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vertexPlots Namespace Reference


class  VertexSummaryTable
class  VertexValidation


dictionary _common = {"xtitle": "Simulated interactions", "xmin": _minPU, "xmax": _maxPU, "ymin": _minVtx, "ymax": _maxVtx}
tuple _effandfake
tuple _genpos
tuple _k0_effandfake
tuple _k0_effandfakeTk
tuple _k0_mass
tuple _lambda_effandfake
tuple _lambda_effandfakeTk
tuple _lambda_mass
float _maxEff = 1.025
list _maxFake = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 1.025]
list _maxPU = [80, 100, 150, 200, 250]
list _maxVtx = [60, 100, 150, 200, 250]
list _minPU = [0, 80, 120]
list _minVtx = [0, 80, 120]
tuple _pull
tuple _puritymissing
tuple _pvtagging
tuple _recovsgen
tuple _resolution
tuple _resolutionNumTracks
tuple _sumpt2
list _v0Folders
list _vertexFolders
 loopSubFolders = False,
 onlyForPileup = True
string page = "vertex"
tuple plotter = Plotter()
 purpose = PlotPurpose.Vertexing,

Variable Documentation

dictionary vertexPlots._common = {"xtitle": "Simulated interactions", "xmin": _minPU, "xmax": _maxPU, "ymin": _minVtx, "ymax": _maxVtx}

Definition at line 13 of file

tuple vertexPlots._effandfake
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("effandfake", [
2  Plot("effic_vs_NumVertices", xtitle="Simulated interactions", ytitle="Efficiency vs. N sim vertices", xmin=_minVtx, xmax=_maxVtx, ymax=_maxEff),
3  Plot("fakerate_vs_PU", xtitle="Simulated interactions", ytitle="Fake rate vs. N sim vertices", xmin=_minPU, xmax=_maxPU, ymax=_maxFake),
4  Plot("effic_vs_NumTracks", xtitle="Tracks", ytitle="Efficiency vs. N tracks", title="", ymax=_maxEff),
5  Plot("fakerate_vs_NumTracks", xtitle="Tracks", ytitle="Fake rate vs. N tracks", title="", ymax=_maxFake),
6  Plot("effic_vs_Pt2", xtitle="Sum p_{T}^{2} ", ytitle="Efficiency vs. sum p_{T}^{2}", xlog=True, ymax=_maxEff),
7  Plot("fakerate_vs_Pt2", xtitle="Sum p_{T}^{2} ", ytitle="Fake rate vs. sum p_{T}^{2}", xlog=True, ymax=_maxFake),
8 ])

Definition at line 30 of file

tuple vertexPlots._genpos
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("genpos", [
2  Plot("GenAllV_X", xtitle="Gen AllV pos x", ytitle="N", **_common),
3  Plot("GenPV_X", xtitle="Gen PV pos x", ytitle="N", **_common),
4  Plot("GenAllV_Y", xtitle="Gen AllV pos y", ytitle="N", **_common),
5  Plot("GenPV_Y", xtitle="Gen PV pos y", ytitle="N", **_common),
6  Plot("GenAllV_Z", xtitle="Gen AllV pos z", ytitle="N", **_common),
7  Plot("GenPV_Z", xtitle="Gen PV pos z", ytitle="N", **_common),
8 ])

Definition at line 84 of file

tuple vertexPlots._k0_effandfake
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("effandfake", [
2  Plot("K0sEffVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Efficiency vs. p_{T}"),
3  Plot("K0sFakeVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. p_{T}"),
4  Plot("K0sEffVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Efficiency vs. #eta"),
5  Plot("K0sFakeVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Fake rate vs. #eta"),
6  Plot("K0sEffVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Efficiency vs. R"),
7  Plot("K0sFakeVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. R"),
8 ])

Definition at line 93 of file

tuple vertexPlots._k0_effandfakeTk
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("effandfakeTk", [
2 # Plot("K0sTkEffVsPt"),
3  Plot("K0sTkFakeVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. p_{T}"),
4 # Plot("K0sTkEffVsEta"),
5  Plot("K0sTkFakeVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Fake rate vs. #eta"),
6 # Plot("K0sTkEffVsR"),
7  Plot("K0sTkFakeVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. R"),
8 ],
9  legendDy=-0.025
10 )

