35 #include <TProfile2D.h> 37 #include <TDirectory.h> 46 : myRootDir(0), myDeleteDir(
false), trackerTopology(tTopo)
48 myRootDir = TFile::Open(rootFileName,
77 if (!directory)
return false;
78 TDirectory *oldDir = gDirectory;
80 const int kNumBins = 20;
81 double binsPt[kNumBins+1] = {0.};
87 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"p_{t}(track);p_{t} [GeV]",
90 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"p_{t}(track);p_{t} [GeV]",
91 kNumBins, binsPt[0], binsPt[kNumBins]));
93 kNumBins, binsPt[0], 1.3*binsPt[kNumBins]));
94 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#eta(track);#eta", 26, -2.6, 2.6));
98 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit}(track);N_{hit}", 40, 5., 45.));
99 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, BPIX}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
100 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, FPIX}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
101 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, BPIXplus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
102 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, BPIXminus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
103 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, PIXEL}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
104 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TIB}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
105 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TOB}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
106 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TIDplus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
107 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TIDminus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
108 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TID}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
109 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TECplus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
110 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TECminus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
111 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, TEC}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
112 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, ENDCAPplus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
113 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, ENDCAPminus}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
114 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, ENDCAP}(track);N_{hit}", 45, 0., 45.));
115 myTrackHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"N_{hit, ENDCAP}(track);N_{hit, plus};N_{hit, minus}",
116 45, 0., 45.,45, 0., 45.));
117 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"N_{hit, invalid}(track)", 5, 0., 5.));
118 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"r(1st hit);r [cm]", 20, 0., 20.));
119 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#phi(1st hit);#phi",
121 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"y(1st hit);y [cm]", 40, -120., +120.));
122 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"z(1st hit);z [cm]", 20, -50, +50));
123 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"r(1st hit);r_{#pm} [cm]",
125 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"z(1st hit);z [cm]", 20, -300., +300.));
126 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"r(last hit);r [cm]", 20, 20., 120.));
127 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#phi(last hit);#phi",
129 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"y(last hit);y [cm]", 40, -120., +120.));
130 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"z(last hit);z [cm]", 30, -300., +300.));
131 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2}/ndf;#chi^{2}/ndf", 500, 0., 50.));
132 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"impact parameter in z", 20, -20., 20.));
133 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"error of impact parameter in z",
135 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"impact parameter in r#phi", 51, -0.05, .05));
136 myTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"error of impact parameter in r#phi",
139 myTrackHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"rz(1st hit);z [cm]; r_{#pm} [cm]",
140 40, -282., +282., 40, -115., +115.));
141 myTrackHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"xy(1st hit);x [cm]; y [cm]",
142 40, -115., +115., 40, -115., +115.));
144 TDirectory *dirTracks = directory->mkdir(
"input tracks");
152 myUsedTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"n(x-hits) transferred to pede;n(x-hits)", nHits, 0., nHits));
153 myUsedTrackHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"n(y-hits) transferred to pede;n(y-hits)", 10, 0., 10));
