![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
array = line.split() | |
int | batchExited = 0 |
int | batchSuccess = 0 |
int | cfgerr = 0 |
int | cmdNotFound = 0 |
columns = line.split() | |
string | command = eos+' ls -l ' |
float | cpuFactor = 2.125 |
int | cputime = -1 |
string | disabled = "" |
string | eazeLog = 'jobData/' |
int | emptyDatErr = 0 |
int | emptyDatOnFarm = 0 |
int | endofjob = 0 |
int | eofile = 1 |
string | eos = '/afs/cern.ch/project/eos/installation/cms/bin/eos.select' |
eoslsoutput = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).split('\n') | |
int | exceptionCaught = 0 |
string | farmhost = ' ' |
int | finished = 0 |
int | fw8001 = 0 |
int | insuffPriv = 0 |
int | ioprob = 0 |
int | killed = 0 |
lib = mpslib.jobdatabase() | |
string | logZipped = 'no' |
match = re.search(re.compile('This process used .+?(\d+) KSI2K seconds',re.M|re.I), line) | |
mem = match.group(1) | |
memoryratio = usedPedeMem/(lib.pedeMem/1024.) | |
string | milleOut = 'milleBinary%03d.dat' |
int | mOutSize = 0 |
tuple | msg |
int | nEvent = 0 |
string | okStatus = 'OK' |
int | pedeAbend = 0 |
int | pedeLogErr = 0 |
string | pedeLogErrStr = "" |
int | pedeLogWrn = 0 |
string | pedeLogWrnStr = "" |
int | quota = 0 |
int | quotaspace = 0 |
string | remark = "" |
int | rfioerr = 0 |
int | segviol = 0 |
string | stdOut = 'jobData/' |
int | timel = 0 |
int | timeout = 0 |
int | tooManyTracks = 0 |
int | usedPedeMem = 0 |
mps_check.array = line.split() |
Definition at line 185 of file mps_check.py.
Referenced by dirstructure.Directory.__create_pie_image(), progressbar.ProgressBar._handle_resize(), FWSiStripClusterProxyBuilder.build(), cmsPerfRegress.cmpTimingReport(), Vispa.Views.RootCanvasView.RootCanvasView.createGraph(), HcalGeomParameters.getConstDzHF(), FWGeometry.getEveShape(), GaussianTailNoiseGenerator.getRandomChannels(), ROOTData.literal2root(), ROOTData.loadStreamerInfo(), compare.makeEffPlotsVars(), fitWZ.MyChi2(), DQMStore.print_trace(), npstat::ArrayND< Num1, Len1, Dim1 >.version(), and SimpleHistogramGenerator.~SimpleHistogramGenerator().
int mps_check.batchExited = 0 |
Definition at line 33 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.batchSuccess = 0 |
Definition at line 32 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.cfgerr = 0 |
Definition at line 52 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.cmdNotFound = 0 |
Definition at line 55 of file mps_check.py.
mps_check.columns = line.split() |
Definition at line 213 of file mps_check.py.
Referenced by FWTableViewManager.addToImpl(), l1t::Parameter.getColumnIndices(), CSCTFAlignmentOnlineProd.newObject(), CSCTFConfigOnlineProd.newObject(), L1GctJetFinderParamsOnlineProd.newObject(), L1MuGMTChannelMaskOnlineProducer.newObject(), L1MuTriggerPtScaleOnlineProducer.newObject(), L1MuTriggerScalesOnlineProducer.newObject(), L1GtTriggerMaskAlgoTrigConfigOnlineProd.newObject(), L1GtTriggerMaskTechTrigConfigOnlineProd.newObject(), L1GtTriggerMaskVetoTechTrigConfigOnlineProd.newObject(), L1GtParametersConfigOnlineProd.newObject(), L1GtPrescaleFactorsAlgoTrigConfigOnlineProd.newObject(), L1GtPrescaleFactorsTechTrigConfigOnlineProd.newObject(), l1t::Parameter.Parameter(), SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm.pixel_inefficiency(), edm::DataMixingSiPixelMCDigiWorker.putSiPixel(), FWTableViewManager.setFrom(), l1t::TableRow.setRowColumns(), l1t::TableRow.setTableId(), l1t::Setting.Setting(), and L1GtTriggerMenuConfigOnlineProd.tableMenuGeneralFromDB().
string mps_check.command = eos+' ls -l ' |
Definition at line 26 of file mps_check.py.
float mps_check.cpuFactor = 2.125 |
Definition at line 109 of file mps_check.py.
mps_check.cputime = -1 |
Definition at line 46 of file mps_check.py.
string mps_check.disabled = "" |
Definition at line 63 of file mps_check.py.
