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1 #include <fcntl.h>
2 #include <iomanip>
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <memory>
5 #include <sstream>
6 #include <sys/types.h>
7 #include <sys/file.h>
8 #include <sys/time.h>
9 #include <unistd.h>
10 #include <vector>
11 #include <fstream>
12 #include <zlib.h>
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <chrono>
16 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
17 #include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
47 //JSON file reader
50 #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
52 using namespace jsoncollector;
55  edm::InputSourceDescription const& desc) :
56  edm::RawInputSource(pset, desc),
57  defPath_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::string> ("buDefPath", std::string(getenv("CMSSW_BASE"))+"/src/EventFilter/Utilities/plugins/budef.jsd")),
58  eventChunkSize_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int> ("eventChunkSize",32)*1048576),
59  eventChunkBlock_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int> ("eventChunkBlock",32)*1048576),
60  numBuffers_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int> ("numBuffers",2)),
61  maxBufferedFiles_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int> ("maxBufferedFiles",2)),
62  getLSFromFilename_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("getLSFromFilename", true)),
63  verifyAdler32_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("verifyAdler32", true)),
64  verifyChecksum_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("verifyChecksum", true)),
65  useL1EventID_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("useL1EventID", false)),
66  fileNames_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string>> ("fileNames",std::vector<std::string>())),
67  fileListMode_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("fileListMode", false)),
68  fileListLoopMode_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool> ("fileListLoopMode", false)),
69  runNumber_(edm::Service<evf::EvFDaqDirector>()->getRunNumber()),
70  fuOutputDir_(std::string()),
71  daqProvenanceHelper_(edm::TypeID(typeid(FEDRawDataCollection))),
72  eventID_(),
73  processHistoryID_(),
74  currentLumiSection_(0),
75  tcds_pointer_(0),
76  eventsThisLumi_(0),
77  dpd_(nullptr)
78 {
79  char thishost[256];
80  gethostname(thishost, 255);
81  edm::LogInfo("FedRawDataInputSource") << "Construction. read-ahead chunk size -: "
82  << std::endl << (eventChunkSize_/1048576)
83  << " MB on host " << thishost;
85  long autoRunNumber = -1;
86  if (fileListMode_) {
87  autoRunNumber = initFileList();
88  if (!fileListLoopMode_) {
89  if (autoRunNumber<0)
90  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::FedRawDataInputSource") << "Run number not found from filename";
91  //override run number
92  runNumber_ = (edm::RunNumber_t)autoRunNumber;
93  edm::Service<evf::EvFDaqDirector>()->overrideRunNumber((unsigned int)autoRunNumber);
94  }
95  }
98  setNewRun();
99  //todo:autodetect from file name (assert if names differ)
103  std::string defPathSuffix = "src/EventFilter/Utilities/plugins/budef.jsd";
104  defPath_ = std::string(getenv("CMSSW_BASE")) + "/" + defPathSuffix;
105  struct stat statbuf;
106  if (stat(defPath_.c_str(), &statbuf)) {
107  defPath_ = std::string(getenv("CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE")) + "/" + defPathSuffix;
108  if (stat(defPath_.c_str(), &statbuf)) {
109  defPath_ = defPathSuffix;
110  }
111  }
113  dpd_ = new DataPointDefinition();
114  std::string defLabel = "data";
115  DataPointDefinition::getDataPointDefinitionFor(defPath_, dpd_,&defLabel);
117  //make sure that chunk size is N * block size
123  if (!numBuffers_)
124  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::FedRawDataInputSource") <<
125  "no reading enabled with numBuffers parameter 0";
131  if (!crc32c_hw_test())
132  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource::FedRawDataInputSource") << "Intel crc32c checksum computation unavailable";
134  //get handles to DaqDirector and FastMonitoringService because getting them isn't possible in readSupervisor thread
135  if (fileListMode_) {
136  try {
138  } catch(...) {}
139  }
140  else {
142  if (!fms_) {
143  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource") << "FastMonitoringService not found";
144  }
145  }
148  if (!daqDirector_)
149  cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource") << "EvFDaqDirector not found";
151  //set DaqDirector to delete files in preGlobalEndLumi callback
153  if (fms_) {
155  fms_->setInputSource(this);
158  }
159  //should delete chunks when run stops
160  for (unsigned int i=0;i<numBuffers_;i++) {
162  }
164  quit_threads_ = false;
166  for (unsigned int i=0;i<numConcurrentReads_;i++)
167  {
168  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(startupLock_);
169  //issue a memory fence here and in threads (constructor was segfaulting without this)
170  thread_quit_signal.push_back(false);
171  workerJob_.push_back(ReaderInfo(nullptr,nullptr));
172  cvReader_.push_back(new std::condition_variable);
173  tid_active_.push_back(0);
175  workerThreads_.push_back(new std::thread(&FedRawDataInputSource::readWorker,this,i));
176  startupCv_.wait(lk);
177  }
179  runAuxiliary()->setProcessHistoryID(processHistoryID_);
180 }
183 {
184  quit_threads_=true;
186  //delete any remaining open files
187  for (auto it = filesToDelete_.begin();it!=filesToDelete_.end();it++) {
188  deleteFile(it->second->fileName_);
189  delete it->second;
190  }
192  readSupervisorThread_->join();
193  }
194  else {
195  //join aux threads in case the supervisor thread was not started
196  for (unsigned int i=0;i<workerThreads_.size();i++) {
197  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mReader_);
198  thread_quit_signal[i]=true;
199  cvReader_[i]->notify_one();
200  lk.unlock();
201  workerThreads_[i]->join();
202  delete workerThreads_[i];
203  }
204  }
205  for (unsigned int i=0;i<numConcurrentReads_;i++) delete cvReader_[i];
206  /*
207  for (unsigned int i=0;i<numConcurrentReads_+1;i++) {
208  InputChunk *ch;
209  while (!freeChunks_.try_pop(ch)) {}
210  delete ch;
211  }
212  */
213 }
216 {
218  desc.setComment("File-based Filter Farm input source for reading raw data from BU ramdisk");
219  desc.addUntracked<unsigned int> ("eventChunkSize",32)->setComment("Input buffer (chunk) size");
220  desc.addUntracked<unsigned int> ("eventChunkBlock",32)->setComment("Block size used in a single file read call (must be smaller or equal to buffer size)");
221  desc.addUntracked<unsigned int> ("numBuffers",2)->setComment("Number of buffers used for reading input");
