalTotN_
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xemax
- xemin
- xEntry()
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- XercesDOMParser
: CalibrationXML
, cscdqm::Collection
- XercesPlatform()
: lhef::XMLDocument::XercesPlatform
, XMLDocument::XercesPlatform
- Xerr
: BeamSpotObj.BeamSpot
- xerr
: PrimaryVertexMonitor
, python.rootplot.utilities.Hist
- xErr
: reco::MuonChamberMatch
, reco::MuonSegmentMatch
- xErr_
: PatVertexAnalyzer
- xerr_barrel_l1_
: PixelCPEGeneric
- xerr_barrel_l1_def_
: PixelCPEGeneric
- xerr_barrel_ln_
: PixelCPEGeneric
- xerr_barrel_ln_def_
: PixelCPEGeneric
- xerr_endcap_
: PixelCPEGeneric
- xerr_endcap_def_
: PixelCPEGeneric
- xErrOfflineVertex_
: PrimaryVertexValidation
- xerronmean_bins
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xerronmean_high
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xerronmean_low
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xError()
: MuRodBarrelLayer
, reco::Vertex
, ScoutingVertex
- xError_
: ScoutingVertex
- xerrup
: lhef::HEPRUP
- xerrVsTrks
: PrimaryVertexMonitor
- xFalse
: DQMSourceExample
- xfError_Noise()
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xfError_XTasym()
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xfit()
: CSCSegFit
, MuonSegFit
- xflcorr()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xflpar
: SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xflparhh_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xflparhl_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xflparlh_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xflparll_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xfrom
- XGlobal
: SiStripLAProfileBooker
- xgsig()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xgsig_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xgsigbcn()
: SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xgsigbcn_
: SiStripTemplate
- xgsigc2m()
: SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xgsigc2m_
: SiStripTemplate
- xgsiggen
: SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xgx0()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xgx0_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xgx0bcn()
: SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xgx0bcn_
: SiStripTemplate
- xgx0c2m()
: SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xgx0c2m_
: SiStripTemplate
- xgx0gen
: SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xHalf()
: DDParallelepiped
- XHistogram()
: XHistogram
- XHit
: TrackerSectorStruct
- xHit
: TrackStruct::HitParameterStruct
- xHodo
: TB06Reco
, TB06RecoH2
- xhor0
: AlCaHOCalibProducer
- xhor1
: AlCaHOCalibProducer
- xi()
: CTPPSFastTrack
, GeometricDet
- Xi
: HybridClusterAlgo
- xi()
: MediumProperties
, VolumeMediumProperties
- xi_
: VolumeMediumProperties
- xid()
: edm::ErrorObj
, edm::service::ELoutput
, PFTrackAlgoTools::edm::ErrorObj
- XiDecay
: TrackCategories
, VertexCategories
- xIncidentEnergy
: HcalTB02Analysis
- xindex()
: EcalEndcapGeometry
- xingIndex
: lumiQueryAPI.ParametersObject
- xingInfo
: generateEDF.LumiInfo
, generateEDF.LumiInfoCont
- xingMinLum
: lumiQueryAPI.ParametersObject
- xki2_max
: TSFit
- xlabel
: HistogramManager
- Xlabel
: listHistos.plotInfo
- xlabel()
: Overlayer
, python.rootplot.utilities.Hist
, python.rootplot.utilities.Hist2D
, python.rootplot.utilities.HistStack
- xlabel_
: Overlayer
- xlabels
: svgfig.Frame
, svgfig.Plot
- xLabels_
: RPCChamberQuality
