17 #include "TMatrixDSym.h" 18 #include "TMatrixDSymEigen.h" 20 #include "Math/SMatrix.h" 21 #include "Math/SVector.h" 23 typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 2, 3>
24 typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 2, 5>
25 typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 2, 7>
26 typedef ROOT::Math::SMatrix<double, 3, 2>
29 typedef ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 2>
30 typedef ROOT::Math::SVector<double, 5>
51 void addMeasurement(
const TMatrixD &aProjection,
const TVectorD &aResiduals,
52 const TVectorD &aPrecision,
double minPrecision = 0.);
53 void addMeasurement(
const TMatrixD &aProjection,
const TVectorD &aResiduals,
54 const TMatrixDSym &aPrecision,
double minPrecision = 0.);
55 void addMeasurement(
const TVectorD &aResiduals,
const TVectorD &aPrecision,
56 double minPrecision = 0.);
58 const TMatrixDSym &aPrecision,
double minPrecision = 0.);
63 void addScatterer(
const TVectorD &aResiduals,
const TVectorD &aPrecision);
65 const TMatrixDSym &aPrecision);
70 void addLocals(
const TMatrixD &aDerivatives);
73 void addGlobals(
const std::vector<int> &aLabels,
74 const TMatrixD &aDerivatives);
void getDerivatives(int aDirection, SMatrix22 &matW, SMatrix22 &matWJ, SVector2 &vecWd) const
Retrieve derivatives of local track model.
void addMeasurement(const TMatrixD &aProjection, const TVectorD &aResiduals, const TVectorD &aPrecision, double minPrecision=0.)
Add a measurement to a point.
SMatrix55 prevJacobian
Jacobian to previous scatterer (or first measurement)
void getScatTransformation(TMatrixD &aTransformation) const
Get scatterer transformation (from diagonalization).
void setLabel(unsigned int aLabel)
Define label of point (by GBLTrajectory constructor)
TMatrixD globalDerivatives
Derivatives of measurement vs additional global (MP-II) parameters.
bool transFlag
Transformation exists?
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 2, 7 > SMatrix27
bool scatFlag
Scatterer present?
void setOffset(int anOffset)
Define offset for point (by GBLTrajectory constructor)
int theOffset
Offset number at point if not negative (else interpolation needed)
bool hasScatterer() const
Check for scatterer at a point.
std::vector< int > getGlobalLabels() const
Retrieve global derivatives labels from a point.
unsigned int getLabel() const
Retrieve label of point.
void addLocals(const TMatrixD &aDerivatives)
Add local derivatives to a point.
ROOT::Math::SVector< double, 2 > SVector2
unsigned int measDim
Dimension of measurement (1-5), 0 indicates absence of measurement.
SVector5 measResiduals
Measurement residuals.
int getOffset() const
Retrieve offset for point.
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 5, 5 > SMatrix55
unsigned int hasMeasurement() const
Check for measurement at a point.
const TMatrixD & getGlobalDerivatives() const
Retrieve global derivatives from a point.
void getMeasTransformation(TMatrixD &aTransformation) const
Get measurement transformation (from diagonalization).
ROOT::Math::SVector< double, 5 > SVector5
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 3, 2 > SMatrix32
SVector2 scatPrecision
Scattering precision (diagonal of inverse covariance matrix)
void printPoint(unsigned int level=0) const
Print GblPoint.
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 2 > SMatrix22
std::vector< int > globalLabels
Labels of global (MP-II) derivatives.
void addScatterer(const TVectorD &aResiduals, const TVectorD &aPrecision)
Add a (thin) scatterer to a point.
Namespace for the general broken lines package.
void addGlobals(const std::vector< int > &aLabels, const TMatrixD &aDerivatives)
Add global derivatives to a point.
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 5 > SMatrix55
unsigned int getNumLocals() const
Retrieve number of local derivatives from a point.
SMatrix55 nextJacobian
Jacobian to next scatterer (or last measurement)
SVector5 measPrecision
Measurement precision (diagonal of inverse covariance matrix)
GblPoint(const TMatrixD &aJacobian)
Create a point.
TMatrixD measTransformation
Transformation of diagonalization (of meas. precision matrix)
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 2, 5 > SMatrix25
void getScatterer(SMatrix22 &aTransformation, SVector2 &aResiduals, SVector2 &aPrecision) const
Retrieve scatterer of a point.
void getMeasurement(SMatrix55 &aProjection, SVector5 &aResiduals, SVector5 &aPrecision) const
Retrieve measurement of a point.
SVector2 scatResiduals
Scattering residuals (initial kinks if iterating)
void addNextJacobian(const SMatrix55 &aJac)
Define jacobian to next scatterer (by GBLTrajectory constructor)
TMatrixD localDerivatives
Derivatives of measurement vs additional local (fit) parameters.
unsigned int theLabel
Label identifying point.
SMatrix55 p2pJacobian
Point-to-point jacobian from previous point.
const TMatrixD & getLocalDerivatives() const
Retrieve local derivatives from a point.
SMatrix55 measProjection
Projection from measurement to local system.
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 2, 3 > SMatrix23
SMatrix22 scatTransformation
Transformation of diagonalization (of scat. precision matrix)
const SMatrix55 & getP2pJacobian() const
Retrieve point-to-(previous)point jacobian.
void addPrevJacobian(const SMatrix55 &aJac)
Define jacobian to previous scatterer (by GBLTrajectory constructor)
ROOT::Math::SMatrix< double, 3 > SMatrix33
unsigned int getNumGlobals() const
Retrieve number of global derivatives from a point.