Definition at line 101 of file

tuple vertexPlots._k0_mass
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("mass", [
2  Plot("ksMassAll", xtitle="mass of all (GeV)", **_common),
3  Plot("ksMassGood", xtitle="mass of good (GeV)", **_common),
4  Plot("ksMassFake", xtitle="mass of fake (GeV)", **_common),
5 ],
6  legendDy=-0.025
7 )

Definition at line 112 of file

tuple vertexPlots._lambda_effandfake
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("effandfake", [
2  Plot("LamEffVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Efficiency vs. p_{T}"),
3  Plot("LamFakeVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. p_{T}"),
4  Plot("LamEffVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Efficiency vs. #eta"),
5  Plot("LamFakeVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Fake rate vs. #eta"),
6  Plot("LamEffVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Efficiency vs. R"),
7  Plot("LamFakeVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. R"),
8 ])

Definition at line 119 of file

tuple vertexPlots._lambda_effandfakeTk
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("effandfakeTk", [
2 # Plot("LamTkEffVsPt"),
3  Plot("LamTkFakeVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. p_{T}"),
4 # Plot("LamTkEffVsEta"),
5  Plot("LamTkFakeVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Fake rate vs. #eta"),
6 # Plot("LamTkEffVsR"),
7  Plot("LamTkFakeVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. R"),
8 ],
9  legendDy=-0.025
10 )

Definition at line 127 of file

tuple vertexPlots._lambda_mass
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("mass", [
2  Plot("lamMassAll", xtitle="mass of all (GeV)", **_common),
3  Plot("lamMassGood", xtitle="mass of good (GeV)", **_common),
4  Plot("lamMassFake", xtitle="mass of fake (GeV)", **_common),
5 ],
6  legendDy=-0.025
7 )

Definition at line 137 of file

float vertexPlots._maxEff = 1.025

Definition at line 10 of file

list vertexPlots._maxFake = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 1.025]

Definition at line 11 of file

list vertexPlots._maxPU = [80, 100, 150, 200, 250]

Definition at line 7 of file

list vertexPlots._maxVtx = [60, 100, 150, 200, 250]

Definition at line 9 of file

list vertexPlots._minPU = [0, 80, 120]

Definition at line 6 of file

list vertexPlots._minVtx = [0, 80, 120]

Definition at line 8 of file

tuple vertexPlots._pull
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("pull", [
2  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullX", xtitle="x", ytitle="Pull vs. x", **_common),
3  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullY", xtitle="y", ytitle="Pull vs. y", **_common),
4  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullZ", xtitle="z", ytitle="Pull vs. z", **_common),
5 ],
6  legendDy=-0.025
7 )

Definition at line 57 of file

tuple vertexPlots._puritymissing
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("puritymissing", [
2  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_Purity", xtitle="Purity", ytitle="Number of reco PVs matched to gen PVs", ylog=True, ymin=1e-4, **_common),
3  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVNotMatched_Purity", xtitle="Purity", ytitle="Number of reco PVs not matcched to gen PVs", ylog=True, ymin=1e-3, **_common),
4  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_Missing", xtitle="Fraction of reco p_{T} associated to gen PV \"missing\" from reco PV", ytitle="Number of reco PVs matched to gen PVs", ylog=True, ymin=1e-4, **_common),
5  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVNotMatched_Missing", xtitle="Fraction of reco p_{T} associated to gen PV \"missing\" from reco PV", ytitle="Number of reco PVs not matcched to gen PVs", ylog=True, ymin=1e-3, **_common),
6 # Plot("fakerate_vs_Purity", xtitle="Purity", ytitle="Fake rate", ymax=_maxFake),
7 ])

Definition at line 65 of file

tuple vertexPlots._pvtagging
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("pvtagging", [
2  Plot("TruePVLocationIndexCumulative", xtitle="Signal PV status in reco collection", ytitle="Fraction of events", drawStyle="hist", normalizeToUnitArea=True, xbinlabels=["Not reconstructed", "Reco and identified", "Reco, not identified"], xbinlabelsize=15, xbinlabeloption="h", xgrid=False, ylog=True, ymin=1e-3),
3  Plot("TruePVLocationIndex", xtitle="Index of signal PV in reco collection", ytitle="Fraction of events", drawStyle="hist", normalizeToUnitArea=True, ylog=True, ymin=1e-5),
4  Plot("MisTagRate_vs_PU", xtitle="PU", ytitle="Mistag rate vs. PU", title="", xmax=_maxPU, ymax=_maxFake),
5  Plot("MisTagRate_vs_sum-pt2", xtitle="#Sigmap_{T}^{2}", ytitle="Mistag rate vs. #Sigmap_{T}^{2}", title="", xlog=True, ymax=_maxFake),
6 ],
7  legendDy=-0.025
8 )

