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l1t Namespace Reference

delete x; More...




class  AlgorithmEvaluation
class  AMC13DumpToRaw
class  AMCDumpToRaw
class  Block
class  BlockHeader
class  BXVectorInputProducer
class  CaloCluster
class  CaloCondition
class  CaloConfig
class  CaloConfigHelper
class  CaloEmCand
class  CaloMainProcessor
class  CaloParams
class  CaloParamsHelper
class  CaloRegion
class  CaloSpare
class  CaloStage1Cluster
class  CaloStage1FirmwareFactory
class  CaloStage2JetAlgorithm
class  CaloStage2Nav
class  CaloStage2TowerAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  CaloTools
class  CaloTower
class  ConditionEvaluation
class  CorrCondition
class  CTP7Payload
class  DataAlreadyPresentException
class  DataInvalidException
class  DataManager
class  DataWriter
class  DataWriterExt
class  Description
class  EGamma
class  EMTFDaqOut
class  EMTFHit
class  EMTFHitExtra
class  EmtfPtAssignment
class  EMTFTrack
class  EMTFTrackExtra
class  EndCapParamsHelper
class  EnergySumCondition
class  EtSum
class  EtSumHelper
class  ExternalCondition
class  FakeInputProducer
class  ForestHelper
class  GenToInputProducer
class  GlobalBoard
class  GlobalParamsHelper
class  GlobalScales
class  GMTInternalMuon
struct  GtConditionCategoryStringToEnum
struct  GtConditionTypeStringToEnum
class  GtInputDump
class  GtRecordDump
class  HGCalCluster
class  HGCalTower
class  HGCFETriggerDigi
class  Interval
class  IntervalManager
class  Jet
class  L1Candidate
class  L1ComparatorRun2
class  L1DataEmulResult
struct  L1GtBoardTypeStringToEnum
class  L1TCaloRCTToUpgradeConverter
class  L1TCaloStage1LutWriter
class  L1TCaloTowersFilter
class  L1TCaloUpgradeToGCTConverter
class  L1TDigiToRaw
class  L1TExtCondLegacyToStage2
class  L1TExtCondProducer
class  L1TGlobalAnalyzer
class  L1TGlobalUtil
class  L1TGlobalUtilHelper
struct  L1TGtObjectStringToEnum
 the string to enum and enum to string conversions for GlobalObject More...
class  L1TRawToDigi
class  L1TStage1Layer2Producer
class  L1TStage2CaloAnalyzer
class  LUT
class  Mask
class  MicroGMTAbsoluteIsolationCheckLUT
class  MicroGMTAbsoluteIsolationCheckLUTFactory
class  MicroGMTCaloIndexSelectionLUT
class  MicroGMTCaloIndexSelectionLUTFactory
class  MicroGMTCancelOutUnit
class  MicroGMTConfiguration
class  MicroGMTExtrapolationLUT
class  MicroGMTExtrapolationLUTFactory
class  MicroGMTIsolationUnit
class  MicroGMTLUT
class  MicroGMTMatchQualFineLUT
class  MicroGMTMatchQualLUT
class  MicroGMTMatchQualLUTFactory
class  MicroGMTMatchQualSimpleLUT
class  MicroGMTRankPtQualLUT
class  MicroGMTRankPtQualLUTFactory
class  MicroGMTRelativeIsolationCheckLUT
class  MicroGMTRelativeIsolationCheckLUTFactory
class  MP7BufferDumpToRaw
class  MP7Payload
class  MTF7Payload
class  MuCondition
class  Muon
class  MuonCaloSum
class  MuonRawDigiTranslator
class  OMDSReader
class  Packer
class  PackerFactory
class  PackerTokens
class  PackingSetup
class  PackingSetupFactory
class  Payload
class  PhysicsToBitConverter
class  PrescalesVetosHelper
class  rctDataBase
class  RegionalMuonCand
class  RegionalMuonRawDigiTranslator
class  Setting
class  Stage1Layer2CentralityAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2DiTauAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHI
class  Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW
class  Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP
class  Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHI
class  Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW
class  Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP
class  Stage1Layer2FirmwareFactory
class  Stage1Layer2FlowAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2HFBitCountAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2HFMinimumBias
class  Stage1Layer2HFRingSumAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI
class  Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP
class  Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW
class  Stage1Layer2MainProcessor
class  Stage1Layer2MainProcessorFirmwareImp1
class  Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI
class  Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithm
class  Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW
class  Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP
class  Stage1TauIsolationLUT
class  Stage2Layer1FirmwareFactory
class  Stage2Layer2ClusterAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2ClusterAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxEGAlgo
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxEGAlgoFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxJetAlgo
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxJetAlgoFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxSumsAlgo
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxSumsAlgoFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxTauAlgo
class  Stage2Layer2DemuxTauAlgoFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2EGAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2EGammaAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2EGammaAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2EtSumAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2EtSumAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2FirmwareFactory
class  Stage2Layer2JetAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2JetAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2JetSumAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2JetSumAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2MainProcessorFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2SumsAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2Layer2TauAlgorithm
class  Stage2Layer2TauAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2MainProcessor
class  Stage2MainProcessorFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2PreProcessor
class  Stage2PreProcessorFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2TowerCompressAlgorithm
class  Stage2TowerCompressAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  Stage2TowerDecompressAlgorithm
class  Stage2TowerDecompressAlgorithmFirmwareImp1
class  TableRow
class  Tau
class  TriggerMenuParser
class  TrigSystem
class  Unpacker
class  UnpackerCollections
class  UnpackerFactory
class  WriterProxy
class  WriterProxyT
class  XmlConfigReader


typedef std::map< std::string,
 map containing the algorithms More...
typedef std::vector< BlockBlocks
typedef BXVector< CaloClusterCaloClusterBxCollection
typedef BXVector< CaloEmCandCaloEmCandBxCollection
typedef BXVector< CaloRegionCaloRegionBxCollection
typedef BXVector< CaloSpareCaloSpareBxCollection
typedef BXVector
< CaloStage1Cluster
typedef BXVector< CaloTowerCaloTowerBxCollection
 iterators through map containing the algorithms More...
 iterators through map containing the conditions More...
typedef std::map< std::string,
GlobalCondition * > 
typedef BXVector< EGammaEGammaBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< EGammaBxCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< EGammaBxCollection
typedef std::vector< EGammaRefEGammaVectorRef
typedef std::vector< EMTFDaqOutEMTFDaqOutCollection
typedef std::vector< EMTFHitEMTFHitCollection
typedef std::vector< EMTFHitExtraEMTFHitExtraCollection
typedef std::vector< EMTFTrackEMTFTrackCollection
typedef std::vector
< EMTFTrackExtra
typedef BXVector< EtSumEtSumBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< EtSumBxCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< EtSumBxCollection
typedef std::vector< EtSumRefEtSumVectorRef
typedef std::vector
< GMTInternalMuon
typedef std::list
< std::shared_ptr
< GMTInternalMuon > > 
typedef std::map< int,
std::vector< std::shared_ptr
< GMTInternalMuon > > > 
typedef BXVector< HGCalClusterHGCalClusterBxCollection
typedef BXVector< HGCalTowerHGCalTowerBxCollection
typedef edm::SortedCollection
< HGCFETriggerDigi
typedef edm::Ptr
< HGCFETriggerDigi
typedef std::vector
< HGCFETriggerDigiPtr
typedef edm::Ref
< HGCFETriggerDigiCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< HGCFETriggerDigiCollection
typedef AlgorithmMap::iterator ItAlgo
typedef ConditionMap::iterator ItCond
typedef BXVector< JetJetBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref< JetBxCollectionJetRef
typedef edm::RefVector
< JetBxCollection
typedef std::vector< JetRefJetVectorRef
typedef BXVector< L1CandidateL1CandidateBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< L1CandidateBxCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< L1CandidateBxCollection
typedef std::vector
< L1CandidateRef
typedef BXVector
< L1DataEmulResult
typedef BXVector< MuonMuonBxCollection
typedef BXVector< MuonCaloSumMuonCaloSumBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< MuonBxCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< MuonBxCollection
typedef std::vector< MuonRefMuonVectorRef
typedef Packer *( pack_fct )()
< pack_fct
typedef std::map< std::pair
< int, int >, Packers
typedef std::vector
< std::shared_ptr< Packer > > 
< prov_fct
typedef PackingSetup *( prov_fct )()
typedef BXVector
< RegionalMuonCand
typedef BXVector< TauTauBxCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TauBxCollectionTauRef
typedef edm::RefVector
< TauBxCollection
typedef std::vector< TauRefTauVectorRef
typedef Unpacker *( unpack_fct )()
< unpack_fct
typedef std::map< int,
std::shared_ptr< Unpacker > > 
< l1t::WriterProxy *()> 


enum  block_t { MP7 = 0, CTP7, MTF7 }
enum  cancel_t {
  bmtf_bmtf, omtf_bmtf_pos, omtf_emtf_pos, omtf_omtf_pos,
  emtf_emtf_pos, omtf_bmtf_neg, omtf_emtf_neg, omtf_omtf_neg,
enum  cancelmode { tracks, coordinate }
enum  GlobalObject {
  gtMu, gtEG, gtJet, gtTau,
  gtETM, gtETT, gtHTT, gtHTM,
  gtETMHF, gtTowerCount, gtMinBiasHFP0, gtMinBiasHFM0,
  gtMinBiasHFP1, gtMinBiasHFM1, gtETTem, gtExternal,
enum  GtConditionCategory {
  CondNull, CondMuon, CondCalo, CondEnergySum,
  CondCorrelation, CondExternal
 condition categories More...
enum  GtConditionType {
  TypeNull, Type1s, Type2s, Type2wsc,
  Type2cor, Type3s, Type4s, TypeETM,
  TypeETT, TypeHTT, TypeHTM, TypeETMHF,
  TypeTowerCount, TypeMinBiasHFP0, TypeMinBiasHFM0, TypeMinBiasHFP1,
  TypeMinBiasHFM1, TypeETTem, TypeExternal
enum  L1GtBoardType { MP7 = 0, BoardNull }
 board types in GT More...
enum  tftype {
  bmtf, omtf_neg, omtf_pos, emtf_neg,


