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6 #include "fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh"
8 using namespace std;
9 using namespace edm;
10 using namespace reco;
13  leptonMinPt_(pset.getParameter<double>("leptonMinPt")),
14  leptonMaxEta_(pset.getParameter<double>("leptonMaxEta")),
15  jetMinPt_(pset.getParameter<double>("jetMinPt")),
16  jetMaxEta_(pset.getParameter<double>("jetMaxEta")),
17  wMass_(pset.getParameter<double>("wMass")),
18  tMass_(pset.getParameter<double>("tMass"))
19 {
20  finalStateToken_ = consumes<edm::View<reco::Candidate> >(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("finalStates"));
21  genParticleToken_ = consumes<edm::View<reco::Candidate> >(pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("genParticles"));
23  const double leptonConeSize = pset.getParameter<double>("leptonConeSize");
24  const double jetConeSize = pset.getParameter<double>("jetConeSize");
25  fjLepDef_ = std::shared_ptr<JetDef>(new JetDef(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, leptonConeSize));
26  fjJetDef_ = std::shared_ptr<JetDef>(new JetDef(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, jetConeSize));
30  produces<reco::GenParticleCollection>("neutrinos");
31  produces<reco::GenJetCollection>("leptons");
32  produces<reco::GenJetCollection>("jets");
34  produces<reco::GenParticleCollection>();
36 }
39 {
40  edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Candidate> > finalStateHandle;
41  event.getByToken(finalStateToken_, finalStateHandle);
43  edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Candidate> > genParticleHandle;
44  event.getByToken(genParticleToken_, genParticleHandle);
46  std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticleCollection> neutrinos(new reco::GenParticleCollection);
47  std::auto_ptr<reco::GenJetCollection> leptons(new reco::GenJetCollection);
48  std::auto_ptr<reco::GenJetCollection> jets(new reco::GenJetCollection);
49  auto neutrinosRefHandle = event.getRefBeforePut<reco::GenParticleCollection>("neutrinos");
50  auto leptonsRefHandle = event.getRefBeforePut<reco::GenJetCollection>("leptons");
51  auto jetsRefHandle = event.getRefBeforePut<reco::GenJetCollection>("jets");
53  std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticleCollection> pseudoTop(new reco::GenParticleCollection);
54  auto pseudoTopRefHandle = event.getRefBeforePut<reco::GenParticleCollection>();
56  // Collect unstable B-hadrons
57  std::set<int> bHadronIdxs;
58  for ( size_t i=0, n=genParticleHandle->size(); i<n; ++i )
59  {
60  const reco::Candidate& p = genParticleHandle->at(i);
61  const int status = p.status();
62  if ( status == 1 ) continue;
64  // Collect B-hadrons, to be used in b tagging
65  if ( isBHadron(&p) ) bHadronIdxs.insert(-i-1);
66  }
68  // Collect stable leptons and neutrinos
69  size_t nStables = 0;
70  std::vector<size_t> leptonIdxs;
71  std::set<size_t> neutrinoIdxs;
72  for ( size_t i=0, n=finalStateHandle->size(); i<n; ++i )
73  {
74  const reco::Candidate& p = finalStateHandle->at(i);
75  const int absPdgId = abs(p.pdgId());
76  if ( p.status() != 1 ) continue;
78  ++nStables;
79  if ( p.numberOfMothers() == 0 ) continue; // Skip orphans (if exists)
80  if ( p.mother()->status() == 4 ) continue; // Treat particle as hadronic if directly from the incident beam (protect orphans in MINIAOD)
81  if ( isFromHadron(&p) ) continue;
82  switch ( absPdgId )
83  {
84  case 11: case 13: // Leptons
85  case 22: // Photons
86  leptonIdxs.push_back(i);
87  break;
88  case 12: case 14: case 16:
89  neutrinoIdxs.insert(i);
90  neutrinos->push_back(reco::GenParticle(p.charge(), p.p4(), p.vertex(), p.pdgId(), p.status(), true));
91  break;
92  }
93  }
95  // Sort neutrinos by pT.
