1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
15 makeTtFullLepEventTask = cms.Task(
16 makeTtFullLepHypothesesTask,
29 process.ttFullLepEvent.hypotheses.remove(
30 process.ttFullLepEvent.genEvent =
'' 36 modules = [
37 "ttFullLepHypGenMatch",
38 "ttFullLepHypKinSolution",
39 "kinSolutionTtFullLepEventHypothesis"]
40 for obj
in range(len(modules)):
41 object = getattr(process, modules[obj])
42 if hasattr(object, attribute):
43 setattr(object, attribute, value)
configure ttFullLepEventBuilder
def setForAllTtFullLepHypotheses(process, attribute, value)
set a specific attribute for all hypotheses to a given value -> this works for "jets", "leps", "mets", "maxNJets"
produce ttFullLepEvent structure with all necessary ingredients
def removeTtFullLepHypGenMatch(process)
helper functions (examples of usage can be found in the ttFullLepEvtBuilder_cfg.py) ...