- xlaserLine()
: Measurement
, MeasurementCOPS
- xLoc
: L1Analysis::L1AnalysisRecoRpcHitDataFormat
- xlogbase
: svgfig.Axes
, svgfig.Frame
, svgfig.Plot
- xM()
: PhotonFix
- xMatchGatti_
: CSCMake2DRecHit
- xmax()
: AbsHcalFunctor
, BaseNumericalRandomGenerator
, ClusterizingHistogram
, cscdqm::AddressBox
: DQMFEDIntegrityClient
, DQMSourceExample
- xMax
: DTTopology
, egHLT::BinData::Data2D
- xmax()
: fftjetcms::LinInterpolatedTable1D
, fftjetcms::LookupTable2d
, GammaFunctionGenerator
, HcalChebyshevFunctor
, HcalCubicInterpolator
, HcalInterpolatedTableFunctor
, HcalLinearCompositionFunctor
, HcalPiecewiseLinearFunctor
, HcalPolynomialFunctor
- xMax
: HLTObjectMonitor::hltPlot
, HLTObjectMonitorProtonLead::hltPlot
- xmax
: HLTObjectsMonitor::MEbinning
: HLXMonitor
- xmax
: HTMonitor::MEHTbinning
- xMax()
: JetCorrectorParameters::Record
- xmax
: JetMonitor::MEbinning
, MEbinning
, MEPSet
- xMax()
: METCorrectorParameters::Record
- xmax
: METMonitor::MEbinning
- xMax()
: MEtXYcorrectParameters::Record
- xmax
: MuonBremsstrahlungSimulator
, NoBPTXMonitor::NoBPTXbinning
- xMax
: SimpleHistogramGenerator
- xmax
: SummationStep
, svgfig.Axes
, svgfig.Grid
, svgfig.HGrid
, TrackerMap
, TriggerDQMBase::MEbinning
- xMax_
: Comparator
- xmax_
: ContentsXRange
, EcalHitMaker
- xMax_
: egPM::ParamBin1D< InputType, ParamType >
, egPM::ParamBin2D< InputType, ParamType >
, egPM::ParamBin3D< InputType, ParamType >
- xmax_
: fftjetcms::LinInterpolatedTable1D
, fftjetcms::LookupTable2d
- xMax_
: fit::HistoChiSquare< T >
, fit::HistoPoissonLikelihoodRatio< T >
, funct::HistoPdf
- xmax_
: HcalChebyshevFunctor
, HcalInterpolatedTableFunctor
, HcalPolynomialFunctor
, MeanWithinExpected
- xMax_
: PhotonAnalyzer
- xmaxup
: lhef::HEPRUP
- xmaxX
: OutputMEPSet
- xmaxY
: OutputMEPSet
- xmean_bins
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xmean_high
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xmean_low
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xmet_
: metsig::significanceAlgo
- xMiddle()
: JetCorrectorParameters::Record
, METCorrectorParameters::Record
, MEtXYcorrectParameters::Record
- xmin()
: AbsHcalFunctor
, BaseNumericalRandomGenerator
, BremsstrahlungSimulator
, ClusterizingHistogram
, cscdqm::AddressBox
: DQMFEDIntegrityClient
, DQMSourceExample
- xMin
: DTTopology
, egHLT::BinData::Data2D
- xmin()
: fftjetcms::LinInterpolatedTable1D
, fftjetcms::LookupTable2d
, GammaFunctionGenerator
, HcalChebyshevFunctor
, HcalCubicInterpolator
, HcalInterpolatedTableFunctor
, HcalLinearCompositionFunctor
, HcalPiecewiseLinearFunctor
, HcalPolynomialFunctor
- xMin
: HLTObjectMonitor::hltPlot
, HLTObjectMonitorProtonLead::hltPlot
- xmin
: HLTObjectsMonitor::MEbinning
: HLXMonitor
- xmin
: HTMonitor::MEHTbinning
- xMin()
: JetCorrectorParameters::Record
- xmin
: JetMonitor::MEbinning
, MEbinning
, MEPSet
- xMin()
: METCorrectorParameters::Record
- xmin
: METMonitor::MEbinning
- xMin()
: MEtXYcorrectParameters::Record
- xmin
: MuonBremsstrahlungSimulator
, NoBPTXMonitor::NoBPTXbinning
, PixelClusterizerBase::AccretionCluster
- xMin
: SimpleHistogramGenerator
- xmin
: SummationStep
, TrackerMap
, TriggerDQMBase::MEbinning
- xMin_
: Comparator
- xmin_
: ContentsXRange
, EcalHitMaker
- xMin_
: egPM::ParamBin1D< InputType, ParamType >
, egPM::ParamBin2D< InputType, ParamType >
, egPM::ParamBin3D< InputType, ParamType >
- xmin_
: fftjetcms::LinInterpolatedTable1D
, fftjetcms::LookupTable2d
- xMin_
: fit::HistoChiSquare< T >
