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SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm Class Reference

#include <SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h>


struct  AssociationInfo

Public Types

typedef float Amplitude
typedef std::map< int, float,
std::less< int > > 

Public Member Functions

void accumulateSimHits (const std::vector< PSimHit >::const_iterator inputBegin, const std::vector< PSimHit >::const_iterator inputEnd, size_t inputBeginGlobalIndex, unsigned int tofBin, const StripGeomDetUnit *stripdet, const GlobalVector &bfield, const TrackerTopology *tTopo, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *)
void digitize (edm::DetSet< SiStripDigi > &outDigis, edm::DetSet< SiStripRawDigi > &outRawDigis, edm::DetSet< StripDigiSimLink > &outLink, const StripGeomDetUnit *stripdet, edm::ESHandle< SiStripGain > &, edm::ESHandle< SiStripThreshold > &, edm::ESHandle< SiStripNoises > &, edm::ESHandle< SiStripPedestals > &, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *)
void initializeDetUnit (StripGeomDetUnit const *det, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
void initializeEvent (const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
void setParticleDataTable (const ParticleDataTable *pardt)
 SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm (const edm::ParameterSet &conf)
 ~SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm ()

Private Types

typedef std::map< int,
std::vector< AssociationInfo > > 
typedef std::map< uint32_t,

Private Attributes

std::map< unsigned int,
std::vector< bool > > 
const bool APVSaturationFromHIP
const double APVSaturationProb
AssociationInfoForDetId associationInfoForDetId_
 Structure that holds the information on the SimTrack contributions. Only filled if makeDigiSimLinks_ is true. More...
const bool BaselineShift
const double cmnRMStec
const double cmnRMStib
const double cmnRMStid
const double cmnRMStob
const bool CommonModeNoise
const double cosmicShift
std::map< unsigned int, size_t > firstChannelsWithSignal
const double inefficiency
std::map< unsigned int, size_t > lastChannelsWithSignal
< SiStripLorentzAngle
const std::string lorentzAngleName
const bool makeDigiSimLinks_
const bool noise
const ParticleDataparticle
const ParticleDataTablepdt
const bool peakMode
const double pedOffset
const bool PreMixing_
const bool RealPedestals
const bool SingleStripNoise
const double theElectronPerADC
const int theFedAlgo
const std::unique_ptr
< SiTrivialDigitalConverter
const std::unique_ptr
< SiHitDigitizer
const std::unique_ptr< const
const std::unique_ptr
< SiPileUpSignals
const std::unique_ptr
< SiStripFedZeroSuppression
const double theThreshold
const double theTOFCutForDeconvolution
const double theTOFCutForPeak
const double tofCut
const bool zeroSuppression

Detailed Description

SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm converts hits to digis

Definition at line 49 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 55 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

typedef std::map<int, std::vector<AssociationInfo> > SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::AssociationInfoForChannel

Definition at line 151 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 152 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 52 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 51 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

typedef std::map< int, float, std::less<int> > SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::hit_map_type

Definition at line 54 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 53 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm ( const edm::ParameterSet conf)

Definition at line 33 of file

References CommonModeNoise, LogDebug, peakMode, and SingleStripNoise.

