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funct Namespace Reference




struct  Abs
struct  AbsExpression
struct  AbsFunctExpression
struct  AbsStruct
struct  AuxProduct
struct  AuxProduct< Prod, false >
struct  AuxProductRatio
struct  AuxProductRatio2
struct  AuxProductRatio2< Prod, false >
struct  AuxProductRatio< Prod, false >
struct  AuxSum
struct  AuxSum< Prod, false >
struct  AuxSumRatio
struct  AuxSumRatio< A, B, C, true >
struct  BreitWigner
struct  Composition
struct  CompositionStruct
struct  ConstPrimitive
struct  ConstPrimitive< X, F, true >
struct  Convolution
class  ConvolutionStruct
struct  Cos
struct  Cos2
struct  Cos< MinusStruct< A > >
struct  CosStruct
struct  DecomposePower
struct  DecomposePower< A, Numerical< 1 > >
struct  DecomposeProduct
struct  DecomposeProduct< A, A >
struct  DecomposeProduct< ProductStruct< A, B >, A >
struct  DecomposeProduct< ProductStruct< A, B >, B >
struct  DefaultVariable
struct  DefIntegral
struct  DefIntegral< F, MIN, MAX, Integrator, no_var >
struct  DefIntegral< F, MIN, MAX, no_var, no_var >
struct  DefIntegral< F, MIN, MAX, no_var, X >
struct  Derivative
struct  Derivative< X, AbsStruct< A > >
struct  Derivative< X, CosStruct< A > >
struct  Derivative< X, ExpStruct< A > >
struct  Derivative< X, LogStruct< A > >
struct  Derivative< X, MinusStruct< A > >
struct  Derivative< X, PowerStruct< A, FractionStruct< n, m > > >
struct  Derivative< X, PowerStruct< A, Numerical< n > > >
struct  Derivative< X, ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Derivative< X, RatioStruct< A, B > >
struct  Derivative< X, SinStruct< A > >
struct  Derivative< X, SqrtStruct< A > >
struct  Derivative< X, SumStruct< A, B > >
struct  Derivative< X, TanStruct< A > >
struct  Derivative< X, X >
struct  Difference
struct  Difference< A, MinusStruct< B > >
struct  Difference< FractionStruct< a, b >, FractionStruct< c, d > >
struct  Difference< Numerical< a >, FractionStruct< b, c > >
struct  Difference< Numerical< n >, Numerical< m > >
struct  Exp
struct  Exp< LogStruct< A > >
struct  Exponential
struct  Expression
struct  ExpressionT
struct  ExpStruct
struct  FactorizeSum
struct  Fraction
struct  Fraction< n, m, false, false >
struct  Fraction< n, m, false, true >
struct  Fraction< n, m, true, false >
struct  FractionStruct
struct  FunctExpression
struct  FunctExpressionT
struct  Function
struct  Function< X1, null_var, null_var >
struct  Function< X1, X2, null_var >
struct  GammaPropagator
struct  GammaZInterference
struct  Gaussian
class  GaussIntegrator
class  GaussLegendreIntegrator
class  HistoPdf
struct  Identity
struct  Independent
struct  Integral
struct  IntegralStruct
struct  IntegralStruct< F >
struct  Log
struct  Log< ExpStruct< A > >
struct  Log< PowerStruct< A, B > >
struct  Log< ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Log< RatioStruct< A, B > >
struct  LogStruct
struct  Master
struct  Minus
struct  Minus< MinusStruct< A > >
struct  Minus< Numerical< n > >
struct  Minus< SumStruct< A, B > >
struct  MinusStruct
struct  NthDerivative
struct  NthDerivative< 0, X, F >
struct  NthDerivative< 1, X, F >
struct  Number
struct  Numerical
struct  NumericalIntegral
struct  NumericalIntegral< Integrator, F, no_var >
struct  NumPower
struct  NumPower< 1, m, posM >
struct  NumPower< n, 0, true >
struct  NumPower< n, 1, true >
struct  NumPower< n, m, false >
class  Parameter
struct  Parametric
struct  Parametric< AbsStruct< A > >
struct  Parametric< CosStruct< A > >
struct  Parametric< DefaultVariable >
struct  Parametric< ExpStruct< A > >
struct  Parametric< FractionStruct< n, m > >
struct  Parametric< LogStruct< A > >
struct  Parametric< MinusStruct< A > >
struct  Parametric< Numerical< n > >
struct  Parametric< PowerStruct< A, B > >
struct  Parametric< ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Parametric< RatioStruct< A, B > >
struct  Parametric< SgnStruct< A > >
struct  Parametric< SinStruct< A > >
struct  Parametric< SumStruct< A, B > >
struct  Parametric< TanStruct< A > >
struct  Parametric< X >
struct  Parametric< Y >
struct  Parametric< Z >
struct  ParametricDiv1
struct  ParametricDivN
struct  ParametricSimplifiedSum
struct  ParametricSimplifiedSum< 1, 1, A, false >
struct  ParametricSimplifiedSum< 1, 1, A, true >
struct  ParametricSimplifiedSum< n, m, A, false >
struct  PartIntegral
struct  PartIntegral2
class  Polynomial
class  Polynomial< 0 >
class  Polynomial< 1 >
class  Polynomial< 2 >
struct  PositiveFraction
struct  PositiveFraction< n, m, gcd, num, 1 >
struct  Power
struct  Power< A, FractionStruct< 1, 2 > >
struct  Power< A, Numerical< -1 > >
struct  Power< A, Numerical< 0 > >
struct  Power< A, Numerical< 1 > >
struct  Power< A, Numerical< n > >
struct  Power< Numerical< n >, Numerical< m > >
struct  Power< PowerStruct< A, B >, C >
struct  Power< PowerStruct< A, B >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Power< ProductStruct< A, B >, Numerical< 0 > >
struct  PowerStruct
struct  Primitive
struct  Primitive< F >
struct  Primitive< Parameter >
struct  Product
struct  Product< A, A >
struct  Product< A, MinusStruct< B > >
struct  Product< A, Numerical< n > >
struct  Product< A, PowerStruct< A, B > >
struct  Product< A, PowerStruct< A, Numerical< n > > >
struct  Product< A, ProductStruct< B, C > >
struct  Product< A, RatioStruct< B, C > >
struct  Product< CosStruct< A >, A >
struct  Product< CosStruct< A >, SinStruct< A > >
struct  Product< CosStruct< A >, TanStruct< A > >
struct  Product< ExpStruct< A >, A >
struct  Product< ExpStruct< A >, ExpStruct< B > >
struct  Product< FractionStruct< a, b >, FractionStruct< c, d > >
struct  Product< FractionStruct< b, c >, Numerical< a > >
struct  Product< FractionStruct< n, m >, RatioStruct< A, Numerical< k > > >
struct  Product< LogStruct< A >, A >
struct  Product< MinusStruct< A >, B >
struct  Product< MinusStruct< A >, MinusStruct< A > >
struct  Product< MinusStruct< A >, MinusStruct< B > >
struct  Product< Numerical< -1 >, A >
struct  Product< Numerical< -1 >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Product< Numerical< 0 >, A >
struct  Product< Numerical< 0 >, Numerical< 1 > >
struct  Product< Numerical< 0 >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Product< Numerical< 0 >, ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Product< Numerical< 0 >, RatioStruct< A, B > >
struct  Product< Numerical< 1 >, A >
struct  Product< Numerical< 1 >, FractionStruct< n, m > >
struct  Product< Numerical< 1 >, MinusStruct< A > >
struct  Product< Numerical< 1 >, Numerical< 1 > >
struct  Product< Numerical< 1 >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Product< Numerical< 1 >, ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Product< Numerical< 1 >, RatioStruct< A, B > >
struct  Product< Numerical< a >, FractionStruct< b, c > >
struct  Product< Numerical< n >, MinusStruct< A > >
struct  Product< Numerical< n >, Numerical< m > >
struct  Product< Numerical< n >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Product< Numerical< n >, RatioStruct< A, B > >
struct  Product< PowerStruct< A, B >, A >
struct  Product< PowerStruct< A, B >, PowerStruct< A, B > >
struct  Product< PowerStruct< A, B >, PowerStruct< A, C > >
struct  Product< PowerStruct< A, Numerical< n > >, A >
struct  Product< PowerStruct< CosStruct< A >, B >, PowerStruct< TanStruct< A >, B > >
struct  Product< PowerStruct< CosStruct< A >, Numerical< n > >, PowerStruct< TanStruct< A >, Numerical< n > > >
struct  Product< ProductStruct< A, B >, MinusStruct< C > >
struct  Product< ProductStruct< A, B >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Product< ProductStruct< A, B >, ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Product< ProductStruct< A, B >, ProductStruct< C, D > >
struct  Product< ProductStruct< F, G >, H >
struct  Product< RatioStruct< A, B >, C >
struct  Product< RatioStruct< A, B >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Product< RatioStruct< A, B >, ProductStruct< C, D > >
struct  Product< RatioStruct< A, B >, RatioStruct< C, D > >
struct  Product< SinStruct< A >, A >
struct  Product< TanStruct< A >, A >
struct  ProductPrimitive
struct  ProductStruct
struct  Ratio
struct  Ratio< A, A >
struct  Ratio< A, Numerical< 1 > >
struct  Ratio< A, Numerical< n > >
struct  Ratio< A, PowerStruct< A, B > >
struct  Ratio< A, PowerStruct< A, Numerical< n > > >
struct  Ratio< A, RatioStruct< B, C > >
struct  Ratio< C, ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Ratio< FractionStruct< a, b >, FractionStruct< c, d > >
struct  Ratio< FractionStruct< b, c >, Numerical< a > >
struct  Ratio< MinusStruct< A >, B >
struct  Ratio< MinusStruct< A >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Ratio< Numerical< 0 >, A >
struct  Ratio< Numerical< a >, FractionStruct< b, c > >
struct  Ratio< Numerical< n >, Numerical< 1 > >
struct  Ratio< Numerical< n >, Numerical< m > >
struct  Ratio< Numerical< n >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Ratio< PowerStruct< A, B >, A >
struct  Ratio< PowerStruct< A, B >, PowerStruct< A, B > >
struct  Ratio< PowerStruct< A, B >, PowerStruct< A, C > >
struct  Ratio< PowerStruct< A, Numerical< n > >, A >
struct  Ratio< ProductStruct< A, B >, C >
struct  Ratio< ProductStruct< A, B >, Numerical< 1 > >
struct  Ratio< ProductStruct< A, B >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Ratio< ProductStruct< A, B >, ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Ratio< ProductStruct< A, B >, RatioStruct< C, D > >
struct  Ratio< ProductStruct< C, D >, ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Ratio< ProductStruct< Numerical< n >, A >, ProductStruct< Numerical< m >, B > >
struct  Ratio< ProductStruct< Numerical< n >, A >, ProductStruct< Numerical< n >, A > >
struct  Ratio< RatioStruct< A, B >, C >
struct  Ratio< RatioStruct< A, B >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Ratio< RatioStruct< A, B >, ProductStruct< C, D > >
struct  Ratio< RatioStruct< A, B >, RatioStruct< C, D > >
struct  Ratio< SinStruct< A >, CosStruct< A > >
struct  Ratio< SinStruct< A >, TanStruct< A > >
struct  Ratio< SumStruct< A, B >, C >
struct  Ratio< SumStruct< A, B >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Ratio< SumStruct< A, B >, ProductStruct< C, D > >
struct  Ratio< SumStruct< A, B >, RatioStruct< C, D > >
struct  Ratio< SumStruct< A, B >, SumStruct< B, A > >
struct  RatioP1
struct  RatioP2
struct  RatioPrimitive
struct  RatioSimpl
struct  RatioStruct
class  RootHistoPdf
struct  RootIntegrator
struct  Sgn
struct  SgnStruct
struct  SimpifyS2C2Sum
struct  SimpifyS2C2Sum< n, m, A, false >
struct  SimplifyNegativeRatio
struct  SimplifyNegativeRatio< n, A, false >
struct  SimplifyPowerProduct
struct  SimplifyPowerProduct< A, B, C, false >
struct  SimplifyPowerRatio
struct  SimplifyPowerRatio< A, B, C, false >
struct  SimplifyRatioSum
struct  SimplifyRatioSum< A, B, false >
struct  SimplifySCRatio
struct  SimplifySCRatio< A, false >
struct  SimplifySignedPower
struct  SimplifySignedPower< 0, A, true >
struct  SimplifySignedPower< n, A, false >
struct  SimplifySTnProduct
struct  SimplifySTnProduct< A, B, false >
struct  SimplifySTProduct
struct  SimplifySTProduct< A, false >
struct  SimplifySTRatio
struct  SimplifySTRatio< A, false >
struct  SimplSumOrd
struct  Sin
struct  Sin2
struct  Sin< MinusStruct< A > >
struct  SinStruct
struct  Slave
struct  Sqrt
struct  SqrtStruct
struct  Square
struct  Sum
struct  Sum< A, A >
struct  Sum< A, Numerical< 0 > >
struct  Sum< A, ProductStruct< Numerical< n >, A > >
struct  Sum< A, SumStruct< B, C > >
struct  Sum< FractionStruct< a, b >, FractionStruct< c, d > >
struct  Sum< FractionStruct< b, c >, Numerical< a > >
struct  Sum< MinusStruct< A >, MinusStruct< A > >
struct  Sum< MinusStruct< ProductStruct< A, B > >, MinusStruct< ProductStruct< A, B > > >
struct  Sum< Numerical< 0 >, MinusStruct< ProductStruct< A, B > > >
struct  Sum< Numerical< 0 >, Numerical< 0 > >
struct  Sum< Numerical< 0 >, ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Sum< Numerical< 0 >, SumStruct< A, B > >
struct  Sum< Numerical< a >, FractionStruct< b, c > >
struct  Sum< Numerical< n >, A >
struct  Sum< Numerical< n >, Numerical< m > >
struct  Sum< Numerical< n >, Numerical< n > >
struct  Sum< Numerical< n >, SumStruct< A, B > >
struct  Sum< PowerStruct< CosStruct< A >, Numerical< 2 > >, PowerStruct< SinStruct< A >, Numerical< 2 > > >
struct  Sum< PowerStruct< SinStruct< A >, Numerical< 2 > >, PowerStruct< CosStruct< A >, Numerical< 2 > > >
struct  Sum< ProductStruct< A, B >, Numerical< 0 > >
struct  Sum< ProductStruct< A, B >, ProductStruct< A, B > >
struct  Sum< ProductStruct< Numerical< m >, PowerStruct< CosStruct< A >, Numerical< 2 > > >, ProductStruct< Numerical< n >, PowerStruct< SinStruct< A >, Numerical< 2 > > > >
struct  Sum< ProductStruct< Numerical< n >, A >, A >
struct  Sum< ProductStruct< Numerical< n >, A >, ProductStruct< Numerical< m >, A > >
struct  Sum< ProductStruct< Numerical< n >, A >, ProductStruct< Numerical< n >, A > >
struct  Sum< ProductStruct< Numerical< n >, PowerStruct< SinStruct< A >, Numerical< 2 > > >, ProductStruct< Numerical< m >, PowerStruct< CosStruct< A >, Numerical< 2 > > > >
struct  Sum< SumStruct< A, B >, C >
struct  Sum< SumStruct< A, B >, Numerical< 0 > >
struct  Sum< SumStruct< A, B >, ProductStruct< C, D > >
struct  Sum< SumStruct< A, B >, SumStruct< C, D > >
struct  SumStruct
struct  Tan
struct  Tan< MinusStruct< A > >
struct  TanStruct
class  TrapezoidIntegrator
struct  UndefinedIntegral
struct  X
struct  Y
struct  Z
class  ZLineShape