, fit::HistoPoissonLikelihoodRatio< T >
, funct::HistoPdf
- xmin_
: HcalChebyshevFunctor
, HcalInterpolatedTableFunctor
, HcalPolynomialFunctor
- xMin_
: HCovarianceVSxy
, HFunctionResolution
- xmin_
: MeanWithinExpected
- xMin_
: PhotonAnalyzer
- xminiticks
: svgfig.Frame
, svgfig.Plot
- xminX
: OutputMEPSet
- xminY
: OutputMEPSet
- xml()
: geometryXMLparser.MuonGeometry
: Inspector.Inspector
- xml
: PhysicsTools::MVATrainer
, svgfig.SVG
- XMLAuthenticationService()
: cond::XMLAuthenticationService::XMLAuthenticationService
- XmlConfigParser()
: l1t::XmlConfigParser
- XMLConfigReader()
: XMLConfigReader
- XMLConfigWriter()
: XMLConfigWriter
- xmlDoc
: lhef::LHERunInfo::Header
- XMLDocument()
: lhef::XMLDocument
, XMLDocument
- XMLDOMBlock()
- xmlEvent
: lhef::LHEReader::XMLHandler
- xmlEventNodes
: lhef::LHEReader::XMLHandler
- XMLException
: cscdqm::Collection
- XmlFile
: options.ConnectionL1TMenuXml
- xmlFile_
: EcalBarrelMonitorDbModule
, MonitorElementsDb
, MonitorXMLParser
, SiStripCommissioningOfflineClient
- XMLfilename
: CastorPedestalsAnalysis
- xmlFileSource_
: EcalCondHandler< Payload, XMLTranslator >
, EcalFloatCondObjectContainerHandler
- XMLGeometryBuilder()
: XMLGeometryBuilder
- XMLGeometryReader()
: XMLGeometryReader
- XMLHandler()
: lhef::LHEReader::XMLHandler
- xmlHeader
: lhef::LHEReader::XMLHandler
- XMLIdealGeometryESProducer()
: XMLIdealGeometryESProducer
- XMLIdealGeometryESSource()
: XMLIdealGeometryESSource
- XMLIdealMagneticFieldGeometryESProducer()
: XMLIdealMagneticFieldGeometryESProducer
- XMLInputSourceWrapper()
: lhef::XMLInputSourceWrapper< T >
- XMLLUTLoader()
: XMLLUTLoader
- xmlModel
: L1TGlobalPrescalesVetosOnlineProd
- xmlNodes
: lhef::LHEReader::XMLHandler
- XMLPlatformUtils
: CalibrationXML
, cscdqm::Collection
- XMLProcessor
, XMLProcessor
- XMLSimpleStr()
: lhef::XMLSimpleStr
, XMLSimpleStr
- XMLString
: CalibrationXML
, cscdqm::Collection
- XMLtag
: CastorPedestalsAnalysis
- XMLUniStr()
: lhef::XMLUniStr
, XMLUniStr
- xNUnit()
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- xNunit_
: HcalTB02HistoClass
- Xobs_
: MillePedeFileReader
- XobsErr_
: MillePedeFileReader
- xoff_
: HiEvtPlaneFlatten
- xoffDB_
: HiEvtPlaneFlatten
- xOfflineVertex_
: PrimaryVertexValidation
- xoffset()
: RectangularPixelTopology
- xOfStrip()
: CSCLayerGeometry
, CSCRadialStripTopology
, RadialStripTopology
, TkRadialStripTopology
- XON()
: DTConfigBti
: edm::DocFormatHelper
- XORGroupDescription()
: edm::XORGroupDescription
- xorshift128p()
: DeDxHitInfoProducer
- XPar()
: MillePedeTrees
- xpar
: SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xpar0_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xparh_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xparhy0_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xparl_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xparly0_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- XParSi()
: MillePedeTrees
- xPCA_
: LhcTrackAnalyzer
, PrimaryVertexValidation
, TrackerDpgAnalysis
- xPDF
: gen::PdfInfo
: lhef::HEPEUP
- xPointOfClosestApproach
: dqm::TrackAnalyzer
- xPointOfClosestApproachToPV
: dqm::TrackAnalyzer
- xPointOfClosestApproachVsZ0wrt000
: dqm::TrackAnalyzer
- xPointOfClosestApproachVsZ0wrtBS
: dqm::TrackAnalyzer
- xPointOfClosestApproachVsZ0wrtPV
: dqm::TrackAnalyzer
- xpos
: DDHCalEndcapModuleAlgo::HcalEndcapPar
- XPos()
: MillePedeTrees
- xPos()
: reco::CastorTower
, Vx3DHLTAnalyzer