33  :
34  lorentzAngleName(conf.getParameter<std::string>("LorentzAngle")),
35  theThreshold(conf.getParameter<double>("NoiseSigmaThreshold")),
36  cmnRMStib(conf.getParameter<double>("cmnRMStib")),
37  cmnRMStob(conf.getParameter<double>("cmnRMStob")),
38  cmnRMStid(conf.getParameter<double>("cmnRMStid")),
39  cmnRMStec(conf.getParameter<double>("cmnRMStec")),
40  APVSaturationProb(conf.getParameter<double>("APVSaturationProb")),
41  makeDigiSimLinks_(conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("makeDigiSimLinks", false)),
42  peakMode(conf.getParameter<bool>("APVpeakmode")),
43  noise(conf.getParameter<bool>("Noise")),
44  RealPedestals(conf.getParameter<bool>("RealPedestals")),
45  SingleStripNoise(conf.getParameter<bool>("SingleStripNoise")),
46  CommonModeNoise(conf.getParameter<bool>("CommonModeNoise")),
47  BaselineShift(conf.getParameter<bool>("BaselineShift")),
48  APVSaturationFromHIP(conf.getParameter<bool>("APVSaturationFromHIP")),
49  theFedAlgo(conf.getParameter<int>("FedAlgorithm")),
50  zeroSuppression(conf.getParameter<bool>("ZeroSuppression")),
51  theElectronPerADC(conf.getParameter<double>( peakMode ? "electronPerAdcPeak" : "electronPerAdcDec" )),
52  theTOFCutForPeak(conf.getParameter<double>("TOFCutForPeak")),
53  theTOFCutForDeconvolution(conf.getParameter<double>("TOFCutForDeconvolution")),
55  cosmicShift(conf.getUntrackedParameter<double>("CosmicDelayShift")),
56  inefficiency(conf.getParameter<double>("Inefficiency")),
57  pedOffset((unsigned int)conf.getParameter<double>("PedestalsOffset")),
58  PreMixing_(conf.getParameter<bool>("PreMixingMode")),
65  if (peakMode) {
66  LogDebug("StripDigiInfo")<<"APVs running in peak mode (poor time resolution)";
67  } else {
68  LogDebug("StripDigiInfo")<<"APVs running in deconvolution mode (good time resolution)";
69  };
70  if(SingleStripNoise) LogDebug("SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm")<<" SingleStripNoise: ON";
71  else LogDebug("SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm")<<" SingleStripNoise: OFF";
72  if(CommonModeNoise) LogDebug("SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm")<<" CommonModeNoise: ON";
73  else LogDebug("SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm")<<" CommonModeNoise: OFF";
74 }
#define LogDebug(id)
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
const std::unique_ptr< SiPileUpSignals > theSiPileUpSignals
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
const std::unique_ptr< const SiGaussianTailNoiseAdder > theSiNoiseAdder
const std::unique_ptr< SiHitDigitizer > theSiHitDigitizer
const std::unique_ptr< SiTrivialDigitalConverter > theSiDigitalConverter
const std::unique_ptr< SiStripFedZeroSuppression > theSiZeroSuppress
SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::~SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm ( )

Definition at line 76 of file

76  {
77 }

Member Function Documentation

void SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::accumulateSimHits ( const std::vector< PSimHit >::const_iterator  inputBegin,
const std::vector< PSimHit >::const_iterator  inputEnd,
size_t  inputBeginGlobalIndex,
unsigned int  tofBin,
const StripGeomDetUnit stripdet,
const GlobalVector bfield,
const TrackerTopology tTopo,
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *  engine 

Definition at line 117 of file

References allBadChannels, APVSaturationFromHIP, APVSaturationProb, associationInfoForDetId_, RecoTauCleanerPlugins::charge, cosmicShift, firstChannelsWithSignal, GeomDet::geographicalId(), inefficiency, edm::ESHandleBase::isValid(), lastChannelsWithSignal, lorentzAngleHandle, mag(), makeDigiSimLinks_, NULL, particle, pdt, DetId::rawId(), StripGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), GeomDet::surface(), theSiHitDigitizer, theSiPileUpSignals, tofCut, Surface::toGlobal(), and zeroSuppression.