96  std::sort(neutrinos->begin(), neutrinos->end(), GreaterByPt<reco::Candidate>());
98  // Make dressed leptons with anti-kt(0.1) algorithm
100  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjLepInputs;
101  fjLepInputs.reserve(leptonIdxs.size());
102  for ( auto index : leptonIdxs )
103  {
104  const reco::Candidate& p = finalStateHandle->at(index);
105  if ( std::isnan( or <= 0 ) continue;
107  fjLepInputs.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(p.px(),, p.pz(),;
108  fjLepInputs.back().set_user_index(index);
109  }
112  fastjet::ClusterSequence fjLepClusterSeq(fjLepInputs, *fjLepDef_);
113  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjLepJets = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(fjLepClusterSeq.inclusive_jets(leptonMinPt_));
116  leptons->reserve(fjLepJets.size());
117  std::set<size_t> lepDauIdxs; // keep lepton constituents to remove from GenJet construction
118  for ( auto& fjJet : fjLepJets )
119  {
120  if ( abs(fjJet.eta()) > leptonMaxEta_ ) continue;
122  // Get jet constituents from fastJet
123  const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjConstituents = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(fjJet.constituents());
124  // Convert to CandidatePtr
125  std::vector<reco::CandidatePtr> constituents;
126  reco::CandidatePtr lepCand;
127  for ( auto& fjConstituent : fjConstituents )
128  {
129  const size_t index = fjConstituent.user_index();
130  reco::CandidatePtr cand = finalStateHandle->ptrAt(index);
131  const int absPdgId = abs(cand->pdgId());
132  if ( absPdgId == 11 or absPdgId == 13 )
133  {
134  if ( lepCand.isNonnull() and lepCand->pt() > cand->pt() ) continue; // Choose one with highest pt
135  lepCand = cand;
136  }
137  constituents.push_back(cand);
138  }
139  if ( lepCand.isNull() ) continue;
140  if ( lepCand->pt() < ) continue; // Central lepton must be the major component
142  const LorentzVector jetP4(fjJet.px(),, fjJet.pz(), fjJet.E());
143  reco::GenJet lepJet;
144  reco::writeSpecific(lepJet, jetP4, genVertex_, constituents, eventSetup);
146  lepJet.setPdgId(lepCand->pdgId());
147  lepJet.setCharge(lepCand->charge());
149  const double jetArea = fjJet.has_area() ? fjJet.area() : 0;
150  lepJet.setJetArea(jetArea);
152  leptons->push_back(lepJet);
154  // Keep constituent indices to be used in the next step.
155  for ( auto& fjConstituent : fjConstituents )
156  {
157  lepDauIdxs.insert(fjConstituent.user_index());
158  }
159  }
161  // Now proceed to jets.
162  // Jets: anti-kt excluding the e, mu, nu, and photons in selected leptons.
164  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjJetInputs;
165  fjJetInputs.reserve(nStables);
166  for ( size_t i=0, n=finalStateHandle->size(); i<n; ++i )
167  {
168  const reco::Candidate& p = finalStateHandle->at(i);
169  if ( p.status() != 1 ) continue;
170  if ( std::isnan( or <= 0 ) continue;
172  if ( neutrinoIdxs.find(i) != neutrinoIdxs.end() ) continue;
173  if ( lepDauIdxs.find(i) != lepDauIdxs.end() ) continue;
175  fjJetInputs.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(p.px(),, p.pz(),;
176  fjJetInputs.back().set_user_index(i);
177  }
179  for ( auto index : bHadronIdxs )
180  {
181  const reco::Candidate& p = genParticleHandle->at(abs(index+1));
182  if ( std::isnan( or <= 0 ) continue;
184  const double scale = 1e-20/p.p();
185  fjJetInputs.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(p.px()*scale,*scale, p.pz()*scale,*scale));
186  fjJetInputs.back().set_user_index(index);
187  }