int calc_chamber (int _station, int _sector, int _subsector, int _ring, int _csc_ID)
float calc_eta (int bits)
float calc_eta_from_theta_rad (float _theta_rad)
int calc_eta_GMT (float val)
float calc_phi_glob_deg (float loc, int sect)
float calc_phi_glob_deg_hit (float loc, int sect_ind)
float calc_phi_glob_rad (float loc, int sect)
float calc_phi_glob_rad_hit (float loc, int sect_ind)
float calc_phi_GMT_deg (int bits)
float calc_phi_GMT_deg_corr (int bits)
int calc_phi_GMT_int (float val)
float calc_phi_GMT_rad (int bits)
float calc_phi_loc_deg (int bits)
int calc_phi_loc_int (float val)
float calc_phi_loc_rad (int bits)
float calc_pt (int bits)
int calc_pt_GMT (float val)
int calc_ring (int _station, int _csc_ID, int _strip)
int calc_sector_from_index (int index)
int calc_sector_GMT (int _sector)
int calc_subsector (int _station, int _chamber)
float calc_theta_deg (float _eta)
float calc_theta_deg_from_int (int _theta_int)
float calc_theta_rad (float _eta)
float calc_theta_rad_from_int (int _theta_int)
int calc_uGMT_chamber (int _csc_ID, int _subsector, int _neighbor, int _station)
void calibrateAndRankJets (CaloParamsHelper *params, const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output)
void calibrateAndRankTaus (CaloParamsHelper *params, const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output)
unsigned int convertFromHexStringToInt (const std::string &aHexString)
template<class varType >
varType convertVariable (const std::string &aVar)
int deltaGctPhi (const CaloRegion &region, const CaloRegion &neighbor)
void EGammaToGtScales (CaloParamsHelper *params, const std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *input, std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *output)
void EtSumToGtScales (CaloParamsHelper *params, const std::vector< l1t::EtSum > *input, std::vector< l1t::EtSum > *output)
void getBXRange (int nbx, int &first, int &last)
const unsigned int gtEta (const unsigned int iEta)
unsigned char hgcal_bad_codec (0xff)
void HICaloRingSubtraction (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &regions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions, CaloParamsHelper *params)
 ------------— For heavy ion ----------------------------------— More...
void JetCalibration (std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets, std::vector< double > jetCalibrationParams, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *jets, std::string jetCalibrationType, double jetLSB)
void JetToGtEtaScales (CaloParamsHelper *params, const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output)
void JetToGtPtScales (CaloParamsHelper *params, const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output)
std::string l1GtBoardTypeEnumToString (const L1GtBoardType &)
L1GtBoardType l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnum (const std::string &)
std::string l1GtConditionCategoryEnumToString (const GtConditionCategory &)
GtConditionCategory l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnum (const std::string &)
std::string l1GtConditionTypeEnumToString (const GtConditionType &)
GtConditionType l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnum (const std::string &)
std::string l1TGtObjectEnumToString (const GlobalObject &)
l1t::GlobalObject l1TGtObjectStringToEnum (const std::string &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const l1t::CaloParamsHelper &p)
bool operator> (const l1t::Tau &a, const l1t::Tau &b)
bool operator> (const l1t::EGamma &a, const l1t::EGamma &b)
bool operator> (l1t::EGamma &a, l1t::EGamma &b)
bool operator> (l1t::Tau &a, l1t::Tau &b)
bool operator> (const l1t::Jet &a, l1t::Jet &b)
unsigned int pack15bits (int pt, int eta, int phi)
unsigned int pack16bits (int pt, int eta, int phi)
unsigned int pack16bitsEgammaSpecial (int pt, int eta, int phi)
void passThroughJets (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets)
void RegionCorrection (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &regions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions, CaloParamsHelper *params)
 ------— New region correction (PUsub, no response correction at the moment) --------— More...
void simpleHWSubtraction (const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &regions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions)
void slidingWindowJetFinder (const int, const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets)
void SortEGammas (std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *input, std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *output)
void SortJets (std::vector< l1t::Jet > *input, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *output)
void SortTaus (std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output)
std::vector< std::string > str2VecStr_ (const std::string &aStr, const std::string &delim)
void str2VecStr_ (const std::string &aStr, const std::string &delim, std::vector< std::string > &aVec)
void TauToGtEtaScales (CaloParamsHelper *params, const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output)
void TauToGtPtScales (CaloParamsHelper *params, const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *input, std::vector< l1t::Tau > *output)
void TwelveByTwelveFinder (const int, const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets)
void TwoByTwoFinder (const int, const int, const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *regions, std::vector< l1t::Jet > *uncalibjets)

Detailed Description

delete x;

map containing the conditions

Description: Simple Navigator class for the CaloTowers

: Sam Harper - RAL

Description: Firmware headers

Implementation: Collects concrete algorithm implmentations.

: R. Alex Barbieri MIT Kalanand Mishra, Fermilab

Description: Firmware headers

Implementation: Collects concrete algorithm implmentations.

: R. Alex Barbieri MIT

Description: Firmware headers

Implementation: Concrete firmware implementations

: Jim Brooke - University of Bristol

Description: Firmware headers

Implementation: Concrete firmware implementations

: Jim Brooke - University of Bristol Modified: Adam Elwood - ICL

Description: enums for the L1 GT.

Implementation: Defines various enums for CondFormats L1 GT. For each enum, define the lightweight "maps" for enum string label and enum value

: Brian Winer, OSU Vasile Mihai Ghete - HEPHY Vienna

$Date$ $Revision$

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<std::string, GlobalAlgorithm> l1t::AlgorithmMap

map containing the algorithms

Definition at line 32 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<Block> l1t::Blocks

Definition at line 68 of file Block.h.

Definition at line 85 of file CaloCluster.h.

Definition at line 26 of file CaloEmCand.h.

Definition at line 47 of file CaloRegion.h.

Definition at line 10 of file CaloSpare.h.

Definition at line 27 of file CaloStage1Cluster.h.

Definition at line 10 of file CaloTower.h.

typedef AlgorithmMap::const_iterator l1t::CItAlgo

iterators through map containing the algorithms

Definition at line 39 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

typedef ConditionMap::const_iterator l1t::CItCond

iterators through map containing the conditions

Definition at line 35 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

typedef std::map<std::string, GlobalCondition*> l1t::ConditionMap

Definition at line 29 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

Definition at line 11 of file EGamma.h.

Definition at line 13 of file EGamma.h.

Definition at line 14 of file EGamma.h.

typedef std::vector< EGammaRef > l1t::EGammaVectorRef

Definition at line 15 of file EGamma.h.

typedef std::vector<EMTFDaqOut> l1t::EMTFDaqOutCollection

Definition at line 130 of file EMTFDaqOut.h.

typedef std::vector<EMTFHit> l1t::EMTFHitCollection

Definition at line 158 of file EMTFHit.h.

Definition at line 112 of file EMTFHitExtra.h.

typedef std::vector<EMTFTrack> l1t::EMTFTrackCollection

Definition at line 201 of file EMTFTrack.h.

Definition at line 96 of file EMTFTrackExtra.h.

Definition at line 10 of file EtSum.h.

Definition at line 12 of file EtSum.h.

Definition at line 13 of file EtSum.h.

typedef std::vector< EtSumRef > l1t::EtSumVectorRef

Definition at line 14 of file EtSum.h.

Definition at line 7 of file GMTInternalMuonFwd.h.

Definition at line 10 of file GMTInternalMuonFwd.h.

typedef std::map<int, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GMTInternalMuon> > > l1t::GMTInternalWedges

Definition at line 9 of file GMTInternalMuonFwd.h.

Definition at line 59 of file HGCalCluster.h.

Definition at line 10 of file HGCalTower.h.

Definition at line 13 of file HGCFETriggerDigiFwd.h.

Definition at line 21 of file HGCFETriggerDigiFwd.h.

Definition at line 22 of file HGCFETriggerDigiFwd.h.

Definition at line 19 of file HGCFETriggerDigiFwd.h.

Definition at line 20 of file HGCFETriggerDigiFwd.h.

typedef AlgorithmMap::iterator l1t::ItAlgo

Definition at line 40 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

typedef ConditionMap::iterator l1t::ItCond

Definition at line 36 of file TriggerMenuFwd.h.

Definition at line 10 of file Jet.h.

Definition at line 12 of file Jet.h.

Definition at line 13 of file Jet.h.

typedef std::vector< JetRef > l1t::JetVectorRef

Definition at line 14 of file Jet.h.

Definition at line 9 of file L1Candidate.h.

Definition at line 11 of file L1Candidate.h.

Definition at line 12 of file L1Candidate.h.

typedef std::vector< L1CandidateRef > l1t::L1CandidateVectorRef

Definition at line 13 of file L1Candidate.h.

Definition at line 7 of file L1DataEmulResult.h.

Definition at line 10 of file Muon.h.

Definition at line 7 of file MuonCaloSumFwd.h.

Definition at line 12 of file Muon.h.

Definition at line 13 of file Muon.h.

typedef std::vector< MuonRef > l1t::MuonVectorRef

Definition at line 14 of file Muon.h.

typedef Packer*( l1t::pack_fct)()

Definition at line 9 of file PackerFactory.h.

Definition at line 10 of file PackerFactory.h.

typedef std::map<std::pair<int, int>, Packers> l1t::PackerMap

Definition at line 25 of file PackingSetup.h.

typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Packer> > l1t::Packers

Definition at line 19 of file Packer.h.

Definition at line 10 of file PackingSetupFactory.h.

typedef PackingSetup*( l1t::prov_fct)()

Definition at line 9 of file PackingSetupFactory.h.

Definition at line 10 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.

Definition at line 10 of file Tau.h.

Definition at line 12 of file Tau.h.

Definition at line 13 of file Tau.h.

typedef std::vector< TauRef > l1t::TauVectorRef

Definition at line 14 of file Tau.h.

typedef Unpacker*( l1t::unpack_fct)()

Definition at line 9 of file UnpackerFactory.h.

Definition at line 10 of file UnpackerFactory.h.

typedef std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<Unpacker> > l1t::UnpackerMap

Definition at line 27 of file PackingSetup.h.

Definition at line 88 of file WriterProxy.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 10 of file Block.h.

10 { MP7 = 0, CTP7, MTF7 };
Definition: Block.h:10

Definition at line 11 of file MicroGMTCancelOutUnit.h.

11  {
13  };
tuple tracks
Definition: testEve_cfg.py:39

L1 GT objects ObjNull catch all errors


Definition at line 16 of file GlobalObject.h.

condition categories


Definition at line 83 of file GlobalDefinitions.h.

condition types TypeNull: null type - for condition constructor only Type1s : one particle Type2s : two particles, same type, no spatial correlations among them Type2wsc : two particles, same type, with spatial correlations among them Type2cor : two particles, different type, with spatial correlations among them Type3s : three particles, same type Type4s : four particles, same type TypeETM, TypeETT, TypeHTT, TypeHTM : ETM, ETT, HTT, HTM TypeExternal: external conditions (logical result only; definition in L1 GT external systems)


Definition at line 52 of file GlobalDefinitions.h.

board types in GT


Definition at line 28 of file GlobalDefinitions.h.

28  {
29  MP7,
30  BoardNull
31 };
Definition: Block.h:10

Definition at line 7 of file RegionalMuonCandFwd.h.

Function Documentation

int l1t::calc_chamber ( int  _station,
int  _sector,
int  _subsector,
int  _ring,
int  _csc_ID 

Definition at line 156 of file EMTFHitTools.cc.

Referenced by l1t::stage2::emtf::MEBlockUnpacker::unpack().

156  {
157  int tmp_chamber = -999;
158  if (_station == 1) {
159  tmp_chamber = ((_sector-1) * 6) + _csc_ID + 2; // Chamber offset of 2: First chamber in sector 1 is chamber 3
160  if (_ring == 2) tmp_chamber -= 3;
161  if (_ring == 3) tmp_chamber -= 6;
162  if (_subsector == 2) tmp_chamber += 3;
163  if (tmp_chamber > 36) tmp_chamber -= 36;
164  }
165  else if (_ring == 1) {
166  tmp_chamber = ((_sector-1) * 3) + _csc_ID + 1; // Chamber offset of 1: First chamber in sector 1 is chamber 2
167  if (tmp_chamber > 18) tmp_chamber -= 18;
168  }
169  else if (_ring == 2) {
170  tmp_chamber = ((_sector-1) * 6) + _csc_ID - 3 + 2; // Chamber offset of 2: First chamber in sector 1 is chamber 3
171  if (tmp_chamber > 36) tmp_chamber -= 36;
172  }
173  return tmp_chamber;
174  } // End EMTFHit::calc_chamber
float l1t::calc_eta ( int  bits)

Definition at line 17 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

Referenced by l1t::EMTFTrack::ImportSP().

17 { return bits * 0.010875; }
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision bits
float l1t::calc_eta_from_theta_rad ( float  _theta_rad)

Definition at line 18 of file EMTFHitTools.h.

References dqm-mbProfile::log, and funct::tan().

Referenced by L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

18 { return -1 * log( tan( _theta_rad / 2 ) ); }
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
Definition: Tan.h:22
int l1t::calc_eta_GMT ( float  val)

Definition at line 18 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

18 { return val / 0.010875; }
float l1t::calc_phi_glob_deg ( float  loc,
int  sect 

Definition at line 28 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

References tmp.

Referenced by l1t::EMTFTrack::ImportSP(), and L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

28  {
29  float tmp = loc + 15 + (sect - 1)*60; return (tmp < 180) ? tmp : tmp - 360; }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
Definition: MVATrainer.cc:100
float l1t::calc_phi_glob_deg_hit ( float  loc,
int  sect_ind 

Definition at line 19 of file EMTFHitTools.h.