124  {
125  // produce SignalPoints for all SimHits in detector
126  unsigned int detID = det->geographicalId().rawId();
127  int numStrips = (det->specificTopology()).nstrips();
129  std::vector<bool>& badChannels = allBadChannels[detID];
130  size_t thisFirstChannelWithSignal = numStrips;
131  size_t thisLastChannelWithSignal = 0;
133  float langle = (lorentzAngleHandle.isValid()) ? lorentzAngleHandle->getLorentzAngle(detID) : 0.;
135  std::vector<float> locAmpl(numStrips, 0.);
137  // Loop over hits
139  uint32_t detId = det->geographicalId().rawId();
140  // First: loop on the SimHits
141  if(CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine) > inefficiency) {
142  AssociationInfoForChannel* pDetIDAssociationInfo; // I only need this if makeDigiSimLinks_ is true...
143  if( makeDigiSimLinks_ ) pDetIDAssociationInfo=&(associationInfoForDetId_[detId]); // only search the map if that is the case
144  std::vector<float> previousLocalAmplitude; // Only used if makeDigiSimLinks_ is true. Needed to work out the change in amplitude.
146  size_t simHitGlobalIndex=inputBeginGlobalIndex; // This needs to stored to create the digi-sim link later
147  for (std::vector<PSimHit>::const_iterator simHitIter = inputBegin; simHitIter != inputEnd; ++simHitIter, ++simHitGlobalIndex ) {
148  // skip hits not in this detector.
149  if((*simHitIter).detUnitId() != detId) {
150  continue;
151  }
152  // check TOF
153  if (std::fabs(simHitIter->tof() - cosmicShift - det->surface().toGlobal(simHitIter->localPosition()).mag()/30.) < tofCut && simHitIter->energyLoss()>0) {
154  if( makeDigiSimLinks_ ) previousLocalAmplitude=locAmpl; // Not needed except to make the sim link association.
155  size_t localFirstChannel = numStrips;
156  size_t localLastChannel = 0;
157  // process the hit
158  theSiHitDigitizer->processHit(&*simHitIter, *det, bfield, langle, locAmpl, localFirstChannel, localLastChannel, tTopo, engine);
160  //APV Killer to simulate HIP effect
161  //------------------------------------------------------
164  int pdg_id = simHitIter->particleType();
165  particle = pdt->particle(pdg_id);
166  if(particle != NULL){
167  float charge = particle->charge();
168  bool isHadron = particle->isHadron();
169  if(charge!=0 && isHadron){
170  if(CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(engine) < APVSaturationProb){
171  int FirstAPV = localFirstChannel/128;
172  int LastAPV = localLastChannel/128;
173  //std::cout << "-------------------HIP--------------" << std::endl;
174  //std::cout << "Killing APVs " << FirstAPV << " - " <<LastAPV << " " << detID <<std::endl;
175  for(int strip = FirstAPV*128; strip < LastAPV*128 +128; ++strip) {
176  badChannels[strip] = true;
177  }
178  //doing like that I remove the signal information only after the
179  //stip that got the HIP but it remains the signal of the previous
180  //one. I'll make a further loop to remove all signal
181  }
182  }
183  }
184  }
187  if(thisFirstChannelWithSignal > localFirstChannel) thisFirstChannelWithSignal = localFirstChannel;
188  if(thisLastChannelWithSignal < localLastChannel) thisLastChannelWithSignal = localLastChannel;
190  if( makeDigiSimLinks_ ) { // No need to do any of this if truth association was turned off in the configuration
191  for( size_t stripIndex=0; stripIndex<locAmpl.size(); ++stripIndex ) {
192  // Work out the amplitude from this SimHit from the difference of what it was before and what it is now
193  float signalFromThisSimHit=locAmpl[stripIndex]-previousLocalAmplitude[stripIndex];
194  if( signalFromThisSimHit!=0 ) { // If this SimHit had any contribution I need to record it.
195  auto& associationVector=(*pDetIDAssociationInfo)[stripIndex];
196  bool addNewEntry=true;
197  // Make sure the hit isn't in already. I've seen this a few times, it always seems to happen in pairs so I think
198  // it's something to do with the stereo strips.
199  for( auto& associationInfo : associationVector ) {
200  if( associationInfo.trackID==simHitIter->trackId() && associationInfo.eventID==simHitIter->eventId() ) {
201  // The hit is already in, so add this second contribution and move on
202  associationInfo.contributionToADC+=signalFromThisSimHit;
203  addNewEntry=false;
204  break;
205  }
206  } // end of loop over associationVector
207  // If the hit wasn't already in create a new association info structure.
208  if( addNewEntry ) associationVector.push_back( AssociationInfo{ simHitIter->trackId(), simHitIter->eventId(), signalFromThisSimHit, simHitGlobalIndex, tofBin } );
209  } // end of "if( signalFromThisSimHit!=0 )"
210  } // end of loop over locAmpl strips
211  } // end of "if( makeDigiSimLinks_ )"
212  } // end of TOF check
213  } // end for
214  }
215  theSiPileUpSignals->add(detID, locAmpl, thisFirstChannelWithSignal, thisLastChannelWithSignal);
217  if(firstChannelsWithSignal[detID] > thisFirstChannelWithSignal) firstChannelsWithSignal[detID] = thisFirstChannelWithSignal;
218  if(lastChannelsWithSignal[detID] < thisLastChannelWithSignal) lastChannelsWithSignal[detID] = thisLastChannelWithSignal;
219 }
const std::unique_ptr< SiPileUpSignals > theSiPileUpSignals
edm::ESHandle< SiStripLorentzAngle > lorentzAngleHandle
AssociationInfoForDetId associationInfoForDetId_
Structure that holds the information on the SimTrack contributions. Only filled if makeDigiSimLinks_ ...
T mag() const
The vector magnitude. Equivalent to sqrt(vec.mag2())
#define NULL
Definition: scimark2.h:8
const std::unique_ptr< SiHitDigitizer > theSiHitDigitizer
std::map< unsigned int, size_t > firstChannelsWithSignal
std::map< unsigned int, std::vector< bool > > allBadChannels
std::map< int, std::vector< AssociationInfo > > AssociationInfoForChannel
std::map< unsigned int, size_t > lastChannelsWithSignal
bool isValid() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:47
const ParticleDataTable * pdt
void SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::digitize ( edm::DetSet< SiStripDigi > &  outDigis,
edm::DetSet< SiStripRawDigi > &  outRawDigis,
edm::DetSet< StripDigiSimLink > &  outLink,
const StripGeomDetUnit stripdet,
edm::ESHandle< SiStripGain > &  gainHandle,
edm::ESHandle< SiStripThreshold > &  thresholdHandle,
edm::ESHandle< SiStripNoises > &  noiseHandle,
edm::ESHandle< SiStripPedestals > &  pedestalHandle,
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *  engine 