Referenced by FWCollectionSummaryWidget.itemChanged(), FWCollectionSummaryWidget.setBackgroundToWhite(), FWCollectionSummaryWidget.toggleShowHide(), and FWTableView.toggleShowHide().
string mps_check.eazeLog = 'jobData/' |
Definition at line 122 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.emptyDatErr = 0 |
Definition at line 53 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.emptyDatOnFarm = 0 |
Definition at line 54 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.endofjob = 0 |
Definition at line 35 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.eofile = 1 |
Definition at line 36 of file mps_check.py.
string mps_check.eos = '/afs/cern.ch/project/eos/installation/cms/bin/eos.select' |
Definition at line 25 of file mps_check.py.
mps_check.eoslsoutput = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).split('\n') |
Definition at line 27 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.exceptionCaught = 0 |
Definition at line 50 of file mps_check.py.
string mps_check.farmhost = ' ' |
Definition at line 333 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.finished = 0 |
Definition at line 34 of file mps_check.py.
Referenced by edm::eventsetup::DataProxyProvider.invalidateProxies(), and edm::eventsetup::DataProxyProvider.resetProxiesIfTransient().
int mps_check.fw8001 = 0 |
Definition at line 40 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.insuffPriv = 0 |
Definition at line 56 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.ioprob = 0 |
Definition at line 39 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.killed = 0 |
Definition at line 38 of file mps_check.py.
mps_check.lib = mpslib.jobdatabase() |
Definition at line 19 of file mps_check.py.
string mps_check.logZipped = 'no' |
Definition at line 148 of file mps_check.py.
Definition at line 107 of file mps_check.py.
mps_check.mem = match.group(1) |
Definition at line 239 of file mps_check.py.
mps_check.memoryratio = usedPedeMem/(lib.pedeMem/1024.) |
Definition at line 250 of file mps_check.py.
string mps_check.milleOut = 'milleBinary%03d.dat' |
Definition at line 205 of file mps_check.py.
mps_check.mOutSize = 0 |
Definition at line 210 of file mps_check.py.
tuple mps_check.msg |
Definition at line 254 of file mps_check.py.
mps_check.nEvent = 0 |
Definition at line 45 of file mps_check.py.
string mps_check.okStatus = 'OK' |
Definition at line 335 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.pedeAbend = 0 |
Definition at line 47 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.pedeLogErr = 0 |
Definition at line 48 of file mps_check.py.
string mps_check.pedeLogErrStr = "" |
Definition at line 59 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.pedeLogWrn = 0 |
Definition at line 49 of file mps_check.py.
string mps_check.pedeLogWrnStr = "" |
Definition at line 60 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.quota = 0 |
Definition at line 44 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.quotaspace = 0 |
Definition at line 57 of file mps_check.py.
string mps_check.remark = "" |
Definition at line 61 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.rfioerr = 0 |
Definition at line 43 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.segviol = 0 |
Definition at line 42 of file mps_check.py.
string mps_check.stdOut = 'jobData/' |
Definition at line 70 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.timel = 0 |
Definition at line 37 of file mps_check.py.
int mps_check.timeout = 0 |
Definition at line 51 of file mps_check.py.
Referenced by gen::Herwig6Instance.callWithTimeout(), FedRawDataInputSource.getNextEvent(), StormLcgGtStorageMaker.getTURL(), FedRawDataInputSource.readSupervisor(), XrdAdaptor::RequestManager.requestFailure(), gen::Herwig6Instance.setHerwigRandomEngine(), XrdStorageMaker.setTimeout(), and DTCtcp.WaitData().
int mps_check.tooManyTracks = 0 |
Definition at line 41 of file mps_check.py.
mps_check.usedPedeMem = 0 |
Definition at line 231 of file mps_check.py.