5 throw cms::Exception(
"RadialStripTopology") <<
"pitch() called - makes no sense, use localPitch(.) instead.";
11 os <<
"RadialStripTopology " << std::endl
13 <<
"number of strips " << rst.
nstrips() << std::endl
15 <<
"detector height in y " << rst.
detHeight() << std::endl
16 <<
"angular width of strips " << rst.
phiPitch() << std::endl
virtual float centreToIntersection() const =0
virtual float yAxisOrientation() const =0
virtual float phiPitch(void) const =0
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ALILine &li)
virtual float detHeight() const =0
virtual int nstrips() const =0
virtual float yCentreOfStripPlane() const =0
virtual float pitch() const final
virtual float phiOfOneEdge() const =0