References tmp.

Referenced by L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

19  {
20  float tmp = loc + 15 + (sect_ind < 6 ? sect_ind : sect_ind - 6)*60;
21  return (tmp < 180) ? tmp : tmp - 360; }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
Definition: MVATrainer.cc:100
float l1t::calc_phi_glob_rad ( float  loc,
int  sect 

Definition at line 30 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

References Geom::pi(), and tmp.

Referenced by l1t::EMTFTrack::ImportSP(), and L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

30  {
31  float tmp = loc + (Geom::pi()/12) + (sect - 1)*(Geom::pi()/3); return (tmp < Geom::pi()) ? tmp : tmp - 2*Geom::pi(); }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
Definition: MVATrainer.cc:100
constexpr double pi()
Definition: Pi.h:31
float l1t::calc_phi_glob_rad_hit ( float  loc,
int  sect_ind 

Definition at line 22 of file EMTFHitTools.h.

References Geom::pi(), and tmp.

Referenced by L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

22  {
23  float tmp = loc + (Geom::pi()/12) + (sect_ind < 6 ? sect_ind : sect_ind - 6)*(Geom::pi()/3);
24  return (tmp < Geom::pi()) ? tmp : tmp - 2*Geom::pi(); }
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
Definition: MVATrainer.cc:100
constexpr double pi()
Definition: Pi.h:31
float l1t::calc_phi_GMT_deg ( int  bits)

Definition at line 24 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

24 { return (bits * 0.625) + 0.3125; } /* x (360/576) + (180/576) */
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision bits
float l1t::calc_phi_GMT_deg_corr ( int  bits)

Definition at line 25 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

25 { return (bits * 0.625 * 1.0208) + 0.3125 * 1.0208 + 0.552; } /* AWB mod 09.02.16 */
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision bits
int l1t::calc_phi_GMT_int ( float  val)

Definition at line 27 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

27 { return (val - 0.3125) / 0.625; } /* - (180/576) / (360/576) */
float l1t::calc_phi_GMT_rad ( int  bits)

Definition at line 26 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

References Geom::pi().

26 { return (bits * Geom::pi() / 288) + (Geom::pi() / 576); } /* x (2*pi/576) + (pi/576) */
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision bits
constexpr double pi()
Definition: Pi.h:31
float l1t::calc_phi_loc_deg ( int  bits)

Definition at line 21 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

Referenced by l1t::EMTFTrack::ImportSP(), and L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

21 { return (bits / 60.0) - 22.0; }
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision bits
int l1t::calc_phi_loc_int ( float  val)

Definition at line 23 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

23 { return (val + 2) * 60; }
float l1t::calc_phi_loc_rad ( int  bits)

Definition at line 22 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

References Geom::pi().

Referenced by l1t::EMTFTrack::ImportSP(), and L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

22 { return (bits * Geom::pi() / 10800) - (22 * Geom::pi() / 180); }
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision bits
constexpr double pi()
Definition: Pi.h:31
float l1t::calc_pt ( int  bits)

Definition at line 15 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

Referenced by l1t::EMTFTrack::ImportSP().

15 { return (bits - 1) * 0.5; }
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision bits
int l1t::calc_pt_GMT ( float  val)

Definition at line 16 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

16 { return (val * 2) + 1; }
int l1t::calc_ring ( int  _station,
int  _csc_ID,
int  _strip 

Definition at line 140 of file EMTFHitTools.cc.

Referenced by l1t::stage2::emtf::MEBlockUnpacker::unpack().

140  {
141  if (_station > 1) {
142  if (_csc_ID < 4) return 1;
143  else if (_csc_ID < 10) return 2;
144  else return -999;
145  }
146  else if (_station == 1) {
147  if (_csc_ID < 4 && _strip > 127) return 4;
148  else if (_csc_ID < 4 && _strip >= 0) return 1;
149  else if (_csc_ID > 3 && _csc_ID < 7) return 2;
150  else if (_csc_ID > 6 && _csc_ID < 10) return 3;
151  else return -999;
152  }
153  else return -999;
154  } // End EMTFHit::calc_ring
int l1t::calc_sector_from_index ( int  index)

Definition at line 33 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

Referenced by L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

33 { return (index < 6) ? index + 1 : index - 5; }
int l1t::calc_sector_GMT ( int  _sector)

Definition at line 32 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

Referenced by l1t::EMTFTrack::ImportSP(), and L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

32 { return _sector - 1; }
int l1t::calc_subsector ( int  _station,
int  _chamber 

Definition at line 12 of file EMTFHitTools.h.

Referenced by l1t::EMTFHit::ImportCSCCorrelatedLCTDigi().

12  { // Why does emulator have the following csc_ID dependence? - AWB 11.04.16
13  if ( _station == 1 ) return ( (_chamber % 6) > 2 ) ? 1 : 2; // "if(station == 1 && id > 3 && id < 7)" - AWB 11.04.16
14  else if ( _station < 0 || _chamber < 0 ) return -999; // Function works because first 3 chambers in sector 1 are 3/4/5,
15  else return -1; } // while the last 3 in sector 6 are 36/1/2
float l1t::calc_theta_deg ( float  _eta)

Definition at line 19 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

References create_public_lumi_plots::exp, and Geom::pi().

19 { return 2*atan( exp(-1*_eta) ) * (180/Geom::pi()); }
constexpr double pi()
Definition: Pi.h:31
float l1t::calc_theta_deg_from_int ( int  _theta_int)

Definition at line 16 of file EMTFHitTools.h.

Referenced by L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

16 { return _theta_int * 0.2851562 + 8.5; }
float l1t::calc_theta_rad ( float  _eta)

Definition at line 20 of file EMTFTrackTools.h.

References create_public_lumi_plots::exp.

20 { return 2*atan( exp(-1*_eta) ); }
float l1t::calc_theta_rad_from_int ( int  _theta_int)

Definition at line 17 of file EMTFHitTools.h.

References Geom::pi().

Referenced by L1TMuonEndCapTrackProducer::produce().

17 { return (_theta_int * 0.2851562 + 8.5) * (Geom::pi() / 180); }
constexpr double pi()
Definition: Pi.h:31
int l1t::calc_uGMT_chamber ( int  _csc_ID,
int  _subsector,
int  _neighbor,
int  _station 

Definition at line 32 of file EMTFTrackTools.cc.

Referenced by l1t::stage2::emtf::SPBlockUnpacker::unpack().

32  {
33  if (_station == 1) {
34  if ( _csc_ID == 3 && _neighbor == 1 && _subsector == 2 ) return 1;
35  else if ( _csc_ID == 6 && _neighbor == 1 && _subsector == 2 ) return 2;
36  else if ( _csc_ID == 9 && _neighbor == 1 && _subsector == 2 ) return 3;
37  else if ( _csc_ID == 3 && _neighbor == 0 && _subsector == 2 ) return 4;
38  else if ( _csc_ID == 6 && _neighbor == 0 && _subsector == 2 ) return 5;
39  else if ( _csc_ID == 9 && _neighbor == 0 && _subsector == 2 ) return 6;
40  else return 0;
41  }
42  else {
43  if ( _csc_ID == 3 && _neighbor == 1 ) return 1;
44  else if ( _csc_ID == 9 && _neighbor == 1 ) return 2;
45  else if ( _csc_ID == 3 && _neighbor == 0 ) return 3;
46  else if ( _csc_ID == 9 && _neighbor == 0 ) return 4;
47  else return 0;
48  }
49  }
void l1t::calibrateAndRankJets ( CaloParamsHelper *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  output 

Definition at line 12 of file legacyGtHelper.cc.

References l1t::LUT::data(), eta, l1t::CaloParamsHelper::jetCalibrationLUT(), hltrates_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::offset, and EnergyCorrector::pt.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().

14  {
16  for(std::vector<l1t::Jet>::const_iterator itJet = input->begin();
17  itJet != input->end(); ++itJet){
18  unsigned int pt = itJet->hwPt();
19  if(pt > ((1<<10) -1) )
20  pt = ((1<<10) -1);
21  unsigned int eta = itJet->hwEta();
22  if (eta>10){ // LUT is symmetric in eta. For eta>10 map to corresponding eta<10 bin
23  int offset=2*(eta-10)-1;
24  eta=eta-offset;
25  }
26  unsigned int lutAddress = (eta<<10)+pt;
28  unsigned int rank = params->jetCalibrationLUT()->data(lutAddress);
30  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0,0,0,0);
31  l1t::Jet outJet(*&ldummy, rank, itJet->hwEta(), itJet->hwPhi(), itJet->hwQual());
32  output->push_back(outJet);
33  }
34  }
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
Definition: Jet.h:16
void l1t::calibrateAndRankTaus ( CaloParamsHelper *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  output 

Definition at line 36 of file legacyGtHelper.cc.

References l1t::LUT::data(), eta, EnergyCorrector::pt, and l1t::CaloParamsHelper::tauCalibrationLUT().

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

38  {
40  for(std::vector<l1t::Tau>::const_iterator itTau = input->begin();
41  itTau != input->end(); ++itTau){
42  unsigned int pt = itTau->hwPt();
43  if(pt > ((1<<10) -1) )
44  pt = ((1<<10) -1);
45  unsigned int eta = itTau->hwEta();
46  unsigned int lutAddress = (eta<<10)+pt;
48  unsigned int rank = params->tauCalibrationLUT()->data(lutAddress);
50  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0,0,0,0);
51  l1t::Tau outTau(*&ldummy, rank, itTau->hwEta(), itTau->hwPhi(), itTau->hwQual());
52  output->push_back(outTau);
53  }
54  }
Definition: Tau.h:16
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
unsigned int l1t::convertFromHexStringToInt ( const std::string &  aHexString)

Definition at line 46 of file Tools.cc.

References i, funct::pow(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by convertVariable().

47 {
48  std::map<std::string, int> hexnums;
49  std::string strHexNums("0123456789ABCDEF");
50  for(unsigned int i=0; i<strHexNums.size(); i++)
51  hexnums[strHexNums.substr(i,1)] = i;
52  unsigned int tempNum(0);
53  for (unsigned int i=aHexString.size()-1; i>=2; i--)
54  tempNum += hexnums[aHexString.substr(i,1)]*pow(16,(aHexString.size()-1-i));
56  return tempNum;
57 }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Power.h:40
template<class varType >
varType l1t::convertVariable ( const std::string &  aVar)

Definition at line 19 of file Tools.h.

References convertFromHexStringToInt(), alignCSCRings::e, cppFunctionSkipper::exception, i, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, groupFilesInBlocks::temp, and dumpRecoGeometry_cfg::varType.

20 {
21  varType temp;
22  try{
23  temp = boost::lexical_cast<varType>(aVar);
24  }
25  catch (std::exception& e)
26  {
27  std::map<std::string, int> hexnums;
28  std::string strHexNums("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef");
29  for(unsigned int i=0; i<strHexNums.size(); i++)
30  hexnums[strHexNums.substr(i,1)] = i;
31  if ( aVar.substr(0,2) == "0x" && aVar.substr(2,aVar.size()).find_first_not_of(strHexNums) == std::string::npos)
32  temp = convertFromHexStringToInt(aVar);
33  else
34  throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Method convertVariable error: ") + e.what());
35  }
37  return temp;
38 }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
unsigned int convertFromHexStringToInt(const std::string &aHexString)
Definition: Tools.cc:46
int l1t::deltaGctPhi ( const CaloRegion &  region,
const CaloRegion &  neighbor 

Definition at line 18 of file JetFinderMethods.cc.

References funct::abs(), mps_update::diff, l1t::L1Candidate::hwPhi(), and L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI.

Referenced by slidingWindowJetFinder(), TwelveByTwelveFinder(), and TwoByTwoFinder().

