Go to the documentation of this file.
2 //
3 //
45  public:
46  explicit OutsideInMuonSeeder(const edm::ParameterSet & iConfig);
47  virtual ~OutsideInMuonSeeder() { }
49  virtual void produce(edm::Event & iEvent, const edm::EventSetup & iSetup) override;
51  private:
87  bool debug_;
92  int doLayer(const GeometricSearchDet &layer,
93  const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &state,
94  std::vector<TrajectorySeed> &out,
95  const Propagator &muon_propagator,
96  const Propagator &tracker_propagator,
97  const MeasurementTrackerEvent &mte) const ;
98  void doDebug(const reco::Track &tk) const;
100 };
103  src_(consumes<edm::View<reco::Muon> >(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("src"))),
104  selector_(iConfig.existsAs<std::string>("cut") ? iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("cut") : "", true),
105  layersToTry_(iConfig.getParameter<int32_t>("layersToTry")),
106  hitsToTry_(iConfig.getParameter<int32_t>("hitsToTry")),
107  fromVertex_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("fromVertex")),
108  errorRescaling_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("errorRescaleFactor")),
109  trackerPropagatorName_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("trackerPropagator")),
110  muonPropagatorName_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("muonPropagator")),
111  measurementTrackerTag_(consumes<MeasurementTrackerEvent>(edm::InputTag("MeasurementTrackerEvent"))),
112  estimatorName_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("hitCollector")),
113  minEtaForTEC_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("minEtaForTEC")),
114  maxEtaForTOB_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("maxEtaForTOB")),
115  debug_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug",false)),
117 {
118  produces<std::vector<TrajectorySeed> >();
119  updatorName_ = "KFUpdator";
120 }
122 void
124  using namespace edm;
125  using namespace std;
127  iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(magfield_);
135  iEvent.getByToken(measurementTrackerTag_, measurementTracker);
137  ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> tmpTkGeometry;
138  iSetup.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().get(tmpTkGeometry);
141  iEvent.getByToken(src_, src);
144  auto out = std::make_unique<std::vector<TrajectorySeed>>();
146  for (View<reco::Muon>::const_iterator it = src->begin(), ed = src->end(); it != ed; ++it) {
147  const reco::Muon &mu = *it;
148  if (mu.outerTrack().isNull() || !selector_(mu)) continue;
149  if (debug_ && mu.innerTrack().isNonnull()) doDebug(*mu.innerTrack());
151  // Better clone here and not directly into doLayer to avoid
152  // useless clone/destroy operations to set, in the end, the
153  // very same direction every single time.
154  std::unique_ptr<Propagator> pmuon_cloned = SetPropagationDirection(*muonPropagator_,
156  std::unique_ptr<Propagator> ptracker_cloned = SetPropagationDirection(*trackerPropagator_, alongMomentum);
158  int sizeBefore = out->size();
159  if (debug_) LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "\n\n\nSeeding for muon of pt " << << ", eta " << mu.eta() << ", phi " << mu.phi() << std::endl;
160  const reco::Track &tk = *mu.outerTrack();
163  if (fromVertex_) {
165  dummyPlane_->move(fstate.position() - dummyPlane_->position());
166  state = TrajectoryStateOnSurface(fstate, *dummyPlane_);
167  } else {
169  }
170  if (std::abs(tk.eta()) < maxEtaForTOB_) {
171  std::vector< BarrelDetLayer const* > const & tob = measurementTracker->geometricSearchTracker()->tobLayers();
172  int found = 0;
173  int iLayer = tob.size();
174  if(iLayer==0) LogError("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "TOB has no layers." ;
176  for (auto it = tob.rbegin(), ed = tob.rend(); it != ed; ++it, --iLayer) {
177  if (debug_) LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "\n ==== Trying TOB " << iLayer << " ====" << std::endl;
178  if (doLayer(**it, state, *out,
179  *(pmuon_cloned.get()),
180  *(ptracker_cloned.get()),
181  *measurementTracker)) {
182  if (++found == layersToTry_) break;
183  }
184  }
185  }
186  if (tk.eta() > minEtaForTEC_) {
187  const auto& forwLayers = tmpTkGeometry->isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::P2OTEC) ?
188  measurementTracker->geometricSearchTracker()->posTidLayers() : measurementTracker->geometricSearchTracker()->posTecLayers();
189  if (tmpTkGeometry->isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::P2OTEC)) {
190  LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "\n We are using the Phase2 Outer Tracker (defined as a TID+). ";
191  }
192  LogTrace("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "\n ==== TEC+ tot layers " << forwLayers.size() << " ====" << std::endl;
193  int found = 0;
194  int iLayer = forwLayers.size();
195  if(iLayer==0) LogError("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "TEC+ has no layers." ;
197  if (debug_) LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "\n ==== Tot layers " << forwLayers.size() << " ====" << std::endl;
198  for (auto it = forwLayers.rbegin(), ed = forwLayers.rend(); it != ed; ++it, --iLayer) {
199  if (debug_) LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "\n ==== Trying Forward Layer +" << +iLayer << " ====" << std::endl;
200  if (doLayer(**it, state, *out,
201  *(pmuon_cloned.get()),
202  *(ptracker_cloned.get()),
203  *measurementTracker)) {
204  if (++found == layersToTry_) break;
205  }
206  }
207  }
208  if (tk.eta() < -minEtaForTEC_) {
209  const auto& forwLayers = tmpTkGeometry->isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::P2OTEC) ?