typedef A arg
typedef Polynomial< 0 > Constant
typedef DecomposeProduct< arg,
typename Div::arg > 
typedef Divides< arg, void > D0
typedef Divides< A, CD1
typedef Divides< B, CD2
typedef DecomposePower< A, NUM(n)> Dec
typedef ::boost::mpl::if_< D1,
D1, typename::boost::mpl::if_
< D2, D2, D0 >::type >::type 
typedef arg type


template<typename T >
Abs< T >::type abs (const T &t)
static type combine (const A &_1, const B &_2)
template<typename A , typename B >
funct::Composition< A, B >::type compose (const A &a, const B &b)
template<typename A , typename B , typename Integrator >
funct::Convolution< A, B,
Integrator >::type 
conv (const A &a, const B &b, double min, double max, const Integrator &i)
template<typename T >
Cos< T >::type cos (const T &t)
typedef DERIV (X, A) A1
template<typename X , typename A >
Derivative< X, A >::type derivative (const A &_)
typedef DIFF (PROD(A, B1), PRIMIT(X, PROD(A1, B1))) type
typedef DIFF (PROD(A, B1), AB1) type
template<typename T >
Exp< T >::type exp (const T &t)
template<int n, int m>
const Fraction< n, m >::typefract ()
 GET (arg, _)
 GET (arg, pow(Dec::getBase(_), num< p >()))
 GET (arg, Div::get(_._))
 GET (arg, Div::get(D::get(_)))
static type get (const PROD_S(A, B)&_)
static type get (const PROD_S(B, A)&_)
 GET (PROD_S(A, B), _._1 *primitive< X >(_._2))
 GET (PROD_S(A, B), _._2 *primitive< X >(_._1))
 GET (PROD_S(A, B), _ *X())
static type get (const RATIO_S(A, B)&_)
static type get (const RATIO_S(B, A)&_)
 GET (RATIO_S(A, B), _._1 *primitive< X >(num< 1 >/_._2))
 GET (RATIO_S(A, B), primitive< X >(_._1)/_._2)
 GET (RATIO_S(A, B), _ *X())
template<typename X , typename F >
Integral< F, X >::type integral (const F &f)
template<typename X , typename F , typename Integrator >
Integral< F, X >::type integral (const F &f, const Integrator &integrator)
template<typename X , typename F >
double integral (const F &f, double min, double max)
template<typename X , typename F , typename Integrator >
double integral (const F &f, double min, double max, const Integrator &integrator)
template<typename F , typename Integrator >
Integral< F >::type integral_f (const F &f, const Integrator &integrator)
template<typename F >
Integral< F >::type integral_f (const F &f)
template<typename F >
double integral_f (const F &f, double min, double max)
template<typename F , typename Integrator >
double integral_f (const F &f, double min, double max, const Integrator &integrator)
template<typename T >
Log< T >::type log (const T &t)
template<typename F >
Master< Fmaster (const F &f)
typedef MINUS_S (A) arg
template<unsigned n, typename X , typename F >
NthDerivative< n, X, F >::type nth_derivative (const F &f)
template<int n>
const Numerical< n > & num ()
 NUM (n))
 NUM (m)>
template<typename A , typename B >
Product< A, B >::type operator* (const A &a, const B &b)
template<typename A , typename B >
Sum< A, B >::type operator+ (const A &a, const B &b)
template<typename A , typename B >
Difference< A, B >::type operator- (const A &a, const B &b)
template<typename A >
Minus< A >::type operator- (const A &a)
template<typename A , typename B >
Ratio< A, B >::type operator/ (const A &a, const B &b)
template<int n>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const Numerical< n > &)
template<int n, int m>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::FractionStruct< n, m > &)
template<int n, int m>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::MinusStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m > > &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::Parameter &p)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::SqrtStruct< T > &f)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::ExpStruct< T > &f)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::LogStruct< T > &f)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const Expression &e)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::SinStruct< T > &f)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::CosStruct< T > &f)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::TanStruct< T > &f)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::SgnStruct< T > &f)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::AbsStruct< T > &f)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::DefaultVariable &)
template<typename X1 , typename X2 , typename X3 >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const Function< X1, X2, X3 > &f)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::X &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::Y &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::Z &)
template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::SumStruct< A, B > &f)
template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::ProductStruct< A, B > &f)
template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< A, B > &f)
template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< A, B > &f)
template<typename A >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::MinusStruct< A > &f)
template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::SumStruct< A, funct::MinusStruct< B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::SumStruct< funct::MinusStruct< A >, funct::MinusStruct< B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::SumStruct< funct::MinusStruct< A >, B > &f)
template<typename A , int n>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::SumStruct< A, funct::Numerical< n > > &f)
template<typename A , int n>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::SumStruct< funct::MinusStruct< A >, funct::Numerical< n > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::ProductStruct< C, funct::SumStruct< A, B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::ProductStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, funct::SumStruct< C, D > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::ProductStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, C > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::ProductStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, C > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::ProductStruct< C, funct::RatioStruct< A, B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::ProductStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, funct::RatioStruct< C, D > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, C > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< C, funct::SumStruct< A, B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, funct::SumStruct< C, D > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< C, funct::ProductStruct< A, B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< funct::ProductStruct< A, B >, C > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< funct::ProductStruct< A, B >, funct::ProductStruct< C, D > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, C > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< C, funct::RatioStruct< A, B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, funct::RatioStruct< C, D > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< C, funct::SumStruct< A, B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, C > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, funct::SumStruct< C, D > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< C, funct::ProductStruct< A, B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< funct::ProductStruct< A, B >, funct::ProductStruct< C, D > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< funct::ProductStruct< A, B >, C > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, C > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< C, funct::RatioStruct< A, B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, funct::RatioStruct< C, D > > &f)
template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< A, funct::FractionStruct< n, m > > &f)
template<int n, int m, int k, int l>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m >, funct::FractionStruct< k, l > > &f)
template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< funct::MinusStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m > >, A > &f)
template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< A, funct::MinusStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m > > > &f)
template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::RatioStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m >, A > &f)
template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m >, A > &f)
template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< A, funct::FractionStruct< n, m > > &f)
template<int n, int m, int k, int l>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m >, funct::FractionStruct< k, l > > &f)
template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< A, funct::MinusStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m > > > &f)
template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::PowerStruct< funct::MinusStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m > >, A > &f)
template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &cout, const funct::MinusStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B > > &f)
template<typename A , typename B >
Power< A, B >::type operator^ (const A &a, const B &b)
template<typename A , typename B >
Power< A, B >::type pow (const A &a, const B &b)
typedef POWER (A, NUM(n)) arg
typedef POWER (A, NUM(p)) type
 POWER_S (A, NUM(n))>
 POWER_S (A, NUM(m))>
typedef PRIMIT (X, PROD(A1, B1)) AB1
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPXT2, POWER_S(A, B), UndefinedIntegral, type())
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPX, X, RATIO(POWER(X, NUM(2)), NUM(2)), pow(_, num< 2 >())/num< 2 >())
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPXN1, POWER_S(X, NUM(n)), RATIO(POWER(X, NUM(n+1)), NUM(n+1)), pow(_._1, num< n+1 >())/num< n+1 >())
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPXN1, RATIO_S(NUM(1), POWER_S(X, NUM(n))), RATIO(NUM(-1), PROD(NUM(n-1), POWER(X, NUM(n-1)))), num<-1 >()/(num< n-1 >()*pow(_._2._1, num< n-1 >())))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPXN1, POWER_S(RATIO_S(NUM(1), X), NUM(n)), RATIO(NUM(-1), PROD(NUM(n-1), POWER(X, NUM(n-1)))), num<-1 >()/(num< n-1 >()*pow(_._1._2, num< n-1 >())))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPXN2, POWER_S(X, FRACT_S(n, m)), PROD(FRACT(m, n+m), POWER(X, FRACT(n+m, m))),(fract< m, n+m >()*pow(_._1, fract< n+m, m >())))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPX, SQRT_S(X), PRIMIT(X, POWER_S(X, FRACT_S(1, 2))),(fract< 2, 3 >()*pow(_._, fract< 3, 2 >())))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPX, LOG_S(X), PROD(X, DIFF(LOG(X), NUM(1))), _._ *(_-num< 1 >()))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPX, SGN_S(X), ABS(X), abs(_._))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPX, COS_S(X), SIN(X), sin(_._))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPX, TAN_S(X), MINUS(LOG(ABS(COS(X)))),-log(abs(cos(_._))))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPX, RATIO_S(NUM(1), X), LOG(ABS(X)), log(abs(_._2)))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPX, POWER_S(X, NUM(-1)), LOG(ABS(X)), log(abs(_._1)))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPX, RATIO_S(NUM(1), POWER_S(COS_S(X), NUM(2))), TAN(X), tan(_._2._1._))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPX, RATIO_S(NUM(1), POWER_S(SIN_S(X), NUM(2))), RATIO(NUM(-1), TAN(X)), num<-1 >()/tan(_._2._1._))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPXT2, SUM_S(A, B), SUM(PRIMIT(X, A), PRIMIT(X, B)), primitive< X >(_._1)+primitive< X >(_._2))
 PRIMIT_RULE (TYPXT1, MINUS_S(A), MINUS(PRIMIT(X, A)),-primitive< X >(_._))
template<typename X , typename F >
Primitive< F, X >::type primitive (const F &f)
template<typename F >
Primitive< F >::type primitive (const F &f)
typedef PROD (F, SUM(RATIO(A, F), RATIO(B, F))) type
 PROD_S (A, B)>
 PROD_S (B, C)>
 PROD_S (C, D)>
template<typename T >
Sgn< T >::type sgn (const T &t)
template<typename T >
Sin< T >::type sin (const T &t)
template<typename F >
Slave< Fslave (const Master< F > &m)
template<typename F >
Square< F >::type sqr (const F &f)
template<typename T >
Sqrt< T >::type sqrt (const T &t)
template<typename T >
Tan< T >::type tan (const T &t)
 TEMPL (T1) struct Divides0
 TEMPL (T2) struct Divides
 TEMPL (N1T1) struct Divides< POWER_S(A
 TEMPL (N2T1) struct ParametricDivN<n
 TEMPL (N2) struct Divides< NUM(n)
 TEMPL (N1) struct Divides< NUM(n)
 TEMPL (T3) struct Divides< PROD_S(A
 TEMPL (T4) struct Divides< PROD_S(A
 TEMPL (XT2) struct PartIntegral<X
 TEMPL (N1T2) struct Sum< PROD_S(A
template<typename F >
double trapezoid_integral (const F &f, double min, double max, unsigned int samples)