Definition at line 22 of file

tuple vertexPlots._recovsgen
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("recovsgen", [
2  Plot("RecoVtx_vs_GenVtx", ytitle="Reco vertices", **_common),
3  Plot("MatchedRecoVtx_vs_GenVtx", ytitle="Matched reco vertices", **_common),
4  Plot("merged_vs_ClosestVertexInZ", xtitle="Closest distance in Z (cm)", ytitle="Merge rate", xlog=True, ymax=_maxFake),
5  Plot("merged_vs_Z", xtitle="Z (cm)", ytitle="Merge rate", xmin=-20, xmax=20, ymax=_maxFake),
6 ],
7  legendDy=-0.025
8 )

Definition at line 14 of file

tuple vertexPlots._resolution
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("resolution", [
2  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX", xtitle="Resolution in x (#mum)", **_common),
3  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX", xtitle="Resolution in x for merged vertices (#mum)", **_common),
4  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY", xtitle="Resolution in y (#mum)", **_common),
5  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY", xtitle="Resolution in y for merged vertices (#mum)", **_common),
6  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ", xtitle="Resolution in z (#mum)", **_common),
7  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ", xtitle="Resolution in z for merged vertices (#mum)", **_common),
8 ])

Definition at line 39 of file

tuple vertexPlots._resolutionNumTracks
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("resolutionNumTracks", [
2  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in x (#mum)", **_common),
3  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in x for merged vertices (#mum)", **_common),
4  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in y (#mum)", **_common),
5  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in y for merged vertices (#mum)", **_common),
6  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in z (#mum)", **_common),
7  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in z for merged vertices (#mum)", **_common),
8 ])

Definition at line 48 of file

tuple vertexPlots._sumpt2
Initial value:
1 = PlotGroup("sumpt2", [
2  Plot("RecoAssoc2GenPVMatched_Pt2", xtitle="#sum^{}p_{T}^{2}", ytitle="Reco vertices matched to gen PV", **_common),
3  Plot("RecoAssoc2GenPVMatchedNotHighest_Pt2", xtitle="#sum^{}p_{T}^{2}", ytitle="Reco non-PV-vertices matched to gen PV", **_common),
4  Plot("RecoAssoc2GenPVNotMatched_Pt2", xtitle="#sum^{}p_{T}^{2}", ytitle="Reco vertices not matched to gen PV", **_common),
5  Plot("RecoAssoc2GenPVNotMatched_GenPVTracksRemoved_Pt2", xtitle="#sum^{}p_{T}^{2}, gen PV tracks removed", ytitle="Reco vertices not matched to gen PV", **_common),
6 ],
7  legendDy=-0.025
8 )

Definition at line 74 of file

list vertexPlots._v0Folders
Initial value:
1 = [
2  "DQMData/Run 1/Vertexing/Run summary/V0",
3  "DQMData/Vertexing/V0",
4  "DQMData/Run 1/Vertexing/Run summary/V0V",
5  "DQMData/Vertexing/V0V",
6 ]

Definition at line 210 of file

list vertexPlots._vertexFolders
Initial value:
1 = [
2  "DQMData/Run 1/Vertexing/Run summary/PrimaryVertex",
3  "DQMData/Vertexing/PrimaryVertex",
4  "DQMData/Run 1/Vertexing/Run summary/PrimaryVertexV",
5  "DQMData/Vertexing/PrimaryVertexV",
6 ]

Definition at line 204 of file

vertexPlots.loopSubFolders = False,

Definition at line 235 of file

vertexPlots.onlyForPileup = True

Definition at line 228 of file

string = "vertex"

Definition at line 227 of file

tuple vertexPlots.plotter = Plotter()

Definition at line 216 of file

vertexPlots.purpose = PlotPurpose.Vertexing,

Definition at line 226 of file

Referenced by FWFFMetadataManager.doUpdate().