Definition at line 222 of file

References allBadChannels, associationInfoForDetId_, BaselineShift, cmnRMStec, cmnRMStib, cmnRMStid, cmnRMStob, CommonModeNoise, edm::DetSet< T >::data, firstChannelsWithSignal, GeomDet::geographicalId(), lastChannelsWithSignal, noise, pedOffset, edm::DetSet< T >::push_back(), DetId::rawId(), RealPedestals, SingleStripNoise, StripGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), DetId::subdetId(), theElectronPerADC, theSiDigitalConverter, theSiNoiseAdder, theSiPileUpSignals, theSiZeroSuppress, and zeroSuppression.

231  {
232  unsigned int detID = det->geographicalId().rawId();
233  int numStrips = (det->specificTopology()).nstrips();
235  const SiPileUpSignals::SignalMapType* theSignal(theSiPileUpSignals->getSignal(detID));
237  std::vector<float> detAmpl(numStrips, 0.);
238  if(theSignal) {
239  for(const auto& amp : *theSignal) {
240  detAmpl[amp.first] = amp.second;
241  }
242  }
244  //removing signal from the dead (and HIP effected) strips
245  std::vector<bool>& badChannels = allBadChannels[detID];
246  for(int strip =0; strip < numStrips; ++strip) if(badChannels[strip]) detAmpl[strip] = 0.;
248  SiStripNoises::Range detNoiseRange = noiseHandle->getRange(detID);
249  SiStripApvGain::Range detGainRange = gainHandle->getRange(detID);
250  SiStripPedestals::Range detPedestalRange = pedestalHandle->getRange(detID);
252 // -----------------------------------------------------------
254  auto& firstChannelWithSignal = firstChannelsWithSignal[detID];
255  auto& lastChannelWithSignal = lastChannelsWithSignal[detID];
256  auto iAssociationInfoByChannel=associationInfoForDetId_.find(detID); // Use an iterator so that I can easily remove it once finished
258  if(zeroSuppression){
260  //Adding the strip noise
261  //------------------------------------------------------
262  if(noise){
264  if(SingleStripNoise){
265  std::vector<float> noiseRMSv;
266  noiseRMSv.clear();
267  noiseRMSv.insert(noiseRMSv.begin(),numStrips,0.);
268  for(int strip=0; strip< numStrips; ++strip){
269  if(!badChannels[strip]){
270  float gainValue = gainHandle->getStripGain(strip, detGainRange);
271  noiseRMSv[strip] = (noiseHandle->getNoise(strip,detNoiseRange))* theElectronPerADC/gainValue;
272  //std::cout<<"<SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::digitize>: gainValue: "<<gainValue<<"\tnoiseRMSv["<<strip<<"]: "<<noiseRMSv[strip]<<std::endl;
273  }
274  }
275  theSiNoiseAdder->addNoiseVR(detAmpl, noiseRMSv, engine);
276  } else {
277  int RefStrip = int(numStrips/2.);
278  while(RefStrip<numStrips&&badChannels[RefStrip]){ //if the refstrip is bad, I move up to when I don't find it
279  RefStrip++;
280  }
281  if(RefStrip<numStrips){
282  float RefgainValue = gainHandle->getStripGain(RefStrip, detGainRange);
283  float RefnoiseRMS = noiseHandle->getNoise(RefStrip,detNoiseRange) *theElectronPerADC/RefgainValue;
285  theSiNoiseAdder->addNoise(detAmpl,firstChannelWithSignal,lastChannelWithSignal,numStrips,RefnoiseRMS, engine);
286  //std::cout<<"<SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::digitize>: RefgainValue: "<<RefgainValue<<"\tRefnoiseRMS: "<<RefnoiseRMS<<std::endl;
287  }
288  }
289  }//if noise
291  DigitalVecType digis;
292  theSiZeroSuppress->suppress(theSiDigitalConverter->convert(detAmpl, gainHandle, detID), digis, detID,noiseHandle,thresholdHandle);
293  // Now do the association to truth. Note that if truth association was turned off in the configuration this map
294  // will be empty and the iterator will always equal associationInfoForDetId_.end().
295  if( iAssociationInfoByChannel!=associationInfoForDetId_.end() ) { // make sure the readings for this DetID aren't completely from noise
296  for( const auto& iDigi : digis ) {
297  auto& associationInfoByChannel=iAssociationInfoByChannel->second;
298  const std::vector<AssociationInfo>& associationInfo=associationInfoByChannel[];
