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eleIsoSequence_cff Namespace Reference


tuple eleIsoSequence = cms.Sequence((elPFIsoDepositChargedGsf + elPFIsoDepositChargedAllGsf + elPFIsoDepositNeutralGsf + elPFIsoDepositGammaGsf + elPFIsoDepositPUGsf))
tuple elPFIsoDepositChargedAllGsf = isoDepositReplace('gedGsfElectrons','pfAllChargedParticles')
tuple elPFIsoDepositChargedGsf = isoDepositReplace('gedGsfElectrons','pfAllChargedHadrons')
tuple elPFIsoDepositGammaGsf
tuple elPFIsoDepositNeutralGsf = isoDepositReplace('gedGsfElectrons','pfAllNeutralHadrons')
tuple elPFIsoDepositPUGsf = isoDepositReplace('gedGsfElectrons','pfPileUpAllChargedParticles')
tuple elPFIsoValueCharged03PFIdGsf
tuple elPFIsoValueChargedAll03PFIdGsf
tuple elPFIsoValueGamma03PFIdGsf
tuple elPFIsoValueNeutral03PFIdGsf
tuple elPFIsoValuePU03PFIdGsf
tuple pfisoALCARECO = cms.Sequence(eleIsoSequence)

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 125 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.elPFIsoDepositChargedAllGsf = isoDepositReplace('gedGsfElectrons','pfAllChargedParticles')

Definition at line 7 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.elPFIsoDepositChargedGsf = isoDepositReplace('gedGsfElectrons','pfAllChargedHadrons')

Definition at line 6 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.elPFIsoDepositGammaGsf
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("CandIsoDepositProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag("gedGsfElectrons"),
3  MultipleDepositsFlag = cms.bool(False),
4  trackType = cms.string('candidate'),
5  ExtractorPSet = cms.PSet(
6  Diff_z = cms.double(99999.99),
7  ComponentName = cms.string('PFCandWithSuperClusterExtractor'),
8  DR_Max = cms.double(1.0),
9  Diff_r = cms.double(99999.99),
10  inputCandView = cms.InputTag("pfAllPhotons"),
11  DR_Veto = cms.double(0),
12  SCMatch_Veto = cms.bool(False),
13  MissHitSCMatch_Veto = cms.bool(True),
14  DepositLabel = cms.untracked.string('')
15  )
16  )

Definition at line 11 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.elPFIsoDepositNeutralGsf = isoDepositReplace('gedGsfElectrons','pfAllNeutralHadrons')

Definition at line 8 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.elPFIsoDepositPUGsf = isoDepositReplace('gedGsfElectrons','pfPileUpAllChargedParticles')

Definition at line 9 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.elPFIsoValueCharged03PFIdGsf
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("PFCandIsolatorFromDeposits",
2  deposits = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet(
4  src = cms.InputTag("elPFIsoDepositChargedGsf"),
5  deltaR = cms.double(0.3),
6  weight = cms.string('1'),
7  vetos = cms.vstring('EcalEndcaps:ConeVeto(0.015)'),
8  skipDefaultVeto = cms.bool(True),
9  mode = cms.string('sum'),
10  PivotCoordinatesForEBEE = cms.bool(True)
11  )
12  )
13  )

Definition at line 39 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.elPFIsoValueChargedAll03PFIdGsf
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("PFCandIsolatorFromDeposits",
2  deposits = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet(
4  src = cms.InputTag("elPFIsoDepositChargedAllGsf"),
5  deltaR = cms.double(0.3),
6  weight = cms.string('1'),
7  vetos = cms.vstring('EcalEndcaps:ConeVeto(0.015)'),
8  skipDefaultVeto = cms.bool(True),
9  mode = cms.string('sum'),
10  PivotCoordinatesForEBEE = cms.bool(True)
11  )
12  )
13  )

Definition at line 52 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.elPFIsoValueGamma03PFIdGsf
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("PFCandIsolatorFromDeposits",
2  deposits = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet(
4  src = cms.InputTag("elPFIsoDepositGammaGsf"),
5  deltaR = cms.double(0.3),
6  weight = cms.string('1'),
7  vetos = cms.vstring('EcalEndcaps:ConeVeto(0.08)'),
8  skipDefaultVeto = cms.bool(True),
9  mode = cms.string('sum'),
10  PivotCoordinatesForEBEE = cms.bool(True)
11  )
12  )
13 )

Definition at line 66 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.elPFIsoValueNeutral03PFIdGsf
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("PFCandIsolatorFromDeposits",
2  deposits = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet(
4  src = cms.InputTag("elPFIsoDepositNeutralGsf"),
5  deltaR = cms.double(0.3),
6  weight = cms.string('1'),
7  vetos = cms.vstring(),
8  skipDefaultVeto = cms.bool(True),
9  mode = cms.string('sum'),
10  PivotCoordinatesForEBEE = cms.bool(True)
11  )
12  )
13  )

Definition at line 80 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.elPFIsoValuePU03PFIdGsf
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("PFCandIsolatorFromDeposits",
2  deposits = cms.VPSet(
3  cms.PSet(
4  src = cms.InputTag("elPFIsoDepositPUGsf"),
5  deltaR = cms.double(0.3),
6  weight = cms.string('1'),
7  vetos = cms.vstring('EcalEndcaps:ConeVeto(0.015)'),
8  skipDefaultVeto = cms.bool(True),
9  mode = cms.string('sum'),
10  PivotCoordinatesForEBEE = cms.bool(True)
11  )
12  )
13  )

Definition at line 94 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.

tuple eleIsoSequence_cff.pfisoALCARECO = cms.Sequence(eleIsoSequence)

Definition at line 127 of file eleIsoSequence_cff.py.