222  desc.addUntracked<unsigned int> ("maxBufferedFiles",2)->setComment("Maximum number of simultaneously buffered raw files");
223  desc.addUntracked<bool> ("verifyAdler32", true)->setComment("Verify event Adler32 checksum with FRDv3 or v4");
224  desc.addUntracked<bool> ("verifyChecksum", true)->setComment("Verify event CRC-32C checksum of FRDv5 or higher");
225  desc.addUntracked<bool> ("useL1EventID", false)->setComment("Use L1 event ID from FED header if true or from TCDS FED if false");
226  desc.addUntracked<bool> ("fileListMode", false)->setComment("Use fileNames parameter to directly specify raw files to open");
227  desc.addUntracked<std::vector<std::string>> ("fileNames", std::vector<std::string>())->setComment("file list used when fileListMode is enabled");
228  desc.setAllowAnything();
229  descriptions.add("source", desc);
230 }
233 {
235  {
236  //late init of directory variable
239  //this thread opens new files and dispatches reading to worker readers
240  //,std::memory_order_release);
241  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(startupLock_);
242  readSupervisorThread_.reset(new std::thread(&FedRawDataInputSource::readSupervisor,this));
244  startupCv_.wait(lk);
245  }
246  //signal hltd to start event accounting
250  switch (nextEvent() ) {
252  //maybe create EoL file in working directory before ending run
253  struct stat buf;
254  if ( currentLumiSection_ > 0) {
255  bool eolFound = (stat(daqDirector_->getEoLSFilePathOnBU(currentLumiSection_).c_str(), &buf) == 0);
256  if (eolFound) {
258  bool found = (stat(fuEoLS.c_str(), &buf) == 0);
259  if ( !found ) {
261  int eol_fd = open(fuEoLS.c_str(), O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH);
262  close(eol_fd);
264  }
265  }
266  }
267  //also create EoR file in FU data directory
268  bool eorFound = (stat(daqDirector_->getEoRFilePathOnFU().c_str(),&buf) == 0);
269  if (!eorFound) {
270  int eor_fd = open(daqDirector_->getEoRFilePathOnFU().c_str(), O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH);
271  close(eor_fd);
272  }
274  eventsThisLumi_=0;
276  edm::LogInfo("FedRawDataInputSource") << "----------------RUN ENDED----------------";
277  return false;
278  }
280  //this is not reachable
281  return true;
282  }
284  //std::cout << "--------------NEW LUMI---------------" << std::endl;
285  return true;
286  }
287  default: {
288  if (!getLSFromFilename_) {
289  //get new lumi from file header
290  if (event_->lumi() > currentLumiSection_) {
292  eventsThisLumi_=0;
293  maybeOpenNewLumiSection( event_->lumi() );
294  }
295  }
298  else
299  eventRunNumber_=event_->run();
300  L1EventID_ = event_->event();
302  setEventCached();
304  return true;
305  }
306  }
307 }
309 void FedRawDataInputSource::createBoLSFile(const uint32_t lumiSection, bool checkIfExists)
310 {
311  //used for backpressure mechanisms and monitoring
312  const std::string fuBoLS = daqDirector_->getBoLSFilePathOnFU(lumiSection);
313  struct stat buf;
314  if (checkIfExists==false || stat(fuBoLS.c_str(), &buf) != 0) {
315  int bol_fd = open(fuBoLS.c_str(), O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH);
316  close(bol_fd);
317  }
318 }
320 void FedRawDataInputSource::maybeOpenNewLumiSection(const uint32_t lumiSection)
321 {
323  || luminosityBlockAuxiliary()->luminosityBlock() != lumiSection) {
325  if ( currentLumiSection_ > 0) {
326  const std::string fuEoLS =
328  struct stat buf;
329  bool found = (stat(fuEoLS.c_str(), &buf) == 0);
330  if ( !found ) {
332  int eol_fd = open(fuEoLS.c_str(), O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH);
333  close(eol_fd);
334  createBoLSFile(lumiSection,false);
336  }
337  }
338  else createBoLSFile(lumiSection,true);//needed for initial lumisection
340  currentLumiSection_ = lumiSection;
344  timeval tv;
345  gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
346  const edm::Timestamp lsopentime( (unsigned long long) tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + (unsigned long long) tv.tv_usec );
348  edm::LuminosityBlockAuxiliary* lumiBlockAuxiliary =
350  runAuxiliary()->run(),
351  lumiSection, lsopentime,
354  setLuminosityBlockAuxiliary(lumiBlockAuxiliary);
355  luminosityBlockAuxiliary()->setProcessHistoryID(processHistoryID_);
357  edm::LogInfo("FedRawDataInputSource") << "New lumi section was opened. LUMI -: "<< lumiSection;
358  }
359 }
362 {
364  while ((status = getNextEvent())==evf::EvFDaqDirector::noFile)
365  {
366  if (edm::shutdown_flag.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) break;
367  }
368  return status;
369 }
372 {
375  if (!currentFile_)
376  {
377  if (!streamFileTrackerPtr_) {
381  }
385  if (!fileQueue_.try_pop(currentFile_))
386  {
387  //sleep until wakeup (only in single-buffer mode) or timeout
388  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lkw(mWakeup_);
389  if (cvWakeup_.wait_for(lkw, std::chrono::milliseconds(100)) == std::cv_status::timeout || !currentFile_)
391  }
392  status = currentFile_->status_;
393  if ( status == evf::EvFDaqDirector::runEnded)
394  {
396  delete currentFile_;
397  currentFile_=nullptr;
398  return status;
399  }
400  else if ( status == evf::EvFDaqDirector::runAbort)
401  {
402  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent") << "Run has been aborted by the input source reader thread";
403  }
404  else if (status == evf::EvFDaqDirector::newLumi)
405  {
407  if (getLSFromFilename_) {
410  eventsThisLumi_=0;
412  }
413  }
414  else {//let this be picked up from next event
416  }
418  delete currentFile_;
419  currentFile_=nullptr;
420  return status;
421  }
422  else if (status == evf::EvFDaqDirector::newFile) {
425  }
426  else
427  assert(0);
428  }
431  //file is empty
432  if (!currentFile_->fileSize_) {
434  //try to open new lumi
436  if (getLSFromFilename_)
439  eventsThisLumi_=0;
441  }
442  //immediately delete empty file
444  delete currentFile_;
445  currentFile_=nullptr;
447  }
449  //file is finished
452  //release last chunk (it is never released elsewhere)
455  {
456  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent")
457  << "Fully processed " << currentFile_->nProcessed_
458  << " from the file " << currentFile_->fileName_
459  << " but according to BU JSON there should be "
460  << currentFile_->nEvents_ << " events";
461  }
462  //try to wake up supervisor thread which might be sleeping waiting for the free chunk
463  if (singleBufferMode_) {
464  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lkw(mWakeup_);
465  cvWakeup_.notify_one();
466  }
469  //put the file in pending delete list;
470  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lkw(fileDeleteLock_);
471  filesToDelete_.push_back(std::pair<int,InputFile*>(currentFileIndex_,currentFile_));
472  }
473  else {