155 TDirectory *dirUsedTracks = directory->mkdir(
"used tracks");
164 "mean of |#rho|, #rho#neq0;hit x/y;hit x/y;",
165 2*nHits, 0., nHits, 2*nHits, 0., nHits));
167 (
new TProfile2D(
"mean of |#rho|, #rho#neq0, no xy_{hit};hit x/y;hit x/y;",
168 2*nHits, 0., nHits, 2*nHits, 0., nHits));
171 "hit correlations: off-block-diagonals;N(hit);#rho",
172 2*nHits, 0., nHits, 81, -.06, .06));
173 TArrayD logBins(102);
174 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize()-1, 1.E-11, .1);
176 "hit correlations: off-block-diagonals;N(hit);|#rho|",
177 2*nHits, 0., nHits, logBins.GetSize()-1, logBins.GetArray()));
180 nHits, 0., nHits, 81, -.5, .5));
182 (
new TH2F(
"hit correlations: xy, 2D-det.;N(hit);#rho",
183 nHits, 0., nHits, 81, -.02, .02));
184 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize()-1, 1.E-10, .5);
185 myTrajectoryHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"hit correlations: xy;N(hit);|#rho|",
186 nHits, 0., nHits, logBins.GetSize()-1, logBins.GetArray()));
188 (
new TH2F(
"hit correlations: xy, 2D-det.;N(hit);|#rho|",
189 nHits, 0., nHits, logBins.GetSize()-1, logBins.GetArray()));
192 myTrajectoryHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"local x measurements;x", 101, -6., 6.));
199 myTrajectoryHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"local x residual;#Deltax", 101, -.75, .75));
202 myTrajectoryHists1D.push_back(
new TH1F(
"local x reduced residual;#Deltax/#sigma",
205 (
new TH1F(
"local y reduced residual, 2D-det.;#Deltay/#sigma", 101, -20., 20.));
209 nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -6., 6.));
210 myTrajectoryHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"local y measurements, 2D-det.;hit;y",
211 nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -10., 10.));
213 nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -6., 6.));
214 myTrajectoryHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"local y trajectory, 2D-det.;hit;y",
215 nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -10., 10.));
218 nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -.75, .75));
219 myTrajectoryHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"local y residual, 2D-det.;hit;#Deltay",
220 nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -1., 1.));
222 (
new TH2F(
"local x reduced residual;hit;#Deltax/#sigma",
223 nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -20., 20.));
225 (
new TH2F(
"local y reduced residual, 2D-det.;hit;#Deltay/#sigma",
226 nHits, 0., nHits, 101, -20., 20.));
230 "mean derivatives;hit x/y;parameter;",
231 2*nHits, 0., nHits, 10, 0., 10.));
234 (
new TH2F(
235 10, 0., 10., 101, -20., 20.));
236 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize()-1, 1.E-12, 100.);
238 (
new TH2F(
239 10, 0., 10., logBins.GetSize()-1, logBins.GetArray()));
241 (
new TH2F(
242 "derivatives vs. #phi;#phi(geomDet);#partial(x/y)_{local}/#partial(param)",
246 TDirectory *dirTraject = directory->mkdir(
252 (
new TH2F(
"local derivatives vs. paramater;parameter;#partial/#partial(param)",
253 6, 0., 6., 101, -200., 200.));
255 (
new TH2F(
"local derivatives vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);#partial/#partial(param)",
257 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize()-1, 1.E-13, 150.);
259 (
new TH2F(
260 "local derivatives (#neq 0) vs. parameter;parameter;|#partial/#partial(param)|",
261 6, 0., 6., logBins.GetSize()-1, logBins.GetArray()));
263 (
new TH2F(
264 "local derivatives (#neq 0) vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);|#partial/#partial(param)|",
268 (
new TH2F(
269 "global derivatives vs. paramater;parameter;#partial/#partial(param)",
270 maxParNum, 0., maxParNum, 100, -200, 200));
272 (
new TH2F(
273 "global derivatives vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);#partial/#partial(param)",
275 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize()-1, 1.E-7, 5.e2);
277 (
new TH2F(
278 "global derivatives (#neq 0) vs. parameter;parameter;|#partial/#partial(param)|",
279 maxParNum, 0., maxParNum, logBins.GetSize()-1, logBins.GetArray()));
281 (
new TH2F(
282 "global derivatives (#neq 0) vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);|#partial/#partial(param)|",
290 TDirectory *dirDerivs = directory->mkdir(
"derivatives etc.");
294 myResidHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"residuum vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);residuum[cm]",
296 myResidHists2D.push_back(
new TH2F(
"#sigma vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);#sigma[cm]",
299 "residuum/#sigma vs. #phi(det);#phi(det);residuum/#sigma",
339 TDirectory *dirResid = directory->mkdir(
"hit residuals, sigma,...");
345 std::vector<TH1*> allResidHistsX;
346 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
"hit residuals;residuum [cm]", 101,-.5,.5));