19  {
20  int phi1 = region.hwPhi();
21  int phi2 = neighbor.hwPhi();
22  int diff = phi1 - phi2;
23  if (std::abs(phi1 - phi2) == L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI-1) { //18 regions in phi
24  diff = -diff/std::abs(diff);
25  }
26  return diff;
27  }
bool neighbor(int endcap, int sector, int SectIndex, int id, int sub, int station)
list diff
Definition: mps_update.py:85
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
static const unsigned N_PHI
void l1t::EGammaToGtScales ( CaloParamsHelper *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *  output 

Definition at line 99 of file legacyGtHelper.cc.

References gtEta().

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

101  {
103  for(std::vector<l1t::EGamma>::const_iterator itEGamma = input->begin();
104  itEGamma != input->end(); ++itEGamma){
105  unsigned newEta = gtEta(itEGamma->hwEta());
106  unsigned newPhi = itEGamma->hwPhi();
107  const uint16_t rankPt = (uint16_t)itEGamma->hwPt(); //max value?
109  //hwQual &10 == 10 means that the object came from a sort and is padding
110  if((itEGamma->hwQual() & 0x10) == 0x10)
111  {
112  newEta = 0x0;
113  newPhi = 0x0;
114  }
116  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0,0,0,0);
118  l1t::EGamma gtEGamma(*&ldummy, rankPt, newEta, newPhi,
119  itEGamma->hwQual(), itEGamma->hwIso());
120  output->push_back(gtEGamma);
121  }
122  }
const unsigned int gtEta(const unsigned int iEta)
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
void l1t::EtSumToGtScales ( CaloParamsHelper *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::EtSum > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::EtSum > *  output 

Definition at line 165 of file legacyGtHelper.cc.

References L1Analysis::kMissingHt.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent().

167  {
168  for(std::vector<l1t::EtSum>::const_iterator itEtSum = input->begin();
169  itEtSum != input->end(); ++itEtSum){
171  uint16_t rankPt;
172  // Hack for now to make sure they come out with the right scale
173  //rankPt = params->jetScale().rank((uint16_t)itEtSum->hwPt());
174  rankPt = (uint16_t)itEtSum->hwPt();
175  if (EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingHt == itEtSum->getType())
176  {
177  // if(rankPt > params->HtMissScale().linScaleMax()) rankPt = params->HtMissScale().linScaleMax();
178  // params->HtMissScale().linScaleMax() always returns zero. Hardcode 512 for now
180  // comment out for mht/ht (already in GT scale)
181  //if(rankPt > 512) rankPt = 512;
182  //rankPt = params->HtMissScale().rank(rankPt*params->emScale().linearLsb());
183  }
185  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0,0,0,0);
187  l1t::EtSum gtEtSum(*&ldummy, itEtSum->getType(), rankPt, 0,
188  itEtSum->hwPhi(), itEtSum->hwQual());
190  output->push_back(gtEtSum);
191  }
192  }
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
void l1t::getBXRange ( int  nbx,
int &  first,
int &  last 
const unsigned int l1t::gtEta ( const unsigned int  iEta)

Definition at line 194 of file legacyGtHelper.cc.

Referenced by EGammaToGtScales(), getRegionEta(), JetToGtEtaScales(), l1t::Stage2Layer2DemuxJetAlgoFirmwareImp1::processEvent(), and TauToGtEtaScales().

195  {
196  unsigned rctEta = (iEta<11 ? 10-iEta : iEta-11);
197  return (((rctEta % 7) & 0x7) | (iEta<11 ? 0x8 : 0));
198  }
unsigned char l1t::hgcal_bad_codec ( 0xff  )
void l1t::HICaloRingSubtraction ( const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &  regions,
std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  subRegions,
CaloParamsHelper *  params 

------------— For heavy ion ----------------------------------—

Definition at line 19 of file PUSubtractionMethods.cc.

References i, bookConverter::max, L1CaloRegionDetId::N_ETA, and HLT_25ns10e33_v2_cff::region.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and RegionCorrection().

22  {
23  int puLevelHI[L1CaloRegionDetId::N_ETA];
25  for(unsigned i = 0; i < L1CaloRegionDetId::N_ETA; ++i)
26  {
27  puLevelHI[i] = 0;
28  }
30  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions.begin();
31  region != regions.end(); region++){
32  puLevelHI[region->hwEta()] += region->hwPt();
33  }
35  for(unsigned i = 0; i < L1CaloRegionDetId::N_ETA; ++i)
36  {
37  //puLevelHI[i] = floor(((double)puLevelHI[i] / (double)L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI)+0.5);
38  puLevelHI[i] = (puLevelHI[i] + 9) * 455 / (1 << 13); // approx equals X/18 +0.5
39  }
41  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions.begin(); region!= regions.end(); region++){
42  int subPt = std::max(0, region->hwPt() - puLevelHI[region->hwEta()]);
43  int subEta = region->hwEta();
44  int subPhi = region->hwPhi();
47  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0,0,0,0);
49  CaloRegion newSubRegion(*&ldummy, 0, 0, subPt, subEta, subPhi, region->hwQual(), region->hwEtEm(), region->hwEtHad());
50  subRegions->push_back(newSubRegion);
51  }
52  }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
static const unsigned N_ETA
void l1t::JetCalibration ( std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  uncalibjets,
std::vector< double >  jetCalibrationParams,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  jets,
std::string  jetCalibrationType,
double  jetLSB 

Definition at line 12 of file JetCalibrationMethods.cc.

References alpha, reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, and reco::btau::jetPt.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent().

17  {
19  for (std::vector<l1t::Jet>::const_iterator uncalibjet = uncalibjets->begin(); uncalibjet != uncalibjets->end(); ++uncalibjet){
21  if (jetCalibrationType == "None") {
22  l1t::Jet corrjets = *uncalibjet;
23  jets->push_back(corrjets);
24  continue;
25  }
27  if (jetCalibrationType == "Stage1JEC") {
28  int jetPt = (uncalibjet->hwPt())*jetLSB; // correction factors are parameterized as functions of physical pt
29  int jetPhi = uncalibjet->hwPhi();
30  int jetEta = uncalibjet->hwEta();
31  int jetQual = uncalibjet->hwQual();
32  double jpt = 0.0;
34  double alpha = jetCalibrationParams[2*jetEta + 0]; //Scale factor (See jetSF_cfi.py)
35  double gamma = ((jetCalibrationParams[2*jetEta + 1])); //Offset
37  jpt = jetPt*alpha+gamma;
38  unsigned int corjetET =(int) (jpt/jetLSB);
40  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > jetLorentz(0,0,0,0);
41  l1t::Jet corrjets(*&jetLorentz, corjetET, jetEta, jetPhi, jetQual);
43  jets->push_back(corrjets);
44  }
45  }
46  }
float alpha
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:95
Definition: Jet.h:16
vector< PseudoJet > jets
void l1t::JetToGtEtaScales ( CaloParamsHelper *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  output 

Definition at line 57 of file legacyGtHelper.cc.

References gtEta(), and gtJet.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().

59  {
61  for(std::vector<l1t::Jet>::const_iterator itJet = input->begin();
62  itJet != input->end(); ++itJet){
63  unsigned newPhi = itJet->hwPhi();
64  unsigned newEta = gtEta(itJet->hwEta());
66  // jets with hwQual & 10 ==10 are "padding" jets from a sort, set their eta and phi
67  // to the max value
68  if((itJet->hwQual() & 0x10) == 0x10)
69  {
70  newEta = 0x0;
71  newPhi = 0x0;
72  }
74  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0,0,0,0);
76  l1t::Jet gtJet(*&ldummy, itJet->hwPt(), newEta, newPhi, itJet->hwQual());
77  output->push_back(gtJet);
78  }
79  }
const unsigned int gtEta(const unsigned int iEta)
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
Definition: Jet.h:16
void l1t::JetToGtPtScales ( CaloParamsHelper *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  output 

Definition at line 81 of file legacyGtHelper.cc.

References gtJet, l1t::CaloParamsHelper::jetScale(), L1CaloEtScale::linScaleMax(), and L1CaloEtScale::rank().

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent().

83  {
85  for(std::vector<l1t::Jet>::const_iterator itJet = input->begin();
86  itJet != input->end(); ++itJet){
87  uint16_t linPt = (uint16_t)itJet->hwPt();
88  if(linPt > params->jetScale().linScaleMax() ) linPt = params->jetScale().linScaleMax();
89  const uint16_t rankPt = params->jetScale().rank(linPt);
91  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0,0,0,0);
93  l1t::Jet gtJet(*&ldummy, rankPt, itJet->hwEta(), itJet->hwPhi(), itJet->hwQual());
94  output->push_back(gtJet);
95  }
96  }
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
Definition: Jet.h:16
std::string l1t::l1GtBoardTypeEnumToString ( const L1GtBoardType boardType)

Definition at line 106 of file GlobalDefinitions.cc.

References BoardNull, and mps_fire::result.

106  {
107  char const *result= valueToKey(boardType, l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnumMap);
108  if (boardType == l1t::BoardNull) {
109  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal")
110  << "\n l1t::BoardNull means no valid board type defined!";
111  }
112  if (!result) {
113  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << boardType
114  << "' is not a recognized l1t::L1GtBoardType. "
115  << "\n Return l1t::BoardNull, which means no valid board type defined!";
116  return "l1t::BoardNull";
117  }
118  return result;
119 }
tuple result
Definition: mps_fire.py:84
l1t::L1GtBoardType l1t::l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnum ( const std::string &  label)

Definition at line 90 of file GlobalDefinitions.cc.

References BoardNull, BoardNull, and relativeConstraints::value.

90  {
91  l1t::L1GtBoardType value = keyToValue(label.c_str(), l1GtBoardTypeStringToEnumMap);
92  if (value == (l1t::L1GtBoardType) - 1) {
93  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << label
94  << "' is not a recognized l1t::L1GtBoardType. \n Return l1t::BoardNull.";
95  value = l1t::BoardNull;
96  }
98  if (value == l1t::BoardNull) {
99  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal")
100  << "\n l1t::BoardNull means no valid board type defined!";
101  }
103  return value;
104 }
board types in GT
std::string l1t::l1GtConditionCategoryEnumToString ( const GtConditionCategory &  conditionCategory)

Definition at line 178 of file GlobalDefinitions.cc.

References CondNull, and mps_fire::result.

178  {
179  char const *result = valueToKey(conditionCategory, l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnumMap);
180  if (conditionCategory == l1t::CondNull)
181  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal")
182  << "\n Return l1t::CondNull, which means no valid condition category defined!";
184  if (!result) {
185  result = "l1t::CondNull";
186  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << conditionCategory
187  << "' is not a recognized l1t::GtConditionCategory. "
188  << "\n Return l1t::CondNull, which means no valid condition category defined!";
189  }
191  return result;
192 }
tuple result
Definition: mps_fire.py:84
l1t::GtConditionCategory l1t::l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnum ( const std::string &  label)

Definition at line 159 of file GlobalDefinitions.cc.

References CondNull, CondNull, and relativeConstraints::value.

159  {
160  l1t::GtConditionCategory value = keyToValue(label.c_str(), l1GtConditionCategoryStringToEnumMap);
161  // in case of unrecognized l1t::GtConditionCategory, return l1t::CondNull
162  // to be dealt by the corresponding module
163  if (value == (l1t::GtConditionCategory) -1) {
164  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << label
165  << "' is not a recognized l1t::GtConditionCategory. \n Return l1t::CondNull.";
167  value = l1t::CondNull;
168  }
170  if (value == l1t::CondNull) {
171  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal")
172  << "\n l1t::CondNull means no valid condition category defined!";
173  }
175  return value;
176 }
condition categories
std::string l1t::l1GtConditionTypeEnumToString ( const GtConditionType &  conditionType)

Definition at line 145 of file GlobalDefinitions.cc.