474  //in single-thread and stream jobs, events are already processed
476  delete currentFile_;
477  }
478  currentFile_=nullptr;
480  }
483  //file is too short
485  {
486  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent") <<
487  "Premature end of input file while reading event header";
488  }
489  if (singleBufferMode_) {
491  //should already be there
494  usleep(10000);
496  }
499  unsigned char *dataPosition = currentFile_->chunks_[0]->buf_+ currentFile_->chunkPosition_;
501  //conditions when read amount is not sufficient for the header to fit
502  if (!bufferInputRead_ || bufferInputRead_ < FRDHeaderVersionSize[detectedFRDversion_]
504  {
507  if (detectedFRDversion_==0) {
508  detectedFRDversion_=*((uint32*)dataPosition);
509  if (detectedFRDversion_>5)
510  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent")
511  << "Unknown FRD version -: " << detectedFRDversion_;
512  assert(detectedFRDversion_>=1);
513  }
515  //recalculate chunk position
516  dataPosition = currentFile_->chunks_[0]->buf_+ currentFile_->chunkPosition_;
517  if ( bufferInputRead_ < FRDHeaderVersionSize[detectedFRDversion_])
518  {
519  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent") <<
520  "Premature end of input file while reading event header";
521  }
522  }
524  event_.reset( new FRDEventMsgView(dataPosition) );
525  if (event_->size()>eventChunkSize_) {
526  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent")
527  << " event id:"<< event_->event()<< " lumi:" << event_->lumi()
528  << " run:" << event_->run() << " of size:" << event_->size()
529  << " bytes does not fit into a chunk of size:" << eventChunkSize_ << " bytes";
530  }
532  const uint32_t msgSize = event_->size()-FRDHeaderVersionSize[detectedFRDversion_];
535  {
536  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent") <<
537  "Premature end of input file while reading event data";
538  }
539  if (eventChunkSize_ - currentFile_->chunkPosition_ < msgSize) {
541  //recalculate chunk position
542  dataPosition = currentFile_->chunks_[0]->buf_+ currentFile_->chunkPosition_;
543  event_.reset( new FRDEventMsgView(dataPosition) );
544  }
545  currentFile_->bufferPosition_ += event_->size();
546  currentFile_->chunkPosition_ += event_->size();
547  //last chunk is released when this function is invoked next time
549  }
550  //multibuffer mode:
551  else
552  {
553  //wait for the current chunk to become added to the vector
556  usleep(10000);
558  }
561  //check if header is at the boundary of two chunks
562  chunkIsFree_ = false;
563  unsigned char *dataPosition;
565  //read header, copy it to a single chunk if necessary
566  bool chunkEnd = currentFile_->advance(dataPosition,FRDHeaderVersionSize[detectedFRDversion_]);
568  event_.reset( new FRDEventMsgView(dataPosition) );
569  if (event_->size()>eventChunkSize_) {
570  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent")
571  << " event id:"<< event_->event()<< " lumi:" << event_->lumi()
572  << " run:" << event_->run() << " of size:" << event_->size()
573  << " bytes does not fit into a chunk of size:" << eventChunkSize_ << " bytes";
574  }
576  const uint32_t msgSize = event_->size()-FRDHeaderVersionSize[detectedFRDversion_];
579  {
580  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent") <<
581  "Premature end of input file while reading event data";
582  }
584  if (chunkEnd) {
585  //header was at the chunk boundary, we will have to move payload as well
586  currentFile_->moveToPreviousChunk(msgSize,FRDHeaderVersionSize[detectedFRDversion_]);
587  chunkIsFree_ = true;
588  }
589  else {
590  //header was contiguous, but check if payload fits the chunk
591  if (eventChunkSize_ - currentFile_->chunkPosition_ < msgSize) {
592  //rewind to header start position
593  currentFile_->rewindChunk(FRDHeaderVersionSize[detectedFRDversion_]);
594  //copy event to a chunk start and move pointers
595  chunkEnd = currentFile_->advance(dataPosition,FRDHeaderVersionSize[detectedFRDversion_]+msgSize);
596  assert(chunkEnd);
597  chunkIsFree_=true;
598  //header is moved
599  event_.reset( new FRDEventMsgView(dataPosition) );
600  }
601  else {
602  //everything is in a single chunk, only move pointers forward
603  chunkEnd = currentFile_->advance(dataPosition,msgSize);
604  assert(!chunkEnd);
605  chunkIsFree_=false;
606  }
607  }
608  }//end multibuffer mode
611  if (verifyChecksum_ && event_->version() >= 5)
612  {
613  uint32_t crc=0;
614  crc = crc32c(crc,(const unsigned char*)event_->payload(),event_->eventSize());
615  if ( crc != event_->crc32c() ) {
617  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent") <<
618  "Found a wrong crc32c checksum: expected 0x" << std::hex << event_->crc32c() <<
619  " but calculated 0x" << crc;
620  }
621  }
622  else if ( verifyAdler32_ && event_->version() >= 3)
623  {
624  uint32_t adler = adler32(0L,Z_NULL,0);
625  adler = adler32(adler,(Bytef*)event_->payload(),event_->eventSize());
627  if ( adler != event_->adler32() ) {
629  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::getNextEvent") <<
630  "Found a wrong Adler32 checksum: expected 0x" << std::hex << event_->adler32() <<
631  " but calculated 0x" << adler;
632  }
633  }
639 }
642 {
643  //no deletion in file list mode
644  if (fileListMode_) return;
646  const boost::filesystem::path filePath(fileName);
647  LogDebug("FedRawDataInputSource") << "Deleting input file -:" << fileName;
648  try {
649  //sometimes this fails but file gets deleted
650  boost::filesystem::remove(filePath);
651  }
652  catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& ex)
653  {
654  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << " - deleteFile BOOST FILESYSTEM ERROR CAUGHT -: " << ex.what()
655  << ". Trying again.";
656  usleep(100000);
657  try {
658  boost::filesystem::remove(filePath);
659  }
660  catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error&) {/*file gets deleted first time but exception is still thrown*/}
661  }
662  catch (std::exception& ex)
663  {
664  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << " - deleteFile std::exception CAUGHT -: " << ex.what()
665  << ". Trying again.";
666  usleep(100000);
667  try {
668  boost::filesystem::remove(filePath);
669  } catch (std::exception&) {/*file gets deleted first time but exception is still thrown*/}
670  }
671 }
675 {
677  std::unique_ptr<FEDRawDataCollection> rawData(new FEDRawDataCollection);
678  edm::Timestamp tstamp = fillFEDRawDataCollection(*rawData);
680  if (useL1EventID_){
682  edm::EventAuxiliary aux(eventID_, processGUID(), tstamp, true,
685  makeEvent(eventPrincipal, aux);
686  }
687  else if(tcds_pointer_==0){
690  edm::EventAuxiliary aux(eventID_, processGUID(), tstamp, true,