348 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
"hit uncertainties;#sigma [cm]", 100,0.,1.));
350 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
"reduced hit residuals;res./#sigma",
353 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#phi_{tr} wrt normal (sens. plane);#phi_{n}^{sens}",
354 50, 0., TMath::PiOver2()));
355 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH2F(
356 "residuum vs. #phi_{tr} wrt normal (sens. plane);#phi_{n}^{sens};residuum [cm]",
357 50, 0., TMath::PiOver2(), 51, -1., 1.));
358 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize()-1, 1.E-6, 100.);
359 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH2F(
360 "#sigma vs. #phi_{tr} wrt normal (sens. plane);#phi_{n}^{sens};#sigma [cm]",
361 50, 0., TMath::PiOver2(), logBins.GetSize()-1, logBins.GetArray()));
362 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH2F(
363 "reduced residuum vs. #phi_{tr} wrt normal (sens. plane);#phi_{n}^{sens};res./#sigma",
364 50, 0., TMath::PiOver2(), 51, -15., 15.));
366 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
367 "hit residuals (#phi_{n}^{sens}>45#circ);residuum [cm]",
370 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
371 "hit uncertainties(#phi_{n}^{sens}>45#circ);#sigma [cm]",
374 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
375 "reduced hit residuals(#phi_{n}^{sens}>45#circ);res./#sigma",
378 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
379 "hit residuals (#phi_{n}^{sens}<45#circ);residuum [cm]",
382 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
383 "hit uncertainties(#phi_{n}^{sens}<45#circ);#sigma [cm]",
386 allResidHistsX.push_back(
new TH1F(
387 "reduced hit residuals(#phi_{n}^{sens}<45#circ);res./#sigma",
398 for (
unsigned int iHit = 0; iHit < 30; ++iHit) {
399 for (
unsigned int iHist = 0; iHist < 4 && iHist < allResidHistsX.size(); ++iHist) {
400 TH1 *
h = allResidHistsX[iHist];
401 myResidHitHists1DX.push_back(static_cast<TH1*>(h->Clone(Form(
"%s_%d", h->GetName(), iHit))));
406 TDirectory *dirResidX =
407 (dirResid ? dirResid :
"hit residuals etc. for x measurements");
416 std::vector<TH1*> &yHists1D = allResidHistsX;
425 TDirectory *dirResidY =
426 (dirResid ? dirResid :
"hit residuals etc. for y measurements");
435 "mean frame to frame derivatives;col;row",
436 6, 0., 6., 6, 0., 6.));
438 "mean |frame to frame derivatives|, #neq0;col;row",
439 6, 0., 6., 6, 0., 6.));
441 this->
equidistLogBins(logBins.GetArray(), logBins.GetSize()-1, 1.E-36, 100.);
442 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i < 6; ++
i) {
443 for (
unsigned int j = 0;
j < 6; ++
j) {
445 (
new TH2F(Form(
446 Form(
"frame to frame derivatives, %d%d;#phi(aliDet);deriv",
450 (
new TH2F(Form(
451 Form(
"frame to frame derivatives, %d%d;r(aliDet);deriv",
452 51, 0., 110., 10, 0., 1.));
456 (
new TH2F(Form(
457 Form(
"frame to frame |derivatives|, %d%d, #neq0;#phi(aliDet);deriv",
460 (
new TH2F(Form(
461 Form(
"frame to frame |derivatives|, %d%d, #neq0;r(aliDet);deriv",
462 51, 0., 110., logBins.GetSize()-1, logBins.GetArray()));
466 TDirectory *dirF2f = directory->mkdir(
"derivatives etc.");
470 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in pixel barrel", 50, -.5, .5));
471 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in forward pixel", 50, -.5, .5));
472 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in TIB", 50, -.5, .5));
473 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in TID", 50, -1., 1.));
474 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in TOB", 50, -.5, .5));
475 myCorrHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#rho_{xy} in TEC", 50, -1., 1.));
476 TDirectory *dirCorr = directory->mkdir(
480 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2} from PXB survey", 25, 0, 25));
481 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2} from PXB survey", 25, 0, 500));
482 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"#chi^{2} from PXB survey", 25, 0, 50000));
483 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"Math::Prob(#chi^{2},4) from PXB survey", 25, 0, 1));
484 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"a_{0} from PXB survey", 100, -3000, 3000));
485 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"fabs(a_{0}) from PXB survey", 100, 0, 3000));
486 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"a_{1} from PXB survey", 100, -6000, 6000));
487 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"fabs(a_{1}) from PXB survey", 100, 0, 6000));
488 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"scale (#sqrt{a_{2}^{2}+a_{3}^{2}}) from PXB survey", 100, 0, 1500));
489 myPxbSurveyHists.push_back(
new TH1F(
"angle(#atan{a_{3}/a_{4}}) from PXB survey", 100, -.05, .05));
490 TDirectory *dirPxbSurvey = directory->mkdir(
507 if (nBins < 1 || first <= 0. || last <= 0.)