300  // Need to find the total from all sim hits, because this might not be the same as the total
301  // digitised due to noise or whatever.
302  float totalSimADC=0;
303  for( const auto& iAssociationInfo : associationInfo ) totalSimADC+=iAssociationInfo.contributionToADC;
304  // Now I know that I can loop again and create the links
305  for( const auto& iAssociationInfo : associationInfo ) {
306  // Note simHitGlobalIndex used to have +1 because TrackerHitAssociator (the only place I can find this value being used)
307  // expected counting to start at 1, not 0. Now changed.
308  outLink.push_back( StripDigiSimLink(, iAssociationInfo.trackID, iAssociationInfo.simHitGlobalIndex, iAssociationInfo.tofBin, iAssociationInfo.eventID, iAssociationInfo.contributionToADC/totalSimADC ) );
309  } // end of loop over associationInfo
310  } // end of loop over the digis
311  } // end of check that iAssociationInfoByChannel is a valid iterator
312 = digis;
313  }//if zeroSuppression
315  if(!zeroSuppression){
316  //if(noise){
317  // the constant pedestal offset is needed because
318  // negative adc counts are not allowed in case
319  // Pedestal and CMN subtraction is performed.
320  // The pedestal value read from the conditions
321  // is pedValue and after the pedestal subtraction
322  // the baseline is zero. The Common Mode Noise
323  // is not subtracted from the negative adc counts
324  // channels. Adding pedOffset the baseline is set
325  // to pedOffset after pedestal subtraction and CMN
326  // is subtracted to all the channels since none of
327  // them has negative adc value. The pedOffset is
328  // treated as a constant component in the CMN
329  // estimation and subtracted as CMN.
332  //calculating the charge deposited on each APV and subtracting the shift
333  //------------------------------------------------------
334  if(BaselineShift){
335  theSiNoiseAdder->addBaselineShift(detAmpl, badChannels);
336  }
338  //Adding the strip noise
339  //------------------------------------------------------
340  if(noise){
341  std::vector<float> noiseRMSv;
342  noiseRMSv.clear();
343  noiseRMSv.insert(noiseRMSv.begin(),numStrips,0.);
345  if(SingleStripNoise){
346  for(int strip=0; strip< numStrips; ++strip){
347  if(!badChannels[strip]) noiseRMSv[strip] = (noiseHandle->getNoise(strip,detNoiseRange))* theElectronPerADC;
348  }
350  } else {
351  int RefStrip = 0; //int(numStrips/2.);
352  while(RefStrip<numStrips&&badChannels[RefStrip]){ //if the refstrip is bad, I move up to when I don't find it
353  RefStrip++;
354  }
355  if(RefStrip<numStrips){
356  float noiseRMS = noiseHandle->getNoise(RefStrip,detNoiseRange) *theElectronPerADC;
357  for(int strip=0; strip< numStrips; ++strip){
358  if(!badChannels[strip]) noiseRMSv[strip] = noiseRMS;
359  }
360  }
361  }
363  theSiNoiseAdder->addNoiseVR(detAmpl, noiseRMSv, engine);
364  }
366  //adding the CMN
367  //------------------------------------------------------
368  if(CommonModeNoise){
369  float cmnRMS = 0.;
370  DetId detId(detID);
371  uint32_t SubDet = detId.subdetId();
372  if(SubDet==3){
373  cmnRMS = cmnRMStib;
374  }else if(SubDet==4){
375  cmnRMS = cmnRMStid;
376  }else if(SubDet==5){
377  cmnRMS = cmnRMStob;
378  }else if(SubDet==6){
379  cmnRMS = cmnRMStec;
380  }
381  cmnRMS *= theElectronPerADC;
382  theSiNoiseAdder->addCMNoise(detAmpl, cmnRMS, badChannels, engine);
383  }
386  //Adding the pedestals
387  //------------------------------------------------------
389  std::vector<float> vPeds;
390  vPeds.clear();
391  vPeds.insert(vPeds.begin(),numStrips,0.);
393  if(RealPedestals){
394  for(int strip=0; strip< numStrips; ++strip){
395  if(!badChannels[strip]) vPeds[strip] = (pedestalHandle->getPed(strip,detPedestalRange)+pedOffset)* theElectronPerADC;
396  }
397  } else {
398  for(int strip=0; strip< numStrips; ++strip){
399  if(!badChannels[strip]) vPeds[strip] = pedOffset* theElectronPerADC;