693  makeEvent(eventPrincipal, aux);
694  }
695  else{
696  evf::evtn::TCDSRecord record((unsigned char *)(tcds_pointer_));
701  makeEvent(eventPrincipal, aux);
702  }
706  std::unique_ptr<edm::WrapperBase> edp(new edm::Wrapper<FEDRawDataCollection>(std::move(rawData)));
708  //FWCore/Sources DaqProvenanceHelper before 7_1_0_pre3
709  //eventPrincipal.put(daqProvenanceHelper_.constBranchDescription_, edp,
710  // daqProvenanceHelper_.dummyProvenance_);
712  eventPrincipal.put(daqProvenanceHelper_.branchDescription(), std::move(edp),
715  eventsThisLumi_++;
718  //this old file check runs no more often than every 10 events
719  if (!((currentFile_->nProcessed_-1)%(checkEvery_))) {
720  //delete files that are not in processing
721  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lkw(fileDeleteLock_);
722  auto it = filesToDelete_.begin();
723  while (it!=filesToDelete_.end()) {
724  bool fileIsBeingProcessed = false;
725  for (unsigned int i=0;i<nStreams_;i++) {
726  if (it->first == streamFileTrackerPtr_->at(i)) {
727  fileIsBeingProcessed = true;
728  break;
729  }
730  }
731  if (!fileIsBeingProcessed) {
732  deleteFile(it->second->fileName_);
733  delete it->second;
734  it = filesToDelete_.erase(it);
735  }
736  else it++;
737  }
739  }
741  chunkIsFree_=false;
743  return;
744 }
747 {
748  edm::TimeValue_t time;
749  timeval stv;
750  gettimeofday(&stv,0);
751  time = stv.tv_sec;
752  time = (time << 32) + stv.tv_usec;
753  edm::Timestamp tstamp(time);
755  uint32_t eventSize = event_->eventSize();
756  char* event = (char*)event_->payload();
757  GTPEventID_=0;
758  tcds_pointer_ = 0;
759  while (eventSize > 0) {
760  assert(eventSize>=sizeof(fedt_t));
761  eventSize -= sizeof(fedt_t);
762  const fedt_t* fedTrailer = (fedt_t*) (event + eventSize);
763  const uint32_t fedSize = FED_EVSZ_EXTRACT(fedTrailer->eventsize) << 3; //trailer length counts in 8 bytes
764  assert(eventSize>=fedSize - sizeof(fedt_t));
765  eventSize -= (fedSize - sizeof(fedt_t));
766  const fedh_t* fedHeader = (fedh_t *) (event + eventSize);
767  const uint16_t fedId = FED_SOID_EXTRACT(fedHeader->sourceid);
768  if(fedId>FEDNumbering::MAXFEDID)
769  {
770  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::fillFEDRawDataCollection") << "Out of range FED ID : " << fedId;
771  }
772  if (fedId == FEDNumbering::MINTCDSuTCAFEDID) {
773  tcds_pointer_ = (unsigned char *)(event + eventSize );
774  }
775  if (fedId == FEDNumbering::MINTriggerGTPFEDID) {
776  if (evf::evtn::evm_board_sense((unsigned char*) fedHeader,fedSize))
777  GTPEventID_ = evf::evtn::get((unsigned char*) fedHeader,true);
778  else
779  GTPEventID_ = evf::evtn::get((unsigned char*) fedHeader,false);
780  //evf::evtn::evm_board_setformat(fedSize);
781  const uint64_t gpsl = evf::evtn::getgpslow((unsigned char*) fedHeader);
782  const uint64_t gpsh = evf::evtn::getgpshigh((unsigned char*) fedHeader);
783  tstamp = edm::Timestamp(static_cast<edm::TimeValue_t> ((gpsh << 32) + gpsl));
784  }
785  //take event ID from GTPE FED
786  if (fedId == FEDNumbering::MINTriggerEGTPFEDID && GTPEventID_==0) {
787  if (evf::evtn::gtpe_board_sense((unsigned char*)fedHeader)) {
788  GTPEventID_ = evf::evtn::gtpe_get((unsigned char*) fedHeader);
789  }
790  }
791  FEDRawData& fedData = rawData.FEDData(fedId);
792  fedData.resize(fedSize);
793  memcpy(, event + eventSize, fedSize);
794  }
795  assert(eventSize == 0);
797  return tstamp;
798 }
801 {
803  try {
804  // assemble json destination path
807  //TODO:should be ported to use fffnaming
808  std::ostringstream fileNameWithPID;
809  fileNameWithPID << jsonSourcePath.stem().string() << "_pid"
810  << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(5) << getpid() << ".jsn";
811  jsonDestPath /= fileNameWithPID.str();
813  LogDebug("FedRawDataInputSource") << "JSON rename -: " << jsonSourcePath << " to "
814  << jsonDestPath;
815  try {
816  boost::filesystem::copy(jsonSourcePath,jsonDestPath);
817  }
818  catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& ex)
819  {
820  // Input dir gone?
821  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << "grabNextFile BOOST FILESYSTEM ERROR CAUGHT -: " << ex.what();
822  // << " Maybe the file is not yet visible by FU. Trying again in one second";
823  sleep(1);
824  boost::filesystem::copy(jsonSourcePath,jsonDestPath);
825  }
828  try {
829  //sometimes this fails but file gets deleted
830  boost::filesystem::remove(jsonSourcePath);
831  }
832  catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& ex)
833  {
834  // Input dir gone?
835  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << "grabNextFile BOOST FILESYSTEM ERROR CAUGHT -: " << ex.what();
836  }
837  catch (std::exception& ex)
838  {
839  // Input dir gone?
840  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << "grabNextFile std::exception CAUGHT -: " << ex.what();
841  }
843  boost::filesystem::ifstream ij(jsonDestPath);
844  Json::Value deserializeRoot;
847  std::stringstream ss;
848  ss << ij.rdbuf();
849  if (!reader.parse(ss.str(), deserializeRoot)) {
850  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << "Failed to deserialize JSON file -: " << jsonDestPath
851  << "\nERROR:\n" << reader.getFormatedErrorMessages()
852  << "CONTENT:\n" << ss.str()<<".";
853  throw std::runtime_error("Cannot deserialize input JSON file");
854  }
856  //read BU JSON
858  DataPoint dp;
859  dp.deserialize(deserializeRoot);
860  bool success = false;
861  for (unsigned int i=0;i<dpd_->getNames().size();i++) {
862  if (dpd_->getNames().at(i)=="NEvents")
863  if (i<dp.getData().size()) {
864  data = dp.getData()[i];
865  success=true;
866  }
867  }
868  if (!success) {
869  if (dp.getData().size())
870  data = dp.getData()[0];
871  else
872  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource::grabNextJsonFile") <<
873  " error reading number of events from BU JSON -: No input value " << data;
874  }
875  return boost::lexical_cast<int>(data);
877  }
878  catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error& ex)
879  {
880  // Input dir gone?
882  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << "grabNextJsonFile - BOOST FILESYSTEM ERROR CAUGHT -: " << ex.what();
883  }
884  catch (std::runtime_error e)
885  {
886  // Another process grabbed the file and NFS did not register this
888  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << "grabNextJsonFile - runtime Exception -: " << e.what();
889  }
891  catch( boost::bad_lexical_cast const& ) {
892  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << "grabNextJsonFile - error parsing number of events from BU JSON. "
893  << "Input value is -: " << data;
894  }
896  catch (std::exception e)
897  {
898  // BU run directory disappeared?