190  fastjet::ClusterSequence fjJetClusterSeq(fjJetInputs, *fjJetDef_);
191  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjJets = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(fjJetClusterSeq.inclusive_jets(jetMinPt_));
194  jets->reserve(fjJets.size());
195  std::vector<size_t> bjetIdxs, ljetIdxs;
196  for ( auto& fjJet : fjJets )
197  {
198  if ( abs(fjJet.eta()) > jetMaxEta_ ) continue;
200  // Get jet constituents from fastJet
201  const std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> fjConstituents = fastjet::sorted_by_pt(fjJet.constituents());
202  // Convert to CandidatePtr
203  std::vector<reco::CandidatePtr> constituents;
204  bool hasBHadron = false;
205  for ( size_t j=0, m=fjConstituents.size(); j<m; ++j )
206  {
207  const int index = fjConstituents[j].user_index();
208  if ( bHadronIdxs.find(index) != bHadronIdxs.end() ) {
209  hasBHadron = true;
210  continue;
211  }
212  reco::CandidatePtr cand = finalStateHandle->ptrAt(index);
213  constituents.push_back(cand);
214  }
216  const LorentzVector jetP4(fjJet.px(),, fjJet.pz(), fjJet.E());
217  reco::GenJet genJet;
218  reco::writeSpecific(genJet, jetP4, genVertex_, constituents, eventSetup);
220  const double jetArea = fjJet.has_area() ? fjJet.area() : 0;
221  genJet.setJetArea(jetArea);
222  if ( hasBHadron )
223  {
224  genJet.setPdgId(5);
225  bjetIdxs.push_back(jets->size());
226  }
227  else
228  {
229  ljetIdxs.push_back(jets->size());
230  }
232  jets->push_back(genJet);
233  }
235  // Every building blocks are ready. Continue to pseudo-W and pseudo-top combination
236  // NOTE : A C++ trick, use do-while instead of long-nested if-statements.
237  do
238  {
239  // Note : we will do dilepton or semilepton channel only
240  const size_t nLepton = leptons->size();
242  // Collect leptonic-decaying W's
243  std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > wCandIdxs;
244  for ( auto lep = leptons->begin(); lep != leptons->end(); ++lep )
245  {
246  const size_t iLep = lep-leptons->begin();
247  for ( auto nu = neutrinos->begin(); nu != neutrinos->end(); ++nu )
248  {
249  //if ( abs(lep->pdgId()+nu->pdgId()) != 1 ) continue; // Enforce to conserve flavour, this reduces combinatorial bkg
250  const double m = (lep->p4()+nu->p4()).mass();
251  if ( m > 300 ) continue; // Raw mass cut, reduce combinatorial background
253  const size_t iNu = nu-neutrinos->begin();
254  wCandIdxs.push_back(make_pair(iLep, iNu));
255  }
256  }
258  if ( nLepton == 0 or wCandIdxs.empty() ) break; // Skip full hadronic channel
259  else if ( nLepton == 1 and wCandIdxs.size() >= 1 ) // Semi-leptonic channel
260  {
261  double dm = 1e9; // Note: this will be re-used later.
262  int bestLepIdx = -1, bestNuIdx = -1;
263  for ( auto wCandIdx : wCandIdxs )
264  {
265  const int lepIdx = wCandIdx.first;
266  const int nuIdx = wCandIdx.second;
267  const LorentzVector& lepLVec = leptons->at(lepIdx).p4();
268  const LorentzVector& nuLVec = neutrinos->at(nuIdx).p4();
269  const double mW = (lepLVec + nuLVec).mass();
270  if ( mW > 300 ) continue;
272  const double dmNew = abs(mW-wMass_);
273  if ( dmNew < dm )
274  {
275  dm = dmNew;
276  bestLepIdx = lepIdx;
277  bestNuIdx = nuIdx;
278  }
279  }
280  if ( bestLepIdx < 0 ) break; // Actually this should never happen
281  const auto& lepton = leptons->at(bestLepIdx);
282  const auto& neutrino = neutrinos->at(bestNuIdx);
283  const LorentzVector w1LVec = lepton.p4()+neutrino.p4();
285  // Continue to hadronic W
286  // We also collect b jets to be used in the next step.
287  dm = 1e9; // Reset dM to very large value.