210  measurementTracker->geometricSearchTracker()->negTidLayers() : measurementTracker->geometricSearchTracker()->negTecLayers();
211  if (tmpTkGeometry->isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::P2OTEC)) {
212  LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "\n We are using the Phase2 Outer Tracker (defined as a TID-). ";
213  }
214  LogTrace("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "\n ==== TEC- tot layers " << forwLayers.size() << " ====" << std::endl;
215  int found = 0;
216  int iLayer = forwLayers.size();
217  if(iLayer==0) LogError("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "TEC- has no layers." ;
219  if (debug_) LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "\n ==== Tot layers " << forwLayers.size() << " ====" << std::endl;
220  for (auto it = forwLayers.rbegin(), ed = forwLayers.rend(); it != ed; ++it, --iLayer) {
221  if (debug_) LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "\n ==== Trying Forward Layer -" << -iLayer << " ====" << std::endl;
222  if (doLayer(**it, state, *out,
223  *(pmuon_cloned.get()),
224  *(ptracker_cloned.get()),
225  *measurementTracker)) {
226  if (++found == layersToTry_) break;
227  }
228  }
229  }
230  if (debug_) LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "Outcome of seeding for muon of pt " << << ", eta " << mu.eta() << ", phi " << mu.phi() << ": found " << (out->size() - sizeBefore) << " seeds."<< std::endl;
232  }
234  iEvent.put(std::move(out));
235 }
237 int
239  const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &state,
240  std::vector<TrajectorySeed> &out,
241  const Propagator & muon_propagator,
242  const Propagator & tracker_propagator,
244  TrajectoryStateOnSurface onLayer(state);
245  onLayer.rescaleError(errorRescaling_);
246  std::vector< GeometricSearchDet::DetWithState > dets;
247  layer.compatibleDetsV(onLayer, muon_propagator, *estimator_, dets);
249  if (debug_) {
250  LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "Query on layer around x = " << onLayer.globalPosition() <<
251  " with local pos error " << sqrt(onLayer.localError().positionError().xx()) << " , " << sqrt(onLayer.localError().positionError().yy()) << " , " <<
252  " returned " << dets.size() << " compatible detectors" << std::endl;
253  }
255  std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> meas;
256  for (std::vector<GeometricSearchDet::DetWithState>::const_iterator it = dets.begin(), ed = dets.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
257  MeasurementDetWithData det = measurementTracker.idToDet(it->first->geographicalId());
258  if (det.isNull()) { std::cerr << "BOGUS detid " << it->first->geographicalId().rawId() << std::endl; continue; }
259  if (!it->second.isValid()) continue;
260  std::vector < TrajectoryMeasurement > mymeas = det.fastMeasurements(it->second, state, tracker_propagator, *estimator_);
261  if (debug_) LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << "Query on detector " << it->first->geographicalId().rawId() << " returned " << mymeas.size() << " measurements." << std::endl;
262  for (std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement>::const_iterator it2 = mymeas.begin(), ed2 = mymeas.end(); it2 != ed2; ++it2) {
263  if (it2->recHit()->isValid()) meas.push_back(*it2);
264  }
265  }
266  int found = 0;
267  std::sort(meas.begin(), meas.end(), TrajMeasLessEstim());
268  for (std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement>::const_iterator it2 = meas.begin(), ed2 = meas.end(); it2 != ed2; ++it2) {
269  if (debug_) {
270  LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << " inspecting Hit with chi2 = " << it2->estimate() << std::endl;
271  LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << " track state " << it2->forwardPredictedState().globalPosition() << std::endl;
272  LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << " rechit position " << it2->recHit()->globalPosition() << std::endl;
273  }
274  TrajectoryStateOnSurface updated = updator_->update(it2->forwardPredictedState(), *it2->recHit());
275  if (updated.isValid()) {
276  if (debug_) LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << " --> updated state: x = " << updated.globalPosition() << ", p = " << updated.globalMomentum() << std::endl;
278  seedHits.push_back(*it2->recHit()->hit());
279  PTrajectoryStateOnDet const & pstate = trajectoryStateTransform::persistentState(updated, it2->recHit()->geographicalId().rawId());
280  TrajectorySeed seed(pstate, std::move(seedHits), oppositeToMomentum);
281  out.push_back(seed);
282  found++; if (found == hitsToTry_) break;
283  }
284  }
285  return found;
286 }
288 void
291  std::unique_ptr<Propagator> pmuon_cloned = SetPropagationDirection(*muonPropagator_, alongMomentum);
292  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tk.recHitsSize(); ++i) {
293  const TrackingRecHit *hit = &*tk.recHit(i);
294  const GeomDet *det = geometry_->idToDet(hit->geographicalId());
295  if (det == 0) continue;
296  if (i != 0) tsos = pmuon_cloned->propagate(tsos, det->surface());
297  if (!tsos.isValid()) continue;
298  LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << " state " << i << " at x = " << tsos.globalPosition() << ", p = " << tsos.globalMomentum() << std::endl;
299  if (hit->isValid()) {
300  LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << " valid rechit on detid " << hit->geographicalId().rawId() << std::endl;
301  } else {
302  LogDebug("OutsideInMuonSeeder") << " invalid rechit on detid " << hit->geographicalId().rawId() << std::endl;
303  }
304  }
305 }
#define LogDebug(id)
int hitsToTry_
How many hits to try on same layer.