900  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << "grabNextFile - SOME OTHER EXCEPTION OCCURED!!!! -: " << e.what();
901  }
903  return -1;
904 }
907 {}
909 void FedRawDataInputSource::postForkReacquireResources(std::shared_ptr<edm::multicore::MessageReceiverForSource>)
910 {
911  InputSource::rewind();
915 }
918 {}
922 {
923  bool stop=false;
924  unsigned int currentLumiSection = 0;
925  //,std::memory_order_acquire);
927  {
928  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(startupLock_);
929  startupCv_.notify_one();
930  }
932  uint32_t ls=0;
933  uint32_t monLS=1;
934  uint32_t lockCount=0;
935  uint64_t sumLockWaitTimeUs=0.;
937  while (!stop) {
939  //wait for at least one free thread and chunk
940  int counter=0;
942  {
943  //report state to monitoring
944  if (fms_) {
945  bool copy_active=false;
946  for (auto j : tid_active_) if (j) copy_active=true;
948  else if (freeChunks_.empty()) {
949  if (copy_active)
951  else
953  }
954  else {
955  if (copy_active)
957  else
959  }
960  }
961  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lkw(mWakeup_);
962  //sleep until woken up by condition or a timeout
963  if (cvWakeup_.wait_for(lkw, std::chrono::milliseconds(100)) == std::cv_status::timeout) {
964  counter++;
965  //if (!(counter%50)) edm::LogInfo("FedRawDataInputSource") << "No free chunks or threads...";
966  LogDebug("FedRawDataInputSource") << "No free chunks or threads...";
967  }
968  else {
969  assert(!(workerPool_.empty() && !singleBufferMode_) || freeChunks_.empty());
970  }
971  if (quit_threads_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) || edm::shutdown_flag.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {stop=true;break;}
972  }
974  if (stop) break;
976  //look for a new file
977  std::string nextFile;
978  uint32_t fileSize;
980  if (fms_) {
984  }
988  while (status == evf::EvFDaqDirector::noFile) {
989  if (quit_threads_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) || edm::shutdown_flag.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
990  stop=true;
991  break;
992  }
994  uint64_t thisLockWaitTimeUs=0.;
995  if (fileListMode_) {
996  //return LS if LS not set, otherwise return file
997  status = getFile(ls,nextFile,fileSize,thisLockWaitTimeUs);
998  }
999  else
1000  status = daqDirector_->updateFuLock(ls,nextFile,fileSize,thisLockWaitTimeUs);
1004  if (currentLumiSection!=ls && status==evf::EvFDaqDirector::runEnded) status=evf::EvFDaqDirector::noFile;
1006  //monitoring of lock wait time
1007  if (thisLockWaitTimeUs>0.)
1008  sumLockWaitTimeUs+=thisLockWaitTimeUs;
1009  lockCount++;
1010  if (ls>monLS) {
1011  monLS=ls;
1012  if (lockCount)
1013  if (fms_) fms_->reportLockWait(monLS,sumLockWaitTimeUs,lockCount);
1014  lockCount=0;
1015  sumLockWaitTimeUs=0;
1016  }
1018  //check again for any remaining index/EoLS files after EoR file is seen
1019  if ( status == evf::EvFDaqDirector::runEnded && !fileListMode_) {
1021  usleep(100000);
1022  //now all files should have appeared in ramdisk, check again if any raw files were left behind
1023  status = daqDirector_->updateFuLock(ls,nextFile,fileSize,thisLockWaitTimeUs);
1024  if (currentLumiSection!=ls && status==evf::EvFDaqDirector::runEnded) status=evf::EvFDaqDirector::noFile;
1025  }
1027  if ( status == evf::EvFDaqDirector::runEnded) {
1029  stop=true;
1030  break;
1031  }
1033  //queue new lumisection
1034  if( getLSFromFilename_ && ls > currentLumiSection) {
1035  //fms_->setInStateSup(evf::FastMonitoringThread::inSupNewLumi);
1036  currentLumiSection = ls;
1037  fileQueue_.push(new InputFile(evf::EvFDaqDirector::newLumi, currentLumiSection));
1038  }
1040  if( getLSFromFilename_ && currentLumiSection>0 && ls < currentLumiSection) {
1041  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << "Got old LS ("<<ls<<") file from EvFDAQDirector! Expected LS:" << currentLumiSection<<". Aborting execution."<<std::endl;
1043  stop=true;
1044  break;
1045  }
1047  int dbgcount=0;
1048  if (status == evf::EvFDaqDirector::noFile) {
1050  dbgcount++;
1051  if (!(dbgcount%20)) LogDebug("FedRawDataInputSource") << "No file for me... sleep and try again...";
1052  usleep(100000);
1053  }
1054  }
1055  if ( status == evf::EvFDaqDirector::newFile ) {
1057  LogDebug("FedRawDataInputSource") << "The director says to grab -: " << nextFile;
1060  boost::filesystem::path rawFilePath(nextFile);
1061  std::string rawFile = rawFilePath.replace_extension(".raw").string();
1063  struct stat st;
1064  int stat_res = stat(rawFile.c_str(),&st);
1065  if (stat_res==-1) {
1066  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") << "Can not stat file (" << errno << "):-"<< rawFile << std::endl;
1067  setExceptionState_=true;
1068  stop=true;
1069  break;
1070  }
1071  fileSize=st.st_size;
1073  if (fms_) {
1077  }
1078  int eventsInNewFile;
1079  if (fileListMode_) {
1080  if (fileSize==0) eventsInNewFile=0;
1081  else eventsInNewFile=-1;
1082  }
1083  else {
1084  eventsInNewFile = grabNextJsonFile(nextFile);
1085  assert( eventsInNewFile>=0 );
1086  assert((eventsInNewFile>0) == (fileSize>0));//file without events must be empty
1087  }
1088  //int eventsInNewFile = fileListMode_ ? -1 : grabNextJsonFile(nextFile);
1089  //if (fileListMode_ && fileSize==0) {eventsInNewFile=0;}
1090  //if (!fileListMode_) {
1091  // assert( eventsInNewFile>=0 );
1092  // assert((eventsInNewFile>0) == (fileSize>0));//file without events must be empty
1093  //}
1095  if (!singleBufferMode_) {
1096  //calculate number of needed chunks
1097  unsigned int neededChunks = fileSize/eventChunkSize_;
1098  if (fileSize%eventChunkSize_) neededChunks++;
1100  InputFile * newInputFile = new InputFile(evf::EvFDaqDirector::FileStatus::newFile,ls,rawFile,fileSize,neededChunks,eventsInNewFile,this);
1102  fileQueue_.push(newInputFile);
1104  for (unsigned int i=0;i<neededChunks;i++) {
1106  if (fms_) {
1107  bool copy_active=false;
1108  for (auto j : tid_active_) if (j) copy_active=true;
1109  if (copy_active)
1111  else
1113  }
1114  //get thread
1115  unsigned int newTid = 0xffffffff;
1116  while (!workerPool_.try_pop(newTid)) {
1117  usleep(100000);
1118  }
1120  if (fms_) {
1121  bool copy_active=false;
1122  for (auto j : tid_active_) if (j) copy_active=true;
1123  if (copy_active)
1125  else
1127  }
1128  InputChunk * newChunk = nullptr;
1129  while (!freeChunks_.try_pop(newChunk)) {
1130  usleep(100000);
1131  if (quit_threads_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) break;
1132  }
1134  if (newChunk == nullptr) {
1135  //return unused tid if we received shutdown (nullptr chunk)
1136  if (newTid!=0xffffffff) workerPool_.push(newTid);
1137  stop = true;
1138  break;
1139  }