288  int bestJ1Idx = -1, bestJ2Idx = -1;
289  for ( auto j1Idx = ljetIdxs.begin(); j1Idx != ljetIdxs.end(); ++j1Idx )
290  {
291  const auto& j1 = jets->at(*j1Idx);
292  for ( auto j2Idx = j1Idx+1; j2Idx != ljetIdxs.end(); ++j2Idx )
293  {
294  const auto& j2 = jets->at(*j2Idx);
295  const double mW = (j1.p4()+j2.p4()).mass();
296  if ( mW > 300 ) continue;
298  const double dmNew = abs(mW-wMass_);
299  if ( dmNew < dm )
300  {
301  dm = dmNew;
302  bestJ1Idx = *j1Idx;
303  bestJ2Idx = *j2Idx;
304  }
305  }
306  }
307  if ( bestJ1Idx < 0 ) break;
308  const auto& wJet1 = jets->at(bestJ1Idx);
309  const auto& wJet2 = jets->at(bestJ2Idx);
310  const LorentzVector w2LVec = wJet1.p4() + wJet2.p4();
312  // Now we have leptonic W and hadronic W.
313  // Contiue to top quarks
314  dm = 1e9; // Reset once again for top combination.
315  int bestB1Idx = -1, bestB2Idx = -1;
316  if ( bjetIdxs.size() < 2 ) break;
317  for ( auto b1Idx : bjetIdxs )
318  {
319  const double t1Mass = (w1LVec + jets->at(b1Idx).p4()).mass();
320  if ( t1Mass > 300 ) continue;
321  for ( auto b2Idx : bjetIdxs )
322  {
323  if ( b1Idx == b2Idx ) continue;
324  const double t2Mass = (w2LVec + jets->at(b2Idx).p4()).mass();
325  if ( t2Mass > 300 ) continue;
327  const double dmNew = abs(t1Mass-tMass_) + abs(t2Mass-tMass_);
328  if ( dmNew < dm )
329  {
330  dm = dmNew;
331  bestB1Idx = b1Idx;
332  bestB2Idx = b2Idx;
333  }
334  }
335  }
336  if ( bestB1Idx < 0 ) break;
337  const auto& bJet1 = jets->at(bestB1Idx);
338  const auto& bJet2 = jets->at(bestB2Idx);
339  const LorentzVector t1LVec = w1LVec + bJet1.p4();
340  const LorentzVector t2LVec = w2LVec + bJet2.p4();
342  // Put all of them into candidate collection
343  if ( true ) // Trick to restrict variables' scope to avoid collision
344  {
345  const int lepQ = lepton.charge();
347  reco::GenParticle t1(lepQ*2/3, t1LVec, genVertex_, lepQ*6, 3, false);
348  reco::GenParticle w1(lepQ, w1LVec, genVertex_, lepQ*24, 3, true);
349  reco::GenParticle b1(0, bJet1.p4(), genVertex_, lepQ*5, 1, true);
350  reco::GenParticle l1(lepQ, lepton.p4(), genVertex_, lepton.pdgId(), 1, true);
351  reco::GenParticle n1(0, neutrino.p4(), genVertex_, neutrino.pdgId(), 1, true);
353  reco::GenParticle t2(-lepQ*2/3, t2LVec, genVertex_, -lepQ*6, 3, false);
354  reco::GenParticle w2(-lepQ, w2LVec, genVertex_, -lepQ*24, 3, true);
355  reco::GenParticle b2(0, bJet2.p4(), genVertex_, -lepQ*5, 1, true);
356  reco::GenParticle qA(0, wJet1.p4(), genVertex_, 1, 1, true);
357  reco::GenParticle qB(0, wJet2.p4(), genVertex_, 2, 1, true);
359  pseudoTop->push_back(t1);
360  pseudoTop->push_back(w1);
361  pseudoTop->push_back(b1);
362  pseudoTop->push_back(l1);
363  pseudoTop->push_back(n1);
365  pseudoTop->push_back(t2);
366  pseudoTop->push_back(w2);
367  pseudoTop->push_back(b2);
368  pseudoTop->push_back(qA);
369  pseudoTop->push_back(qB);
370  }
371  }
372  else if ( nLepton == 2 and wCandIdxs.size() >= 2 ) // Dilepton channel
373  {
374  double dm = 1e9;
375  int bestLep1Idx = -1, bestLep2Idx = -1, bestNu1Idx = -1, bestNu2Idx = -1;
376  for ( auto i : wCandIdxs )
377  {
378  const auto& lepton1 = leptons->at(i.first);
379  if ( lepton1.charge() < 0 ) continue;
380  const auto& neutrino1 = neutrinos->at(i.second);
381  const double mW1 = (lepton1.p4()+neutrino1.p4()).mass();
382  if ( mW1 > 300 ) continue;
383  for ( auto j : wCandIdxs )
384  {
385  if ( i == j ) continue;
386  const auto& lepton2 = leptons->at(j.first);
