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TopMuEGSkim_cff Namespace Reference


tuple dijetFilter
tuple elecMuon
tuple elecMuonFilter
string ELECTRON_COLL = "gedGsfElectrons"
string ELECTRON_CUTS = "(abs(superCluster.eta)<2.5) && (ecalEnergy*sin(superClusterPosition.theta)>"
 cut on electron tag ELECTRON_ET_CUT_MIN = 10.0 More...
tuple ElectronPassingVeryLooseId
string HLTPath = "HLT_Ele*"
string HLTProcessName = "HLT"
tuple Jet1
tuple looseMuonsForTop
 MU SELECTION #########################. More...
int MASS_CUT_MIN = 0
tuple TopMuEGsequence = cms.Sequence(ZEM_DiJetHltFilter * looseMuonsForTop * ElectronPassingVeryLooseId * elecMuon * elecMuonFilter * Jet1 * dijetFilter)
tuple ZEM_DiJetHltFilter

Variable Documentation

tuple TopMuEGSkim_cff.dijetFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("CandViewCountFilter",
2  src = cms.InputTag("Jet1"),
3  minNumber = cms.uint32(2)
4  )

Definition at line 87 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

tuple TopMuEGSkim_cff.elecMuon
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("CandViewShallowCloneCombiner",
2  checkCharge = cms.bool(False),
3  cut = cms.string('mass > 0'),
4  decay = cms.string("looseMuonsForTop ElectronPassingVeryLooseId")
5  )

Definition at line 63 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

tuple TopMuEGSkim_cff.elecMuonFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("CandViewCountFilter",
2  src = cms.InputTag("elecMuon"),
3  minNumber = cms.uint32(1)
4  )

Definition at line 68 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

string TopMuEGSkim_cff.ELECTRON_COLL = "gedGsfElectrons"

Definition at line 11 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

string TopMuEGSkim_cff.ELECTRON_CUTS = "(abs(superCluster.eta)<2.5) && (ecalEnergy*sin(superClusterPosition.theta)>"

Definition at line 12 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

float TopMuEGSkim_cff.ELECTRON_ET_CUT_MIN_LOOSE = 10.0

Definition at line 10 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

float TopMuEGSkim_cff.ELECTRON_ET_CUT_MIN_TIGHT = 20.0

cut on electron tag ELECTRON_ET_CUT_MIN = 10.0

Definition at line 9 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

tuple TopMuEGSkim_cff.ElectronPassingVeryLooseId
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("GsfElectronRefSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag( ELECTRON_COLL ),
3  cut = cms.string( ELECTRON_CUTS )
4 )

Definition at line 23 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

string TopMuEGSkim_cff.HLTPath = "HLT_Ele*"

Definition at line 4 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

string TopMuEGSkim_cff.HLTProcessName = "HLT"

Definition at line 5 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

tuple TopMuEGSkim_cff.Jet1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("EtaPtMinCandViewSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag("ak4PFJets"),
3  ptMin = cms.double(30),
4  etaMin = cms.double(-2.5),
5  etaMax = cms.double(2.5)
6  )

Definition at line 80 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

tuple TopMuEGSkim_cff.looseMuonsForTop
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("MuonSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag("muons"),
3  cut = cms.string('pt > 20 && abs(eta)<2.4 && isGlobalMuon = 1 && isTrackerMuon = 1 && abs(innerTrack().dxy)<2.0'),
4  filter = cms.bool(True)
5 )

MU SELECTION #########################.

Definition at line 55 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

int TopMuEGSkim_cff.MASS_CUT_MIN = 0

Definition at line 14 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

tuple TopMuEGSkim_cff.TopMuEGsequence = cms.Sequence(ZEM_DiJetHltFilter * looseMuonsForTop * ElectronPassingVeryLooseId * elecMuon * elecMuonFilter * Jet1 * dijetFilter)

Definition at line 93 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.

tuple TopMuEGSkim_cff.ZEM_DiJetHltFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("HLTHighLevel",
2  TriggerResultsTag = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"),
3  HLTPaths = cms.vstring('HLT_Mu17_Ele8_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_TrkIdVL_TrkIsoVL_v*','HLT_Mu8_Ele17_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL_TrkIdVL_TrkIsoVL_v*'), # provide list of HLT paths (or patterns) you want
4  eventSetupPathsKey = cms.string(''), # not empty => use read paths from AlCaRecoTriggerBitsRcd via this key
5  andOr = cms.bool(True), # how to deal with multiple triggers: True (OR) accept if ANY is true, False (AND) accept if ALL are true
6  throw = cms.bool(False), # throw exception on unknown path names
7 # saveTags = cms.bool(False)
8  )

Definition at line 34 of file TopMuEGSkim_cff.py.