1142  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mReader_);
1144  unsigned int toRead = eventChunkSize_;
1145  if (i==neededChunks-1 && fileSize%eventChunkSize_) toRead = fileSize%eventChunkSize_;
1146  newChunk->reset(i*eventChunkSize_,toRead,i);
1148  workerJob_[newTid].first=newInputFile;
1149  workerJob_[newTid].second=newChunk;
1151  //wake up the worker thread
1152  cvReader_[newTid]->notify_one();
1153  }
1154  }
1155  else {
1156  if (!eventsInNewFile) {
1157  //still queue file for lumi update
1158  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lkw(mWakeup_);
1159  InputFile * newInputFile = new InputFile(evf::EvFDaqDirector::FileStatus::newFile,ls,rawFile,0,0,0,this);
1161  fileQueue_.push(newInputFile);
1162  cvWakeup_.notify_one();
1163  return;
1164  }
1165  //in single-buffer mode put single chunk in the file and let the main thread read the file
1166  InputChunk * newChunk;
1167  //should be available immediately
1168  while(!freeChunks_.try_pop(newChunk)) usleep(100000);
1170  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lkw(mWakeup_);
1172  unsigned int toRead = eventChunkSize_;
1173  if (fileSize%eventChunkSize_) toRead = fileSize%eventChunkSize_;
1174  newChunk->reset(0,toRead,0);
1175  newChunk->readComplete_=true;
1177  //push file and wakeup main thread
1178  InputFile * newInputFile = new InputFile(evf::EvFDaqDirector::FileStatus::newFile,ls,rawFile,fileSize,1,eventsInNewFile,this);
1179  newInputFile->chunks_[0]=newChunk;
1181  fileQueue_.push(newInputFile);
1182  cvWakeup_.notify_one();
1183  }
1184  }
1185  }
1187  //make sure threads finish reading
1188  unsigned numFinishedThreads = 0;
1189  while (numFinishedThreads < workerThreads_.size()) {
1190  unsigned int tid;
1191  while (!workerPool_.try_pop(tid)) {usleep(10000);}
1192  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mReader_);
1193  thread_quit_signal[tid]=true;
1194  cvReader_[tid]->notify_one();
1195  numFinishedThreads++;
1196  }
1197  for (unsigned int i=0;i<workerThreads_.size();i++) {
1198  workerThreads_[i]->join();
1199  delete workerThreads_[i];
1200  }
1201 }
1204 {
1205  bool init = true;
1208  while (1) {
1210  tid_active_[tid]=false;
1211  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mReader_);
1212  workerJob_[tid].first=nullptr;
1213  workerJob_[tid].first=nullptr;
1215  assert(!thread_quit_signal[tid]);//should never get it here
1216  workerPool_.push(tid);
1218  if (init) {
1219  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(startupLock_);
1220  init = false;
1221  startupCv_.notify_one();
1222  }
1223  cvReader_[tid]->wait(lk);
1225  if (thread_quit_signal[tid]) return;
1226  tid_active_[tid]=true;
1228  InputFile * file;
1229  InputChunk * chunk;
1231  assert(workerJob_[tid].first!=nullptr && workerJob_[tid].second!=nullptr);
1233  file = workerJob_[tid].first;
1234  chunk = workerJob_[tid].second;
1236  int fileDescriptor = open(file->fileName_.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
1237  off_t pos = lseek(fileDescriptor,chunk->offset_,SEEK_SET);
1240  if (fileDescriptor>=0)
1241  LogDebug("FedRawDataInputSource") << "Reader thread opened file -: TID: " << tid << " file: " << file->fileName_ << " at offset " << pos;
1242  else
1243  {
1244  edm::LogError("FedRawDataInputSource") <<
1245  "readWorker failed to open file -: " << file->fileName_ << " fd:" << fileDescriptor <<
1246  " or seek to offset " << chunk->offset_ << ", lseek returned:" << pos;
1247  setExceptionState_=true;
1248  return;
1250  }
1252  unsigned int bufferLeft = 0;
1254  for (unsigned int i=0;i<readBlocks_;i++)
1255  {
1256  const ssize_t last = ::read(fileDescriptor,( void*) (chunk->buf_+bufferLeft), eventChunkBlock_);
1257  if ( last > 0 )
1258  bufferLeft+=last;
1259  if (last < eventChunkBlock_) {
1260  assert(chunk->usedSize_==i*eventChunkBlock_+last);
1261  break;
1262  }
1263  }
1265  auto diff = end-start;
1266  std::chrono::milliseconds msec = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(diff);
1267  LogDebug("FedRawDataInputSource") << " finished reading block -: " << (bufferLeft >> 20) << " MB" << " in " << msec.count() << " ms ("<< (bufferLeft >> 20)/double(msec.count())<<" GB/s)";
1268  close(fileDescriptor);
1270  if (detectedFRDversion_==0 && chunk->offset_==0) detectedFRDversion_=*((uint32*)chunk->buf_);
1272  chunk->readComplete_=true;//this is atomic to secure the sequential buffer fill before becoming available for processing)
1273  file->chunks_[chunk->fileIndex_]=chunk;//put the completed chunk in the file chunk vector at predetermined index
1275  }
1276 }
1279 {
1280  quit_threads_=true;
1281  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource:threadError") << " file reader thread error ";
1283 }
1286 inline bool InputFile::advance(unsigned char* & dataPosition, const size_t size)
1287 {
1288  //wait for chunk
1289  while (!waitForChunk(currentChunk_)) {
1290  usleep(100000);
1292  }
1294  dataPosition = chunks_[currentChunk_]->buf_+ chunkPosition_;
1295  size_t currentLeft = chunks_[currentChunk_]->size_ - chunkPosition_;
1297  if (currentLeft < size) {
1299  //we need next chunk
1300  while (!waitForChunk(currentChunk_+1)) {
1301  usleep(100000);
1303  }
1304  //copy everything to beginning of the first chunk
1305  dataPosition-=chunkPosition_;
1306  assert(dataPosition==chunks_[currentChunk_]->buf_);
1307  memmove(chunks_[currentChunk_]->buf_, chunks_[currentChunk_]->buf_+chunkPosition_, currentLeft);
1308  memcpy(chunks_[currentChunk_]->buf_ + currentLeft, chunks_[currentChunk_+1]->buf_, size - currentLeft);
1309  //set pointers at the end of the old data position
1311  chunkPosition_=size-currentLeft;
1312  currentChunk_++;
1313  return true;
1314  }
1315  else {
1318  return false;
1319  }
1320 }
1322 inline void InputFile::moveToPreviousChunk(const size_t size, const size_t offset)
1323 {
1324  //this will fail in case of events that are too large
1326  assert(size - offset < chunks_[currentChunk_]->size_);
1327  memcpy(chunks_[currentChunk_-1]->buf_+offset,chunks_[currentChunk_]->buf_+chunkPosition_,size);
1330 }
1332 inline void InputFile::rewindChunk(const size_t size) {
1335 }
1337 //single-buffer mode file reading
1339 {
1341  if (fileDescriptor_<0) {
1342  fileDescriptor_ = open(file->fileName_.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
1343  bufferInputRead_ = 0;
1344  //off_t pos = lseek(fileDescriptor,0,SEEK_SET);
1345  if (fileDescriptor_>=0)
1346  LogDebug("FedRawDataInputSource") << "opened file -: " << std::endl << file->fileName_;
1347  else
1348  {
1349  throw cms::Exception("FedRawDataInputSource:readNextChunkIntoBuffer") << "failed to open file " << std::endl
