Functions | |
def | _customSetattr |
def | _getModule |
### Auxiliary functions ### More... | |
def | _TrackFitter |
def | _TrackHitFilter |
def | _TrackRefitter |
def | _TrackSelector |
def | getSequence |
private |
Sets the attribute `attr` of the object `obj` using the value `val`. `attr` can be a string or a tuple of strings, if one wants to set an attribute of an attribute, etc. Arguments: - `obj`: Object, which must have a '__dict__' attribute. - `attr`: String or tuple of strings describing the attribute's name. - `val`: value of the attribute.
Definition at line 332 of file
private |
Auxiliary functions ###
General function for attaching the module of type `modType` to the cms.Process `process` using `options` for customization and `moduleName` as the name of the new attribute of `process`. Arguments: - `process`: 'cms.Process' object to which the module is attached. - `src`: cms.InputTag for this module. - `modType`: Type of the requested module. - `options`: Dictionary with customized values for the module's options. - `**kwargs`: Used to supply options at construction time of the module.
Definition at line 240 of file
private |
Returns TrackFitter module name. Arguments: - `kwargs`: Used to supply options at construction time of the object.
Definition at line 300 of file
private |
Returns TrackHitFilter module name. Arguments: - `kwargs`: Not used in this function.
Definition at line 278 of file
private |
Returns TrackRefitter module name. Arguments: - `kwargs`: Used to supply options at construction time of the object.
Definition at line 316 of file
private |
Returns TrackSelector module name. Arguments: - `kwargs`: Not used in this function.
Definition at line 289 of file
def trackselectionRefitting.getSequence | ( | process, | |
collection, | |||
saveCPU = False , |
TTRHBuilder = "WithAngleAndTemplate" , |
usePixelQualityFlag = True , |
openMassWindow = False , |
cosmicsDecoMode = False , |
cosmicsZeroTesla = True , |
momentumConstraint = None |
) |
This function returns a cms.Sequence containing as last element the module 'FinalTrackRefitter', which can be used as cms.InputTag for subsequent processing steps. The modules in the sequence are already attached to the given `process` object using the given track collection `collection` and the given optionial arguments. Arguments: - `process`: 'cms.Process' object to which the modules of the sequence will be attached. - `collection`: String indicating the input track collection. - `saveCPU`: If set to 'True', some steps are merged to reduce CPU time. Reduces a little the accuracy of the results. This option is currently not recommended. - `TTRHBuilder`: Option used for the Track(Re)Fitter modules. - `usePixelQualityFlag`: Option used for the TrackHitFilter module. - `openMassWindow`: Used to configure the TwoBodyDecaySelector for ZMuMu. - `cosmicsDecoMode`: If set to 'True' a lower Signal/Noise cut is used. - `cosmicsZeroTesla`: If set to 'True' a 0T-specific selection is used. - `momentumConstraint`: If you want to apply a momentum constraint for the track refitting, e.g. for CRUZET data, you need to provide here the name of the constraint module.
Definition at line 13 of file