std::set< const HepMC::GenVertex * > GenVertexTrailHelper
GenVertex trail helper type.
RecoGenParticleTrail recoGenParticleTrail_
void resetTrails()
Reset trail functions.
const reco::GenParticle * recoGenParticle() const
Returns a pointer to most primitive status 1 or 2 particle in the recoGenParticleTrail_.
SimVertexTrail const & simVertexTrail() const
Return all the simulated vertices in the history.
const TrackingParticleRef & simParticle() const
Return the initial tracking particle from the history.
SimVertexTrail simVertexTrail_
std::vector< const HepMC::GenParticle * > GenParticleTrail
HepMC::GenParticle trail type.
std::vector< const reco::GenParticle * > RecoGenParticleTrail
reco::GenParticle trail type.
GenVertexTrail genVertexTrail_
void traceGenHistory(HepMC::GenParticle const *)
Trace all the simulated information for a given pointer to a HepMC::GenParticle.
GenVertexTrailHelper genVertexTrailHelper_
std::set< const reco::GenParticle * > RecoGenParticleTrailHelper
reco::GenParticle trail helper type.
void resetTrails(TrackingParticleRef tpr)
void traceRecoGenHistory(reco::GenParticle const *)
Trace all the simulated information for a given pointer to a reco::GenParticle.
std::vector< const HepMC::GenVertex * > GenVertexTrail
GenVertex trail type.
const TrackingVertexRef & simVertex() const
Return the initial tracking vertex from the history.
SimParticleTrail simParticleTrail_
Base class to all the history types.
SimParticleTrail const & simParticleTrail() const
Return all the simulated particle in the history.
bool evaluate(TrackingParticleRef tpr)
Evaluate track history using a TrackingParticleRef.
void depth(int d)
Set the depth of the history.
bool evaluate(TrackingVertexRef tvr)
Evaluate track history using a TrackingParticleRef.
bool traceSimHistory(TrackingParticleRef const &, int)
Trace all the simulated information for a given reference to a TrackingParticle.
RecoGenParticleTrailHelper recoGenParticleTrailHelper_
GenVertexTrail const & genVertexTrail() const
Return all generated vertex in the history.
RecoGenParticleTrail const & recoGenParticleTrail() const
Return all reco::GenParticle in the history.
std::vector< TrackingVertexRef > SimVertexTrail
SimVertex trail type.
GenParticleTrail genParticleTrail_
GenParticleTrail const & genParticleTrail() const
Return all generated particle (HepMC::GenParticle) in the history.
const HepMC::GenParticle * genParticle() const
Returns a pointer to most primitive status 1 or 2 particle in the genParticleTrail_.
std::vector< TrackingParticleRef > SimParticleTrail
SimParticle trail type.