400  }
401  }
403  theSiNoiseAdder->addPedestals(detAmpl, vPeds);
406  //if(!RealPedestals&&!CommonModeNoise&&!noise&&!BaselineShift&&!APVSaturationFromHIP){
407  // edm::LogWarning("SiStripDigitizer")<<"You are running the digitizer without Noise generation and without applying Zero Suppression. ARE YOU SURE???";
408  //}else{
410  DigitalRawVecType rawdigis = theSiDigitalConverter->convertRaw(detAmpl, gainHandle, detID);
412  // Now do the association to truth. Note that if truth association was turned off in the configuration this map
413  // will be empty and the iterator will always equal associationInfoForDetId_.end().
414  if( iAssociationInfoByChannel!=associationInfoForDetId_.end() ) { // make sure the readings for this DetID aren't completely from noise
415  // N.B. For the raw digis the channel is inferred from the position in the vector.
417  // ToDo Test this properly.
418  for( size_t channel=0; channel<rawdigis.size(); ++channel ) {
419  auto& associationInfoByChannel=iAssociationInfoByChannel->second;
420  const auto iAssociationInfo=associationInfoByChannel.find(channel);
421  if( iAssociationInfo==associationInfoByChannel.end() ) continue; // Skip if there is no sim information for this channel (i.e. it's all noise)
422  const std::vector<AssociationInfo>& associationInfo=iAssociationInfo->second;
424  // Need to find the total from all sim hits, because this might not be the same as the total
425  // digitised due to noise or whatever.
426  float totalSimADC=0;
427  for( const auto& iAssociationInfo : associationInfo ) totalSimADC+=iAssociationInfo.contributionToADC;
428  // Now I know that I can loop again and create the links
429  for( const auto& iAssociationInfo : associationInfo ) {
430  // Note simHitGlobalIndex used to have +1 because TrackerHitAssociator (the only place I can find this value being used)
431  // expected counting to start at 1, not 0. Now changed.
432  outLink.push_back( StripDigiSimLink( channel, iAssociationInfo.trackID, iAssociationInfo.simHitGlobalIndex, iAssociationInfo.tofBin, iAssociationInfo.eventID, iAssociationInfo.contributionToADC/totalSimADC ) );
433  } // end of loop over associationInfo
434  } // end of loop over the digis
435  } // end of check that iAssociationInfoByChannel is a valid iterator
437 = rawdigis;
439  //}
440  }
442  // Now that I've finished with this entry in the map of associations, I can remove it.
443  // Note that there might not be an association if the ADC reading is from noise in which
444  // case associationIsValid will be false.
445  if( iAssociationInfoByChannel!=associationInfoForDetId_.end() ) associationInfoForDetId_.erase(iAssociationInfoByChannel);
446 }
const std::unique_ptr< SiPileUpSignals > theSiPileUpSignals
void push_back(const T &t)
Definition: DetSet.h:68
AssociationInfoForDetId associationInfoForDetId_
Structure that holds the information on the SimTrack contributions. Only filled if makeDigiSimLinks_ ...
SiDigitalConverter::DigitalRawVecType DigitalRawVecType
SiDigitalConverter::DigitalVecType DigitalVecType
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
const std::unique_ptr< const SiGaussianTailNoiseAdder > theSiNoiseAdder
std::map< unsigned int, size_t > firstChannelsWithSignal
std::map< int, Amplitude > SignalMapType
const std::unique_ptr< SiTrivialDigitalConverter > theSiDigitalConverter
const std::unique_ptr< SiStripFedZeroSuppression > theSiZeroSuppress
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
std::map< unsigned int, std::vector< bool > > allBadChannels
Definition: DetId.h:18
std::map< unsigned int, size_t > lastChannelsWithSignal
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
Definition: SiStripNoises.h:48
void SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::initializeDetUnit ( StripGeomDetUnit const *  det,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 