- XprimeResidual
: TrackerOfflineValidation
- xPull_
: PatVertexAnalyzer
- xQ
: EcalTBHodoscopeRecInfoAlgo::BeamTrack
- xQualityHodo
: TB06Reco
, TB06RecoH2
- xRange
: Vx3DHLTAnalyzer
- xRangeFit_
: PhotonMIPHaloTagger
: XrdAdaptor::RequestManager
, XrdStorageMaker
- XrdFile()
: XrdFile
- XrdReadStatistics()
: XrdAdaptor::XrdReadStatistics
, XrdAdaptor::XrdSiteStatistics
- XrdSiteStatistics
: XrdAdaptor::XrdReadStatistics
, XrdAdaptor::XrdSiteStatistics
- XrdStatisticsService
: XrdAdaptor::XrdSiteStatisticsInformation
, XrdAdaptor::XrdStatisticsService
- XrdStorageMaker()
: XrdStorageMaker
- xread()
: IOInput
- xreadv()
: IOInput
- xrec
: PrimaryVertexMonitor
- xresid_bins
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xresid_high
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xresid_low
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- XResidual
: TrackerOfflineValidation
- XResidualProfile
: TrackerOfflineValidation
- xrms()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xrms_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xrmsbcn()
: SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xrmsbcn_
: SiStripTemplate
- xrmsc2m()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xrmsc2m_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xrmsgen
: SiPixelGenErrorEntry
, SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- XrootdException()
: XrdAdaptor::XrootdException
- xrootdFlag
: RawFile
- xRpc
: L1TwinMux::PrimitiveCombiner::resolutions
- xS
: EcalTBHodoscopeRecInfoAlgo::BeamTrack
, PhotonFix
- xs()
: QcdLowPtDQM::Vertex
- xs_
: QcdLowPtDQM::Vertex
: DCCTBDataMapper
: DCCTBDataMapper
: DCCTBDataMapper
- xsec
: AlpgenHeader
- XSec()
: GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec
, GenRunInfoProduct::XSec
- xsec
: JetAnaPythia< Jet >
, lhef::LHERunInfo
- XSec()
: lhef::LHERunInfo::XSec
- xsec_
: GenXSecAnalyzer
: GetLumi
, PixelLumiDQM
: GetLumi
, PixelLumiDQM
- xsecAfterMatching_
: GenXSecAnalyzer
- xsecBeforeMatching_
: GenXSecAnalyzer
- xsecErr
: AlpgenHeader
- xsecGen
: JetAnaPythia< Jet >
- xsecPreFilter_
: GenXSecAnalyzer
- xSection
: config.MCComponent
- xsection
: DQMRivetClient::LumiOption
- xSection
: weight.Weight
- xsecup
: lhef::HEPRUP
- xSemiAxis()
: DDEllipsoid
, DDEllipticalTube
- xSEnergy
: HcalTB02Analysis
- xSEnergyN
: HcalTB02Analysis
- XsensorSize
: TrackProducerFP420
- XsensorSize_
: FP420TrackMain
- XShower_
: SiStripElectronAnalyzer
- xsi
: UrbanMscModel93
- xsigma2()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xsize()
: SiPixelGenError
, SiPixelGenErrorHeader
, SiPixelTemplate2D
, SiPixelTemplate
, SiPixelTemplateHeader2D
, SiPixelTemplateHeader
, SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateHeader
, TrackerMap
- xsize_
: SiPixelGenError
, SiPixelTemplate2D
, SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xsKaon
: CMSHadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_ATL::ThreadPrivate
- xSl
: DTMuonLocalAlignment
, MuonDTLocalMillepedeAlgorithm
, Residual1DHit
- xSL1SL3
: DTMuonLocalAlignment
, MuonDTLocalMillepedeAlgorithm
, Residual1DHit
- xSL3SL1
: DTMuonLocalAlignment
, MuonDTLocalMillepedeAlgorithm
, Residual1DHit
- xSlopeHodo
: TB06Reco
, TB06RecoH2
- xSlSL1
: DTMuonLocalAlignment
, MuonDTLocalMillepedeAlgorithm
, Residual1DHit
- xSlSL3
: DTMuonLocalAlignment
, MuonDTLocalMillepedeAlgorithm
, Residual1DHit
- xsNeutronCaptureXS
: CMSHadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_ATL::ThreadPrivate
