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3 #include <iostream>
5 void BeamSpotObjects::print(std::stringstream& ss) const {
6  ss << "-----------------------------------------------------\n"
7  << " Beam Spot Data\n\n"
8  << " Beam type = " << GetBeamType() << "\n"
9  << " X0 = " << GetX() << " +/- " << GetXError() << " [cm]\n"
10  << " Y0 = " << GetY() << " +/- " << GetYError() << " [cm]\n"
11  << " Z0 = " << GetZ() << " +/- " << GetZError() << " [cm]\n"
12  << " Sigma Z0 = " << GetSigmaZ() << " +/- " << GetSigmaZError() << " [cm]\n"
13  << " dxdz = " << Getdxdz() << " +/- " << GetdxdzError() << " [radians]\n"
14  << " dydz = " << Getdydz() << " +/- " << GetdydzError() << " [radians]\n"
15  << " Beam Width X = " << GetBeamWidthX() << " +/- " << GetBeamWidthXError() << " [cm]\n"
16  << " Beam Width Y = " << GetBeamWidthY() << " +/- " << GetBeamWidthYError() << " [cm]\n"
17  << " Emittance X = " << GetEmittanceX() << " [cm]\n"
18  << " Emittance Y = " << GetEmittanceY() << " [cm]\n"
19  << " Beta star = " << GetBetaStar() << " [cm]\n"
20  << "-----------------------------------------------------\n\n";
21 }
23 std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& os, BeamSpotObjects beam ) {
24  std::stringstream ss;
25  beam.print(ss);
26  os << ss.str();
27  return os;
28 }
double Getdydz() const
get dydz slope, crossing angle in YZ
double GetY() const
get Y beam position
double GetSigmaZ() const
get sigma Z, RMS bunch length
double GetBeamWidthX() const
get average transverse beam width
double GetYError() const
get Y beam position Error
double GetBeamWidthYError() const
get average transverse beam width error X = Y
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ALILine &li)
double GetBeamWidthY() const
get average transverse beam width
double GetEmittanceX() const
get emittance
int GetBeamType() const
get beam type
double GetdydzError() const
get dydz slope, crossing angle in YZ Error
double GetZ() const
get Z beam position
double Getdxdz() const
get dxdz slope, crossing angle in XZ
double GetdxdzError() const
get dxdz slope, crossing angle in XZ Error
double GetBeamWidthXError() const
get average transverse beam width error ASSUME the same for X and Y
double GetSigmaZError() const
get sigma Z, RMS bunch length Error
double GetX() const
get X beam position
double GetXError() const
get X beam position Error
double GetBetaStar() const
get beta star
void print(std::stringstream &ss) const
print beam spot parameters
double GetEmittanceY() const
get emittance
double GetZError() const
get Z beam position Error