433 parser =
'CMS conddb command-line tool for serialiation metadata. For general help (manual page), use the help subcommand.')
434 parser.add_argument(
'--db', type=str, help=
'The target database: pro ( for prod ) or dev ( for prep ). default=pro')
435 parser.add_argument(
"-a", type=str, help=
"The path of the authentication file")
436 parser.add_argument(
'-v', action=
'count', help=
'The verbosity level')
437 parser_subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title=
'Available subcommands')
438 parser_update_tags = parser_subparsers.add_parser(
'update_tags', description=
'Update the existing tags headers with the boost version')
439 parser_update_tags.add_argument(
'-n', type=str, help=
'Name of the specific tag to process (default=None - in this case all of the tags will be processed.')
440 parser_update_tags.add_argument(
'-m', type=int, help=
'the maximum number of tags processed',default=100)
441 parser_update_tags.add_argument(
'store_true', help=
'process all of the tags with boost_version = None')
442 parser_update_tags.set_defaults(func=tool.update_tags,accessType=
443 parser_insert_boost_version = parser_subparsers.add_parser(
'insert_boost_version', description=
'Insert a new boost version range in the run map')
444 parser_insert_boost_version.add_argument(
'-l',type=str, help=
'The boost version label',required=
445 parser_insert_boost_version.add_argument(
'-s',type=int, help=
'The since validity (run number)',required=
446 parser_insert_boost_version.set_defaults(func=tool.insert_boost_run,accessType=
447 parser_list_boost_versions = parser_subparsers.add_parser(
'list_boost_versions', description=
'list the boost versions in the run map')
448 parser_list_boost_versions.set_defaults(func=tool.list_boost_run,accessType=
'r') 449 parser_show_version = parser_subparsers.add_parser('show_boost_version', description=
'Display the minimum boost version for the specified tag (the value stored, by default)')
450 parser_show_version.add_argument(
'The name of the tag')
451 parser_show_version.add_argument(
'Re-calculate the minimum boost versio ')
452 parser_show_version.add_argument(
'Recalulate the minimum boost version, listing the versions in the iov sequence')
453 parser_show_version.set_defaults(func=tool.show_tag_boost_version,accessType=
'r') 454 args = parser.parse_args() 457 tool.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
463 sys.exit( args.func())
464 except Exception
as e: