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patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff Namespace Reference


tuple allPatTracks
tuple beforePat
tuple beforePatMuons
tuple beforePatTracks
tuple ecal = cms.InputTag("muIsoDepositCalByAssociatorTowers","ecal")
tuple goodMuonRecoForDimuon
tuple hcal = cms.InputTag("muIsoDepositCalByAssociatorTowers","hcal")
tuple muonTriggerMatchEmbedder
tuple muonTriggerMatchHLTMuons
tuple patCandsSequence
tuple patTriggerSequence
tuple selectedPatMuonsTriggerMatch
tuple tracker = cms.InputTag("muIsoDepositTk")

Variable Documentation

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.allPatTracks
Initial value:
1 = patGenericParticles.clone(
2  src = cms.InputTag("patAODTrackCands"),
3  # isolation configurables
4  userIsolation = cms.PSet(
5  tracker = cms.PSet(
6  veto = cms.double(0.015),
7  src = cms.InputTag("patAODTrackIsoDepositCtfTk"),
8  deltaR = cms.double(0.3),
9  threshold = cms.double(1.5)
10  ),
11  ecal = cms.PSet(
12  src = cms.InputTag("patAODTrackIsoDepositCalByAssociatorTowers","ecal"),
13  deltaR = cms.double(0.3)
14  ),
15  hcal = cms.PSet(
16  src = cms.InputTag("patAODTrackIsoDepositCalByAssociatorTowers","hcal"),
17  deltaR = cms.double(0.3)
18  ),
19  ),
20  isoDeposits = cms.PSet(
21  tracker = cms.InputTag("patAODTrackIsoDepositCtfTk"),
22  ecal = cms.InputTag("patAODTrackIsoDepositCalByAssociatorTowers","ecal"),
23  hcal = cms.InputTag("patAODTrackIsoDepositCalByAssociatorTowers","hcal")
24  ),
25  addGenMatch = cms.bool(True),
26  genParticleMatch = cms.InputTag("trackMuMatch")
27 )

Definition at line 23 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.beforePat
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  beforePatTracks +
3  beforePatMuons
4 )

Definition at line 149 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.beforePatMuons
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  muonMatch
3 )

Definition at line 145 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.beforePatTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  patAODTrackCandSequence *
3  trackMuMatch
4 )

Definition at line 140 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.ecal = cms.InputTag("muIsoDepositCalByAssociatorTowers","ecal")
tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.goodMuonRecoForDimuon
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  beforePat *
3  patCandsSequence *
4  patTriggerSequence *
5  muonTriggerMatchEmbedder
6 )

Definition at line 161 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.hcal = cms.InputTag("muIsoDepositCalByAssociatorTowers","hcal")

Definition at line 71 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.muonTriggerMatchEmbedder
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  selectedPatMuonsTriggerMatch
3 )

Definition at line 134 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.muonTriggerMatchHLTMuons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "PATTriggerMatcherDRDPtLessByR",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "selectedPatMuons" ),
3  matched = cms.InputTag( "patTrigger" ),
4  andOr = cms.bool( False ),
5  filterIdsEnum = cms.vstring( 'TriggerMuon' ), # 'TriggerMuon' is the enum from trigger::TriggerObjectType for HLT muons
6  filterIds = cms.vint32( 0 ),
7  filterLabels = cms.vstring( '*' ),
8  pathNames = cms.vstring( 'HLT_Mu9' ),
9  collectionTags = cms.vstring( '*' ),
10  maxDPtRel = cms.double( 1.0 ),
11  maxDeltaR = cms.double( 0.2 ),
12  resolveAmbiguities = cms.bool( True ),
13  resolveByMatchQuality = cms.bool( True )
14 )

Definition at line 102 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.patCandsSequence
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  patMuons *
3  selectedPatMuons *
4  allPatTracks *
5  selectedPatTracks
6 )

Definition at line 154 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.patTriggerSequence
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  patTrigger *
3  muonTriggerMatchHLTMuons *
4 # muonTriggerMatchHLTMu9 *
5  patTriggerEvent
6 )

Definition at line 122 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.selectedPatMuonsTriggerMatch
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PATTriggerMatchMuonEmbedder",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "selectedPatMuons" ),
3  matches = cms.VInputTag( "muonTriggerMatchHLTMuons" )
4 )

Definition at line 129 of file

tuple patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff.tracker = cms.InputTag("muIsoDepositTk")