return false;
511 const double firstLog = TMath::Log10(bins[0]);
512 const double lastLog = TMath::Log10(bins[nBins]);
513 for (
int i = 1;
i < nBins; ++
i) {
514 bins[
i] = TMath::Power(10., firstLog +
542 std::vector<TH2*> &trackHists2D)
548 static const int iPtLog = this->
549 trackHists1D[iPtLog]->Fill(track->
550 static const int iPt = this->
551 trackHists1D[iPt]->Fill(track->
552 static const int iP = this->
553 trackHists1D[iP]->Fill(
554 static const int iEta = this->
555 trackHists1D[iEta]->Fill(
556 static const int iTheta = this->
557 trackHists1D[iTheta]->Fill(
558 static const int iPhi = this->
559 trackHists1D[iPhi]->Fill(
561 static const int iNhit = this->
563 static const int iNhitInvalid = this->
566 int nhitinTIB = 0, nhitinTOB = 0, nhitinTID = 0;
567 int nhitinTEC = 0, nhitinBPIX = 0, nhitinFPIX = 0, nhitinPIXEL=0;
568 int nhitinENDCAP = 0, nhitinENDCAPplus = 0, nhitinENDCAPminus = 0;
569 int nhitinTIDplus = 0, nhitinTIDminus = 0;
570 int nhitinFPIXplus = 0, nhitinFPIXminus = 0;
571 int nhitinTECplus = 0, nhitinTECminus = 0;
572 unsigned int thishit = 0;
576 const DetId detId((*iHit)->geographicalId());
577 const int subdetId = detId.
579 if (!(*iHit)->isValid())
581 edm::LogError(
"DetectorMismatch") <<
"@SUB=MillePedeMonitor::fillTrack" 583 <<
"), but " << detId.det() <<
614 else if (
kBPIX == subdetId) {++nhitinBPIX;++nhitinPIXEL;}
615 else if (
kFPIX == subdetId) {
625 static const int iNhit01 = this->
626 trackHists1D[iNhit01]->Fill(nhitinBPIX);
627 static const int iNhit02 = this->
628 trackHists1D[iNhit02]->Fill(nhitinFPIXplus);
629 static const int iNhit03 = this->
630 trackHists1D[iNhit03]->Fill(nhitinFPIXminus);
631 static const int iNhit04 = this->
632 trackHists1D[iNhit04]->Fill(nhitinFPIX);
633 static const int iNhit05 = this->
634 trackHists1D[iNhit05]->Fill(nhitinPIXEL);
635 static const int iNhit06 = this->
636 trackHists1D[iNhit06]->Fill(nhitinTIB);
637 static const int iNhit07 = this->
638 trackHists1D[iNhit07]->Fill(nhitinTOB);
639 static const int iNhit08 = this->
640 trackHists1D[iNhit08]->Fill(nhitinTIDplus);
641 static const int iNhit09 = this->
642 trackHists1D[iNhit09]->Fill(nhitinTIDminus);
643 static const int iNhit10 = this->
644 trackHists1D[iNhit10]->Fill(nhitinTID);
645 static const int iNhit11 = this->
646 trackHists1D[iNhit11]->Fill(nhitinTECplus);
647 static const int iNhit12 = this->
648 trackHists1D[iNhit12]->Fill(nhitinTECminus);
649 static const int iNhit13 = this->
650 trackHists1D[iNhit13]->Fill(nhitinTEC);
651 static const int iNhit14 = this->
652 trackHists1D[iNhit14]->Fill(nhitinENDCAPplus);
653 static const int iNhit15 = this->
654 trackHists1D[iNhit15]->Fill(nhitinENDCAPminus);
655 static const int iNhit16 = this->
656 trackHists1D[iNhit16]->Fill(nhitinENDCAP);
657 static const int iNhit17 = this->
658 trackHists2D[iNhit17]->Fill(nhitinENDCAPplus,nhitinENDCAPminus);
662 static const int iR1 = this->
663 trackHists1D[iR1]->Fill(firstPoint.Rho());
664 const double rSigned1 = (firstPoint.y() > 0 ? firstPoint.Rho() : -firstPoint.Rho());
665 static const int iR1Signed = this->
666 trackHists1D[iR1Signed]->Fill(rSigned1);
667 static const int iZ1 = this->
668 trackHists1D[iZ1]->Fill(firstPoint.Z());
