9 flavorSource_ = FLAVOR_NULL;
18 flavorSource_(flavorSource),
20 progenitor_(progenitor),
22 matchedJet_(matchedJet),
67 sprintf(buff,
"%5d, status = %5d, nmo = %5d, nda = %5d, pt = %6.2f, eta = %6.2f, phi = %6.2f, m = %6.2f",
80 out <<
"Parton = " << cand.
key() <<
" : " << *(cand.
parton()) << endl;
84 out <<
"Sister = " << cand.
key() <<
" : " << *(cand.
sister()) << endl;
88 out <<
"sister jet = " << cand.
sisterJet() << endl;
90 out <<
"Ancestry: " << endl;
const reco::ShallowClonePtrCandidate & matchedJet() const
bool hasProgenitor() const
virtual const Candidate * mother(size_type i=0) const =0
return pointer to mother
reco::CandidatePtr progenitor_
FLAVOR_T flavorSource() const
virtual int status() const =0
status word
reco::ShallowClonePtrCandidate sisterJet_
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, BeamSpot beam)
virtual int pdgId() const =0
PDG identifier.
virtual size_type numberOfMothers() const =0
number of mothers (zero or one in most of but not all the cases)
bool hasSisterJet() const
reco::CandidatePtr sister_
reco::ShallowClonePtrCandidate matchedJet_
virtual double eta() const =0
momentum pseudorapidity
virtual double pt() const =0
transverse momentum
virtual double mass() const =0
const reco::CandidatePtr & sister() const
const reco::CandidatePtr & progenitor() const
const reco::ShallowClonePtrCandidate & sisterJet() const
reco::CandidatePtr parton_
virtual size_type numberOfDaughters() const =0
number of daughters
virtual double phi() const =0
momentum azimuthal angle
bool hasMatchedJet() const
const reco::CandidatePtr & parton() const