10 #ifndef DataFormats_TotemDigi_TotemVFATStatus
11 #define DataFormats_TotemDigi_TotemVFATStatus
bool isFootprintError() const
Footprint error.
uint8_t chipPosition
describes placement of the VFAT within the detector
bool isPartiallyMaskedOut() const
Some channels from VFAT ale masked out, but not all.
bool isNotMasked() const
None channels are masked out.
bool isIDMismatch() const
12-bit hw id from the header of the vfat frame is diffrent from the 16-bit one from hw mapping...
void setECProgressError()
TotemVFATStatus(uint8_t _cp=0)
bool isCRCError() const
CRC error.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const TotemVFATStatus &st)
bool isFullyMaskedOut() const
All channels from that VFAT are not taken into account.
std::bitset< 8 > status
the status bits
void setBCProgressError()
bool isBCProgressError() const
BC number is incorrect.
void setPartiallyMaskedOut()
bool isMissing() const
VFAT is present in mapping but no data is present int raw event.
void setChipPosition(uint8_t _cp)
bool operator<(const TotemVFATStatus &cmp) const
bool isECProgressError() const
VFATFrame event number doesn't follow the number derived from DAQ.