387  if ( lepton2.charge() > 0 ) continue;
388  const auto& neutrino2 = neutrinos->at(j.second);
389  const double mW2 = (lepton2.p4()+neutrino2.p4()).mass();
390  if ( mW2 > 300 ) continue;
392  const double dmNew = abs(mW1-wMass_) + abs(mW2-wMass_);
393  if ( dmNew < dm )
394  {
395  dm = dmNew;
396  bestLep1Idx = i.first;
397  bestLep2Idx = j.first;
398  bestNu1Idx = i.second;
399  bestNu2Idx = j.second;
400  }
401  }
402  }
403  if ( bestLep1Idx < 0 ) break;
404  const auto& lepton1 = leptons->at(bestLep1Idx);
405  const auto& lepton2 = leptons->at(bestLep2Idx);
406  const auto& neutrino1 = neutrinos->at(bestNu1Idx);
407  const auto& neutrino2 = neutrinos->at(bestNu2Idx);
408  const LorentzVector w1LVec = lepton1.p4()+neutrino1.p4();
409  const LorentzVector w2LVec = lepton2.p4()+neutrino2.p4();
411  // Contiue to top quarks
412  dm = 1e9; // Reset once again for top combination.
413  int bestB1Idx = -1, bestB2Idx = -1;
414  if ( bjetIdxs.size() < 2 ) break;
415  for ( auto b1Idx : bjetIdxs )
416  {
417  const double t1Mass = (w1LVec + jets->at(b1Idx).p4()).mass();
418  if ( t1Mass > 300 ) continue;
419  for ( auto b2Idx : bjetIdxs )
420  {
421  if ( b1Idx == b2Idx ) continue;
422  const double t2Mass = (w2LVec + jets->at(b2Idx).p4()).mass();
423  if ( t2Mass > 300 ) continue;
425  const double dmNew = abs(t1Mass-tMass_) + abs(t2Mass-tMass_);
426  if ( dmNew < dm )
427  {
428  dm = dmNew;
429  bestB1Idx = b1Idx;
430  bestB2Idx = b2Idx;
431  }
432  }
433  }
434  if ( bestB1Idx < 0 ) break;
435  const auto& bJet1 = jets->at(bestB1Idx);
436  const auto& bJet2 = jets->at(bestB2Idx);
437  const LorentzVector t1LVec = w1LVec + bJet1.p4();
438  const LorentzVector t2LVec = w2LVec + bJet2.p4();
440  // Put all of them into candidate collection
441  if ( true ) // Trick to restrict variables' scope to avoid collision
442  {
443  const int lep1Q = lepton1.charge();
444  const int lep2Q = lepton2.charge();
446  reco::GenParticle t1(lep1Q*2/3, t1LVec, genVertex_, lep1Q*6, 3, true);
447  reco::GenParticle w1(lep1Q, w1LVec, genVertex_, lep1Q*24, 3, true);
448  reco::GenParticle b1(0, bJet1.p4(), genVertex_, lep1Q*5, 1, true);
449  reco::GenParticle l1(lep1Q, lepton1.p4(), genVertex_, lepton1.pdgId(), 1, true);
450  reco::GenParticle n1(0, neutrino1.p4(), genVertex_, neutrino1.pdgId(), 1, true);
452  reco::GenParticle t2(lep2Q*2/3, t2LVec, genVertex_, lep2Q*6, 3, true);
453  reco::GenParticle w2(lep2Q, w2LVec, genVertex_, lep2Q*24, 3, true);
454  reco::GenParticle b2(0, bJet2.p4(), genVertex_, lep2Q*5, 1, true);
455  reco::GenParticle l2(0, lepton2.p4(), genVertex_, lepton2.pdgId(), 1, true);
456  reco::GenParticle n2(0, neutrino2.p4(), genVertex_, neutrino2.pdgId(), 1, true);
458  pseudoTop->push_back(t1);
459  pseudoTop->push_back(w1);
460  pseudoTop->push_back(b1);
461  pseudoTop->push_back(l1);
462  pseudoTop->push_back(n1);
464  pseudoTop->push_back(t2);
465  pseudoTop->push_back(w2);
466  pseudoTop->push_back(b2);
467  pseudoTop->push_back(l2);
468  pseudoTop->push_back(n2);
469  }
470  }
472  if ( pseudoTop->size() == 10 ) // If pseudtop decay tree is completed
473  {
474  // t->W+b
475  pseudoTop->at(0).addDaughter(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 1)); // t->W
476  pseudoTop->at(0).addDaughter(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 2)); // t->b
477  pseudoTop->at(1).addMother(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 0)); // t->W
478  pseudoTop->at(2).addMother(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 0)); // t->b