1350  << file->fileName_ << " fd:" << fileDescriptor_;
1351  }
1352  }
1354  if (file->chunkPosition_ == 0) { //in the rare case the last byte barely fit
1355  uint32_t existingSize = 0;
1356  for (unsigned int i=0;i<readBlocks_;i++)
1357  {
1358  const ssize_t last = ::read(fileDescriptor_,( void*) (file->chunks_[0]->buf_ + existingSize), eventChunkBlock_);
1360  existingSize+=last;
1361  }
1362  }
1363  else {
1364  const uint32_t chunksize = file->chunkPosition_;
1365  const uint32_t blockcount=chunksize/eventChunkBlock_;
1366  const uint32_t leftsize = chunksize%eventChunkBlock_;
1367  uint32_t existingSize = eventChunkSize_ - file->chunkPosition_;
1368  memmove((void*) file->chunks_[0]->buf_, file->chunks_[0]->buf_ + file->chunkPosition_, existingSize);
1370  for (uint32_t i=0;i<blockcount;i++) {
1371  const ssize_t last = ::read(fileDescriptor_,( void*) (file->chunks_[0]->buf_ + existingSize), eventChunkBlock_);
1373  existingSize+=last;
1374  }
1375  if (leftsize) {
1376  const ssize_t last = ::read(fileDescriptor_,( void*)( file->chunks_[0]->buf_ + existingSize ), leftsize);
1378  }
1379  file->chunkPosition_=0;//data was moved to beginning of the chunk
1380  }
1381  if (bufferInputRead_ == file->fileSize_) { // no more data in this file
1382  if (fileDescriptor_!=-1)
1383  {
1384  LogDebug("FedRawDataInputSource") << "Closing input file -: " << std::endl << file->fileName_;
1385  close(fileDescriptor_);
1386  fileDescriptor_=-1;
1387  }
1388  }
1389 }
1393 {
1395  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(monlock_);
1396  auto itr = sourceEventsReport_.find(lumi);
1397  if (itr!=sourceEventsReport_.end())
1398  itr->second+=events;
1399  else
1400  sourceEventsReport_[lumi]=events;
1401 }
1403 std::pair<bool,unsigned int> FedRawDataInputSource::getEventReport(unsigned int lumi, bool erase)
1404 {
1405  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(monlock_);
1406  auto itr = sourceEventsReport_.find(lumi);
1407  if (itr!=sourceEventsReport_.end()) {
1408  auto && ret = std::pair<bool,unsigned int>(true,itr->second);
1409  if (erase)
1410  sourceEventsReport_.erase(itr);
1411  return ret;
1412  }
1413  else
1414  return std::pair<bool,unsigned int>(false,0);
1415 }
1418 {
1419  std::sort(fileNames_.begin(),fileNames_.end(),
1420  [](std::string a, std::string b) {
1421  if (a.rfind("/")!=std::string::npos) a=a.substr(a.rfind("/"));
1422  if (b.rfind("/")!=std::string::npos) b=b.substr(b.rfind("/"));
1423  return b > a;});
1425  if (fileNames_.size()) {
1426  //get run number from first file in the vector
1428  std::string fileStem = fileName.stem().string();
1429  auto end = fileStem.find("_");
1430  if (fileStem.find("run")==0) {
1431  std::string runStr = fileStem.substr(3,end-3);
1432  try {
1433  //get long to support test run numbers < 2^32
1434  long rval = boost::lexical_cast<long>(runStr);
1435  edm::LogInfo("FedRawDataInputSource") << "Autodetected run number in fileListMode -: "<< rval;
1436  return rval;
1437  }
1438  catch( boost::bad_lexical_cast const& ) {
1439  edm::LogWarning("FedRawDataInputSource") << "Unable to autodetect run number in fileListMode from file -: "<< fileName;
1440  }
1441  }
1442  }
1443  return -1;
1444 }
1446 evf::EvFDaqDirector::FileStatus FedRawDataInputSource::getFile(unsigned int& ls, std::string& nextFile, uint32_t& fsize, uint64_t& lockWaitTime)
1447 {
1448  if (fileListIndex_ < fileNames_.size()) {
1449  nextFile = fileNames_[fileListIndex_];
1450  if (nextFile.find("file://")==0) nextFile=nextFile.substr(7);
1451  else if (nextFile.find("file:")==0) nextFile=nextFile.substr(5);
1452  boost::filesystem::path fileName = nextFile;
1453  std::string fileStem = fileName.stem().string();
1454  if (fileStem.find("ls")) fileStem = fileStem.substr(fileStem.find("ls")+2);
1455  if (fileStem.find("_")) fileStem = fileStem.substr(0,fileStem.find("_"));
1457  if (!fileListLoopMode_)
1458  ls = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(fileStem);
1459  else //always starting from LS 1 in loop mode
1460  ls = 1 + loopModeIterationInc_;
1462  //fsize = 0;
1463  //lockWaitTime = 0;
1464  fileListIndex_++;
1466  }
1467  else {
1468  if (!fileListLoopMode_)
1470  else {
1471  //loop through files until interrupted
1473  fileListIndex_=0;
1474  return getFile(ls,nextFile,fsize,lockWaitTime);
1475  }
1476  }
1477 }
#define LogDebug(id)
static const char runNumber_[]
void setComment(std::string const &value)
std::vector< std::string > & getData()
Definition: DataPoint.h:58
unsigned int lumi_
int i
std::vector< std::string > fileNames_
tuple ret
prodAgent to be discontinued
unsigned int getgpshigh(const unsigned char *)
uint32_t chunkPosition_
std::condition_variable cvWakeup_
tuple start
Check for commandline option errors.
virtual void read(edm::EventPrincipal &eventPrincipal) override
ProductRegistry & productRegistryUpdate()
Definition: InputSource.h:350
bool gtpe_board_sense(const unsigned char *p)
ParameterDescriptionBase * addUntracked(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
void setExceptionDetected(unsigned int ls)
static Timestamp invalidTimestamp()
Definition: Timestamp.h:101
virtual void rewind_() override
std::vector< int > * getStreamFileTracker()
bool crc32c_hw_test()
unsigned int offset_
jsoncollector::DataPointDefinition * dpd_
std::pair< bool, unsigned int > getEventReport(unsigned int lumi, bool erase)
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
tbb::concurrent_queue< unsigned int > workerPool_
JetCorrectorParameters::Record record
Definition: classes.h:7
void setAllowAnything()
allow any parameter label/value pairs
unsigned int get(const unsigned char *, bool)
void maybeOpenNewLumiSection(const uint32_t lumiSection)
evf::EvFDaqDirector::FileStatus getFile(unsigned int &ls, std::string &nextFile, uint32_t &fsize, uint64_t &lockWaitTime)
tuple lumi
void setInState(FastMonitoringThread::InputState inputState)
void createBoLSFile(const uint32_t lumiSection, bool checkIfExists)
void rewindChunk(const size_t size)
const uint32 FRDHeaderVersionSize[6]
std::vector< int > * streamFileTrackerPtr_
int init
Definition: HydjetWrapper.h:67
def ls
evf::EvFDaqDirector::FileStatus status_
void setInStateSup(FastMonitoringThread::InputState inputState)
RunNumber_t run() const
Accessor for current run number.
std::atomic< bool > quit_threads_
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag
std::vector< ReaderInfo > workerJob_
void createProcessingNotificationMaybe() const
bool parse(const std::string &document, Value &root, bool collectComments=true)
Read a Value from a JSON document.
std::unique_ptr< std::thread > readSupervisorThread_
ProductProvenance const & dummyProvenance() const
Represents a JSON value.