Definition at line 80 of file

References allBadChannels, firstChannelsWithSignal, SiStripBadStrip::data::firstStrip, GeomDet::geographicalId(), edm::EventSetup::get(), lastChannelsWithSignal, SiStripBadStrip::data::range, DetId::rawId(), and StripGeomDetUnit::specificTopology().

80  {
81  edm::ESHandle<SiStripBadStrip> deadChannelHandle;
82  iSetup.get<SiStripBadChannelRcd>().get(deadChannelHandle);
84  unsigned int detId = det->geographicalId().rawId();
85  int numStrips = (det->specificTopology()).nstrips();
87  SiStripBadStrip::Range detBadStripRange = deadChannelHandle->getRange(detId);
88  //storing the bad strip of the the module. the module is not removed but just signal put to 0
89  std::vector<bool>& badChannels = allBadChannels[detId];
90  badChannels.clear();
91  badChannels.insert(badChannels.begin(), numStrips, false);
92  for(SiStripBadStrip::ContainerIterator it = detBadStripRange.first; it != detBadStripRange.second; ++it) {
93  SiStripBadStrip::data fs = deadChannelHandle->decode(*it);
94  for(int strip = fs.firstStrip; strip < fs.firstStrip + fs.range; ++strip) badChannels[strip] = true;
95  }
96  firstChannelsWithSignal[detId] = numStrips;
97  lastChannelsWithSignal[detId]= 0;
98 }
unsigned short range
std::vector< unsigned int >::const_iterator ContainerIterator
std::map< unsigned int, size_t > firstChannelsWithSignal
std::map< unsigned int, std::vector< bool > > allBadChannels
unsigned short firstStrip
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:56
std::pair< ContainerIterator, ContainerIterator > Range
std::map< unsigned int, size_t > lastChannelsWithSignal
void SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::initializeEvent ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup)

Definition at line 101 of file

References associationInfoForDetId_, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::EventSetup::getData(), lorentzAngleHandle, lorentzAngleName, pdt, setParticleDataTable(), and theSiPileUpSignals.