- xsNeutronInelasticXS
: CMSHadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_ATL::ThreadPrivate
- xsputn()
: ext::basic_omemstream< Item_t, Traits_t, Allocator_t >
- xstdev_bins
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xstdev_high
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xstdev_low
: AlignmentMonitorMuonResiduals
- xstep()
: fftjetcms::LookupTable2d
- xStep
: Vx3DHLTAnalyzer
- XStr()
: XStr
- xSub1
: RPFlatParams::EP
- xSub2
: RPFlatParams::EP
- xSumCtau_
: XtoFFbarFilter
- xSumPt_
: XtoFFbarFilter
- xSumR_
: XtoFFbarFilter
- xT()
: CurvilinearTrajectoryParameters
- xt_asymmetry
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_asymmetry_ME12
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_asymmetry_ME13
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_asymmetry_ME1a
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_asymmetry_ME1b
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_asymmetry_ME21
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_asymmetry_ME22
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_asymmetry_ME31
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_asymmetry_ME32
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_asymmetry_ME41
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_l
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_lr0
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_lr1
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_lr2
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xt_r
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
: DCCTBDataMapper
: DCCTBDataMapper
: DCCTBDataMapper
- xtal_LSB_EB_
: EcalTPGParamBuilder
- xtal_LSB_EE_
: EcalTPGParamBuilder
: DCCTBDataMapper
: DCCTBDataMapper
: DCCTBDataMapper
- xtalAnalysis()
: HcalTB04Analysis
- xtalBlockFields
: DCCTBXtalBlock
- xtalBlocks()
: DCCTBTowerBlock
- xtalBlocks_
: DCCTBTowerBlock
- xtalBlocksById()
: DCCTBTowerBlock
- xtalBlockSize_
: DCCFEBlock
, DCCMemBlock
- xtalDataSamples()
: DCCTBXtalBlock
- xtalDetIds_
: EcalElectronicsMapper
: DCCTBDataMapper
- xtalFields()
: DCCTBDataMapper
- xtalFields_
: DCCTBDataMapper
- xtalGains_
: DCCFEBlock
- xtalGraphX()
: EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation
- xtalGraphY()
: EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation
- xtalID()
: DCCTBXtalBlock
- xtalId()
: EcalElectronicsId
: DCCTBDataMapper
: DCCTBDataMapper
: DCCTBDataMapper
- xtalInBeam
: TreeProducerCalibSimul
- xtalInBeam_
: EcalSimple2007H4TBAnalyzer
, EcalSimpleTBAnalyzer
, EcalTBValidation
- xtalInBeamTmp
: EcalSimple2007H4TBAnalyzer
- xtalIsOnModuleBorder()
: ZeeCalibration
- xtalk1
: StripCPE
- xtalk2
: StripCPE
- xTalk_
: HGCHEbackDigitizer
- xtalk_chi2_left
: CSCcrosstalk::Item
- xtalk_chi2_right
: CSCcrosstalk::Item
- xtalk_intercept_left
: CSCcrosstalk::Item
, CSCDBCrosstalk::Item
- xtalk_intercept_right
: CSCcrosstalk::Item
, CSCDBCrosstalk::Item
- xtalk_slope_left
: CSCcrosstalk::Item
, CSCDBCrosstalk::Item
- xtalk_slope_right
: CSCcrosstalk::Item
, CSCDBCrosstalk::Item
- xtalksOffset
: CSCXonStrip_MatchGatti
- xtalLMap
: DreamSD
, ECalSD
- Xtals3x3
: CalibrationCluster
- Xtals5x5
: CalibrationCluster
, EcalSimple2007H4TBAnalyzer
- XtalSamplesEv()
: TEcnaHistos
- XtalSamplesSigma()
: TEcnaHistos
- xtaltoadcn()
: TMEGeom
- xtalVerbose_
: EcalSimRawData
- xtemp
: big::bigEntry
, SiPixelTemplate
, SiPixelTemplateEntry
, SiStripTemplate
, SiStripTemplateEntry