480  // W->lv or W->jj
481  pseudoTop->at(1).addDaughter(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 3));
482  pseudoTop->at(1).addDaughter(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 4));
483  pseudoTop->at(3).addMother(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 1));
484  pseudoTop->at(4).addMother(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 1));
486  // tbar->W-b
487  pseudoTop->at(5).addDaughter(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 6));
488  pseudoTop->at(5).addDaughter(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 7));
489  pseudoTop->at(6).addMother(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 5));
490  pseudoTop->at(7).addMother(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 5));
492  // W->jj
493  pseudoTop->at(6).addDaughter(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 8));
494  pseudoTop->at(6).addDaughter(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 9));
495  pseudoTop->at(8).addMother(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 6));
496  pseudoTop->at(9).addMother(reco::GenParticleRef(pseudoTopRefHandle, 6));
497  }
498  } while (false);
500  event.put(neutrinos, "neutrinos");
501  event.put(leptons, "leptons");
502  event.put(jets, "jets");
504  event.put(pseudoTop);
505 }
508 {
509  for ( size_t i=0, n=p->numberOfDaughters(); i<n; ++i )
510  {
511  const reco::Candidate* dau = p->daughter(i);
512  if ( p->pdgId() == dau->pdgId() ) return getLast(dau);
513  }
514  return p;
515 }
518 {
519  for ( size_t i=0, n=p->numberOfMothers(); i<n; ++i )
520  {
521  const reco::Candidate* mother = p->mother(i);
522  if ( mother->numberOfMothers() == 0 ) continue; // Skip incident beam
523  const int pdgId = abs(mother->pdgId());
525  if ( pdgId > 100 ) return true;
526  else if ( isFromHadron(mother) ) return true;
527  }
528  return false;
529 }
532 {
533  const unsigned int absPdgId = abs(p->pdgId());
534  if ( !isBHadron(absPdgId) ) return false;
536  // Do not consider this particle if it has B hadron daughter
537  // For example, B* -> B0 + photon; then we drop B* and take B0 only
538  for ( int i=0, n=p->numberOfDaughters(); i<n; ++i )
539  {
540  const reco::Candidate* dau = p->daughter(i);
541  if ( isBHadron(abs(dau->pdgId())) ) return false;
542  }
544  return true;
545 }
547 bool PseudoTopProducer::isBHadron(const unsigned int absPdgId) const
548 {
549  if ( absPdgId <= 100 ) return false; // Fundamental particles and MC internals
550  if ( absPdgId >= 1000000000 ) return false; // Nuclei, +-10LZZZAAAI
552  // General form of PDG ID is 7 digit form
553  // +- n nr nL nq1 nq2 nq3 nJ
554  //const int nJ = absPdgId % 10; // Spin
555  const int nq3 = (absPdgId / 10) % 10;
556  const int nq2 = (absPdgId / 100) % 10;
557  const int nq1 = (absPdgId / 1000) % 10;
559  if ( nq3 == 0 ) return false; // Diquarks
560  if ( nq1 == 0 and nq2 == 5 ) return true; // B mesons
561  if ( nq1 == 5 ) return true; // B baryons
563  return false;
564 }
567  std::auto_ptr<reco::GenParticleCollection>& outColl) const
568 {
569  reco::GenParticle pOut(*dynamic_cast<const reco::GenParticle*>(p));
570  pOut.clearMothers();
571  pOut.clearDaughters();
572  pOut.resetMothers(;
573  pOut.resetDaughters(;
575  outColl->push_back(pOut);
577  return reco::GenParticleRef(refHandle, outColl->size()-1);
578 }
bool isBHadron(const reco::Candidate *p) const
PseudoTopProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
