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1 #include <Riostream.h>
2 #include <vector>
3 #include <string>
4 //#include <stdio.h>
5 #include "TFile.h"
6 #include "TH2F.h"
7 #include "TChain.h"
8 #include "TCanvas.h"
9 #include "TFileIter.h"
10 #include "TStyle.h"
11 #include "TMath.h"
12 #include "TCut.h"
13 #include "TGraph.h"
15 class HIPplots{
16 public:
17  HIPplots(int IOV, char* path, char* outFile );
18  void extractAlignParams( int i, int minHits = 0, int subDet = 0, int doubleSided = 0 );
19  void extractAlignShifts( int i, int minHits = 0, int subDet = 0 );
20  void plotAlignParams( string ShiftsOrParams, char* plotName = "test.png");
21  void plotAlignParamsAtIter( int iter, string ShiftsOrParams, char* plotName = "test.png" );
22  void plotHitMap( char *outpath,int subDet,int minHits=0 );
23  void extractAlignableChiSquare( int minHits=0, int subDet =0 , int doubleSided = 0 );
24  void plotAlignableChiSquare( char *plotName ="testchi2.png",float minChi2n=-1.0);
25  void extractSurveyResiduals( int currentPar,int subDet =0);
26  void dumpAlignedModules(int nhits=0);
27 private:
29  char _path[256];
30  char _outFile[256];
31  char _inFile_params[256];
32  char _inFile_uservars[256];
33  char _inFile_truepos[256];
34  char _inFile_alipos[256];
35  char _inFile_mispos[256];
36  char _inFile_HIPalign[256];
37  char _inFile_surveys[256];
39  TLegend * MakeLegend (double x1=0.1,double y1=0.1, double x2=0.1,double y2=0.1);
40  int GetNIterations(TDirectory *f,char *tag,int startingcounter=0);
41  int GetSubDet( unsigned int id );
42  int GetBarrelLayer( unsigned int id );
43  void SetMinMax( TH1* h );
44  int FindPeaks(TH1F *h1,float *peaklist,const int maxNpeaks,int startbin=-1,int endbin=-1);
45  void SetPeakThreshold(float newpeakthreshold);
46  void CheckFiles(int &ierr);
47  bool CheckFileExistence(char *filename);
48  bool CheckHistoRising(TH1D *h);
51 };
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
FWCore Framework interface EventSetupRecordImplementation h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: HIPplots.h:38
void plotAlignParams(string ShiftsOrParams, char *plotName="test.png")
Definition: HIPplots.cc:385
TLegend * MakeLegend(double x1=0.1, double y1=0.1, double x2=0.1, double y2=0.1)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:38
bool CheckFileExistence(char *filename)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:1530
int GetSubDet(unsigned int id)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:1005
void plotAlignableChiSquare(char *plotName="testchi2.png", float minChi2n=-1.0)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:833
void SetMinMax(TH1 *h)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:1030
char _path[256]
Definition: HIPplots.h:29
int GetBarrelLayer(unsigned int id)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:1021
void CheckFiles(int &ierr)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:1539
void dumpAlignedModules(int nhits=0)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:1478
void extractSurveyResiduals(int currentPar, int subDet=0)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:743
HIPplots(int IOV, char *path, char *outFile)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:20
char _inFile_mispos[256]
Definition: HIPplots.h:35
double f[11][100]
bool CheckHistoRising(TH1D *h)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:1564
void extractAlignShifts(int i, int minHits=0, int subDet=0)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:190
bool plotbadchi2
Definition: HIPplots.h:50
char _inFile_surveys[256]
Definition: HIPplots.h:37
int GetNIterations(TDirectory *f, char *tag, int startingcounter=0)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:990
char _inFile_truepos[256]
Definition: HIPplots.h:33
void extractAlignableChiSquare(int minHits=0, int subDet=0, int doubleSided=0)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:625
char _inFile_alipos[256]
Definition: HIPplots.h:34
char _inFile_params[256]
Definition: HIPplots.h:31
float peakthreshold
Definition: HIPplots.h:49
char _inFile_HIPalign[256]
Definition: HIPplots.h:36
void extractAlignParams(int i, int minHits=0, int subDet=0, int doubleSided=0)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:72
void plotAlignParamsAtIter(int iter, string ShiftsOrParams, char *plotName="test.png")
Definition: HIPplots.cc:528
tuple filename
Definition: lut2db_cfg.py:20
void plotHitMap(char *outpath, int subDet, int minHits=0)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:1050
char _inFile_uservars[256]
Definition: HIPplots.h:32
char _outFile[256]
Definition: HIPplots.h:30
int FindPeaks(TH1F *h1, float *peaklist, const int maxNpeaks, int startbin=-1, int endbin=-1)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:1486
void SetPeakThreshold(float newpeakthreshold)
Definition: HIPplots.cc:1526