Definition: value.h:111
std::string getEoLSFilePathOnBU(const unsigned int ls) const
#define nullptr
int timeout
std::vector< std::condition_variable * > cvReader_
list diff
FedRawDataInputSource * parent_
unsigned int sourceid
Definition: fed_header.h:32
std::string const & processGUID() const
Accessor for global process identifier.
Definition: InputSource.h:217
FedRawDataInputSource(edm::ParameterSet const &, edm::InputSourceDescription const &)
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
void reset(unsigned int newOffset, unsigned int toRead, unsigned int fileIndex)
static Timestamp beginOfTime()
Definition: Timestamp.h:103
void setComment(std::string const &value)
uint32_t bufferPosition_
const FEDRawData & FEDData(int fedid) const
retrieve data for fed
void updateFileIndex(int const &fileIndex)
FileStatus updateFuLock(unsigned int &ls, std::string &nextFile, uint32_t &fsize, uint64_t &lockWaitTime)
void resize(size_t newsize)
bool advance(unsigned char *&dataPosition, const size_t size)
void setLuminosityBlockAuxiliary(LuminosityBlockAuxiliary *lbp)
Definition: InputSource.h:357
void moveToPreviousChunk(const size_t size, const size_t offset)
edm::EventAuxiliary makeEventAuxiliary(TCDSRecord *record, unsigned int runNumber, unsigned int lumiSection, std::string const &processGUID, bool verifyLumiSection)
unsigned char * buf_
void setDeleteTracking(std::mutex *fileDeleteLock, std::list< std::pair< int, InputFile * >> *filesToDelete)
struct fedt_struct fedt_t
Definition: fed_trailer.h:36
int grabNextJsonFile(boost::filesystem::path const &)
def move
def load
BranchDescription const & branchDescription() const
int j
edm::ProcessHistoryID processHistoryID_
#define end
Definition: vmac.h:37
virtual void preForkReleaseResources() override
void put(BranchDescription const &bd, std::unique_ptr< WrapperBase > edp, ProductProvenance const &productProvenance) const
std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > sourceEventsReport_
bool waitForChunk(unsigned int chunkid)
const edm::DaqProvenanceHelper daqProvenanceHelper_
unsigned int fileIndex_
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
unsigned long long TimeValue_t
Definition: Timestamp.h:28
virtual void deserialize(Json::Value &root)
ProcessHistoryID daqInit(ProductRegistry &productRegistry, ProcessHistoryRegistry &processHistoryRegistry) const
std::vector< std::thread * > workerThreads_
bool evm_board_sense(const unsigned char *p, size_t size)
unsigned int uint32
Definition: MsgTools.h:13
void setEventCached()
Called by the framework to merge or ached() const {return eventCached_;}.
Definition: InputSource.h:382
uint32_t crc32c(uint32_t crc, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
void setInputSource(FedRawDataInputSource *inputSource)
std::atomic< bool > readComplete_
virtual bool checkNextEvent() override
unsigned long long int rval
Definition: vlib.h:22
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Accessor for current luminosity block number.
std::list< std::pair< int, InputFile * > > filesToDelete_
unsigned int nProcessed_
unsigned long long uint64_t
Definition: Time.h:15
unsigned int currentChunk_
auto dp
Definition: deltaR.h:22
tbb::concurrent_queue< InputFile * > fileQueue_
std::unique_ptr< FRDEventMsgView > event_
std::string fileName_
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
void setProcessHistoryID(ProcessHistoryID const &phid)
std::condition_variable startupCv_
std::shared_ptr< RunAuxiliary > runAuxiliary() const
Called by the framework to merge or insert run in principal cache.
Definition: InputSource.h:262
void stoppedLookingForFile(unsigned int lumi)
tbb::concurrent_vector< InputChunk * > chunks_
void resetLuminosityBlockAuxiliary(bool isNewLumi=true) const
Definition: InputSource.h:365
ProcessHistoryRegistry & processHistoryRegistryForUpdate()
Definition: InputSource.h:351
unsigned int eventsize
Definition: fed_trailer.h:33
std::atomic< bool > threadInit_
std::pair< InputFile *, InputChunk * > ReaderInfo
std::string getBoLSFilePathOnFU(const unsigned int ls) const
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
evf::EvFDaqDirector * daqDirector_
void setRunAuxiliary(RunAuxiliary *rp)
Definition: InputSource.h:353
tuple events
void readWorker(unsigned int tid)
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
static std::atomic< unsigned int > counter
void makeEvent(EventPrincipal &eventPrincipal, EventAuxiliary const &eventAuxiliary)
const unsigned char * data() const
Return a const pointer to the beginning of the data buffer.
Unserialize a JSON document into a Value.
Definition: reader.h:16
std::vector< unsigned int > thread_quit_signal
std::atomic< unsigned int > readingFilesCount_
void reportEventsThisLumiInSource(unsigned int lumi, unsigned int events)
void deleteFile(std::string const &)
evf::FastMonitoringService * fms_
bool emptyLumisectionMode() const
virtual void postForkReacquireResources(std::shared_ptr< edm::multicore::MessageReceiverForSource >) override
friend class InputFile
Open Root file and provide MEs ############.
Definition: OwnArray.h:181
unsigned int gtpe_get(const unsigned char *)
std::vector< unsigned int > tid_active_
unsigned int RunNumber_t
std::vector< std::string > const & getNames()
std::string getEoLSFilePathOnFU(const unsigned int ls) const
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag false
tbb::concurrent_queue< InputChunk * > freeChunks_
evf::EvFDaqDirector::FileStatus getNextEvent()
evf::EvFDaqDirector::FileStatus nextEvent()
void readNextChunkIntoBuffer(InputFile *file)
edm::Timestamp fillFEDRawDataCollection(FEDRawDataCollection &)
std::shared_ptr< LuminosityBlockAuxiliary > luminosityBlockAuxiliary() const
Called by the framework to merge or insert lumi in principal cache.
Definition: InputSource.h:265
void setFMS(evf::FastMonitoringService *fms)
unsigned int getgpslow(const unsigned char *)
std::string getFormatedErrorMessages() const
Returns a user friendly string that list errors in the parsed document.
tuple size
Write out results.
void reportLockWait(unsigned int ls, double waitTime, unsigned int lockCount)
Definition: fed_header.h:53
std::string getEoRFilePathOnFU() const
tuple status