TkRotation< Scalar > RotationType
Definition: Definitions.h:29
virtual double pt() const final
transverse momentum
MeasurementDetWithData idToDet(const DetId &id) const
Previous MeasurementDetSystem interface.
float xx() const
Definition: LocalError.h:24
OrphanHandle< PROD > put(std::unique_ptr< PROD > product)
Put a new product.
Definition: Event.h:122
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:252
virtual double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity
virtual TrackRef innerTrack() const
Definition: Muon.h:48
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:457
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:17
size_t recHitsSize() const
Get number of RecHits. (Warning, this includes invalid hits, which are not physical hits)...
Definition: Track.h:119
edm::ESHandle< Chi2MeasurementEstimatorBase > estimator_
edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > magfield_
PTrajectoryStateOnDet persistentState(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, unsigned int detid)
edm::ESHandle< GlobalTrackingGeometry > geometry_
GlobalPoint globalPosition() const
edm::ESHandle< Propagator > trackerPropagator_
edm::ESHandle< TrajectoryStateUpdator > updator_
const Plane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:42
LocalError positionError() const
int doLayer(const GeometricSearchDet &layer, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &state, std::vector< TrajectorySeed > &out, const Propagator &muon_propagator, const Propagator &tracker_propagator, const MeasurementTrackerEvent &mte) const
Definition: Plane.h:17
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface update(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const TrackingRecHit &) const =0
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes(edm::InputTag const &tag)
bool isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector subdet) const
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
Point3DBase< Scalar, GlobalTag > PositionType
Definition: Definitions.h:30
virtual double phi() const final
momentum azimuthal angle
virtual const GeomDet * idToDet(DetId) const
std::unique_ptr< Propagator > SetPropagationDirection(Propagator const &iprop, PropagationDirection dir)
void push_back(D *&d)
Definition: OwnVector.h:290
std::string trackerPropagatorName_
int iEvent
double eta() const
pseudorapidity of momentum vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:646
float yy() const
Definition: LocalError.h:26
bool debug_
Dump deug information.
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
std::vector< TrajectoryMeasurement > fastMeasurements(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stateOnThisDet, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos2, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
virtual void produce(edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) override
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:22
const LocalTrajectoryError & localError() const
bool isNull() const
Checks for null.
Definition: Ref.h:249
#define LogTrace(id)
virtual TrackRef outerTrack() const
reference to Track reconstructed in the muon detector only
Definition: Muon.h:51
edm::ESHandle< Propagator > muonPropagator_
GlobalPoint position() const
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:56
bool isValid() const
int layersToTry_
How many layers to try.
StringCutObjectSelector< reco::Muon > selector_
Muon selection.
double errorRescaling_
How much to rescale errors from STA.
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Muon > > src_
Labels for input collections.
void doDebug(const reco::Track &tk) const
fixed size matrix
HLT enums.
GlobalVector globalMomentum() const
boost::indirect_iterator< typename seq_t::const_iterator > const_iterator
Definition: View.h:86
TrackingRecHitRef recHit(size_t i) const
Get i-th hit on the track.
Definition: Track.h:114
edm::EDGetTokenT< MeasurementTrackerEvent > measurementTrackerTag_
DetId geographicalId() const
Plane::PlanePointer dummyPlane_
Surface used to make a TSOS at the PCA to the beamline.
std::string measurementTrackerName_
FreeTrajectoryState initialFreeState(const reco::Track &tk, const MagneticField *field, bool withErr=true)
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
bool fromVertex_
Do inside-out.
virtual void compatibleDetsV(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetWithState > &result) const
def move(src, dest)
OutsideInMuonSeeder(const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
TrajectoryStateOnSurface innerStateOnSurface(const reco::Track &tk, const TrackingGeometry &geom, const MagneticField *field, bool withErr=true)