8 #include <xercesc/sax/SAXException.hpp>
9 #include <xercesc/sax2/SAX2XMLReader.hpp>
10 #include <xercesc/sax2/XMLReaderFactory.hpp>
11 #include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
12 #include <xercesc/util/XercesVersion.hpp>
104 void parse(
const std::vector<unsigned char>& ablob,
unsigned int bsize ) ;
int parse(const DDLDocumentProvider &dp)
Parse all files. Return is meaningless.
std::map< int, bool > parsed_
Parse status of a given file.
DDLSAX2FileHandler * fileHandler_
SAX2XMLReader * SAX2Parser_
SAX2XMLReader is one way of parsing.
std::string currFileName_
Which file is currently being processed.
FileNameHolder fileNames_
List of files to be processed, obtained from the DDLDocumentProvider.
type of data representation of DDCompactView
Destructor terminates the XMLPlatformUtils (as required by Xerces)
DDLSAX2FileHandler is the SAX2 Handler for XML files found in the configuration file.
std::map< int, std::pair< std::string, std::string > > FileNameHolder
std::string const extractFileName(const std::string &fullname)
size_t isFound(const std::string &filename)
Is the file already known by the DDLParser? Returns 0 if not found, and index if found.
DDLSAX2ExpressionHandler is the first pass SAX2 Handler for XML files found in the configuration file...
DDLSAX2ExpressionHandler * expHandler_
bool parseOneFile(const std::string &filename)
Process a single files.
DDLSAX2Handler * errHandler_
void clearFiles()
Clear the file list - see Warning!
DDLSAX2FileHandler * getDDLSAX2FileHandler()
To get the parent this class allows access to the handler.
DDLParser is the main class of Detector Description Language Parser.
void parseFile(const int &numtoproc)
Parse File. Just to hold some common looking code.
size_t nFiles_
Number of files + 1.
SAX2XMLReader * getXMLParser()
Get the SAX2Parser from the DDLParser. USE WITH CAUTION. Set your own handler, etc.
DDLDocumentProvider provides a set of URLs and filenames.
std::string const getNameSpace(const std::string &fname)
DDLSAX2Handler inherits from Xerces C++ DefaultHandler.
DDCompactView & cpv_
reference to storage
bool isParsed(const std::string &filename)
Is the file already parsed?