References mps_fire::result, and TypeNull.

145  {
146  const char *result = valueToKey(conditionType, l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnumMap);
147  if (conditionType == l1t::TypeNull)
148  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal")
149  << "\n Return l1t::TypeNull, which means no valid condition type defined!";
150  if (!result) {
151  result = "l1t::TypeNull";
152  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << conditionType
153  << "' is not a recognized l1t::GtConditionType. "
154  << "\n Return l1t::TypeNull, which means no valid condition type defined!";
155  }
156  return result;
157 }
tuple result
Definition: mps_fire.py:84
l1t::GtConditionType l1t::l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnum ( const std::string &  label)

Definition at line 125 of file GlobalDefinitions.cc.

References TypeNull, TypeNull, and relativeConstraints::value.

125  {
126  l1t::GtConditionType value = keyToValue(label.c_str(), l1GtConditionTypeStringToEnumMap);
128  // in case of unrecognized l1t::GtConditionType, return l1t::TypeNull
129  // to be dealt by the corresponding module
130  if (value == (l1t::GtConditionType) -1) {
131  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << label
132  << "' is not a recognized l1t::GtConditionType. \n Return l1t::TypeNull.";
134  value = l1t::TypeNull;
135  }
137  if (value == l1t::TypeNull) {
138  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal")
139  << "\n l1t::TypeNull means no valid condition type defined!";
140  }
142  return value;
143 }
std::string l1t::l1TGtObjectEnumToString ( const GlobalObject gtObject)

Definition at line 78 of file GlobalObject.cc.

References gtEG, gtETM, gtETMHF, gtETT, gtETTem, gtExternal, gtHTM, gtHTT, gtJet, gtMinBiasHFM0, gtMinBiasHFM1, gtMinBiasHFP0, gtMinBiasHFP1, gtMu, gtTau, gtTowerCount, ObjNull, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by l1t::CorrCondition::evaluateCondition().

78  {
80  std::string gtObjectString;
82  switch (gtObject) {
84  case gtMu: {
85  gtObjectString = "Mu";
86  }
87  break;
89  case gtEG: {
90  gtObjectString = "EG";
91  }
92  break;
94  case gtTau: {
95  gtObjectString = "Tau";
96  }
97  break;
99  case gtJet: {
100  gtObjectString = "Jet";
101  }
102  break;
104  case gtETM: {
105  gtObjectString = "ETM";
106  }
107  break;
109  case gtETT: {
110  gtObjectString = "ETT";
111  }
112  break;
114  case gtHTT: {
115  gtObjectString = "HTT";
116  }
117  break;
119  case gtHTM: {
120  gtObjectString = "HTM";
121  }
122  break;
124  case gtETMHF: {
125  gtObjectString = "ETMHF";
126  }
127  break;
129  case gtTowerCount: {
130  gtObjectString = "TowerCount";
131  }
132  break;
134  case gtMinBiasHFP0: {
135  gtObjectString = "MinBiasHFP0";
136  }
137  break;
139  case gtMinBiasHFM0: {
140  gtObjectString = "MinBiasHFM0";
141  }
142  break;
144  case gtMinBiasHFP1: {
145  gtObjectString = "MinBiasHFP1";
146  }
147  break;
149  case gtMinBiasHFM1: {
150  gtObjectString = "MinBiasHFM1";
151  }
152  break;
154  case gtETTem: {
155  gtObjectString = "ETTem";
156  }
157  break;
159  case gtExternal: {
160  gtObjectString = "External";
161  }
162  break;
164  case ObjNull: {
165  gtObjectString = "ObjNull";
166  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal")
167  << "\n ObjNull means no valid GlobalObject defined!";
168  }
169  break;
171  default: {
172  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << gtObject
173  << "' is not a recognized GlobalObject. "
174  << "\n Return ObjNull, which means no valid GlobalObject defined!";
176  gtObjectString = "ObjNull";
178  }
179  break;
180  }
182  return gtObjectString;
184 }
l1t::GlobalObject l1t::l1TGtObjectStringToEnum ( const std::string &  )

Definition at line 27 of file GlobalObject.cc.

References newFWLiteAna::found, gtEG, gtETM, gtETMHF, gtETT, gtETTem, gtExternal, gtHTM, gtHTT, gtJet, gtMinBiasHFM0, gtMinBiasHFM1, gtMinBiasHFP0, gtMinBiasHFP1, gtMu, gtTau, gtTowerCount, i, l1t::L1TGtObjectStringToEnum::label, ObjNull, l1t::L1TGtObjectStringToEnum::value, and relativeConstraints::value.

27  {
31  static const l1t::L1TGtObjectStringToEnum l1TGtObjectStringToEnumMap[] = {
32  {"Mu", gtMu},
33  {"EG", gtEG},
34  {"Tau", gtTau},
35  {"Jet", gtJet},
36  {"ETM", gtETM},
37  {"ETT", gtETT},
38  {"HTT", gtHTT},
39  {"HTM", gtHTM},
40  {"ETMHF", gtETMHF},
41  {"TowerCount",gtTowerCount},
42  {"MinBiasHFP0", gtMinBiasHFP0},
43  {"MinBiasHFM0", gtMinBiasHFM0},
44  {"MinBiasHFP1", gtMinBiasHFP1},
45  {"MinBiasHFM1", gtMinBiasHFM1},
46  {"ETTem", gtETTem},
47  {"External", gtExternal},
48  {"ObjNull", ObjNull},
49  {0, (GlobalObject) - 1}
50  };
54  bool found = false;
55  for (int i = 0; l1TGtObjectStringToEnumMap[i].label && (!found); ++i)
56  if (!std::strcmp(label.c_str(), l1TGtObjectStringToEnumMap[i].label)) {
57  found = true;
58  value = l1TGtObjectStringToEnumMap[i].value;
59  }
61  // in case of unrecognized GlobalObject, returns Mu
62  // and write a warning (to not throw an exception)
63  if (!found) {
64  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal") << "\n '" << label
65  << "' is not a recognized GlobalObject. \n Return ObjNull.";
67  value = ObjNull;
68  }
70  if (value == ObjNull) {
71  edm::LogInfo("L1TGlobal")
72  << "\n ObjNull means no valid GlobalObject defined!";
73  }
75  return value;
76 }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
Definition: GlobalObject.h:16
the string to enum and enum to string conversions for GlobalObject
Definition: GlobalObject.h:39
std::ostream & l1t::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const l1t::CaloParamsHelper p 

Definition at line 17 of file CaloParamsHelper.cc.

17  {
18  return os << "CaloParamsHelper...";
19  }
bool l1t::operator> ( const l1t::Tau a,
const l1t::Tau b 

Definition at line 16 of file Stage2Layer2TauAlgorithmFirmwareImp1.cc.

References reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

17  {
18  return a.pt() > b.pt();
19  }
virtual double pt() const final
transverse momentum
bool l1t::operator> ( const l1t::EGamma a,
const l1t::EGamma b 

Definition at line 18 of file Stage2Layer2EGammaAlgorithmFirmwareImp1.cc.

References reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

19  {
20  return a.pt() > b.pt();
21  }
virtual double pt() const final
transverse momentum
bool l1t::operator> ( l1t::EGamma a,
l1t::EGamma b 

Definition at line 18 of file Stage2Layer2DemuxEGAlgoFirmwareImp1.cc.

References l1t::L1Candidate::hwEta(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPhi(), and reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

19  {
20  if ( a.pt() == b.pt() ){
21  if( a.hwPhi() == b.hwPhi() ){
22  return a.hwEta() > b.hwEta();
23  }
24  else{
25  return a.hwPhi() > b.hwPhi();
26  }
28  }
29  else{
30  return a.pt() > b.pt();
31  }
32  }
int hwPhi() const
Definition: L1Candidate.h:50
int hwEta() const
Definition: L1Candidate.h:49
virtual double pt() const final
transverse momentum
bool l1t::operator> ( l1t::Tau a,
l1t::Tau b 

Definition at line 18 of file Stage2Layer2DemuxTauAlgoFirmwareImp1.cc.

References l1t::L1Candidate::hwEta(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPhi(), and reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

19  {
20  if ( a.pt() == b.pt() ){
21  if( a.hwPhi() == b.hwPhi() ){
22  return a.hwEta() > b.hwEta();
23  }
24  else{
25  return a.hwPhi() > b.hwPhi();
26  }
28  }
29  else{
30  return a.pt() > b.pt();
31  }
32  }
int hwPhi() const
Definition: L1Candidate.h:50
int hwEta() const
Definition: L1Candidate.h:49
virtual double pt() const final
transverse momentum
bool l1t::operator> ( const l1t::Jet a,
l1t::Jet b 

Definition at line 22 of file Stage2Layer2JetAlgorithmFirmwareImp1.cc.

References l1t::L1Candidate::hwPt().

22  {
23  return a.hwPt() > b.hwPt();
24  }
int hwPt() const
Definition: L1Candidate.h:48
unsigned int l1t::pack15bits ( int  pt,
int  eta,
int  phi 

Definition at line 19 of file HardwareSortingMethods.cc.

20  {
21  return( ((pt & 0x3f)) + ((eta & 0xf) << 6) + ((phi & 0x1f) << 10));
22  }
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
unsigned int l1t::pack16bits ( int  pt,
int  eta,
int  phi 

Definition at line 24 of file HardwareSortingMethods.cc.

25  {
26  return( 0x8000 + ((pt & 0x3f)) + ((eta & 0xf) << 6) + ((phi & 0x1f) << 10));
27  }
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
unsigned int l1t::pack16bitsEgammaSpecial ( int  pt,
int  eta,
int  phi 

Definition at line 29 of file HardwareSortingMethods.cc.

30  {
31  return( 0x8000 + ((pt & 0x3f) << 9) + ((eta & 0xf)) + ((phi & 0x1f) << 4));
32  }
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
void l1t::passThroughJets ( const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  regions,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  uncalibjets 

Definition at line 30 of file JetFinderMethods.cc.

References reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, and HLT_25ns10e33_v2_cff::region.

32  {
33  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions->begin(); region != regions->end(); region++) {
34  int jetQual = 0;
35  if( region->hwEta() < 4 || region->hwEta() > 17)
36  jetQual = 2;
37  int jetET = region->hwPt();
38  int jetEta = region->hwEta();
39  int jetPhi = region->hwPhi();
41  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > jetLorentz(0,0,0,0);
42  l1t::Jet theJet(*&jetLorentz, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi, jetQual);
43  uncalibjets->push_back(theJet);
44  }
45  }
Definition: Jet.h:16
void l1t::RegionCorrection ( const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &  regions,
std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  subRegions,
CaloParamsHelper *  params 

------— New region correction (PUsub, no response correction at the moment) --------—

Definition at line 77 of file PUSubtractionMethods.cc.

