1 #ifndef MILLEPEDEVARIABLES_H 2 #define MILLEPEDEVARIABLES_H 83 bool isFixed(
unsigned int nParam)
unsigned int hitsX() const
get number of hits for x-measurement
unsigned int label() const
get alignable label as used by pede
const std::vector< float > & globalCor() const
get global correlation array
unsigned int size() const
number of parameters
void increaseHitsX(unsigned int add=1)
increase hits for x-measurement
std::vector< float > & preSigma()
get array of presigmas (<= 0: means fixed) for changing it
void increaseHitsY(unsigned int add=1)
increase hits for y-measurement
bool isFixed(unsigned int nParam) const
true if parameter is fixed
std::vector< bool > myIsValid
const std::vector< float > & parameter() const
get array of parameters
void add(const std::vector< const T * > &source, std::vector< const T * > &dest)
virtual ~MillePedeVariables()
virtual MillePedeVariables * clone() const
std::vector< bool > & isValid()
get valid flag array for changing it
void setHitsY(unsigned int hitsY)
const std::vector< float > & preSigma() const
get array of presigmas (<= 0: means fixed)
std::vector< float > & parameter()
get array of parameters for changing it
unsigned int hitsY() const
get number of hits for y-measurement
const std::vector< float > & sigma() const
get array of sigmas
std::vector< float > myDiffBefore
(Abstract) Base class for alignment algorithm user variables
std::vector< float > & sigma()
get array of sigmas for changing it
const std::vector< float > & diffBefore() const
get array of differences to start value
std::vector< float > myParameter
<= 0 means fixed
const std::vector< bool > & isValid() const
get valid flag array
std::vector< float > mySigma
std::vector< float > myPreSigma
std::vector< float > & diffBefore()
get array of differences to start value for changing it
void setLabel(unsigned int label)
set alignable label as used by pede
std::vector< float > myGlobalCor
bool setAllDefault(unsigned int nParam)
set default values for all data concerning nParam (false if nParam out of range)
void setHitsX(unsigned int hitsX)
std::vector< float > & globalCor()
get global correlation array for changing it