void __pad0__
A __pad1__
A __pad2__
C __pad3__
C __pad4__
 A { }
 B { }
const double oneOverSqrtTwoPi = 1/sqrt(2*M_PI)
static const int p
const double twoOverPi = 2./M_PI
static const bool value = Div::value

Typedef Documentation

typedef A funct::arg

Definition at line 36 of file Factorize.h.

Definition at line 6 of file Constant.h.

typedef DecomposeProduct<arg, typename Div::arg> funct::D

Definition at line 150 of file Factorize.h.

typedef Divides<arg, void> funct::D0

Definition at line 143 of file Factorize.h.

typedef Divides<A, C> funct::D1

Definition at line 144 of file Factorize.h.

typedef Divides<B, C> funct::D2

Definition at line 145 of file Factorize.h.

Definition at line 60 of file Factorize.h.

typedef ::boost::mpl::if_<D1, D1, typename ::boost::mpl::if_ <D2, D2, D0>::type>::type funct::Div

Definition at line 147 of file Factorize.h.

typedef Div::type funct::type

Definition at line 37 of file Factorize.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
Abs<T>::type funct::abs ( const T t)

Definition at line 22 of file Abs.h.

References funct::Abs< T >::compose().

Referenced by EgammaIsoHcalDetIdCollectionProducer::addDetIds(), reco::PFRecHit::addNeighbour(), CSCHitFromWireOnly::addToCluster(), PatBJetTagAnalyzer::analyze(), AnalysisTasksAnalyzerBTag::analyze(), AcceptanceHistoProducer::analyze(), TauDecay_GenParticle::Analyze(), SUSY_HLT_PhotonMET::analyze(), IsolatedParticlesGeneratedJets::analyze(), TauDecay_CMSSW::Analyze(), BPhysicsSpectrum::analyze(), BPhysicsValidation::analyze(), edm::FlatEGunASCIIWriter::analyze(), DTDigiReader::analyze(), TauDecay_GenParticle::AnalyzeTau(), TauDecay_CMSSW::AnalyzeTau(), SignedTransverseImpactParameter::apply(), approx_erf(), MaxAbsEtaCut::asCandidate(), EtaMultiRangeCut::asCandidate(), MinPtCutInEtaRanges::asCandidate(), StGenEvent::associatedB(), OuterHitPhiPrediction::asym(), badGlobalMuonTaggerFWLite.BadGlobalMuonTagger::badMuons(), GeomDetLess::barrelForwardLess(), TrackingRecHitLessFromGlobalPosition::barrelForwardLess(), MCatNLOSource::beginRun(), genutils::bosonToX(), TECPetalBuilder::build(), TECWedgeBuilder::build(), TIDRingBuilder::build(), TECLayerBuilder::build(), TtFullHadHypGenMatch::buildHypo(), TtSemiLepHypGenMatch::buildHypo(), Basic2DGenericTopoClusterizer::buildTopoCluster(), FWPSimHitProxyBuilder::buildViewType(), reco::FlavorHistoryEvent::cache(), barrelUtil::calculatePhiWindow(), tkDetUtil::calculatePhiWindow(), MeasurementDiffEntry::calculateSimulatedValue(), PhotonEnergyCalibratorRun2::calibrate(), ElectronEnergyCalibratorRun2::calibrate(), PFCandidateStripMerger::candidateMatches(), FTSFromSimHitFactory::charge(), CoreSimTrack::charge(), PrimaryVertexAssignment::chargedHadronVertex(), siStripClusterTools::chargePerCM(), ResonanceDecayFilterHook::checkVetoResonanceDecays(), L1TMuon::DTBunchCrossingCleaner::clean(), GapClusterizerInZ::clusterize(), ForwardDetLayer::compatible(), BarrelDetLayer::compatible(), PixelRod::compatibleDetsV(), FastHelix::compute(), magfieldparam::BCycl< float >::compute(), DTTrigGeomUtils::computeSCCoordinates(), vertexTools::computeSharedTracks(), sim::LocalFieldManager::ConfigureForTrack(), PrimitiveConverterRPC::convert(), HiggsValidation::MonitoredDecays::convert(), ThirdHitCorrection::correctRZRange(), DDHGCalNoTaperEndcap::createQuarter(), MCParticleReplacer_cfi::customise(), BdecayFilter::cuts(), StGenEvent::decayB(), npstat::Private::AbsHelper< T, Unsigned >::delta(), HLTHemiDPhiFilter::deltaPhi(), reco::deltaR2(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationByCharge::discriminate(), ElectronTagger::discriminator(), EBDetId::distanceEta(), EBDetId::distancePhi(), RPCEfficiencyPerRingLayer::dqmEndJob(), DTTracoCand::DTTracoCand(), Tau.Tau::dxy(), DYGenFilter::DYGenFilter(), PFPhotonClusters::E5x5Element(), EtaPhiMeasurementEstimator::estimate(), ForwardMeasurementEstimator::estimate(), BarrelMeasurementEstimator::estimate(), DDHCalTestBeamAlgo::execute(), DDHCalXtalAlgo::execute(), PixelRecoUtilities::FieldAt0::FieldAt0(), BPhysicsValidation::ParticleMonitor::Fill(), BPhysicsValidation::FillDaughters(), MatrixFillMap::fillEBMap(), TopInitSubset::fillOutput(), BadGlobalMuonTagger::filter(), ComphepSingletopFilter::filter(), HeavyQuarkFromMPIFilterAlgo::filter(), PythiaFilterMultiMother::filter(), BCToEFilterAlgo::filter(), ChargedHadronTrackResolutionFilter::filter(), PythiaFilterZgamma::filter(), TotalKinematicsFilter::filter(), PythiaFilterZJet::filter(), PythiaFilterZJetWithOutBg::filter(), LHEDYdecayFilter::filter(), TauHadronDecayFilter::filter(), MCMultiParticleFilter::filter(), TwoVBGenFilter::filter(), HighMultiplicityGenFilter::filter(), LQGenFilter::filter(), LHEGenericFilter::filter(), Zto2lFilter::filter(), GenHTFilter::filter(), SelectZmumuevents::filter(), MCDijetResonance::filter(), MCZll::filter(), PythiaFilterHT::filter(), DYGenFilter::filter(), PythiaFilter::filter(), PythiaHLTSoupFilter::filter(), ZgMassFilter::filter(), DJpsiFilter::filter(), FourLepFilter::filter(), HZZ4lFilter::filter(), ZgammaMassFilter::filter(), HerwigMaxPtPartonFilter::filter(), SimpleJetFilter::filter(), reco::PFTauDecayMode::filteredObjectCandidates(), spr::findCone(), spr::findDetIdECAL(), spr::findDetIdHCAL(), BdecayFilter::findParticle(), LocalMaximumSeedFinder::findSeeds(), genutils::findStatus1Leptons(), reco::flavour(), TauDecayModes.TauDecayModes::genDecayMode(), JetMCTagUtils::genTauDecayMode(), StripCPE::getAlgoParam(), HFRecalibration::getCorr(), GsfElectronCoreBaseProducer::getCtfTrackRef(), EffectiveAreas::getEffectiveArea(), HcalTB02HcalNumberingScheme::getetaID(), HBHENegativeEFilter::getEtaIndex(), HcalDeterministicFit::getLandauFrac(), HcalTB02HcalNumberingScheme::getlayerID(), L1RPCConeBuilder::TCompressedCon::getLogStrip(), reco::PFRecHit::getNeighbour(), BdecayFilter::getNextBs(), ClusterNoiseFP420::ElectrodData::getNoise(), HcalTB02HcalNumberingScheme::getphiID(), HBHELinearMap::getSubdetector(), RPCTechnicalTrigger::TTUResults::getTriggerForWheel(), JetCharge::getWeight(), GlobalTrajectoryParameters::GlobalTrajectoryParameters(), spr::goodTrack(), LA_Filler_Fitter::granularity(), TkPixelMeasurementDet::hasBadComponents(), CandMCTagUtils::hasBottom(), CandMCTagUtils::hasCharm(), HBHETimeProfileStatusBitSetter::hbheSetTimeFlagsFromDigi(), HcalCalibDetId::HcalCalibDetId(), HelixBarrelCylinderCrossing::HelixBarrelCylinderCrossing(), HelixBarrelPlaneCrossing2OrderLocal::HelixBarrelPlaneCrossing2OrderLocal(), FastHelix::helixStateAtVertex(), HcalHFStatusBitFromRecHits::hfSetFlagFromRecHits(), CosmicHitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair::hitPairs(), CosmicHitTripletGeneratorFromLayerTriplet::hitTriplets(), HLTCSCOverlapFilter::hltFilter(), HLTRapGapFilter::hltFilter(), HLTPhi2METFilter::hltFilter(), HLTJetPairDzMatchFilter< T >::hltFilter(), HLT2jetGapFilter::hltFilter(), HLTJetCollectionsFilter< jetType >::hltFilter(), HLTPFTauPairLeadTrackDzMatchFilter::hltFilter(), HLTHcalTowerFilter::hltFilter(), HLTDiJetAveEtaFilter< T >::hltFilter(), HLTDiJetAveFilter< T >::hltFilter(), HLTJetEtaTopologyFilter< T >::hltFilter(), HLTJetVBFFilter< T >::hltFilter(), HLTMonoJetFilter< T >::hltFilter(), HLTFatJetMassFilter< jetType >::hltFilter(), HLTExclDiJetFilter< T >::hltFilter(), HLTSinglet< T >::hltFilter(), HLTAcoFilter::hltFilter(), HLTGlobalSums< T >::hltFilter(), HLTMinDPhiMETFilter::hltFilter(), HLTCaloTowerFilter::hltFilter(), HLTVertexFilter::hltFilter(), HOTriggerPrimitiveDigi::HOTriggerPrimitiveDigi(), HT< T >::HT(), MSLayersKeeperX0AtEta::idxBin(), reco::HFValueStruct::indexByIeta(), ThirdHitCorrection::init(), ThirdHitPredictionFromInvParabola::init(), ResonanceDecayFilterHook::initAfterBeams(), PixelRecoLineRZ::initCot(), CaloCellGeometry::initSpan(), RectangularPlaneBounds::inout(), EcalEtaPhiRegion::inRegion(), DiskSectorBounds::inside(), RectangularPlaneBounds::inside(), TrapezoidalPlaneBounds::inside(), GeomDetLess::insideOutLess(), TrackingRecHitLessFromGlobalPosition::insideOutLess(), PhotonDataCertification::invMassZtest(), Lepton.Lepton::ip3D(), EBEECutValues::isBarrel(), BCToEFilterAlgo::isBCBaryon(), BCToEFilterAlgo::isBCMeson(), GeomDetCompatibilityChecker::isCompatible(), reco::isElectron(), TwoVBGenFilter::isElectron(), muon::isGoodMuon(), HiGammaJetSignalDef::IsIsolated(), reco::isLepton(), CandMCTagUtils::isLightParton(), reco::isMuon(), TwoVBGenFilter::isMuon(), reco::isNeutrino(), TwoVBGenFilter::isNeutrino(), genutils::isNotFromHadronicShower(), genutils::isNotHadronicId(), KineParticleFilter::isOKForMe(), CandMCTagUtils::isParton(), genutils::isPromptLepton(), TwoVBGenFilter::isQuark(), reco::isTau(), TwoVBGenFilter::isTau(), CmsTrackerDetIdBuilder::iterate(), JacobianCurvilinearToLocal::JacobianCurvilinearToLocal(), KinematicPerigeeConversions::kinematicParametersFromExPerigee(), L1MuBMTrackSegLoc::L1MuBMTrackSegLoc(), L1MuDTTrackSegLoc::L1MuDTTrackSegLoc(), npstat::ComplexComparesAbs< std::complex< T > >::less(), FSimEvent::load(), Plane::localZclamped(), L1MuBMSecProcId::locwheel(), L1MuDTSecProcId::locwheel(), geometryDiff::loopover(), l1t::Stage1TauIsolationLUT::lutAddress(), gen.GenHeavyFlavourAnalyzer.GenHeavyFlavourAnalyzer::makeBPartons(), CaloTowerHardcodeGeometryLoader::makeCell(), Multi5x5BremRecoveryClusterAlgo::makeIslandSuperClusters(), DiObject.DiTau::match(), helpers::MCTruthPairSelector< T >::MCTruthPairSelector(), SymmetricLayerFinder::mirrorPartner(), RKCurvilinearDistance< T, N >::momentum(), CylindricalState::momentum(), LocalTrajectoryParameters::momentum(), KinematicPerigeeConversions::momentumFromPerigee(), npstat::ComplexComparesAbs< std::complex< T > >::more(), HcalTrigTowerGeometry::nPhiBins(), reco::RecoTauPiZero::numberOfElectrons(), CaloNavigator< EBDetId >::offsetBy(), l1t::CaloStage2Nav::offsetIEta(), OmtfName::OmtfName(), GsfEleFull5x5SigmaIEtaIEtaCut::operator()(), PhoFull5x5SigmaIEtaIEtaCut::operator()(), PhoFull5x5SigmaIEtaIEtaValueMapCut::operator()(), GsfEleEffAreaPFIsoCut::operator()(), GsfEleSCMaxAbsEtaCut::operator()(), PhoAnyPFIsoWithEACut::operator()(), MuonDzCut::operator()(), GsfEleDxyCut::operator()(), GsfEleDzCut::operator()(), MuonDxyCut::operator()(), GsfEleDeltaBetaIsoCutStandalone::operator()(), GsfEleSigmaIEtaIEtaCut::operator()(), GsfEleCalPFClusterIsoCut::operator()(), GsfEleDEtaInCut::operator()(), GsfEleDEtaInSeedCut::operator()(), GsfEleEInverseMinusPInverseCut::operator()(), GsfEleHadronicOverEMCut::operator()(), GsfEleNormalizedGsfChi2Cut::operator()(), PhoHadronicOverEMCut::operator()(), PhoSingleTowerHadOverEmCut::operator()(), GsfEleDPhiInCut::operator()(), GsfEleEcalDrivenCut::operator()(), GsfEleMissingHitsCut::operator()(), CSCDetIdSameDetLayerComparator::operator()(), PixelTrackFilterByKinematics::operator()(), GsfEleDEtaInLinearCut::operator()(), CordicXilinx::operator()(), RKOne4OrderStep< T, N >::operator()(), GsfEleSCEtaMultiRangeCut::operator()(), PhoSCEtaMultiRangeCut::operator()(), CompareHitPairsY::operator()(), GenJetParticleSelector::operator()(), tautools::RecoTauDistanceFromTruthPlugin::operator()(), ForwardDiskSectorBuilderFromWedges::operator()(), reco::tau::RecoTauChargeCleanerPlugin::operator()(), Adjacent< T1, Comp >::operator()(), helpers::MCTruthPairSelector< T >::operator()(), PdgIdSelector::operator()(), PdgIdExcluder::operator()(), ThirdHitZPrediction::operator()(), TrackingParticleSelector::operator()(), reco::VertexSorting< SecondaryVertex >::operator()(), reco::MCMatchSelector< T1, T2 >::operator()(), reco::VertexFilter::operator()(), reco::V0Filter::operator()(), tautools::RecoTauDecayModeTruthMatchPlugin::operator()(), pat::eventhypothesis::ByPdgId::operator()(), muonisolation::NominalEfficiencyThresholds::locless::operator()(), pat::VertexAssociationSelector::operator()(), PixelBarrelLinkMaker::Order::operator()(), funct::GaussIntegrator::operator()(), PFMEtSignInterfaceBase::operator()(), l1t::CaloCluster::operator<(), hitfit::operator<(), CocoaMaterialElementary::operator==(), OptimalHelixPlaneCrossing::OptimalHelixPlaneCrossing(), L1MuDTSecProcId::ovl(), L1MuBMSecProcId::ovl(), l1t::stage2::JetPacker::pack(), l1t::stage2::EGammaPacker::pack(), l1t::stage2::TauPacker::pack(), logintpack::pack8log(), logintpack::pack8logCeil(), logintpack::pack8logClosed(), HelixForwardPlaneCrossing::pathLength(), HelixArbitraryPlaneCrossing2Order::pathLength(), PdgIdExcluder::PdgIdExcluder(), PdgIdSelector::PdgIdSelector(), MuonErrorMatrix::Pindex(), HelixForwardPlaneCrossing::position(), HiggsValidation::MonitoredDecays::position(), HelixBarrelPlaneCrossing2OrderLocal::positionOnly(), L1MuDTPhiLut::print(), process(), gen.LHEAnalyzer.LHEAnalyzer::process(), gen.HiggsDecayModeAnalyzer.HiggsDecayModeAnalyzer::process(), gen.GenHeavyFlavourAnalyzer.GenHeavyFlavourAnalyzer::process(), ResonanceBuilder.ResonanceBuilder::process(), l1t::Stage2Layer2DemuxTauAlgoFirmwareImp1::processEvent(), l1t::Stage2Layer2DemuxEGAlgoFirmwareImp1::processEvent(), l1t::Stage2Layer2EtSumAlgorithmFirmwareImp1::processEvent(), l1t::Stage2Layer2JetSumAlgorithmFirmwareImp1::processEvent(), OmtfName::processor(), WeakEffectsWeightProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomEThetaGunProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomPtThetaGunProducer::produce(), edm::FileRandomKEThetaGunProducer::produce(), TrackingParticleConversionSelector::produce(), edm::FlatRandomOneOverPtGunProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomPtGunProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomEGunProducer::produce(), GEDGsfElectronFinalizer::produce(), edm::ExpoRandomPtGunProducer::produce(), edm::ExpoRandomPGunProducer::produce(), ISRGammaWeightProducer::produce(), ISRWeightProducer::produce(), L2TauPixelTrackMatch::produce(), PFCandidateMuonUntagger::produce(), reco::modulesNew::MCTruthCompositeMatcher::produce(), HLTMuonL2SelectorForL3IO::produce(), L3MuonCandidateProducerFromMuons::produce(), TauGenJetProducer::produce(), L2TauPixelIsoTagProducer::produce(), HLTPFJetIDProducer::produce(), HLTCaloTowerHtMhtProducer::produce(), HLTMhtProducer::produce(), HLTMETCleanerUsingJetID::produce(), L2MuonCandidateProducer::produce(), HLTHtMhtProducer::produce(), MultShiftMETcorrInputProducer::produce(), HLTCaloJetIDProducer::produce(), PartonSelector::produce(), TextToRaw::produce(), InterestingDetIdFromSuperClusterProducer::produce(), ME0MuonConverter::produce(), ecaldqm::PresampleClient::producePlots(), noPuUtils::promoteAssocToHSAssoc(), PixelRecoLineRZ::rAtZ(), SurveyDataReader::readFile(), MillePedeFileReader::readMillePedeResultFile(), reco::reduceRange(), TrackingRegionsFromBeamSpotAndL2Tau::regions(), value.Value::relerr(), RPCTCGhostBusterSorter::run(), PFSpecificAlgo::run(), ecaldqm::TimingTask::runOnUncalibRecHits(), CustomPDGParser::s_charge(), CustomPDGParser::s_containedQuarksCode(), CustomPDGParser::s_isChargino(), CustomPDGParser::s_isMesonino(), CustomPDGParser::s_isRBaryon(), CustomPDGParser::s_isRGlueball(), CustomPDGParser::s_isRHadron(), CustomPDGParser::s_isRMeson(), CustomPDGParser::s_isSbaryon(), CustomPDGParser::s_issbottomHadron(), CustomPDGParser::s_isSLepton(), CustomPDGParser::s_isstopHadron(), CustomPDGParser::s_spin(), OMTFGhostBuster::select(), BaseHiGenEvtSelector::selectParticle(), PartonHadronDecayGenEvtSelector::selectParticle(), HadronDecayGenEvtSelector::selectParticle(), DTSectCollPhCand::setBitsSectColl(), pat::VertexAssociation::setDistances(), L1Analysis::L1AnalysisCaloTP::SetECAL(), L1Analysis::L1AnalysisCaloTP::SetHCAL(), RPCDigiL1Link::setLink(), Plane::setPosPrec(), EcalGeomPhiSymHelper::setup(), Vispa.Gui.Zoomable.Zoomable::setZoom(), Plane::side(), WeakEffectsWeightProducer::sigma0_qqbarll(), reco::MET::significance(), ME0PreRecoNoSmearModel::simulateSignal(), GEMTrivialModel::simulateSignal(), StGenEvent::singleLepton(), StGenEvent::singleNeutrino(), StGenEvent::singleTop(), StGenEvent::singleW(), Lepton.Lepton::sip3D(), LinearEquation3< T >::solution(), MaterialBudgetHcal::stopAfter(), RPCDigiL1Link::strip(), EcalTools::swissCross(), Cylinder::tangentPlane(), ChargeSignificanceTrajectoryFilter::TBC(), HCALAndHOLinker::testLink(), ECALAndHCALLinker::testLink(), TrackWithVertexSelector::testTrack(), ZMuMuAnalyzer.ZMuMuAnalyzer::testVertex(), TrackWithVertexSelector::testVertices(), ThirdHitPredictionFromInvParabola::ThirdHitPredictionFromInvParabola(), ThirdHitZPrediction::ThirdHitZPrediction(), spr::timeOfFlight(), EBDetId::tower(), HistoryBase::traceGenHistory(), HistoryBase::traceRecoGenHistory(), reco::TrackSelector::trackSelection(), TrapezoidalPlaneBounds::TrapezoidalPlaneBounds(), logintpack::unpack8log(), logintpack::unpack8logClosed(), unsafe_acos(), unsafe_asin(), SaveSimTrack::update(), GflashG4Watcher::update(), CurvilinearTrajectoryParameters::updateP(), LocalTrajectoryParameters::updateP(), edm::RunningAverage::upper(), EcalTrigTowerDetId::validDetId(), EBDetId::validDetId(), EcalScDetId::validDetId(), MaxAbsEtaCut::value(), MuonDxyCut::value(), MuonDzCut::value(), GsfEleEInverseMinusPInverseCut::value(), GsfEleSCMaxAbsEtaCut::value(), GsfEleDEtaInCut::value(), GsfEleEffAreaPFIsoCut::value(), GsfEleDEtaInSeedCut::value(), GsfEleNormalizedGsfChi2Cut::value(), PhoAnyPFIsoWithEACut::value(), GsfEleDxyCut::value(), GsfEleDPhiInCut::value(), GsfEleDzCut::value(), EtaMultiRangeCut::value(), GsfEleDEtaInLinearCut::value(), GsfEleCalPFClusterIsoCut::value(), PhoSCEtaMultiRangeCut::value(), GsfEleSCEtaMultiRangeCut::value(), npstat::Private::AbsHelper< T, Unsigned >::value(), condex::ParametricEfficiencyInEta::value(), AlphaT::value_(), average.Average::variance(), SiPixelCalibConfiguration::vcalIndexForEvent(), SimpleConeBounds::vertex(), heppy::FSRWeightAlgo::weight(), and zMCLeptonDaughters().

