void | addObject (int id, const reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef &ref) |
| setters for L3 collections: (id=physics type, and Ref<C>) More...
void | addObject (int id, const reco::ElectronRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const reco::RecoChargedCandidateRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const reco::CaloJetRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const reco::CompositeCandidateRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const reco::METRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const reco::CaloMETRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const reco::IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const l1extra::L1EmParticleRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const l1extra::L1MuonParticleRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const l1extra::L1JetParticleRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const l1extra::L1EtMissParticleRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const l1extra::L1HFRingsRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const l1t::MuonRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const l1t::EGammaRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const l1t::JetRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const l1t::TauRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const l1t::EtSumRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const reco::PFJetRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const reco::PFTauRef &ref) |
void | addObject (int id, const reco::PFMETRef &ref) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRphoton &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRelectron &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRmuon &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRjet &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRcomposite &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRbasemet &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRcalomet &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRpixtrack &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRl1em &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRl1muon &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRl1jet &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRl1etmiss &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRl1tmuon &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRl1tegamma &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRl1tjet &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRl1ttau &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRl1tetsum &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRl1hfrings &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRpfjet &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRpftau &refs) |
size_type | addObjects (const Vids &ids, const VRpfmet &refs) |
const Vids & | basemetIds () const |
const VRbasemet & | basemetRefs () const |
size_type | basemetSize () const |
const Vids & | calometIds () const |
const VRcalomet & | calometRefs () const |
size_type | calometSize () const |
const Vids & | compositeIds () const |
const VRcomposite & | compositeRefs () const |
size_type | compositeSize () const |
const Vids & | electronIds () const |
const VRelectron & | electronRefs () const |
size_type | electronSize () const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRphoton &refs) const |
| various physics-level getters: More...
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRphoton &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRphoton &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRphoton &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRelectron &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRelectron &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRelectron &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRelectron &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRmuon &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRmuon &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRmuon &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRmuon &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRjet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRjet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRjet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRjet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRcomposite &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRcomposite &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRcomposite &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRcomposite &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRbasemet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRbasemet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRbasemet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRbasemet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRcalomet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRcalomet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRcalomet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRcalomet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRpixtrack &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRpixtrack &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRpixtrack &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRpixtrack &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1em &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1em &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1em &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1em &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1muon &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1muon &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1muon &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1muon &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1jet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1jet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1jet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1jet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1etmiss &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1etmiss &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1etmiss &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1etmiss &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1hfrings &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1hfrings &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1hfrings &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1hfrings &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1tmuon &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1tmuon &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1tmuon &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1tmuon &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1tegamma &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1tegamma &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1tegamma &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1tegamma &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1tjet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1tjet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1tjet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1tjet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1ttau &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1ttau &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1ttau &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1ttau &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1tetsum &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRl1tetsum &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1tetsum &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRl1tetsum &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRpfjet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRpfjet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRpfjet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRpfjet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRpftau &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRpftau &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRpftau &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRpftau &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRpfmet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (Vids &ids, VRpfmet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRpfmet &refs) const |
void | getObjects (int id, VRpfmet &refs, size_type begin, size_type end) const |
const Vids & | jetIds () const |
const VRjet & | jetRefs () const |
size_type | jetSize () const |
const Vids & | l1emIds () const |
const VRl1em & | l1emRefs () const |
size_type | l1emSize () const |
const Vids & | l1etmissIds () const |
const VRl1etmiss & | l1etmissRefs () const |
size_type | l1etmissSize () const |
const Vids & | l1hfringsIds () const |
const VRl1hfrings & | l1hfringsRefs () const |
size_type | l1hfringsSize () const |
const Vids & | l1jetIds () const |
const VRl1jet & | l1jetRefs () const |
size_type | l1jetSize () const |
const Vids & | l1muonIds () const |
const VRl1muon & | l1muonRefs () const |
size_type | l1muonSize () const |
const Vids & | l1tegammaIds () const |
const VRl1tegamma & | l1tegammaRefs () const |
size_type | l1tegammaSize () const |
const Vids & | l1tetsumIds () const |
const VRl1tetsum & | l1tetsumRefs () const |
size_type | l1tetsumSize () const |
const Vids & | l1tjetIds () const |
const VRl1tjet & | l1tjetRefs () const |
size_type | l1tjetSize () const |
const Vids & | l1tmuonIds () const |
const VRl1tmuon & | l1tmuonRefs () const |
size_type | l1tmuonSize () const |
const Vids & | l1ttauIds () const |
const VRl1ttau & | l1ttauRefs () const |
size_type | l1ttauSize () const |
const Vids & | muonIds () const |
const VRmuon & | muonRefs () const |
size_type | muonSize () const |
const Vids & | pfjetIds () const |
const VRpfjet & | pfjetRefs () const |
size_type | pfjetSize () const |
const Vids & | pfmetIds () const |
const VRpfmet & | pfmetRefs () const |
size_type | pfmetSize () const |
const Vids & | pftauIds () const |
const VRpftau & | pftauRefs () const |
size_type | pftauSize () const |
const Vids & | photonIds () const |
const VRphoton & | photonRefs () const |
size_type | photonSize () const |
| low-level getters for data members More...
const Vids & | pixtrackIds () const |
const VRpixtrack & | pixtrackRefs () const |
size_type | pixtrackSize () const |
void | swap (TriggerRefsCollections &other) |
| utility More...
| TriggerRefsCollections () |
| methods More...
Holds the collections of Ref<C>s which describe the physics objects passing trigger cuts.
This implementation is not completely space-efficient as some physics object containers may stay empty. However, the big advantage is that the solution is generic, i.e., works for all possible HLT filters. Hence we accept the reasonably small overhead of empty containers.
- Author
- Martin Grunewald
Definition at line 86 of file TriggerRefsCollections.h.