![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
tuple | benchmark = valtools.benchmark() |
string | benchmarkConfig = 'benchmark_cfg.py' |
tuple | benchmarkConfigLink |
list | cmssw = os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION'] |
comments = webpage.options_.comments | |
string | default = "None" |
genConfig = webpage.options_.pyGenSource | |
tuple | genConfigLink = valtools.processFile(genConfig, webpage.outputDir_ ) |
string | help = "url pointing to a recipe" |
tuple | ifile = open( indexhtml ) |
tuple | images = webpage.readCaptions('captions.txt') |
string | indexhtml = "%s/%s" |
tuple | indexTemplate = ifile.read() |
string | infonotfoundhtml = "%s/%s" |
tuple | infoNotFoundTemplate = ifile.read() |
string | macro = 'plot.C' |
tuple | macroLink = valtools.processFile(macro, webpage.outputDir_ ) |
tuple | ofile = open( '%s/index.html' % outputDir, 'w' ) |
tuple | ofile2 = open( '%s/infoNotFound.html' % outputDir, 'w' ) |
outputDir = webpage.outputDir_ | |
recipe = webpage.options_.recipe | |
tuple | recipeLink = valtools.processFile( recipe, webpage.outputDir_ ) |
tuple | rootFileLink = valtools.processFile(webpage.rootFile_, webpage.outputDir_ ) |
tuple | s = Template(indexTemplate) |
tuple | s2 = Template(infoNotFoundTemplate) |
tuple | showTags = os.popen( 'showtags -t -r -u') |
simConfig = webpage.options_.pySim | |
tuple | simConfigLink = valtools.processFile( simConfig, webpage.outputDir_ ) |
tuple | subst |
tuple | subst2 = s2.substitute( username = os.environ['USER'] ) |
string | templateFile = 'index.html' |
title = webpage.benchmarkName_ | |
tuple | webpage = valtools.webpage() |
tuple indexGen.benchmark = valtools.benchmark() |
Definition at line 34 of file indexGen.py.
string indexGen.benchmarkConfig = 'benchmark_cfg.py' |
Definition at line 42 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.benchmarkConfigLink |
Definition at line 69 of file indexGen.py.
list indexGen.cmssw = os.environ['CMSSW_VERSION'] |
Definition at line 45 of file indexGen.py.
indexGen.comments = webpage.options_.comments |
Definition at line 74 of file indexGen.py.
Referenced by gen::JetMatchingMadgraph.beforeHadronisation(), AlpgenSource.beginRun(), and CaliGeneralDat.setComments().
string indexGen.default = "None" |
Definition at line 17 of file indexGen.py.
indexGen.genConfig = webpage.options_.pyGenSource |
Definition at line 40 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.genConfigLink = valtools.processFile(genConfig, webpage.outputDir_ ) |
Definition at line 67 of file indexGen.py.
Definition at line 16 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.ifile = open( indexhtml ) |
Definition at line 77 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.images = webpage.readCaptions('captions.txt') |
Definition at line 75 of file indexGen.py.
string indexGen.indexhtml = "%s/%s" |
Definition at line 53 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.indexTemplate = ifile.read() |
Definition at line 78 of file indexGen.py.
string indexGen.infonotfoundhtml = "%s/%s" |
Definition at line 62 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.infoNotFoundTemplate = ifile.read() |
Definition at line 105 of file indexGen.py.
string indexGen.macro = 'plot.C' |
Definition at line 38 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.macroLink = valtools.processFile(macro, webpage.outputDir_ ) |
Definition at line 71 of file indexGen.py.
Definition at line 101 of file indexGen.py.
Definition at line 108 of file indexGen.py.
indexGen.outputDir = webpage.outputDir_ |
Definition at line 52 of file indexGen.py.