const double leptonMaxEta_
std::vector< GenParticle > GenParticleCollection
collection of GenParticles
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
int i
reco::Particle::Point genVertex_
virtual double energy() const =0
virtual const Candidate * daughter(size_type i) const =0
return daughter at a given position, i = 0, ... numberOfDaughters() - 1 (read only mode) ...
const double leptonMinPt_
const double jetMaxEta_
common ppss p3p6s2 common epss epspn46 common const1 w2
Definition: inclppp.h:1
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Candidate > > finalStateToken_
tuple bJet1
do the razor with one or two b jets (medium CSV)
fastjet::JetDefinition JetDef
virtual const Candidate * mother(size_type i=0) const =0
return pointer to mother
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventIDconst &, edm::Timestampconst & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
virtual double pt() const =0
transverse momentum
std::shared_ptr< JetDef > fjJetDef_
virtual int status() const =0
status word
edm::Ref< GenParticleCollection > GenParticleRef
persistent reference to a GenParticle
std::vector< GenJet > GenJetCollection
collection of GenJet objects
virtual double pz() const =0
z coordinate of momentum vector
virtual size_type numberOfMothers() const =0
number of mothers (zero or one in most of but not all the cases)
bool isFromHadron(const reco::Candidate *p) const
std::shared_ptr< JetDef > fjLepDef_
reco::Particle::LorentzVector LorentzVector
void clearDaughters()
clear daughter references
void addDaughter(const typename daughters::value_type &)
add a daughter via a reference
void resetDaughters(const edm::ProductID &id)
set daughters product ID
virtual size_type numberOfDaughters() const =0
number of daughters
virtual double p() const =0
magnitude of momentum vector
auto const T2 &decltype(t1.eta()) t2
Definition: deltaR.h:16
bool isnan(float x)
Definition: math.h:13
const reco::Candidate * getLast(const reco::Candidate *p)
vector< PseudoJet > jets
tuple dm
void produce(edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup) override
bool isNull() const
Checks for null.
Definition: Ptr.h:165
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
Definition: Particle.h:25
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
int j
Jets made from MC generator particles.
Definition: GenJet.h:24
virtual const Point & vertex() const =0
vertex position
virtual int charge() const =0
electric charge
virtual double py() const =0
y coordinate of momentum vector
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< reco::Candidate > > genParticleToken_
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ptr.h:169
virtual double px() const =0
x coordinate of momentum vector
virtual int pdgId() const =0
PDG identifier.
reco::GenParticleRef buildGenParticle(const reco::Candidate *p, reco::GenParticleRefProd &refHandle, std::auto_ptr< reco::GenParticleCollection > &outColl) const
ProductID id() const
Accessor for product ID.
Definition: RefProd.h:137
const double jetMinPt_
void resetMothers(const edm::ProductID &id)
set mother product ID
void clearMothers()
clear mother references
tuple status
void writeSpecific(reco::CaloJet &jet, reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &p4, reco::Particle::Point const &point, std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &constituents, edm::EventSetup const &c)
virtual const LorentzVector & p4() const =0
four-momentum Lorentz vector