52 const Plane& plane)
const override;
55 const Plane& plane)
const override;
58 const Cylinder& cylinder)
const override;
61 const Cylinder& cylinder)
const override;
void setMaterialLocation(const MaterialLocation location)
bool materialAtSource() const
Inclusion of material at the source?
defaultRKPropagator::Product rkProduct
virtual const MagneticField * magneticField() const override
std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double > TsosWP
virtual bool setMaxDirectionChange(float phiMax)
virtual bool setMaxDirectionChange(float phiMax) override
Limit on change in azimuthal angle.
PropagatorWithMaterial(PropagationDirection dir, const float mass, const MagneticField *mf=0, const float maxDPhi=1.6, bool useRungeKutta=false, float ptMin=-1., bool useOldGeoPropLogic=true)
const Propagator & geometricalPropagator() const
Access to the geometrical propagator.
DeepCopyPointerByClone< MaterialEffectsUpdator > theMEUpdator
DeepCopyPointerByClone< Propagator > theGeometricalPropagator
virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double > propagateWithPath(const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Surface &) const final
const MaterialEffectsUpdator & materialEffectsUpdator() const
Access to the MaterialEffectsUpdator.
virtual PropagatorWithMaterial * clone() const override
virtual ~PropagatorWithMaterial()
MaterialLocation theMaterialLocation
TrajectoryStateOnSurface propagate(STA const &state, SUR const &surface) const
virtual void setPropagationDirection(PropagationDirection dir) override
Propagation direction.
virtual std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double > propagateWithPath(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos, const Plane &plane) const override
const MagneticField * field