- xtemp3d()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xtemp3d_int()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xtemp_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xtempIDX
: big::bigEntry
- xticks
: svgfig.Frame
, svgfig.Plot
- XTitle
: cuy.FindIssue
: hltPlot
- xtitle
: svgfig.Frame
- xto
- XtoFFbarFilter()
: XtoFFbarFilter
- xTotal_
: XtoFFbarFilter
- XTReqTimer()
: RootSig2XTReqHandler::XTReqTimer
- xTrigger()
: pat::TriggerPath
- XTrk
: TrackerSectorStruct
- xTrk
: TrackStruct::HitParameterStruct
- xTrkEcal
: hcalCalib
, ValidIsoTrkCalib
- xTrkHcal
: hcalCalib
, ValidIsoTrkCalib
- xtrp
: DataFormats_JetReco::dictionary4
- xTrue
: DQMSourceExample
- XType
: egPM::ParamBin1D< InputType, ParamType >
, egPM::ParamBin2D< InputType, ParamType >
, egPM::ParamBin3D< InputType, ParamType >
- xUnbiasedVertex_
: PrimaryVertexValidation
- xVar_
: HLTDQMHist2D< ObjType, XValType, YValType >
- xvariable
: HLTTauDQMTagAndProbePlotter
- xVarName_
: HLTDQMHist2D< ObjType, XValType, YValType >
- xVec()
: DDExtrudedPolygon
- xvec
: DDTrackerXYZPosAlgo
- xVSyEffHistos
: DTChamberEfficiencyTest
- xVtx_
: EnergyScaleAnalyzer
- xwA_
: TB06RecoH2
- xwB_
: TB06RecoH2
- xwC_
: TB06RecoH2
- xwgtup
: lhef::HEPEUP
- xwrite()
: IOOutput
- xwritev()
: IOOutput
- xx
: funct::GaussIntegrator
, LocalError
, TkRotation< T >
- xx_
: Averages
, sistrip::MeanAndStdDev
- xxnCSCHits
: CSCSkim
- xxnTrackerHits
: CSCSkim
- xxnValidHits
: CSCSkim
- xxP
: CSCSkim
- xxratio()
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xxratio_
: SiPixelTemplate
, SiStripTemplate
- xxredChiSq
: CSCSkim
- XXXX_1
: CSCDCCTrailer
- XXXX_2
: CSCDCCTrailer
- xxxxr
: FastSimDataFormats_CTPPSFastSim::dictionary
- xxxxt
: FastSimDataFormats_CTPPSFastSim::dictionary
- xy()
: Basic3DVector< T >
, Basic3DVector< long double >
, LocalError
, mathSSE::Vec4< T >
, mathSSE::Vec4< double >
, TkRotation< T >
- XYbin()
: TkLayerMap::XYbin
- XYCoord
: MEEBGeom
- XYdistanceFromMaxHit()
: RealisticHitToClusterAssociator
- XYdistanceFromPointOnSameLayer()
: RealisticHitToClusterAssociator
- xyImpactParameter()
: BaseParticlePropagator
: EEDetId
- xyoffcnt_
: HiEvtPlaneFlatten
- xyoffmult_
: HiEvtPlaneFlatten
- xypar
: SiPixelTemplateEntry2D
- xypary0x0_
: SiPixelTemplate2D
- xypary0x1_
: SiPixelTemplate2D
- xypary1x0_
: SiPixelTemplate2D
- xyPointsSize()
: DDExtrudedPolygon
- xysigma2()
: SiPixelTemplate2D
- xySymmetry()
: L1TOccupancyClient
- xytemp()
: SiPixelTemplate2D
, SiPixelTemplateEntry2D
- xytemp_
: SiPixelTemplate2D
- xyTranslationToReadout()
: RPAlignmentCorrectionData
- xytype
: FP420ClusterMain
, FP420DigiMain
, TrackProducerFP420
- xytype_
: FP420TrackMain
- xyvDmin4
: RPCDigiValid
- xyvDplu4
: RPCDigiValid
- xyview
: RPCDigiValid
- xyz
: BSFitData
, classes.PlotData
, HGCalGeomParameters::cellParameters
- xyz2HashedIndex
: EcalScDetId
- xyz_nbin
: ElectronMcFakeValidator
, ElectronMcSignalValidator
, ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD
- xyzErr
: BSFitData
- XYZNormal
: EcalHitMaker
- XYZPoint
: BaseCrystal
, CaloGeometryHelper
, CaloHitMaker
, CaloPoint
, CaloSegment
, Crystal
, CrystalPad
, EcalHitMaker
, EMShower
, HcalHitMaker
, HDShower
, HFShower
, PreshowerHitMaker
- XYZVector
: BaseCrystal
, CaloGeometryHelper
, CaloHitMaker
, CaloPoint
, CaloSegment
, Crystal
, CrystalPad
, EcalHitMaker
, HcalHitMaker
, PreshowerHitMaker
- xyzwidth
: BSFitData
- xyzwidthErr
: BSFitData
- xZ()
: PhotonFix
- xz()
: TkRotation< T >