46 int subdet = 0 )
97 const DetId& detId ) ;
static unsigned int numberOfBarrelAlignments()
virtual void newCell(const GlobalPoint &f1, const GlobalPoint &f2, const GlobalPoint &f3, const CCGFloat *parm, const DetId &detId)
virtual DetId getClosestCell(const GlobalPoint &r) const
std::set< DetId > DetIdSet
static unsigned int alignmentTransformIndexLocal(const DetId &id)
virtual unsigned int detId2denseId(const DetId &id) const
return a linear packed id
std::vector< CCGFloat > DimVec
edm::AtomicPtrCache< std::vector< DetId > > m_heIds
static unsigned int alignmentEndcapIndexLocal(const DetId &id)
virtual void getSummary(CaloSubdetectorGeometry::TrVec &trVector, CaloSubdetectorGeometry::IVec &iVector, CaloSubdetectorGeometry::DimVec &dimVector, CaloSubdetectorGeometry::IVec &dinsVector) const
unsigned int getHxSize(const int type) const
static DetId detIdFromOuterAlignmentIndex(unsigned int i)
static std::string producerTag()
const HcalTopology & m_topology
std::vector< unsigned int > IVec
edm::AtomicPtrCache< std::vector< DetId > > m_emptyIds
std::vector< CCGFloat > TrVec
virtual const CaloCellGeometry * getGeometry(const DetId &id) const
Get the cell geometry of a given detector id. Should return false if not found.
HcalAlignmentRcd AlignmentRecord
std::vector< IdealObliquePrism > HECellVec
std::vector< Pt3D > Pt3DVec
virtual unsigned int numberOfParametersPerShape() const
virtual const std::vector< DetId > & getValidDetIds(DetId::Detector det=DetId::Detector(0), int subdet=0) const
Get a list of valid detector ids (for the given subdetector)
virtual CaloSubdetectorGeometry::DetIdSet getCells(const GlobalPoint &r, double dR) const
Get a list of all cells within a dR of the given cell.
const HcalTopology & topology() const
CaloCellGeometry::Pt3DVec Pt3DVec
unsigned int getNumberOfShapes() const
std::vector< IdealObliquePrism > HOCellVec
static unsigned int numberOfOuterAlignments()
static DetId detIdFromForwardAlignmentIndex(unsigned int i)
static unsigned int alignmentTransformIndexGlobal(const DetId &id)
static unsigned int alignmentBarrelIndexLocal(const DetId &id)
virtual unsigned int sizeForDenseIndex(const DetId &id) const
CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat
static DetId detIdFromBarrelAlignmentIndex(unsigned int i)
int phiBin(HcalSubdetector bc, int etaring, double phi) const
static DetId detIdFromLocalAlignmentIndex(unsigned int i)
int etaRing(HcalSubdetector bc, double abseta) const
helper methods for getClosestCell
CaloSubdetectorGeometry::IVec m_dins
HcalGeometry(const HcalTopology &topology)
HcalGeometryRecord AlignedRecord
void localCorners(Pt3DVec &lc, const CCGFloat *pv, unsigned int i, Pt3D &ref)
static unsigned int alignmentOuterIndexLocal(const DetId &id)
CaloCellGeometry::Pt3D Pt3D
std::vector< IdealZPrism > HFCellVec
static unsigned int numberOfEndcapAlignments()
static std::string dbString()
virtual ~HcalGeometry()
The HcalGeometry will delete all its cell geometries at destruction time.
CaloCellGeometry::CCGFloat CCGFloat
CaloCellGeometry::Pt3DVec Pt3DVec
HepGeom::Point3D< CCGFloat > Pt3D
std::vector< IdealObliquePrism > HBCellVec
virtual const CaloCellGeometry * cellGeomPtr(unsigned int index) const
virtual unsigned int indexFor(const DetId &id) const
virtual unsigned int numberOfShapes() const
edm::AtomicPtrCache< std::vector< DetId > > m_hfIds
static unsigned int numberOfForwardAlignments()
static unsigned int alignmentForwardIndexLocal(const DetId &id)
static DetId detIdFromEndcapAlignmentIndex(unsigned int i)
static unsigned int alignmentBarEndForIndexLocal(const DetId &id, unsigned int nD)
edm::AtomicPtrCache< std::vector< DetId > > m_hoIds
CaloCellGeometry::Pt3D Pt3D
edm::AtomicPtrCache< std::vector< DetId > > m_hbIds
static unsigned int numberOfAlignments()
virtual unsigned int ncells() const
return a count of valid cells (for dense indexing use)