References HICaloRingSubtraction(), bookConverter::max, l1t::CaloParamsHelper::regionPUSType(), l1t::CaloParamsHelper::regionPUSValue(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

80  {
82  std::string regionPUSType = params->regionPUSType();
84  if(regionPUSType == "None") {
85  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator notCorrectedRegion = regions.begin();
86  notCorrectedRegion != regions.end(); notCorrectedRegion++){
87  CaloRegion newSubRegion= *notCorrectedRegion;
88  subRegions->push_back(newSubRegion);
89  }
90  }
92  if (regionPUSType == "HICaloRingSub") {
93  HICaloRingSubtraction(regions, subRegions, params);
94  }
96  if (regionPUSType == "PUM0") {
97  int puMult = 0;
99  // ------------ This calulates PUM0 ------------------
100  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator notCorrectedRegion = regions.begin();
101  notCorrectedRegion != regions.end(); notCorrectedRegion++){
102  int regionET = notCorrectedRegion->hwPt();
103  if (regionET > 0) {puMult++;}
104  }
105  int pumbin = (int) puMult/22;
106  if(pumbin == 18) pumbin = 17; // if puMult = 396 exactly there is an overflow
108  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator notCorrectedRegion = regions.begin();
109  notCorrectedRegion != regions.end(); notCorrectedRegion++){
111  int regionET = notCorrectedRegion->hwPt();
112  int regionEta = notCorrectedRegion->hwEta();
113  int regionPhi = notCorrectedRegion->hwPhi();
115  //int puSub = ceil(regionPUSParams[18*regionEta+pumbin]*2);
116  int puSub = params->regionPUSValue(pumbin, regionEta);
117  // The values in regionSubtraction are MULTIPLIED by
118  // RegionLSB=.5 (physicalRegionEt), so to get back unmultiplied
119  // regionSubtraction we want to multiply the number by 2
120  // (aka divide by LSB).
122  int regionEtCorr = std::max(0, regionET - puSub);
123  if(regionET == 1023)
124  regionEtCorr = 1023; // do not subtract overflow regions
125  if((regionET==255) && (regionEta < 4 || regionEta > 17))
126  regionEtCorr = 255;
128  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > lorentz(0,0,0,0);
129  CaloRegion newSubRegion(*&lorentz, 0, 0, regionEtCorr, regionEta, regionPhi, notCorrectedRegion->hwQual(), notCorrectedRegion->hwEtEm(), notCorrectedRegion->hwEtHad());
130  subRegions->push_back(newSubRegion);
131  }
132  }
133  }
void HICaloRingSubtraction(const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &regions, std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *subRegions, CaloParamsHelper *params)
------------— For heavy ion ----------------------------------—
void l1t::simpleHWSubtraction ( const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > &  regions,
std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  subRegions 

Definition at line 54 of file PUSubtractionMethods.cc.

References HLT_25ns10e33_v2_cff::region.

56  {
57  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions.begin();
58  region != regions.end(); region++){
59  int subEta = region->hwEta();
60  int subPhi = region->hwPhi();
61  int subPt = region->hwPt();
63  if(subPt != (2<<10)-1)
64  subPt = subPt - (10+subEta); // arbitrary value chosen in meeting
65  if(subPt < 0)
66  subPt = 0;
67  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0,0,0,0);
69  CaloRegion newSubRegion(*&ldummy, 0, 0, subPt, subEta, subPhi, region->hwQual(), region->hwEtEm(), region->hwEtHad());
70  subRegions->push_back(newSubRegion);
71  }
72  }
void l1t::slidingWindowJetFinder ( const int  jetSeedThreshold,
const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  regions,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  uncalibjets 

Definition at line 47 of file JetFinderMethods.cc.

References assert(), gather_cfg::cout, deltaGctPhi(), reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, neighbor(), and HLT_25ns10e33_v2_cff::region.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().

50  {
51  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions->begin(); region != regions->end(); region++) {
52  int regionET = region->hwPt(); //regionPhysicalEt(*region);
53  if (regionET <= jetSeedThreshold) continue;
54  int neighborN_et = 0;
55  int neighborS_et = 0;
56  int neighborE_et = 0;
57  int neighborW_et = 0;
58  int neighborNE_et = 0;
59  int neighborSW_et = 0;
60  int neighborNW_et = 0;
61  int neighborSE_et = 0;
62  unsigned int nNeighbors = 0;
63  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator neighbor = regions->begin(); neighbor != regions->end(); neighbor++) {
64  int neighborET = neighbor->hwPt(); //regionPhysicalEt(*neighbor);
65  if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 &&
66  (region->hwEta() ) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
67  neighborN_et = neighborET;
68  nNeighbors++;
69  continue;
70  }
71  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 &&
72  (region->hwEta() ) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
73  neighborS_et = neighborET;
74  nNeighbors++;
75  continue;
76  }
77  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 &&
78  (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
79  neighborE_et = neighborET;
80  nNeighbors++;
81  continue;
82  }
83  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 &&
84  (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
85  neighborW_et = neighborET;
86  nNeighbors++;
87  continue;
88  }
89  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 &&
90  (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
91  neighborNE_et = neighborET;
92  nNeighbors++;
93  continue;
94  }
95  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 &&
96  (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
97  neighborSW_et = neighborET;
98  nNeighbors++;
99  continue;
100  }
101  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 &&
102  (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
103  neighborNW_et = neighborET;
104  nNeighbors++;
105  continue;
106  }
107  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 &&
108  (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
109  neighborSE_et = neighborET;
110  nNeighbors++;
111  continue;
112  }
113  }
114  if(regionET > neighborN_et &&
115  regionET > neighborNW_et &&
116  regionET > neighborW_et &&
117  regionET > neighborSW_et &&
118  regionET >= neighborNE_et &&
119  regionET >= neighborE_et &&
120  regionET >= neighborSE_et &&
121  regionET >= neighborS_et) {
122  unsigned int jetET = regionET +
123  neighborN_et + neighborS_et + neighborE_et + neighborW_et +
124  neighborNE_et + neighborSW_et + neighborSE_et + neighborNW_et;
126  int jetPhi = region->hwPhi();
127  int jetEta = region->hwEta();
129  bool neighborCheck = (nNeighbors == 8);
130  // On the eta edge we only expect 5 neighbors
131  if (!neighborCheck && (jetEta == 0 || jetEta == 21) && nNeighbors == 5)
132  neighborCheck = true;
134  if (!neighborCheck) {
135  std::cout << "phi: " << jetPhi << " eta: " << jetEta << " n: " << nNeighbors << std::endl;
136  assert(false);
137  }
139  //first iteration, eta cut defines forward
140  //const bool forward = (jetEta <= 4 || jetEta >= 17);
141  const bool forward = (jetEta < 4 || jetEta > 17);
142  int jetQual = 0;
143  if(forward)
144  jetQual |= 0x2;
146  // check for input overflow regions
147  if(forward && regionET == 255) {
148  jetET = 1023; // 10 bit max
149  } else if(!forward && regionET == 1023) {
150  jetET = 1023; // 10 bit max
151  } else if(region->hwEta() == 17) {
152  if(neighborNE_et == 255 || neighborE_et == 255 || neighborSE_et == 255)
153  jetET = 1023; // 10 bit max
154  } else if(region->hwEta() == 4) {
155  if(neighborNW_et == 255 || neighborW_et == 255 || neighborSW_et == 255)
156  jetET = 1023; // 10 bit max
157  }
159  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > jetLorentz(0,0,0,0);
160  l1t::Jet theJet(*&jetLorentz, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi, jetQual);
161  //l1t::Jet theJet(0, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi);
163  uncalibjets->push_back(theJet);
164  }
165  }
166  }
bool neighbor(int endcap, int sector, int SectIndex, int id, int sub, int station)
Definition: Jet.h:16
int deltaGctPhi(const CaloRegion &region, const CaloRegion &neighbor)
tuple cout
Definition: gather_cfg.py:145
void l1t::SortEGammas ( std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::EGamma > *  output 

Definition at line 392 of file HardwareSortingMethods.cc.

References gt_to_fw_phi_map, i, cmsHarvester::index, relval_2017::k, reco::HaloData::minus, presort_egamma(), alignCSCRings::r, l1t::L1Candidate::setHwEta(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwIso(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwPhi(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwPt(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwQual(), sort_by_row_in_groups(), and super_sort_matrix_rows().

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

394  {
395  //Initialize
396  const int FIBER_PAIRS = 18;
397  const int N_INPUT_EGAMMAS = 4;
398  const int N_PRESORTED_ROWS_EGAMMA = 36;
399  const int PRESORT_DEPTH = 4;
400  const int N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE = 6;
401  const int N_EGAMMA_SECOND_GROUP_SIZE = 6;
402  const int N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS = 6;
403  const int N_KEEP_EGAMMA = 4;
405  //Input
406  //Each egamma: RCT isolation, RCT order, phi index, eta index
408  vector<l1t::L1Candidate> iso_egamma_array_p, iso_egamma_array_m; //reusing objects. should probably rename to something like "object"
409  vector<l1t::L1Candidate> noniso_egamma_array_p, noniso_egamma_array_m;
411  for(int k=0; k<2*N_INPUT_EGAMMAS*FIBER_PAIRS; k++){
412  l1t::L1Candidate dummyJet;
413  dummyJet.setHwPt(0);
414  dummyJet.setHwEta(99);
415  dummyJet.setHwPhi(99);
416  dummyJet.setHwQual(0x10);
418  iso_egamma_array_p.push_back(dummyJet);
419  noniso_egamma_array_p.push_back(dummyJet);
420  }
421  else{
422  iso_egamma_array_m.push_back(dummyJet);
423  noniso_egamma_array_m.push_back(dummyJet);
424  }
425  }
427  for (std::vector<l1t::EGamma>::const_iterator ineg = input->begin();
428  ineg != input->end(); ++ineg){
429  int fiberNum = (int) floor(gt_to_fw_phi_map[ineg->hwPhi()]/2);
430  int index = ineg->hwQual();
431  bool iso = ineg->hwIso();
432  bool minus = (ineg->hwEta() < 11);
434  // while waiting for firmware LUT, set all iso to true
435  //iso = true;
437  if(iso && minus)
438  iso_egamma_array_m[8*fiberNum+index] = *ineg;
439  else if (iso && !minus)
440  iso_egamma_array_p[8*fiberNum+index] = *ineg;
441  else if (!iso && minus)
442  noniso_egamma_array_m[8*fiberNum+index] = *ineg;
443  else if (!iso && !minus)
444  noniso_egamma_array_p[8*fiberNum+index] = *ineg;
446  }
448  // std::cout << "iso_egamma_array_m" << std::endl;
449  // for(int i = 0; i < (int)iso_egamma_array_m.size(); ++i)
450  // {
451  // std::cout << iso_egamma_array_m[i].hwPt() << " "
452  // << iso_egamma_array_m[i].hwEta() << " "
453  // << iso_egamma_array_m[i].hwPhi() << std::endl;
454  // }
456  // std::cout << "iso_egamma_array_p" << std::endl;
457  // for(int i = 0; i < (int)iso_egamma_array_p.size(); ++i)
458  // {
459  // std::cout << iso_egamma_array_p[i].hwPt() << " "
460  // << iso_egamma_array_p[i].hwEta() << " "
461  // << iso_egamma_array_p[i].hwPhi() << std::endl;
462  // }
464  //verbose = true;
465  //1
466  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_iso_matrix_sig_p = presort_egamma(iso_egamma_array_p, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_EGAMMA/2, PRESORT_DEPTH);
467  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_iso_matrix_sig_m = presort_egamma(iso_egamma_array_m, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_EGAMMA/2, PRESORT_DEPTH);
468  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_non_iso_matrix_sig_p = presort_egamma(noniso_egamma_array_p, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_EGAMMA/2, PRESORT_DEPTH);
469  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_non_iso_matrix_sig_m = presort_egamma(noniso_egamma_array_m, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_EGAMMA/2, PRESORT_DEPTH);
471  //2
472  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_p = sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_iso_matrix_sig_p, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE);
473  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_m = sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_iso_matrix_sig_m, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE);
474  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_p = sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_non_iso_matrix_sig_p, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE);
475  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_m = sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_non_iso_matrix_sig_m, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE);
477  //3
478  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_p = super_sort_matrix_rows(iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_p, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
479  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_m = super_sort_matrix_rows(iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_m, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
480  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_p = super_sort_matrix_rows(non_iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_p, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
481  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_m = super_sort_matrix_rows(non_iso_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig_m, N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
482  //combine plus and minus
483  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig (N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(N_KEEP_EGAMMA) );
484  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig (N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(N_KEEP_EGAMMA) );
485  for(int r=0; r<N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS/2; r++){
486  iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig[r] = iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_m[r];
487  iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig[r+N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS/2] = iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_p[r];
488  non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig[r] = non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_m[r];
489  non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig[r+N_EGAMMA_FIRST_GROUPS/2] = non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig_p[r];
490  }
492  //4
493  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_stage2_row_sorted_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_EGAMMA_SECOND_GROUP_SIZE);
494  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_stage2_row_sorted_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(non_iso_super_sorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_EGAMMA_SECOND_GROUP_SIZE);
496  //5
497  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > iso_stage2_super_sorted_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(iso_stage2_row_sorted_matrix_sig, N_EGAMMA_SECOND_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
498  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > non_iso_stage2_super_sorted_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(non_iso_stage2_row_sorted_matrix_sig, N_EGAMMA_SECOND_GROUP_SIZE, N_KEEP_EGAMMA);
500  //Prepare output
501  std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> sorted_iso_egammas = iso_stage2_super_sorted_matrix_sig[0];
502  std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> sorted_noniso_egammas = non_iso_stage2_super_sorted_matrix_sig[0];
504  //verbose = false;
506  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
507  {
508  l1t::EGamma *ineg = static_cast<l1t::EGamma *>( &sorted_iso_egammas[i] );
509  ineg->setHwIso(1);
510  output->push_back(*ineg);
511  }
512  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
513  {
514  l1t::EGamma *ineg = static_cast<l1t::EGamma *>( &sorted_noniso_egammas[i] );
515  output->push_back(*ineg);
516  }
517  }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
void setHwQual(int qual)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:44
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
void setHwPhi(int phi)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:43
void setHwIso(int iso)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:45
int gt_to_fw_phi_map[]
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > presort_egamma(std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > input_egamma, int rows, int cols)
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > super_sort_matrix_rows(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > input_matrix, unsigned int group_size, unsigned int n_keep)
void setHwPt(int pt)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:41
void setHwEta(int eta)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:42
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > sort_by_row_in_groups(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > input_matrix, int group_size)
void l1t::SortJets ( std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  output 