669 static const int iZ1Full = this->
670 trackHists1D[iZ1Full]->Fill(firstPoint.Z());
671 static const int iY1 = this->
672 trackHists1D[iY1]->Fill(firstPoint.Y());
673 static const int iPhi1 = this->
674 trackHists1D[iPhi1]->Fill(firstPoint.phi());
675 static const int iRz1Full = this->
676 trackHists2D[iRz1Full]->Fill(firstPoint.Z(), rSigned1);
677 static const int iXy1 = this->
678 trackHists2D[iXy1]->Fill(firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y());
683 static const int iRlast = this->
684 trackHists1D[iRlast]->Fill(lastPoint.Rho());
685 static const int iZlast = this->
686 trackHists1D[iZlast]->Fill(lastPoint.Z());
687 static const int iYlast = this->
688 trackHists1D[iYlast]->Fill(lastPoint.Y());
689 static const int iPhiLast = this->
690 trackHists1D[iPhiLast]->Fill(lastPoint.phi());
693 static const int iChi2Ndf = this->
696 static const int iImpZ = this->
697 trackHists1D[iImpZ]->Fill(track->
698 static const int iImpZerr = this->
699 trackHists1D[iImpZerr]->Fill(track->
702 static const int iImpRphi = this->
703 trackHists1D[iImpRphi]->Fill(track->
704 static const int iImpRphiErr = this->
705 trackHists1D[iImpRphiErr]->Fill(track->
714 if (refTrajPtr->isValid()) {
723 const AlgebraicVector &trajectoryLoc = refTrajPtr->trajectoryPositions();
728 const int nRow = refTrajPtr->numberOfHitMeas();
730 for (
int iRow = 0; iRow < nRow; ++iRow) {
731 const double residuum = measurementsLoc[iRow] - trajectoryLoc[iRow];
732 const double covMeasLocRow = covMeasLoc[iRow][iRow];
733 const bool is2DhitRow = (!recHits[iRow/2]->detUnit()
734 || recHits[iRow/2]->detUnit()->type().isTrackerPixel());
736 if (TMath::Even(iRow)) {
751 if (covMeasLocRow > 0.) {
754 static const int iReduResidLocXvsHit =
756 myTrajectoryHists2D[iReduResidLocXvsHit]->Fill(iRow/2, residuum/TMath::Sqrt(covMeasLocRow));
758 }
else if (is2DhitRow) {
774 if (covMeasLocRow > 0.) {
778 "reduResidLocYvsHit");
779 myTrajectoryHists2D[iReduResidLocYvsHit]->Fill(iRow/2, residuum/TMath::Sqrt(covMeasLocRow));
783 float nHitRow = iRow/2;
784 if (TMath::Odd(iRow)) nHitRow += 0.5;
786 for (
int iCol = iRow+1; iCol < nRow; ++iCol) {
787 double rho = TMath::Sqrt(covMeasLocRow + covMeasLoc[iCol][iCol]);
788 rho = (0. == rho ? -2 : covMeasLoc[iRow][iCol] /
789 float nHitCol = iCol/2;
790 if (TMath::Odd(iCol)) nHitCol += 0.5;
792 if (0. == rho)
795 if (iRow+1 == iCol && TMath::Even(iRow)) {
806 "hitCorrXyLogValid");
820 for (
int iCol = 0; iCol < derivatives.num_col(); ++iCol) {
829 derivatives[iRow][iCol]);
837 const float *localDerivs,
unsigned int nLocal,
838 const float *globalDerivs,
unsigned int nGlobal,
841 const double phi = recHit->det()->position().phi();
847 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i < nLocal; ++
i) {
850 if (localDerivs[i]) {
861 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i < nGlobal; ++
i) {
865 if (globalDerivs[i]) {
878 unsigned int nHit,
float residuum,
float sigma,
bool isY)
882 const GlobalPoint detPos(recHit->det()->position());
883 const double phi = detPos.phi();
928 const float phiSensToNorm = TMath::ATan(
TMath::Abs((isY ? mom.y() : mom.x())/mom.z()));
937 const DetId detId(recHit->det()->geographicalId());
940 unsigned int subDetNum = detId.