22  {
23  return Abs<T>::compose(t);
24  }
funct::Composition< A, B >::type compose(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Composition.h:32
static type funct::combine ( const A &  _1,
const B _2 

Definition at line 186 of file Factorize.h.

Referenced by trajectoryToResiduals().

template<typename A , typename B >
funct::Composition<A, B>::type funct::compose ( const A &  a,
const B b 

Definition at line 32 of file Composition.h.

References funct::Composition< A, B >::compose().

32  {
34  }
static type compose(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Composition.h:28
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename A , typename B , typename Integrator >
funct::Convolution<A, B, Integrator>::type funct::conv ( const A &  a,
const B b,
double  min,
double  max,
const Integrator &  i 

Definition at line 48 of file Convolution.h.

References funct::Convolution< A, B, Integrator >::compose().

48  {
50  }
int i
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
static type compose(const A &a, const B &b, double min, double max, const Integrator &i)
Definition: Convolution.h:42
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename T >
Cos<T>::type funct::cos ( const T t)

Definition at line 22 of file Cos.h.

References funct::Cos< T >::compose().

Referenced by PreshowerHitMaker::addHit(), MuonCSCChamberResidual::addResidual(), fireworks::addStraightLineSegment(), edm::FlatEGunASCIIWriter::analyze(), CSCAlignmentCorrections::applyAlignment(), Thrust::axis(), BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit::BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit(), BremsstrahlungSimulator::brem(), FWPFEcalRecHitRPProxyBuilder::build(), FWMET3DProxyBuilder::build(), FWPFClusterRPZUtils::buildRhoPhiClusterLineSet(), FWPFClusterRPZUtils::buildRhoZClusterLineSet(), TBPositionCalc::CalculateCMSPos(), TwoBodyDecayModel::cartesianSecondaryMomenta(), OuterDetCompatibility::center(), DTRecHitSegmentResidual::compute(), MultipleScatteringSimulator::compute(), PairProductionSimulator::compute(), ForwardDiskSectorBuilderFromWedges::computeBounds(), TwoBodyDecayModel::convertCurvilinearToCartesian(), HFRecoEcalCandidateAlgo::correctEPosition(), ZIterativeAlgorithmWithFit::cosTheta12(), fireworks::createSegment(), CSCSlantedWireGeometry::CSCSlantedWireGeometry(), TwoBodyDecayModel::curvilinearToCartesianJacobian(), DetectorVector(), IdealCastorTrapezoid::dhz(), reco::GhostTrackPrediction::direction(), Decay3Body::doDecay(), SurveyPxbDicer::doDice(), pat::PackedGenParticle::dxy(), pat::PackedGenParticle::dz(), EcalTBMCInfoProducer::EcalTBMCInfoProducer(), CMSCGENnorm::events_n100cos(), DDLinear::execute(), DDAngular::execute(), DDPixBarStackLinearGap::execute(), DDBHMAngular::execute(), DDHCalAngular::execute(), DDPixBarStackLinear::execute(), DDHCalTBZposAlgo::execute(), DDPixBarStackTrigLayerAlgo::execute(), DDHCalTestBeamAlgo::execute(), DDGEMAngular::execute(), DDPixFwdDiskAlgo::execute(), DDTECCoolAlgo::execute(), DDTECOptoHybAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerLinear::execute(), DDTECPhiAltAlgo::execute(), DDTIDRingAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerAngular::execute(), DDTrackerAngularV1::execute(), DDTrackerPhiAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerPhiAltAlgo::execute(), DDHCalFibreBundle::execute(), LA_Filler_Fitter::fill(), DTSurvey::FillWheelInfo(), spr::findDetIdCalo(), spr::findDetIdECAL(), spr::findDetIdHCAL(), SpecialCylindricalMFGrid::fromGridFrame(), fromPtEtaPhiToPxPyPz(), DDAngular::fUnitVector(), FWLegoCandidate::FWLegoCandidate(), FWLegoEvePFCandidate::FWLegoEvePFCandidate(), funct::GaussLegendreIntegrator::GaussLegendreIntegrator(), gen::Pythia6JetGun::generateEvent(), gen::Py8PtGun::generatePartonsAndHadronize(), gen::Py8JetGun::generatePartonsAndHadronize(), gen::Py8EGun::generatePartonsAndHadronize(), heppy::Apc::getApcJetMetMin(), reco::TauMassTagInfo::getInvariantMass(), BetafuncEvtVtxGenerator::GetInvLorentzBoost(), pftools::CaloEllipse::getMajorMinorAxes(), CosmicTrackingRegion::hits_(), PreshowerStrip::initCorners(), IdealCastorTrapezoid::initCorners(), Thrust::initialAxis(), PolyFit2DParametrizedMagneticField::inTeslaUnchecked(), DTSegmentExtendedCand::isCompatible(), IsotropicR3(), jacobianCurvilinearToCartesian(), KinematicPerigeeConversions::kinematicParametersFromExPerigee(), reco::HcalIsolatedTrackCandidate::l1jetp(), DiskSectorBounds::length(), IdealCastorTrapezoid::localCorners(), GroupedTrajCandLess::looperPenalty(), CaloTowerHardcodeGeometryLoader::makeCell(), BremRecoveryClusterAlgo::match(), OuterDetCompatibility::maximalLocalDisplacement(), CylindricalState::momentum(), KinematicPerigeeConversions::momentumFromPerigee(), MuonDT13ChamberResidual::MuonDT13ChamberResidual(), MuonTrackDT13ChamberResidual::MuonTrackDT13ChamberResidual(), OffsetRadialStripTopology::OffsetRadialStripTopology(), CosDphiCalculator::operator()(), funct::CosStruct< T >::operator()(), reco::parser::cos_f::operator()(), BeamSpotAlignmentDerivatives::operator()(), fftjetcms::PtEtaP4Builder::operator()(), fftjetcms::EnergyEtaP4Builder::operator()(), reco::isodeposit::Direction::operator+(), SimG4HcalHitCluster::operator+=(), reco::GhostTrackPrediction::origin(), BSpdfsFcn::PDFGauss_d(), BSpdfsFcn::PDFGauss_d_resolution(), PhysicsVector(), PhysicsVectorRaw(), edm::FlatRandomEThetaGunProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomPtThetaGunProducer::produce(), edm::FileRandomKEThetaGunProducer::produce(), DistortedMETProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomOneOverPtGunProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomEGunProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomPtGunProducer::produce(), edm::ExpoRandomPtGunProducer::produce(), edm::ExpoRandomPGunProducer::produce(), HFRecoEcalCandidateAlgo::produce(), HLTCaloTowerHtMhtProducer::produce(), pf2pat::PFMETAlgo::produce(), HLTMhtProducer::produce(), HLTHtMhtProducer::produce(), Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::projectionMatrix(), tauImpactParameter::TrackTools::propagateToXPosition(), tauImpactParameter::TrackTools::propagateToYPosition(), tauImpactParameter::TrackTools::propagateToZPosition(), trigger::TriggerObject::px(), ESRecHitAnalyticAlgo::reconstruct(), ESRecHitFitAlgo::reconstruct(), L1MuonRegionProducer::regions(), FWConversionProxyBuilder::requestCommon(), VZeroFinder::rotate(), LocalError::rotate(), geometryDiff::rotFromEuler(), geometryDiff::rotFromPhi(), hitfit::rottheta(), CSCStripHitSim::simulate(), pat::LeptonJetIsolationAngle::spaceAngle(), l1t::Stage1Layer2FlowAlgorithm::Stage1Layer2FlowAlgorithm(), spr::timeOfFlight(), SpecialCylindricalMFGrid::toGridFrame(), reco::trackingParametersAtClosestApproachToBeamSpot(), DTTrigGeomUtils::trigPos(), InvariantMassFromVertex::uncertainty(), GflashG4Watcher::update(), CylinderFromSectorMFGrid::valueInTesla(), DDI::Sphere::volume(), DDI::Polyhedra::volume(), heppy::FSRWeightAlgo::weight(), Geom::Polar2Cartesian< T >::x(), Geom::Cylindrical2Cartesian< T >::x(), Geom::Spherical2Cartesian< T >::x(), and Geom::Spherical2Cartesian< T >::z().

22 { return Cos<T>::compose(t); }
funct::Composition< A, B >::type compose(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Composition.h:32
typedef funct::DERIV ( X  ,
template<typename X , typename A >
Derivative< X , A >::type funct::derivative ( const A &  _)

Definition at line 18 of file Derivative.h.

References funct::Derivative< X, A >::get().

18  {
19  return Derivative<X, A>::get(_);
20  }
T get(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:55
typedef funct::DIFF ( PROD(A, B1)  ,
PRIMIT(X, PROD(A1, B1))   
typedef funct::DIFF ( PROD(A, B1)  ,
template<typename T >
Exp<T>::type funct::exp ( const T t)

Definition at line 22 of file Exp.h.

References funct::Exp< T >::compose().

Referenced by funct::Gaussian::operator()().

22 { return Exp<T>::compose(t); }
funct::Composition< A, B >::type compose(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Composition.h:32
template<int n, int m>
const Fraction<n, m>::type& funct::fract ( )
funct::GET ( arg  ,
funct::GET ( arg  ,
pow(Dec::getBase(_), num< p >())   
funct::GET ( arg  ,
Div::  get_._ 
funct::GET ( arg  ,
Div::  getD::get(_) 
static type funct::get ( const PROD_S(A, B)&  _)

Definition at line 173 of file Primitive.h.

static type funct::get ( const PROD_S(B, A)&  _)

Definition at line 185 of file Primitive.h.

funct::GET ( PROD_S(A, B ,
_._1 *primitive< X _._2 
funct::GET ( PROD_S(A, B ,
_._2 *primitive< X _._1 
funct::GET ( PROD_S(A, B ,
_ *  X() 
static type funct::get ( const RATIO_S(A, B)&  _)

Definition at line 238 of file Primitive.h.

static type funct::get ( const RATIO_S(B, A)&  _)

Definition at line 250 of file Primitive.h.

funct::GET ( RATIO_S(A, B ,
_._1 *primitive< X num< 1 >/_._2 
funct::GET ( RATIO_S(A, B ,
primitive< X >(_._1)/_.  _2 
funct::GET ( RATIO_S(A, B ,
_ *  X() 
template<typename X , typename F >
Integral<F, X>::type funct::integral ( const F f)

Definition at line 69 of file Integral.h.