Definition at line 258 of file HardwareSortingMethods.cc.

References fw_to_gt_phi_map, gt_to_fw_phi_map, l1t::L1Candidate::hwQual(), i, j, presort(), l1t::L1Candidate::setHwQual(), sort_by_row_in_groups(), and super_sort_matrix_rows().

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpSimpleHW::processEvent().

259  {
260  //verbose = true;
261  const int CENTRAL_ETA_SLICES = 14;
262  const int N_PHI_GROUPS = 5;
264  const int PRESORT_DEPTH = 4;
265  const int N_KEEP_CENTRAL = 4;
266  const int N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL = 4;
267  const int N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL = 4;
269  const int HFM_ETA_SLICES = 4;
270  const int HFP_ETA_SLICES = 4;
273  const int N_KEEP_FORWARD = 4;
275  const int cen_nrows = 18;
276  const int cen_ncols = 14;
277  const int hfm_nrows = 18, hfp_nrows = 18;
278  const int hfm_ncols = 4, hfp_ncols = 4;
280  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > cen_input_energy (cen_nrows, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(cen_ncols));
281  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_input_energy (hfm_nrows, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(hfm_ncols));
282  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_input_energy (hfp_nrows, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(hfp_ncols));
284  for (std::vector<l1t::Jet>::const_iterator injet = input->begin();
285  injet != input->end(); ++injet){
286  if(injet->hwEta() >= 4 && injet->hwEta() <= 17 )
287  {
288  unsigned int myrow = gt_to_fw_phi_map[injet->hwPhi()];
289  unsigned int mycol = injet->hwEta()-4; //hardcoding is bad
290  cen_input_energy[myrow][mycol] = *injet;
291  }
292  else if(injet->hwEta() < 4)
293  {
294  unsigned int myrow = gt_to_fw_phi_map[injet->hwPhi()];
295  unsigned int mycol = injet->hwEta(); //hardcoding is bad
296  hfm_input_energy[myrow][mycol] = *injet;
297  }
298  else if(injet->hwEta() > 17)
299  {
300  unsigned int myrow = gt_to_fw_phi_map[injet->hwPhi()];
301  unsigned int mycol = injet->hwEta()-18; //hardcoding is bad
302  hfp_input_energy[myrow][mycol] = *injet;
303  }
304  else
305  edm::LogError("HardwareJetSort") << "Region out of bounds: " << injet->hwEta();
306  }
308  for(int i = 0; i < cen_nrows; ++i)
309  for(int j = 0; j < cen_ncols; ++j)
310  {
311  if(cen_input_energy[i][j].hwPt() == 0)
312  {
313  cen_input_energy[i][j].setHwPhi(fw_to_gt_phi_map[i]);
314  cen_input_energy[i][j].setHwEta(4+j);
315  }
316  }
318  for(int i = 0; i < hfm_nrows; ++i)
319  for(int j = 0; j < hfm_ncols; ++j)
320  {
321  if(hfm_input_energy[i][j].hwPt() == 0)
322  {
323  hfm_input_energy[i][j].setHwPhi(fw_to_gt_phi_map[i]);
324  hfm_input_energy[i][j].setHwEta(j);
325  hfm_input_energy[i][j].setHwQual(2);
326  }
327  }
329  for(int i = 0; i < hfp_nrows; ++i)
330  for(int j = 0; j < hfp_ncols; ++j)
331  {
332  if(hfp_input_energy[i][j].hwPt() == 0)
333  {
334  hfp_input_energy[i][j].setHwPhi(fw_to_gt_phi_map[i]);
335  hfp_input_energy[i][j].setHwEta(j+18);
336  hfp_input_energy[i][j].setHwQual(2);
337  }
338  }
340  //Each CLK is one clock
342  //CLK 1
343  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_energies_matrix_sig = presort(cen_input_energy, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_CENTRAL, PRESORT_DEPTH);
344  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_presorted_energies_matrix_sig = presort(hfm_input_energy, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_HFM, PRESORT_DEPTH);
345  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_presorted_energies_matrix_sig = presort(hfp_input_energy, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_HFP, PRESORT_DEPTH);
347  //CLK 2
348  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS);
349  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(hfm_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS);
350  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(hfp_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS);
352  //CLK 3
353  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
354  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(hfm_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS, N_KEEP_FORWARD);
355  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(hfp_row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS, N_KEEP_FORWARD);
357  //CLK 4
358  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL);
359  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(hfm_sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, HFM_ETA_SLICES);
360  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(hfp_sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, HFP_ETA_SLICES);
362  //CLK 5
363  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
364  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfm_sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(hfm_row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, HFM_ETA_SLICES, N_KEEP_FORWARD);
365  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hfp_sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(hfp_row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, HFP_ETA_SLICES, N_KEEP_FORWARD);
367  //CLK 6
368  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(sorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL);
369  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hf_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig(2, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(N_KEEP_FORWARD));
370  hf_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig[0] = hfm_sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig[0];
371  hf_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig[1] = hfp_sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig[0];
372  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hf_row_presorted_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(hf_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig, 2);
374  //CLK 7
375  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
376  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > hf_sorted_final_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(hf_row_presorted_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig, 2, N_KEEP_FORWARD);
378  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
379  {
380  l1t::Jet *intjet = static_cast<l1t::Jet *>( &sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig[0][i] );
381  output->push_back(*intjet);
382  }
383  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
384  {
385  l1t::Jet *intjet = static_cast<l1t::Jet *>( &hf_sorted_final_merged_plus_minus_forward_energies_matrix_sig[0][i] );
386  intjet->setHwQual(intjet->hwQual() | 2);
387  output->push_back(*intjet);
388  }
389  //verbose = false;
390  }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
void setHwQual(int qual)
Definition: L1Candidate.h:44
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
Definition: Jet.h:16
int fw_to_gt_phi_map[]
int j
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
int hwQual() const
Definition: L1Candidate.h:51
int gt_to_fw_phi_map[]
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > super_sort_matrix_rows(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > input_matrix, unsigned int group_size, unsigned int n_keep)
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > presort(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > energies, int rows, int cols)
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > sort_by_row_in_groups(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > input_matrix, int group_size)
void l1t::SortTaus ( std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  output 

Definition at line 519 of file HardwareSortingMethods.cc.

References fw_to_gt_phi_map, gt_to_fw_phi_map, i, j, presort(), sort_by_row_in_groups(), and super_sort_matrix_rows().

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

520  {
521  const int CENTRAL_ETA_SLICES = 14;
522  const int N_PHI_GROUPS = 5;
524  const int PRESORT_DEPTH = 4;
525  const int N_KEEP_CENTRAL = 4;
526  const int N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL = 4;
527  const int N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL = 4;
529  const int cen_nrows = 18;
530  const int cen_ncols = 14;
532  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > cen_input_energy (cen_nrows, std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate>(cen_ncols));
534  for (std::vector<l1t::Tau>::const_iterator injet = input->begin();
535  injet != input->end(); ++injet){
536  if(injet->hwEta() >= 4 && injet->hwEta() <= 17 )
537  {
538  unsigned int myrow = gt_to_fw_phi_map[injet->hwPhi()];
539  unsigned int mycol = injet->hwEta()-4; //hardcoding is bad
540  cen_input_energy[myrow][mycol] = *injet;
541  }
542  else
543  edm::LogError("HardwareTauSort") << "Region out of bounds: " << injet->hwEta();
544  }
546  for(int i = 0; i < cen_nrows; ++i)
547  for(int j = 0; j < cen_ncols; ++j)
548  {
549  if(cen_input_energy[i][j].hwPt() == 0)
550  {
551  cen_input_energy[i][j].setHwPhi(fw_to_gt_phi_map[i]);
552  cen_input_energy[i][j].setHwEta(4+j);
553  }
554  }
556  //Each CLK is one clock
558  //CLK 1
559  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > presorted_energies_matrix_sig = presort(cen_input_energy, N_PRESORTED_ROWS_CENTRAL, PRESORT_DEPTH);
560  //CLK 2
561  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS);
562  //CLK 3
563  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_energies_matrix_sig, N_PHI_GROUPS, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
564  //CLK 4
565  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(sorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL);
566  //CLK 5
567  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_eta_slices_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUP_SIZE_CENTRAL, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
568  //CLK 6
569  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > row_presorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig = sort_by_row_in_groups(sorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL);
570  //CLK 7
571  std::vector<std::vector<l1t::L1Candidate> > sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig = super_sort_matrix_rows(row_presorted_eta_groups_energies_matrix_sig, N_ETA_GROUPS_CENTRAL, N_KEEP_CENTRAL);
573  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
574  {
575  l1t::Tau *intjet = static_cast<l1t::Tau *>( &sorted_final_energies_matrix_sig[0][i] );
576  output->push_back(*intjet);
577  }
578  }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
Definition: Tau.h:16
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
int fw_to_gt_phi_map[]
int j
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
int gt_to_fw_phi_map[]
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > super_sort_matrix_rows(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > input_matrix, unsigned int group_size, unsigned int n_keep)
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > presort(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > energies, int rows, int cols)
std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > sort_by_row_in_groups(std::vector< std::vector< l1t::L1Candidate > > input_matrix, int group_size)
std::vector< std::string > l1t::str2VecStr_ ( const std::string &  aStr,
const std::string &  delim 

Definition at line 23 of file Tools.cc.

References full, and dumpparser::parse().

Referenced by l1t::Setting::addTableRow(), l1t::TrigSystem::checkIdExistsAndSetSetting_(), l1t::Setting::getVector(), l1t::Setting::Setting(), and l1t::Setting::setValue().

24 {
25  std::vector<std::string> aVec;
27  if ( !parse ( aStr.c_str(),
28  (
29  ( (*(boost::spirit::classic::anychar_p - delim.c_str() )) [boost::spirit::classic::push_back_a ( aVec ) ] % delim.c_str() )
30  ), boost::spirit::classic::nothing_p ).full )
31  {
32  throw std::runtime_error ("Wrong value format: " + aStr);
33  }
35  for(auto it = aVec.begin(); it != aVec.end(); ++it)
36  {
37  while (*(it->begin()) == ' ' || *(it->begin()) == '\n')
38  it->erase(it->begin());
39  while (*(it->end()-1) == ' ' || *(it->end()-1) == '\n')
40  it->erase(it->end()-1);
41  }
43  return aVec;
44 }
Definition: GenABIO.cc:180
void l1t::str2VecStr_ ( const std::string &  aStr,
const std::string &  delim,
std::vector< std::string > &  aVec 

Definition at line 4 of file Tools.cc.