941 if (subDetNum < histArrayVec.size() && subDetNum > 0) {
942 this->
fillResidualHists(histArrayVec[subDetNum], phiSensToNorm, residuum, sigma);
946 <<
"Expect subDetNum from 1 to 6, got " << subDetNum;
953 float phiSensToNorm,
float residuum,
float sigma)
959 static const int iRes = this->
960 hists[iRes]->Fill(residuum);
961 static const int iSigma = this->
962 hists[iSigma]->Fill(sigma);
963 static const int iSigmaVsAngle = this->
964 hists[iSigmaVsAngle]->Fill(phiSensToNorm, sigma);
965 static const int iResidVsAngle = this->
966 hists[iResidVsAngle]->Fill(phiSensToNorm, residuum);
967 static const int iReduRes = this->
968 static const int iReduResidVsAngle = this->
970 hists[iReduRes]->Fill(residuum/sigma);
971 hists[iReduResidVsAngle]->Fill(phiSensToNorm, residuum/sigma);
973 static const int iAngle = this->
974 hists[iAngle]->Fill(phiSensToNorm);
976 if (phiSensToNorm > TMath::DegToRad()*45.) {
977 static const int iResGt45 = this->
978 hists[iResGt45]->Fill(residuum);
979 static const int iSigmaGt45 = this->
980 hists[iSigmaGt45]->Fill(sigma);
981 static const int iReduResGt45 = this->
982 if (sigma) hists[iReduResGt45]->Fill(residuum/sigma);
984 static const int iResLt45 = this->
985 hists[iResLt45]->Fill(residuum);
986 static const int iSigmaLt45 = this->
987 hists[iSigmaLt45]->Fill(sigma);
988 static const int iReduResLt45 = this->
989 if (sigma) hists[iReduResLt45]->Fill(residuum/sigma);
995 float residuum,
float sigma,
unsigned int nHit)
1001 static const unsigned int maxNhit = 29;
1002 static int iResHit[maxNhit+1] = {-1};
1003 static int iSigmaHit[maxNhit+1] = {-1};
1004 static int iReduResHit[maxNhit+1] = {-1};
1005 static int iAngleHit[maxNhit+1] = {-1};
1006 if (iResHit[0] == -1) {
1007 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i <= maxNhit; ++
i) {
1008 iResHit[
i] = this->
GetIndex(hists, Form(
1009 iSigmaHit[
i] = this->
GetIndex(hists, Form(
1010 iReduResHit[
i] = this->
GetIndex(hists, Form(
1011 iAngleHit[
i] = this->
GetIndex(hists, Form(
1014 if (nHit > maxNhit) nHit = maxNhit;
1016 hists[iResHit[nHit]]->Fill(residuum);
1017 hists[iSigmaHit[nHit]]->Fill(sigma);
1019 hists[iReduResHit[nHit]]->Fill(residuum/sigma);
1021 hists[iAngleHit[nHit]]->Fill(angle);
1034 static int iF2fIjPhi[6][6], iF2fIjPhiLog[6][6], iF2fIjR[6][6], iF2fIjRLog[6][6];
1035 static bool first =
1037 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i < 6; ++
i) {
1038 for (
unsigned int j = 0;
j < 6; ++
j) {
1050 for (
unsigned int i = 0;
i < 6; ++
i) {
1051 for (
unsigned int j = 0;
j < 6; ++
j) {
1055 if (frameDeriv[
i][j]) {
1067 const DetId detId(recHit->det()->geographicalId());
1070 if ((detId.subdetId() < 1 || detId.subdetId() > 6) &&
1072 edm::LogWarning(
"Alignment") <<
"@SUB=MillePedeMonitor::fillCorrelations2D" 1073 <<
"Expect subdetId from 1 to 6, got " << detId.subdetId();
std::vector< TH1 * > myTrackHists1D
int GetIndex(const std::vector< OBJECT_TYPE * > &vec, const TString &name)
double d0Error() const
error on d0
void fillCorrelations2D(float corr, const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer &hit)
std::vector< TH2 * > myDerivHists2D
std::vector< std::vector< TH1 * > > myResidHistsVec1DX
double d0() const
dxy parameter in perigee convention (d0 = -dxy)
void fillFrameToFrame(const AlignableDetOrUnitPtr &aliDet, const Alignable *ali)
double normalizedChi2() const
chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. (or chi-squared * 1e6 if n.d.o.f. is zero)
LocalVector localDirection() const
void fillPxbSurveyHistsLocalPars(const float &a0, const float &a1, const float &S, const float &phi)
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
bool innerOk() const
return true if the innermost hit is valid
unsigned short numberOfLostHits() const
number of cases where track crossed a layer without getting a hit.