Referenced by HcalPulseContainmentAlgo::calcpair(), RecoFCcorFactorAlgo< S >::calcpair(), and DQMScaleToClient::dqmEndJob().

69  {
70  return typename Integral<F, X>::type(f);
71  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
double f[11][100]
template<typename X , typename F , typename Integrator >
Integral<F, X>::type funct::integral ( const F f,
const Integrator &  integrator 

Definition at line 74 of file Integral.h.

74  {
75  return typename Integral<F, X>::type(f, integrator);
76  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
double f[11][100]
template<typename X , typename F >
double funct::integral ( const F f,
double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 84 of file Integral.h.

References f.

84  {
85  return integral<X>(f)(min, max);
86  }
double f[11][100]
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
template<typename X , typename F , typename Integrator >
double funct::integral ( const F f,
double  min,
double  max,
const Integrator &  integrator 

Definition at line 89 of file Integral.h.

References f.

89  {
90  return integral<X>(f, integrator)(min, max);
91  }
double f[11][100]
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
template<typename F , typename Integrator >
Integral<F>::type funct::integral_f ( const F f,
const Integrator &  integrator 

Definition at line 79 of file Integral.h.

Referenced by integral_f(), funct::DefIntegral< F, MIN, MAX, Integrator, no_var >::operator()(), and funct::DefIntegral< F, MIN, MAX, no_var, no_var >::operator()().

79  {
80  return typename Integral<F>::type(f, integrator);
81  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
double f[11][100]
template<typename F >
Integral<F>::type funct::integral_f ( const F f)

Definition at line 94 of file Integral.h.

94  {
95  return typename Integral<F>::type(f);
96  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
double f[11][100]
template<typename F >
double funct::integral_f ( const F f,
double  min,
double  max 

Definition at line 99 of file Integral.h.

References integral_f(), bookConverter::max, and min().

99  {
100  return integral_f(f)(min, max);
101  }
Integral< F >::type integral_f(const F &f, const Integrator &integrator)
Definition: Integral.h:79
double f[11][100]
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
template<typename F , typename Integrator >
double funct::integral_f ( const F f,
double  min,
double  max,
const Integrator &  integrator 

Definition at line 104 of file Integral.h.

References integral_f(), bookConverter::max, and min().

104  {
105  return integral_f(f, integrator)(min, max);
106  }
Integral< F >::type integral_f(const F &f, const Integrator &integrator)
Definition: Integral.h:79
double f[11][100]
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58
template<typename T >
Log<T>::type funct::log ( const T t)

Definition at line 22 of file Log.h.

References funct::Log< T >::compose().

22 { return Log<T>::compose(t); }
funct::Composition< A, B >::type compose(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Composition.h:32
template<typename F >
Master<F> funct::master ( const F f)

Definition at line 68 of file FunctClone.h.

References f.

68 { return Master<F>(f); }
double f[11][100]
funct::MINUS_S ( B  )

Definition at line 99 of file Factorize.h.

funct::MINUS_S ( )

Definition at line 102 of file Factorize.h.

typedef funct::MINUS_S ( )
funct::MINUS_S ( PROD_S(B, C)  )

Definition at line 201 of file Factorize.h.

funct::MINUS_S ( PROD_S(C, D)  )

Definition at line 208 of file Factorize.h.

template<unsigned n, typename X , typename F >
NthDerivative<n, X, F>::type funct::nth_derivative ( const F f)

Definition at line 26 of file NthDerivative.h.

References funct::NthDerivative< n, X, F >::get().

double f[11][100]
T get(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:55
template<int n>
const Numerical<n>& funct::num ( )

Definition at line 16 of file Numerical.h.

References EnergyCorrector::c.

17  { static Numerical<n> c; return c; }
funct::NUM ( )

Definition at line 92 of file Factorize.h.

funct::NUM ( )

Definition at line 84 of file Factorize.h.

template<typename A , typename B >
Product<A, B>::type funct::operator* ( const A &  a,
const B b 

Definition at line 34 of file Product.h.

References funct::Product< A, B >::combine().

34  {
35  return Product<A, B>::combine(a, b);
36  }
static type combine(const A &_1, const B &_2)
Definition: Factorize.h:186
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename A , typename B >
Sum<A, B>::type funct::operator+ ( const A &  a,
const B b 

Definition at line 33 of file Sum.h.

References funct::Sum< A, B >::combine().

33  {
34  return Sum<A, B>::combine(a, b);
35  }
static type combine(const A &_1, const B &_2)
Definition: Factorize.h:186
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename A , typename B >
Difference<A, B>::type funct::operator- ( const A &  a,
const B b 

Definition at line 15 of file Difference.h.

References funct::Difference< A, B >::combine().

15  {
16  return Difference<A, B>::combine(a, b);
17  }
static type combine(const A &_1, const B &_2)
Definition: Factorize.h:186
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename A >
Minus<A>::type funct::operator- ( const A &  a)

Definition at line 34 of file Minus.h.

References funct::Minus< A >::operate().

34  {
35  return Minus<A>::operate(a);
36  }
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename A , typename B >
Ratio<A, B>::type funct::operator/ ( const A &  a,
const B b 

Definition at line 34 of file Ratio.h.

References funct::Ratio< A, B >::combine().

34  {
35  return Ratio<A, B>::combine(a, b);
36  }
static type combine(const A &_1, const B &_2)
Definition: Factorize.h:186
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<int n>
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const Numerical< n > &   

Definition at line 13 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m>
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::FractionStruct< n, m > &   

Definition at line 18 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m>
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::MinusStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m > > &   

Definition at line 23 of file FunctionsIO.h.

std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::Parameter p 

Definition at line 27 of file Parameter.h.

References funct::Parameter::name(), and funct::Parameter::value().

27  {
28  return cout << <<" = " << p.value();
29  }
const std::string & name() const
Definition: Parameter.h:13
tuple cout
double value() const
Definition: Parameter.h:14
template<typename T >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::SqrtStruct< T > &  f 

Definition at line 36 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename T >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::ExpStruct< T > &  f 

Definition at line 37 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename T >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::LogStruct< T > &  f 

Definition at line 38 of file FunctionsIO.h.

std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const Expression &  e 

Definition at line 39 of file Expression.h.

References gather_cfg::cout, and funct::Expression::print().

39  {
40  e.print(cout); return cout;
41  }
tuple cout
template<typename T >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::SinStruct< T > &  f 

Definition at line 39 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename T >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::CosStruct< T > &  f 

Definition at line 40 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename T >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::TanStruct< T > &  f 

Definition at line 41 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename T >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::SgnStruct< T > &  f 

Definition at line 42 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename T >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::AbsStruct< T > &  f 

Definition at line 43 of file FunctionsIO.h.

std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::DefaultVariable  

Definition at line 49 of file Variables.h.

template<typename X1 , typename X2 , typename X3 >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const Function< X1, X2, X3 > &  f 

Definition at line 49 of file Function.h.

References gather_cfg::cout, and f.

49  {
50  return f.print(cout);
51  }
double f[11][100]
tuple cout
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::X  

Definition at line 50 of file Variables.h.

std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::Y  

Definition at line 51 of file Variables.h.

std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::Z  

Definition at line 52 of file Variables.h.

template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::SumStruct< A, B > &  f 

Definition at line 61 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::ProductStruct< A, B > &  f 

Definition at line 62 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< A, B > &  f 

Definition at line 63 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< A, B > &  f 

Definition at line 64 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::MinusStruct< A > &  f 

Definition at line 65 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::SumStruct< A, funct::MinusStruct< B > > &  f 

Definition at line 71 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::SumStruct< funct::MinusStruct< A >, funct::MinusStruct< B > > &  f 

Definition at line 77 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::SumStruct< funct::MinusStruct< A >, B > &  f 

Definition at line 83 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , int n>
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::SumStruct< A, funct::Numerical< n > > &  f 

Definition at line 89 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , int n>
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::SumStruct< funct::MinusStruct< A >, funct::Numerical< n > > &  f 

Definition at line 95 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::ProductStruct< C, funct::SumStruct< A, B > > &  f 

Definition at line 162 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::ProductStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, funct::SumStruct< C, D > > &  f 

Definition at line 162 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::ProductStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, C > &  f 

Definition at line 162 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::ProductStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, C > &  f 

Definition at line 163 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::ProductStruct< C, funct::RatioStruct< A, B > > &  f 

Definition at line 163 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::ProductStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, funct::RatioStruct< C, D > > &  f 

Definition at line 163 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, C > &  f 

Definition at line 164 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< C, funct::SumStruct< A, B > > &  f 

Definition at line 164 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, funct::SumStruct< C, D > > &  f 

Definition at line 164 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< C, funct::ProductStruct< A, B > > &  f 

Definition at line 165 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< funct::ProductStruct< A, B >, C > &  f 

Definition at line 165 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< funct::ProductStruct< A, B >, funct::ProductStruct< C, D > > &  f 

Definition at line 165 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, C > &  f 

Definition at line 166 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< C, funct::RatioStruct< A, B > > &  f 

Definition at line 166 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, funct::RatioStruct< C, D > > &  f 

Definition at line 166 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< C, funct::SumStruct< A, B > > &  f 

Definition at line 168 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, C > &  f 

Definition at line 168 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B >, funct::SumStruct< C, D > > &  f 

Definition at line 168 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< C, funct::ProductStruct< A, B > > &  f 

Definition at line 169 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< funct::ProductStruct< A, B >, funct::ProductStruct< C, D > > &  f 

Definition at line 169 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< funct::ProductStruct< A, B >, C > &  f 

Definition at line 169 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, C > &  f 

Definition at line 170 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< C, funct::RatioStruct< A, B > > &  f 

Definition at line 170 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< funct::RatioStruct< A, B >, funct::RatioStruct< C, D > > &  f 

Definition at line 170 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< A, funct::FractionStruct< n, m > > &  f 

Definition at line 173 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m, int k, int l>
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m >, funct::FractionStruct< k, l > > &  f 

Definition at line 173 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< funct::MinusStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m > >, A > &  f 

Definition at line 173 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< A, funct::MinusStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m > > > &  f 

Definition at line 173 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::RatioStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m >, A > &  f 

Definition at line 173 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m >, A > &  f 

Definition at line 174 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< A, funct::FractionStruct< n, m > > &  f 

Definition at line 174 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m, int k, int l>
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m >, funct::FractionStruct< k, l > > &  f 

Definition at line 174 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< A, funct::MinusStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m > > > &  f 

Definition at line 174 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<int n, int m, typename A >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::PowerStruct< funct::MinusStruct< funct::FractionStruct< n, m > >, A > &  f 

Definition at line 174 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B >
std::ostream& funct::operator<< ( std::ostream &  cout,
const funct::MinusStruct< funct::SumStruct< A, B > > &  f 

Definition at line 176 of file FunctionsIO.h.

template<typename A , typename B >
Power<A, B>::type funct::operator^ ( const A &  a,
const B b 

Definition at line 35 of file Power.h.

References funct::Power< A, B >::combine().

35  {
36  return Power<A, B>::combine(a, b);
37  }
static type combine(const A &_1, const B &_2)
Definition: Factorize.h:186
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
template<typename A , typename B >
Power<A, B>::type funct::pow ( const A &  a,
const B b 

Definition at line 40 of file Power.h.

References funct::Power< A, B >::combine().