101  {
102  theSiPileUpSignals->reset();
103  // This should be clear by after all calls to digitize(), but I might as well make sure
104  associationInfoForDetId_.clear();
106  //get gain noise pedestal lorentzAngle from ES handle
108  iSetup.getData(pdt);
109  setParticleDataTable(&*pdt);
111 }
const std::unique_ptr< SiPileUpSignals > theSiPileUpSignals
edm::ESHandle< SiStripLorentzAngle > lorentzAngleHandle
AssociationInfoForDetId associationInfoForDetId_
Structure that holds the information on the SimTrack contributions. Only filled if makeDigiSimLinks_ ...
void getData(T &iHolder) const
Definition: EventSetup.h:79
void setParticleDataTable(const ParticleDataTable *pardt)
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:56
const ParticleDataTable * pdt
void SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::setParticleDataTable ( const ParticleDataTable pardt)

Definition at line 89 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

References pdt, and theSiHitDigitizer.

Referenced by initializeEvent().

89  {
90  theSiHitDigitizer->setParticleDataTable(pardt);
91  pdt= pardt;
92  }
const std::unique_ptr< SiHitDigitizer > theSiHitDigitizer
const ParticleDataTable * pdt

Member Data Documentation

std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<bool> > SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::allBadChannels

Definition at line 132 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits(), digitize(), and initializeDetUnit().

const bool SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::APVSaturationFromHIP

Definition at line 109 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits().

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::APVSaturationProb

Definition at line 101 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits().

AssociationInfoForDetId SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::associationInfoForDetId_

Structure that holds the information on the SimTrack contributions. Only filled if makeDigiSimLinks_ is true.

Definition at line 154 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits(), digitize(), and initializeEvent().

const bool SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::BaselineShift

Definition at line 108 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::cmnRMStec

Definition at line 100 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::cmnRMStib

Definition at line 97 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::cmnRMStid

Definition at line 99 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::cmnRMStob

Definition at line 98 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const bool SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::CommonModeNoise

Definition at line 107 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::cosmicShift

Definition at line 117 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits().

std::map<unsigned int, size_t> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::firstChannelsWithSignal

Definition at line 134 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits(), digitize(), and initializeDetUnit().

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::inefficiency

Definition at line 118 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits().

std::map<unsigned int, size_t> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::lastChannelsWithSignal

Definition at line 135 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits(), digitize(), and initializeDetUnit().

edm::ESHandle<SiStripLorentzAngle> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::lorentzAngleHandle

Definition at line 138 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits(), and initializeEvent().

const std::string SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::lorentzAngleName

Definition at line 95 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by initializeEvent().

const bool SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::makeDigiSimLinks_

Definition at line 102 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits().

const bool SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::noise

Definition at line 104 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const ParticleData* SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::particle

Definition at line 123 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits().

const ParticleDataTable* SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::pdt
const bool SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::peakMode

Definition at line 103 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::pedOffset

Definition at line 119 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const bool SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::PreMixing_

Definition at line 120 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

const bool SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::RealPedestals

Definition at line 105 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const bool SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::SingleStripNoise

Definition at line 106 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::theElectronPerADC

Definition at line 113 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const int SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::theFedAlgo

Definition at line 111 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

const std::unique_ptr<SiTrivialDigitalConverter> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::theSiDigitalConverter

Definition at line 128 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const std::unique_ptr<SiHitDigitizer> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::theSiHitDigitizer

Definition at line 125 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits(), and setParticleDataTable().

const std::unique_ptr<const SiGaussianTailNoiseAdder> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::theSiNoiseAdder

Definition at line 127 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const std::unique_ptr<SiPileUpSignals> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::theSiPileUpSignals

Definition at line 126 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits(), digitize(), and initializeEvent().

const std::unique_ptr<SiStripFedZeroSuppression> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::theSiZeroSuppress

Definition at line 129 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by digitize().

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::theThreshold

Definition at line 96 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::theTOFCutForDeconvolution

Definition at line 115 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::theTOFCutForPeak

Definition at line 114 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

const double SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::tofCut

Definition at line 116 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits().

const bool SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::zeroSuppression

Definition at line 112 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by accumulateSimHits(), and digitize().