std::vector< TH1 * > myTrajectoryHists1D
const TrackerTopology * trackerTopology
std::vector< TH1 * > myResidHitHists1DY
const Vector & momentum() const
track momentum vector
TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer ConstRecHitPointer
std::vector< OBJECT_TYPE * > cloneHists(const std::vector< OBJECT_TYPE * > &orgs, const TString &namAd, const TString &titAd) const
const math::XYZPoint & outerPosition() const
position of the outermost hit
MillePedeMonitor(const TrackerTopology *tTopo, const char *rootFile="trackMonitor.root")
void fillResiduals(const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer &recHit, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, unsigned int nHit, float residuum, float sigma, bool isY)
bool tecIsZMinusSide(const DetId &id) const
void fillPxbSurveyHistsChi2(const float &chi2)
static const unsigned int theMaxNumParam
bool tidIsZMinusSide(const DetId &id) const
const math::XYZPoint & innerPosition() const
position of the innermost hit
TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer ConstRecHitPointer
void addToDirectory(const std::vector< OBJECT_TYPE * > &objs, TDirectory *dir) const
std::vector< TH2 * > myTrackHists2D
std::vector< TH2 * > myResidHists2D
CLHEP::HepMatrix AlgebraicMatrix
void fillUsedTrack(const reco::Track *track, unsigned int nHitX, unsigned int nHitY)
std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const > ConstRecHitPointer
std::vector< TH1 * > myCorrHists
std::vector< TH1 * > myPxbSurveyHists
double pt() const
track transverse momentum
std::vector< TH1 * > myUsedTrackHists1D
unsigned short numberOfValidHits() const
number of valid hits found
bool init(TDirectory *directory)
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
trackingRecHit_iterator recHitsBegin() const
Iterator to first hit on the track.
AlgebraicMatrix frameToFrameDerivative(const Alignable *object, const Alignable *composedObject) const
int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector's numbering enum) ...
std::vector< ConstRecHitPointer > ConstRecHitContainer
double dz() const
dz parameter (= dsz/cos(lambda)). This is the track z0 w.r.t (0,0,0) only if the refPoint is close to...
double dzError() const
error on dz
std::vector< TH2 * > myTrajectoryHists2D
std::vector< std::vector< TH1 * > > myResidHistsVec1DY
[0]=all [1]=TPB [2]=TPE [3]=TIB [4]=TID [5]=TOB [6]=TEC
CLHEP::HepVector AlgebraicVector
bool equidistLogBins(double *bins, int nBins, double first, double last) const
static const DetId detId()
bool tidIsZPlusSide(const DetId &id) const
bool outerOk() const
return true if the outermost hit is valid
void fillResidualHists(const std::vector< TH1 * > &hists, float phiSensToNorm, float residuum, float sigma)
void fillTrack(const reco::Track *track)
double S(const TLorentzVector &, const TLorentzVector &)
std::vector< TH1 * > myResidHitHists1DX
[0]=all [1]=TPB [2]=TPE [3]=TIB [4]=TID [5]=TOB [6]=TEC
bool tecIsZPlusSide(const DetId &id) const
std::vector< TH2 * > myUsedTrackHists2D
static int position[264][3]
void fillRefTrajectory(const ReferenceTrajectoryBase::ReferenceTrajectoryPtr &refTrajPtr)
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix AlgebraicSymMatrix
unsigned int pxfSide(const DetId &id) const
void fillDerivatives(const TransientTrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer &recHit, const float *localDerivs, unsigned int nLocal, const float *globalDerivs, unsigned int nGlobal, const int *labels)
const PositionType & globalPosition() const
Return the global position of the object.
std::vector< TH2 * > myFrame2FrameHists2D
math::XYZVector Vector
spatial vector
void fillResidualHitHists(const std::vector< TH1 * > &hists, float angle, float residuum, float sigma, unsigned int nHit)
TrackingRecHitCollection::base::const_iterator trackingRecHit_iterator
iterator over a vector of reference to TrackingRecHit in the same collection
T angle(T x1, T y1, T z1, T x2, T y2, T z2)
trackingRecHit_iterator recHitsEnd() const
Iterator to last hit on the track.