Referenced by MinL3Algorithm::addEvent(), BeamSpotFakeConditions::BeamSpotFakeConditions(), BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit::BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit(), reco::BeamSpot::beamWidthFromBeta(), PtHatReweightUserHook::biasSelectionBy(), RapReweightUserHook::biasSelectionBy(), PtHatRapReweightUserHook::biasSelectionBy(), BinomialProbHelper::BinomialProbHelper(), calCSVariables(), reco::helper::CastorJetIDHelper::calculate(), GsfVertexWeightCalculator::calculate(), pat::CaloIsolationEnergy::calculate(), pat::LeptonVertexSignificance::calculate(), CaloRecHitResolutionProvider::CaloRecHitResolutionProvider(), ThreeThresholdAlgorithm::candidateAccepted(), SymmetryFit::chi2_element(), GsfMultipleScatteringUpdator::compute(), configureIt(), l1t::convertFromHexStringToInt(), Cordic::Cordic(), CordicXilinx::CordicXilinx(), EcalGlobalShowerContainmentCorrectionsVsEta::correction(), EcalShowerContainmentCorrections::correctionXY(), SamplingAnalysis::correctMeasurement(), DTDigiToRaw::createFedBuffers(), crystalball(), Qjets::d_ij(), GenericAverageDeDxEstimator::dedx(), SmirnovDeDxDiscriminator::dedx(), ProductDeDxDiscriminator::dedx(), ASmirnovDeDxDiscriminator::dedx(), VertexDistanceXY::distance(), DTOfflineSummaryClients::dqmEndJob(), DTConfigLUTs::DSPtoIEEE32(), EcalPulseSymmCovariancesXMLTranslator::dumpXML(), EcalPulseCovariance::EcalPulseCovariance(), EcalSampleMask::EcalSampleMask(), reco::InverseCrosstalkMatrix::element(), CordicXilinx::encodeAngle(), trigger::TriggerObject::energy(), GammaNumericalGenerator::ersatzt(), ConversionForwardEstimator::estimate(), fw::estimate_field(), trigger::TriggerObject::et(), ESRecHitAnalyticAlgo::EvalAmplitude(), StripCPE::fillParams(), popcon::EcalPulseSymmCovariancesHandler::fillSimPulseSymmCovariance(), CosmicGenFilterLowE::filter(), ChargedHadronTrackResolutionFilter::filter(), GenLeadTrackFilter::filter(), OMTFResult::finalise(), LASPeakFinder::FindPeakIn(), fitf(), HFShower::gam(), HDShower::gam(), StripCPEgeometric::geometric_position(), popcon::EcalPulseSymmCovariancesHandler::getNewObjects(), pftools::ParticleDeposit::getTargetFunctionContrib(), HcalTB02HcalNumberingScheme::getUnitID(), JetCharge::getWeight(), MuonChamberResidual::hitposition(), HLTVertexFilter::hltFilter(), stats_t< T >::inverse(), HGCUncalibratedRecHit::jitterError(), EcalUncalibratedRecHit::jitterError(), SamplingAnalysis::limit(), l1t::Stage1TauIsolationLUT::lutAddress(), l1t::Stage1TauIsolationLUT::lutPayload(), HDetIdAssociator::nearElement(), StripCPEgeometric::offset_from_firstStrip(), funct::PowerStruct< A, B >::operator double(), funct::PowerStruct< A, B >::operator()(), round_string::operator()(), SmsModeFinder3d::operator()(), RK4PreciseStep::operator()(), SortMuonSegmentMatches::operator()(), CordicXilinx::operator()(), reco::parser::power_of< T >::operator()(), ESShape::operator()(), reco::parser::pow_f::operator()(), FsmwModeFinder3d::operator()(), SaturationFcn::operator()(), HGCRecHit::outOfTimeEnergy(), MultiTrackPointingKinematicConstraint::parametersDerivative(), NAStrangeDensity::ParticleNumberDensity(), PetrukhinFunc(), PFRecHitCaloNavigatorWithTime< EEDetId, EcalEndcapTopology >::PFRecHitCaloNavigatorWithTime(), SymmetryFit::pol2_from_pol3(), MultiTrackPointingKinematicConstraint::positionDerivative(), commonAnTS::prettyPrintUnits(), l1t::Stage2TowerDecompressAlgorithmFirmwareImp1::processEvent(), HIBestVertexProducer::produce(), DistortedMuonProducerFromDB::produce(), SiStripRegFEDSelector::produce(), EcalUncalibRecHitRecAnalFitAlgo< EBDataFrame >::pulseShapeFunction(), reco::EvtPlane::q(), RPCpg::rate(), ParabolaFit::result(), reco::BeamSpot::rotatedCovariance3D(), MuonHitsChamberResidual::segment_fit(), HGCUncalibratedRecHit::setJitterError(), EcalUncalibratedRecHit::setJitterError(), l1t::PhysicsToBitConverter::SetObject(), HGCRecHit::setOutOfTimeEnergy(), MuonTrackDT13ChamberResidual::setSegmentResidual(), MuonTrackCSCChamberResidual::setSegmentResidual(), MuonTrackDT2ChamberResidual::setSegmentResidual(), L1Analysis::L1AnalysisL1UpgradeTfMuon::SetTfMuon(), OMTFinput::shiftMyPhi(), SigmaPt::sigma(), WeakEffectsWeightProducer::sigma0_qqbarll(), sqr(), HGCRecHit::timeError(), MultiTrackPointingKinematicConstraint::value(), heppy::FSRWeightAlgo::weight(), VertexWeighter::weight(), and l1t::L1TCaloStage1LutWriter::writeIsoTauLut().

40  {
41  return Power<A, B>::combine(a, b);
42  }
static type combine(const A &_1, const B &_2)
Definition: Factorize.h:186
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:121
typedef funct::POWER ( ,
typedef funct::POWER ( ,
funct::POWER_S ( ,

Definition at line 48 of file Factorize.h.

funct::POWER_S ( ,

Definition at line 65 of file Factorize.h.

typedef funct::PRIMIT ( X  ,
PROD(A1, B1)   
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPXT2  ,
UndefinedIntegral  ,
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
X  ,
RATIO(POWER(X, NUM(2)), NUM(2))  ,
pow(_, num< 2 >())/num< 2 >()   
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPXN1  ,
POWER_S(X, NUM(n))  ,
RATIO(POWER(X, NUM(n+1)), NUM(n+1))  ,
pow(_._1, num< n+1 >())/num< n+1 >()   
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPXN1  ,
RATIO_S(NUM(1), POWER_S(X, NUM(n)))  ,
RATIO(NUM(-1), PROD(NUM(n-1), POWER(X, NUM(n-1))))  ,
num<-1 >  )/(num< n-1 >()*pow(_._2._1, num< n-1 >()) 
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPXN1  ,
POWER_S(RATIO_S(NUM(1), X), NUM(n))  ,
RATIO(NUM(-1), PROD(NUM(n-1), POWER(X, NUM(n-1))))  ,
num<-1 >  )/(num< n-1 >()*pow(_._1._2, num< n-1 >()) 
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPXN2  ,
POWER_S(X, FRACT_S(n, m))  ,
PROD(FRACT(m, n+m), POWER(X, FRACT(n+m, m)))  ,
(fract< m, n+m >()*pow(_._1, fract< n+m, m >()))   
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
(fract< 2, 3 >()*pow(_._, fract< 3, 2 >()))   
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
PROD(X, DIFF(LOG(X), NUM(1)))  ,
_._ *  _-num< 1 >() 
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
LOG(ABS(X))  ,
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
POWER_S(X, NUM(-1))  ,
LOG(ABS(X))  ,
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPX  ,
RATIO(NUM(-1), TAN(X))  ,
num<-1 >  )/tan(_._2._1._ 
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPXT2  ,
SUM_S(A, B ,
primitive< X _._1)+primitive< X >(_._2 
funct::PRIMIT_RULE ( TYPXT1  ,
-primitive< X _._ 
template<typename X , typename F >
Primitive<F, X>::type funct::primitive ( const F f)

Definition at line 41 of file Primitive.h.

template<typename F >
Primitive<F>::type funct::primitive ( const F f)

Definition at line 46 of file Primitive.h.

typedef funct::PROD ( F  ,
funct::PROD_S ( ,

Definition at line 44 of file Factorize.h.

funct::PROD_S ( B  ,

Definition at line 121 of file Factorize.h.

funct::PROD_S ( ,

Definition at line 154 of file Factorize.h.

template<typename T >
Sgn<T>::type funct::sgn ( const T t)

Definition at line 21 of file Sgn.h.

References funct::Sgn< T >::compose().

21  {
22  return Sgn<T>::compose(t);
23  }
funct::Composition< A, B >::type compose(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Composition.h:32
template<typename T >
Sin<T>::type funct::sin ( const T t)

Definition at line 22 of file Sin.h.

References funct::Sin< T >::compose().