References full, and dumpparser::parse().

5 {
6  if ( !parse ( aStr.c_str(),
7  (
8  ( (*(boost::spirit::classic::anychar_p - delim.c_str() )) [boost::spirit::classic::push_back_a ( aVec ) ] % delim.c_str() )
9  ), boost::spirit::classic::nothing_p ).full )
10  {
11  throw std::runtime_error ("Wrong value format: " + aStr);
12  }
14  for(auto it = aVec.begin(); it != aVec.end(); ++it)
15  {
16  while (*(it->begin()) == ' ' || *(it->begin()) == '\n')
17  it->erase(it->begin());
18  while (*(it->end()-1) == ' ' || *(it->end()-1) == '\n')
19  it->erase(it->end()-1);
20  }
21 }
Definition: GenABIO.cc:180
void l1t::TauToGtEtaScales ( CaloParamsHelper *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  output 

Definition at line 124 of file legacyGtHelper.cc.

References gtEta(), and gtTau.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

126  {
127  for(std::vector<l1t::Tau>::const_iterator itTau = input->begin();
128  itTau != input->end(); ++itTau){
129  unsigned newPhi = itTau->hwPhi();
130  unsigned newEta = gtEta(itTau->hwEta());
132  // taus with hwQual & 10 ==10 are "padding" jets from a sort, set their eta and phi
133  // to the max value
134  if((itTau->hwQual() & 0x10) == 0x10)
135  {
136  newEta = 0x0;
137  newPhi = 0x0;
138  }
141  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0,0,0,0);
143  l1t::Tau gtTau(*&ldummy, itTau->hwPt(), newEta, newPhi, itTau->hwQual(), itTau->hwIso());
144  output->push_back(gtTau);
145  }
146  }
Definition: Tau.h:16
const unsigned int gtEta(const unsigned int iEta)
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
void l1t::TauToGtPtScales ( CaloParamsHelper *  params,
const std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  input,
std::vector< l1t::Tau > *  output 

Definition at line 148 of file legacyGtHelper.cc.

References gtTau, l1t::CaloParamsHelper::jetScale(), L1CaloEtScale::linScaleMax(), and L1CaloEtScale::rank().

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2SingleTrackHI::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent().

150  {
151  for(std::vector<l1t::Tau>::const_iterator itTau = input->begin();
152  itTau != input->end(); ++itTau){
153  uint16_t linPt = (uint16_t)itTau->hwPt();
154  if(linPt > params->jetScale().linScaleMax() ) linPt = params->jetScale().linScaleMax();
155  const uint16_t rankPt = params->jetScale().rank(linPt);
157  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > ldummy(0,0,0,0);
159  l1t::Tau gtTau(*&ldummy, rankPt, itTau->hwEta(), itTau->hwPhi(), itTau->hwQual(), itTau->hwIso());
160  output->push_back(gtTau);
161  }
162  }
Definition: Tau.h:16
static std::string const input
Definition: EdmProvDump.cc:44
void l1t::TwelveByTwelveFinder ( const int  jetSeedThreshold,
const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  regions,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  uncalibjets 

Definition at line 168 of file JetFinderMethods.cc.

References assert(), gather_cfg::cout, deltaGctPhi(), reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, neighbor(), and HLT_25ns10e33_v2_cff::region.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpPP::processEvent(), l1t::Stage1Layer2TauAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent(), and l1t::Stage1Layer2EGammaAlgorithmImpHW::processEvent().

171  {
172  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions->begin(); region != regions->end(); region++) {
173  int regionET = region->hwPt(); //regionPhysicalEt(*region);
174  if (regionET < jetSeedThreshold) continue;
175  int neighborN_et = 0;
176  int neighborS_et = 0;
177  int neighborE_et = 0;
178  int neighborW_et = 0;
179  int neighborNE_et = 0;
180  int neighborSW_et = 0;
181  int neighborNW_et = 0;
182  int neighborSE_et = 0;
183  unsigned int nNeighbors = 0;
184  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator neighbor = regions->begin(); neighbor != regions->end(); neighbor++) {
185  int neighborET = neighbor->hwPt(); //regionPhysicalEt(*neighbor);
186  if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 &&
187  (region->hwEta() ) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
188  neighborN_et = neighborET;
189  nNeighbors++;
190  continue;
191  }
192  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 &&
193  (region->hwEta() ) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
194  neighborS_et = neighborET;
195  nNeighbors++;
196  continue;
197  }
198  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 &&
199  (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
200  neighborE_et = neighborET;
201  nNeighbors++;
202  continue;
203  }
204  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 &&
205  (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
206  neighborW_et = neighborET;
207  nNeighbors++;
208  continue;
209  }
210  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 &&
211  (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
212  neighborNE_et = neighborET;
213  nNeighbors++;
214  continue;
215  }
216  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 &&
217  (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
218  neighborSW_et = neighborET;
219  nNeighbors++;
220  continue;
221  }
222  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 &&
223  (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
224  neighborNW_et = neighborET;
225  nNeighbors++;
226  continue;
227  }
228  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 &&
229  (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
230  neighborSE_et = neighborET;
231  nNeighbors++;
232  continue;
233  }
234  }
235  unsigned int jetET = regionET +
236  neighborN_et + neighborS_et + neighborE_et + neighborW_et +
237  neighborNE_et + neighborSW_et + neighborSE_et + neighborNW_et;
239  int jetPhi = region->hwPhi();
240  int jetEta = region->hwEta();
242  bool neighborCheck = (nNeighbors == 8);
243  // On the eta edge we only expect 5 neighbors
244  if (!neighborCheck && (jetEta == 0 || jetEta == 21) && nNeighbors == 5)
245  neighborCheck = true;
247  if (!neighborCheck) {
248  std::cout << "phi: " << jetPhi << " eta: " << jetEta << " n: " << nNeighbors << std::endl;
249  assert(false);
250  }
252  //first iteration, eta cut defines forward
253  //const bool forward = (jetEta <= 4 || jetEta >= 17);
254  const bool forward = (jetEta < 4 || jetEta > 17);
255  int jetQual = 0;
256  if(forward)
257  jetQual |= 0x2;
259  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > jetLorentz(0,0,0,0);
260  l1t::Jet theJet(*&jetLorentz, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi, jetQual);
261  //l1t::Jet theJet(0, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi);
263  uncalibjets->push_back(theJet);
264  }
265  }
bool neighbor(int endcap, int sector, int SectIndex, int id, int sub, int station)
Definition: Jet.h:16
int deltaGctPhi(const CaloRegion &region, const CaloRegion &neighbor)
tuple cout
Definition: gather_cfg.py:145
void l1t::TwoByTwoFinder ( const int  jetSeedThreshold,
const int  etaMask,
const std::vector< l1t::CaloRegion > *  regions,
std::vector< l1t::Jet > *  uncalibjets 

Definition at line 267 of file JetFinderMethods.cc.

References assert(), gather_cfg::cout, deltaGctPhi(), reco::btau::jetEta, reco::btau::jetPhi, bookConverter::max, neighbor(), and HLT_25ns10e33_v2_cff::region.

Referenced by l1t::Stage1Layer2JetAlgorithmImpHI::processEvent().

271  {
272  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator region = regions->begin(); region != regions->end(); region++) {
273  int regionET = region->hwPt();
274  if (regionET <= jetSeedThreshold) continue;
275  int subEta = region->hwEta();
276  if((etaMask & (1<<subEta))>>subEta) regionET = 0;
277  int neighborN_et = 0;
278  int neighborS_et = 0;
279  int neighborE_et = 0;
280  int neighborW_et = 0;
281  int neighborNE_et = 0;
282  int neighborSW_et = 0;
283  int neighborNW_et = 0;
284  int neighborSE_et = 0;
285  unsigned int nNeighbors = 0;
286  for(std::vector<CaloRegion>::const_iterator neighbor = regions->begin(); neighbor != regions->end(); neighbor++) {
287  int neighborET = neighbor->hwPt();
288  int subEta2 = neighbor->hwEta();
289  if((etaMask & (1<<subEta2))>>subEta2) neighborET = 0;
291  if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 &&
292  (region->hwEta() ) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
293  neighborN_et = neighborET;
294  nNeighbors++;
295  continue;
296  }
297  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 &&
298  (region->hwEta() ) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
299  neighborS_et = neighborET;
300  nNeighbors++;
301  continue;
302  }
303  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 &&
304  (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
305  neighborE_et = neighborET;
306  nNeighbors++;
307  continue;
308  }
309  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 0 &&
310  (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
311  neighborW_et = neighborET;
312  nNeighbors++;
313  continue;
314  }
315  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 &&
316  (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
317  neighborNE_et = neighborET;
318  nNeighbors++;
319  continue;
320  }
321  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 &&
322  (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
323  neighborSW_et = neighborET;
324  nNeighbors++;
325  continue;
326  }
327  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == 1 &&
328  (region->hwEta() - 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
329  neighborNW_et = neighborET;
330  nNeighbors++;
331  continue;
332  }
333  else if(deltaGctPhi(*region, *neighbor) == -1 &&
334  (region->hwEta() + 1) == neighbor->hwEta()) {
335  neighborSE_et = neighborET;
336  nNeighbors++;
337  continue;
338  }
340  }
341  if(regionET > neighborN_et &&
342  regionET > neighborNW_et &&
343  regionET > neighborW_et &&
344  regionET > neighborSW_et &&
345  regionET >= neighborNE_et &&
346  regionET >= neighborE_et &&
347  regionET >= neighborSE_et &&
348  regionET >= neighborS_et) {
350  // use the highest-pT 2x2 jet inside this 3x3
351  unsigned int jetET_NW;
352  unsigned int jetET_NE;
353  unsigned int jetET_SW;
354  unsigned int jetET_SE;
356  jetET_NW = regionET + neighborW_et + neighborNW_et + neighborN_et;
357  jetET_NE = regionET + neighborE_et + neighborNE_et + neighborN_et;
358  jetET_SW = regionET + neighborS_et + neighborSW_et + neighborW_et;
359  jetET_SE = regionET + neighborS_et + neighborSE_et + neighborE_et;
361  unsigned int jetET = std::max(jetET_NW, jetET_NE);
362  jetET = std::max(jetET, jetET_SW);
363  jetET = std::max(jetET, jetET_SE);
365  int jetPhi = region->hwPhi();
366  int jetEta = region->hwEta();
368  bool neighborCheck = (nNeighbors == 8);
369  // On the eta edge we only expect 5 neighbor
370  if (!neighborCheck && (jetEta == 0 || jetEta == 21) && nNeighbors == 5)
371  neighborCheck = true;
373  if (!neighborCheck) {
374  std::cout << "phi: " << jetPhi << " eta: " << jetEta << " n: " << nNeighbors << std::endl;
375  assert(false);
376  }
378  //first iteration, eta cut defines forward
379  const bool forward = (jetEta < 4 || jetEta > 17);
380  int jetQual = 0;
381  if(forward)
382  jetQual |= 0x2;
384  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > jetLorentz(0,0,0,0);
385  l1t::Jet theJet(*&jetLorentz, jetET, jetEta, jetPhi, jetQual);
386  uncalibjets->push_back(theJet);
387  }
388  }
389  }
bool neighbor(int endcap, int sector, int SectIndex, int id, int sub, int station)
Definition: Jet.h:16
int deltaGctPhi(const CaloRegion &region, const CaloRegion &neighbor)
tuple cout
Definition: gather_cfg.py:145