Referenced by PlotCombiner.makePlot().
indexGen.recipe = webpage.options_.recipe |
Definition at line 39 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.recipeLink = valtools.processFile( recipe, webpage.outputDir_ ) |
Definition at line 66 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.rootFileLink = valtools.processFile(webpage.rootFile_, webpage.outputDir_ ) |
Definition at line 72 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.s = Template(indexTemplate) |
Definition at line 79 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.s2 = Template(infoNotFoundTemplate) |
Definition at line 106 of file indexGen.py.
Referenced by HcalPulseShapes.analyticPulseShapeSiPMHO(), CastorDigiMonitor.bookHistograms(), EgammaHLTPixelMatchVarProducer.calS2(), XrdAdaptor::RequestManager.checkSourcesImpl(), StraightLineBarrelCylinderCrossing.chooseSolution(), StraightLineCylinderCrossing.chooseSolution(), classNameFinder(), RedundantSeedCleaner.clean(), PixelTrackCleanerBySharedHits.cleanTracks(), AnalyticalCurvilinearJacobian.computeFullJacobian(), EcalSelectiveReadoutValidation.configFirWeights(), Deltas(), PulseFitWithShape.doFit(), MCPhotonAnalyzer.endJob(), PFTrackAlgoTools::edm.eq(), PFTrackAlgoTools::edm.eq_nocase(), DDCutTubsFromPoints.execute(), sistrip::LinearFit.fit(), ThirdHitPrediction.fitParabola(), DTChamberEfficiencyTask.getBestSegment(), popcon::EcalLaser_weekly_Linearization_Check.getNewObjects(), pat::helper::ResolutionHelper.getResolEt(), PFHBHERecHitCreatorMaxSample.importRecHits(), LinearGridInterpolator3D.interpolate(), PerigeeConversions.jacobianParameters2Cartesian(), L1TriggerRates.L1TriggerRates(), CSCRadialStripTopology.localError(), TkRadialStripTopology.localError(), reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< CompositeCandSelector< Combiner< StringCutObjectSelector< T1 >, StringCutObjectSelector< T2 > >, T1, T2, nDau > >.make(), FastTrackerRecHitMatcher.match(), SiStripRecHitMatcher.match(), CSCRadialStripTopology.measurementError(), TkRadialStripTopology.measurementError(), QuadrupletSeedMerger.mergeTriplets(), GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment.misalignMuon(), GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment.misalignMuonL(), CastorCORData.pack(), ParticleInfo.ParticleInfo(), pos::PixelTrimAllPixels.PixelTrimAllPixels(), TemplatedVertexMerger< VTX >.produce(), Strip1DMeasurementTransformator.projectionMatrix(), AnalyticalPropagator.propagateParametersOnPlane(), ReadPatterns(), Comp2RefKolmogorov.runTest(), MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::volumeHandle.sameSurface(), LocalError.scale(), MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::volumeHandle.setSurface(), PCLTrackerAlProducer.simpleMisalignment(), AlignmentProducer.simpleMisalignment_(), HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order.solutionByDirection(), Styles.Styles(), templateNameFinder(), align.toMatrix(), L1MuBMAddressArray.trackAddressCode(), L1MuDTAddressArray.trackAddressCode(), QcdLowPtDQM.trackletVertexUnbinned(), Trionym(), ZeroSuppressFP420.trkFEDclusterizer(), RPCConst.vxMuRate(), and GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment.writeGlPosRcd().
tuple indexGen.showTags = os.popen( 'showtags -t -r -u') |
Definition at line 46 of file indexGen.py.
indexGen.simConfig = webpage.options_.pySim |
Definition at line 41 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.simConfigLink = valtools.processFile( simConfig, webpage.outputDir_ ) |
Definition at line 68 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.subst |
tuple indexGen.subst2 = s2.substitute( username = os.environ['USER'] ) |
Definition at line 107 of file indexGen.py.
string indexGen.templateFile = 'index.html' |
Definition at line 50 of file indexGen.py.
Referenced by L1GtVhdlWriterCore.writeAlgoSetup().
indexGen.title = webpage.benchmarkName_ |
Definition at line 48 of file indexGen.py.
tuple indexGen.webpage = valtools.webpage() |
Definition at line 12 of file indexGen.py.