93 std::vector<StableProvenance const*> theProvenance;
95 for(
auto const& provenance : theProvenance)
97 cout<<
" Print all module/label names "<<provenance->moduleName()<<
" "<<provenance->moduleLabel()<<
98 " "<<provenance->productInstanceName()<<endl;
119 std::cout<<
" Size of muon collection "<<mucand->size()<<std::endl;
120 for(MuonCollection::const_iterator it = mucand->begin(); it != mucand->end(); it++)
123 std::cout<<
" Pt muon "<<mu->innerMomentum()<<std::endl;
149 cout<<
" We are here "<<endl;
154 std::cout<<
" Tracks size "<<(*tracks).size()<<std::endl;
155 reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator track = tracks->begin ();
157 for (; track != tracks->end (); track++)
159 cout<<
" P track "<<(*track).p()<<
" eta "<<(*track).eta()<<
" phi "<<(*track).phi()<<
" Outer "<<(*track).outerMomentum()<<
" "<<
160 (*track).outerPosition()<<endl;
162 cout<<
" Track extra "<<myextra->outerMomentum()<<
" "<<myextra->outerPosition()<<endl;
174 for (; hite != (ecal.
end (); hite++)
182 GlobalPoint posE = geo->getPosition((*hite).detid());
184 cout<<
" Energy ECAL "<<(*hite).energy()<<
185 " eta "<<posE.
" phi "<<posE.
187 energyECAL = energyECAL + (*hite).energy();
197 for (; hith != (hbhe.
end (); hith++)
200 GlobalPoint posH = geo->getPosition((*hith).detid());
202 cout<<
" Energy HCAL "<<(*hith).energy()<<
203 " eta "<<posH.
" phi "<<posH.
205 energyHCAL = energyHCAL + (*hith).energy();
209 cout<<
" Energy ECAL "<< energyECAL<<
" Energy HCAL "<< energyHCAL<<endl;
217 for (; hito != (ho.
end (); hito++)
228 cout<<
" we are in GammaJetProd area "<<endl;
231 std::cout<<
" Size of ECAL "<<(*ecal).size()<<std::endl;
235 std::cout<<
" Jet size "<<(*jets).size()<<std::endl;
236 reco::CaloJetCollection::const_iterator
jet = jets->begin ();
237 for (; jet != jets->end (); jet++)
239 cout<<
" Et jet "<<(*jet).et()<<
" eta "<<(*jet).eta()<<
" phi "<<(*jet).phi()<<endl;
244 std::cout<<
" Tracks size "<<(*tracks).size()<<std::endl;
250 std::cout<<
" GammaClus size "<<(*eclus).size()<<std::endl;
251 reco::SuperClusterCollection::const_iterator iclus = eclus->begin ();
252 for (; iclus != eclus->end (); iclus++)
254 cout<<
" Et gamma "<<(*iclus).energy()/cosh((*iclus).eta())<<
" eta "<<(*iclus).eta()<<
" phi "<<(*iclus).phi()<<endl;
double energyECAL(std::vector< DetId > &vdets, edm::Handle< T > &hitsEB, edm::Handle< T > &hitsEE, double ebThr=-100, double eeThr=-100, double tMin=-500, double tMax=500, bool debug=false)
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollection > tok_tracks_
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
std::vector< EcalRecHit >::const_iterator const_iterator
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::MuonCollection > tok_muons_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::SuperClusterCollection > tok_gamma_
edm::EDGetTokenT< HORecHitCollection > tok_hoProd_
edm::EDGetTokenT< HORecHitCollection > tok_ho_
edm::EDGetTokenT< HBHERecHitCollection > tok_hbheProd_
edm::EDGetTokenT< HORecHitCollection > tok_horeco_
edm::EDGetTokenT< HOCalibVariableCollection > tok_hovar_
edm::EDGetTokenT< EcalRecHitCollection > tok_ecal_
double energyHCAL(std::vector< DetId > &vdets, edm::Handle< T > &hits, double hbThr=-100, double heThr=-100, double hfThr=-100, double hoThr=-100, double tMin=-500, double tMax=500, bool useRaw=false, bool debug=false)
T const * product() const
std::vector< HOCalibVariables > HOCalibVariableCollection
collection of HOcalibration variabale
edm::EDGetTokenT< HBHERecHitCollection > tok_hbhe_
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::CaloJetCollection > tok_jets_
edm::EDGetTokenT< HFRecHitCollection > tok_hf_
tuple size
Write out results.
void getAllStableProvenance(std::vector< StableProvenance const * > &provenances) const