Referenced by EgammaHLTHcalIsolation::acceptHit_(), PreshowerHitMaker::addHit(), MuonCSCChamberResidual::addResidual(), fireworks::addStraightLineSegment(), edm::FlatEGunASCIIWriter::analyze(), CSCAlignmentCorrections::applyAlignment(), Thrust::axis(), BeamHaloPairGenerator::BeamHaloPairGenerator(), BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit::BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit(), BremsstrahlungSimulator::brem(), FWPFEcalRecHitRPProxyBuilder::build(), FWMET3DProxyBuilder::build(), FWPFClusterRPZUtils::buildRhoPhiClusterLineSet(), FWPFClusterRPZUtils::buildRhoZClusterLineSet(), TBPositionCalc::CalculateCMSPos(), TwoBodyDecayModel::cartesianSecondaryMomenta(), OuterDetCompatibility::center(), MultipleScatteringSimulator::compute(), PairProductionSimulator::compute(), ForwardDiskSectorBuilderFromWedges::computeBounds(), TwoBodyDecayModel::convertCurvilinearToCartesian(), HFRecoEcalCandidateAlgo::correctEPosition(), CSCSlantedWireGeometry::CSCSlantedWireGeometry(), TwoBodyDecayModel::curvilinearToCartesianJacobian(), egammaisolation::EgammaHcalExtractor::deposit(), egammaisolation::EgammaEcalExtractor::deposit(), egammaisolation::EgammaTowerExtractor::deposit(), DetectorVector(), reco::GhostTrackPrediction::direction(), Decay3Body::doDecay(), SurveyPxbDicer::doDice(), pat::PackedGenParticle::dxy(), IdealCastorTrapezoid::dy(), pat::PackedGenParticle::dz(), EcalTBMCInfoProducer::EcalTBMCInfoProducer(), DDLinear::execute(), DDAngular::execute(), DDHCalAngular::execute(), DDHCalTBZposAlgo::execute(), DDHCalTestBeamAlgo::execute(), DDHCalXtalAlgo::execute(), DDGEMAngular::execute(), DDPixFwdDiskAlgo::execute(), DDTECOptoHybAlgo::execute(), DDTECCoolAlgo::execute(), DDPixBarStackLinear::execute(), DDPixBarStackLinearGap::execute(), DDTrackerLinear::execute(), DDPixBarStackTrigLayerAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerAngularV1::execute(), DDTECPhiAltAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerPhiAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerPhiAltAlgo::execute(), DDTrackerAngular::execute(), DDTIDRingAlgo::execute(), MuonCaloCleanerByDistance::fillEnergyDepositMap(), DTSurvey::FillWheelInfo(), spr::findDetIdCalo(), spr::findDetIdECAL(), spr::findDetIdHCAL(), SpecialCylindricalMFGrid::fromGridFrame(), fromPtEtaPhiToPxPyPz(), DDAngular::fUnitVector(), FWLegoCandidate::FWLegoCandidate(), FWLegoEvePFCandidate::FWLegoEvePFCandidate(), gen::Pythia6JetGun::generateEvent(), gen::Pythia6PartonPtGun::generateEvent(), gen::Pythia6PtGun::generateEvent(), gen::Py8PtGun::generatePartonsAndHadronize(), gen::Py8JetGun::generatePartonsAndHadronize(), gen::Py8EGun::generatePartonsAndHadronize(), heppy::Apc::getApcJetMetMin(), calib::CalibElectron::getCalibModulesWeights(), track_associator::getChi2(), EgammaEcalIsolation::getEcalEtSum(), MultipleAlgoIterator::getEt(), ReflectedIterator::getEt(), reco::TauMassTagInfo::getInvariantMass(), BetafuncEvtVtxGenerator::GetInvLorentzBoost(), pftools::CaloEllipse::getMajorMinorAxes(), EgammaHLTHcalIsolation::getSum(), HcalTB02HcalNumberingScheme::getUnitID(), CosmicTrackingRegion::hits_(), HLTEgammaGenericQuadraticFilter::hltFilter(), MSLayersKeeperX0Averaged::init(), PreshowerStrip::initCorners(), IdealCastorTrapezoid::initCorners(), Thrust::initialAxis(), DDHCalTestBeamAlgo::initialize(), PolyFit2DParametrizedMagneticField::inTeslaUnchecked(), EgammaHLTEcalIsolation::isolPtSum(), EgammaHLTHcalIsolationDoubleCone::isolPtSum(), IsotropicR3(), jacobianCurvilinearToCartesian(), KinematicPerigeeConversions::kinematicParametersFromExPerigee(), reco::HcalIsolatedTrackCandidate::l1jetp(), OuterDetCompatibility::loc_dist(), IdealCastorTrapezoid::localCorners(), CaloTowerHardcodeGeometryLoader::makeCell(), BremRecoveryClusterAlgo::makeIslandSuperClusters(), Multi5x5BremRecoveryClusterAlgo::makeIslandSuperClusters(), OuterDetCompatibility::maximalLocalDisplacement(), CylindricalState::momentum(), KinematicPerigeeConversions::momentumFromPerigee(), MuonDT13ChamberResidual::MuonDT13ChamberResidual(), MuonTrackDT13ChamberResidual::MuonTrackDT13ChamberResidual(), OffsetRadialStripTopology::OffsetRadialStripTopology(), SuperClusterEt::operator()(), ClusterEtLess::operator()(), funct::SinStruct< T >::operator()(), BeamSpotAlignmentDerivatives::operator()(), fftjetcms::PtEtaP4Builder::operator()(), reco::parser::sin_f::operator()(), fftjetcms::EnergyEtaP4Builder::operator()(), reco::isodeposit::Direction::operator+(), SimG4HcalHitCluster::operator+=(), reco::PreshowerCluster::operator<(), reco::GhostTrackPrediction::origin(), BSpdfsFcn::PDFGauss_d(), BSpdfsFcn::PDFGauss_d_resolution(), PhysicsVector(), PhysicsVectorRaw(), edm::FlatRandomEThetaGunProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomPtThetaGunProducer::produce(), edm::FileRandomKEThetaGunProducer::produce(), ElectronSqPtTkIsolationProducer::produce(), DistortedMETProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomOneOverPtGunProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomPtGunProducer::produce(), edm::FlatRandomEGunProducer::produce(), edm::ExpoRandomPtGunProducer::produce(), edm::ExpoRandomPGunProducer::produce(), HFRecoEcalCandidateAlgo::produce(), HLTCaloTowerHtMhtProducer::produce(), pf2pat::PFMETAlgo::produce(), HLTMhtProducer::produce(), HLTHtMhtProducer::produce(), EgammaIsoESDetIdCollectionProducer::produce(), EgammaIsoHcalDetIdCollectionProducer::produce(), Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::projectionMatrix(), tauImpactParameter::TrackTools::propagateToXPosition(), tauImpactParameter::TrackTools::propagateToYPosition(), tauImpactParameter::TrackTools::propagateToZPosition(), trigger::TriggerObject::py(), L1MuonRegionProducer::regions(), FWConversionProxyBuilder::requestCommon(), VZeroFinder::rotate(), LocalError::rotate(), geometryDiff::rotFromEuler(), geometryDiff::rotFromPhi(), hitfit::rottheta(), BeamHaloPairGenerator::run(), PFSpecificAlgo::run(), scaleToEt(), L1Analysis::L1AnalysisRecoCluster::Set(), TFitParticleEtThetaPhi::setIni4Vec(), TFitParticleEtEtaPhi::setIni4Vec(), CSCStripHitSim::simulate(), pat::LeptonJetIsolationAngle::spaceAngle(), l1t::Stage1Layer2FlowAlgorithm::Stage1Layer2FlowAlgorithm(), spr::timeOfFlight(), SpecialCylindricalMFGrid::toGridFrame(), reco::trackingParametersAtClosestApproachToBeamSpot(), MuonNavigableLayer::trackingRange(), TFitParticleEtThetaPhi::transform(), TFitParticleEtEtaPhi::transform(), InvariantMassFromVertex::uncertainty(), HcalNumberingFromDDD::unitID(), GflashG4Watcher::update(), CylinderFromSectorMFGrid::valueInTesla(), reco::isodeposit::ThresholdVetoFromTransverse::veto(), reco::isodeposit::AbsThresholdVetoFromTransverse::veto(), DDI::Polyhedra::volume(), heppy::FSRWeightAlgo::weight(), DiskSectorBounds::width(), Geom::Polar2Cartesian< T >::y(), Geom::Cylindrical2Cartesian< T >::y(), and Geom::Spherical2Cartesian< T >::y().

22 { return Sin<T>::compose(t); }
funct::Composition< A, B >::type compose(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Composition.h:32
template<typename F >
Slave<F> funct::slave ( const Master< F > &  m)

Definition at line 71 of file FunctClone.h.

References m.

template<typename F >
Square<F>::type funct::sqr ( const F f)
template<typename T >
Sqrt<T>::type funct::sqrt ( const T t)

Definition at line 22 of file Sqrt.h.

References funct::Sqrt< T >::compose().

22  {
23  return Sqrt<T>::compose(t);
24  }
funct::Composition< A, B >::type compose(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Composition.h:32
template<typename T >
Tan<T>::type funct::tan ( const T t)

Definition at line 22 of file Tan.h.

References funct::Tan< T >::compose().

Referenced by FWCSCStripDigiProxyBuilder::build(), FWPFClusterRPZUtils::buildRhoZClusterLineSet(), l1t::calc_eta_from_theta_rad(), calculateEta(), DirectTrackerNavigation::calculateEta(), CalculatePt_FullPrecision(), TwoBodyDecayModel::convertCurvilinearToCartesian(), fireworks::createSegment(), ECALPositionCalculator::ecalEta(), CSCStripTopology::equationOfStrip(), kinem::eta(), Geom::OnePiRange< T >::eta(), DDHCalTBZposAlgo::execute(), DDHGCalWaferAlgo::execute(), LA_Filler_Fitter::fill(), BetafuncEvtVtxGenerator::GetInvLorentzBoost(), HcalTB02HcalNumberingScheme::getUnitID(), KinematicPerigeeConversions::kinematicParametersFromExPerigee(), IdealZDCTrapezoid::localCorners(), OffsetRadialStripTopology::localPosition(), fireworks::makeEveJetCone(), KinematicPerigeeConversions::momentumFromPerigee(), funct::TanStruct< T >::operator double(), funct::TanStruct< T >::operator()(), reco::parser::tan_f::operator()(), SimG4HcalHitCluster::operator+=(), tauImpactParameter::TrackTools::propagateToXPosition(), tauImpactParameter::TrackTools::propagateToYPosition(), tauImpactParameter::TrackTools::propagateToZPosition(), FWConversionProxyBuilder::requestCommon(), RecoTracktoTP::s_eta(), IdealZDCTrapezoid::ta(), kinem::tanl_from_theta(), hitfit::theta_to_eta(), MuonNavigableLayer::trackingRange(), DTTrigGeomUtils::trigPos(), DTTrigGeomUtils::trigToSeg(), InvariantMassFromVertex::uncertainty(), and HcalNumberingFromDDD::unitID().

22  {
23  return Tan<T>::compose(t);
24  }
funct::Composition< A, B >::type compose(const A &a, const B &b)
Definition: Composition.h:32
funct::TEMPL ( T1  )

Definition at line 18 of file Factorize.h.

funct::TEMPL ( T2  )

Definition at line 25 of file Factorize.h.

funct::TEMPL ( N1T1  )
funct::TEMPL ( N2T1  )
funct::TEMPL ( N2  )
funct::TEMPL ( N1  )
funct::TEMPL ( T3  )
funct::TEMPL ( T4  )
funct::TEMPL ( XT2  )
funct::TEMPL ( N1T2  )
template<typename F >
double funct::trapezoid_integral ( const F f,
double  min,
double  max,
unsigned int  samples 

Definition at line 20 of file NumericalIntegration.h.

References delta, f, i, cmsLHEtoEOSManager::l, and min().

Referenced by funct::TrapezoidIntegrator::operator()().

20  {
21  const double l = max - min, delta = l / samples;
22  double sum = 0;
23  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) {
24  sum += f(min + (i + 0.5) * delta);
25  }
26  return sum * delta;
27  }
dbl * delta
int i
double f[11][100]
T min(T a, T b)
Definition: MathUtil.h:58

Variable Documentation

true funct::__pad0__

Definition at line 28 of file Factorize.h.

X funct::__pad1__

Definition at line 42 of file Factorize.h.

true funct::__pad2__

Definition at line 72 of file Factorize.h.

X funct::__pad3__

Definition at line 192 of file Factorize.h.

C funct::__pad4__

Definition at line 198 of file Factorize.h.

X funct::A { }
X funct::B { }

Definition at line 28 of file Factorize.h.

C funct::C
true funct::false
Initial value:
static const bool value = true

Definition at line 34 of file Factorize.h.

const double funct::oneOverSqrtTwoPi = 1/sqrt(2*M_PI)

Definition at line 9 of file Gaussian.h.

Referenced by funct::Gaussian::operator()().

const int funct::p
Initial value:
= ::boost::mpl::if_c<(n <m),
::boost::mpl::int_<n>, ::boost::mpl::int_<m> >::type::value

Definition at line 57 of file Factorize.h.

true funct::true
Initial value:
typedef typename Divides<A, B>::type F
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
static uInt32 F(BLOWFISH_CTX *ctx, uInt32 x)

Definition at line 183 of file Factorize.h.

Referenced by L1CondDBPayloadWriterExt::analyze(), testEcalTPGScale::analyze(), edm::HepMCProduct::applyVtxGen(), edmtest::DQMReferenceHistogramRootFileEventSetupAnalyzer::beginRun(), edmtest::DQMXMLFileEventSetupAnalyzer::beginRun(), edm::HepMCProduct::boostToLab(), FWTableManagerBase::cellDataIsSortable(), ForwardMeasurementEstimator::estimate(), ora::MultiRecordSelectOperation::execute(), TrackerGeometricDetESModule::fillDescriptions(), TrackerDigiGeometryESModule::fillDescriptions(), l1t::DataWriter::fillLastTriggerKeyList(), l1t::DataWriterExt::fillLastTriggerKeyList(), EcalGenEvtSelectorFrag::filter(), FilterScrapingPixelProbability::FilterScrapingPixelProbability(), CaloGeometry::getValidDetIds(), HLTHcalNZSFilter::hltFilter(), CaloCellGeometry::inside(), CaloSamples::isBlank(), NuclearTester::isNuclearInteraction(), CaloHitResponse::keepBlank(), MuonServiceProxy::MuonServiceProxy(), CalibCoeff::operator*=(), SimG4HcalHitCluster::operator<(), CaloHit::operator<(), HcalTTPDigi::operator==(), GsfElectronCoreProducer::produce(), HcalCalibFEDSelector::produce(), reco::ElectronSeed::setCaloCluster(), reco::ElectronSeed::setCtfTrack(), CalibCoeff::setValue(), HLTPerformanceInfo::uniqueModule(), l1t::stage2::emtf::CountersBlockUnpacker::unpack(), l1t::DataWriter::updateIOV(), l1t::DataWriterExt::updateIOV(), CaloGeometryDBWriter::writeFlag(), and SignedTransverseImpactParameter::zImpactParameter().

const double funct::twoOverPi = 2./M_PI

Definition at line 8 of file BreitWigner.h.

Referenced by funct::BreitWigner::operator()().

static const bool funct::value = Div::value

Definition at line 107 of file Factorize.h.