1 = NTupleObjectType(
"gamma", baseObjectTypes = [ particleType ], variables = [
2 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : x.idCutBased, int, help=
"1,2,3 if the gamma passes the loose, medium, tight WP of PhotonCutBasedID"),
3 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : x.hOVERe(), float, help=
"hoverE for photons"),
4 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : x.full5x5_r9(), float, help=
"r9 for photons"),
5 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : x.full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta(), float, help=
"sigmaIetaIeta for photons"),
6 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : x.chargedHadronIso(), float, help=
"chargedHadronIsolation for photons (PAT method, deltaR = 0.4)"),
10 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : x.chargedHadronIso(), float, help=
"chargedHadronIsolation for photons with footprint removal"),
11 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : x.photonIso(), float, help=
"gammaIsolation for photons with footprint removal"),
12 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : x.neutralHadronIso(), float, help=
"neutralHadronIsolation for photons with footprint removal"),
13 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : x.ftprRelIso03
if hasattr(x,
else x.relIso, float, help=
"relativeIsolation for photons with footprint removal and pile-up correction"),
14 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : getattr(x,
'mcMatchId', -99), int, mcOnly=
True, help=
"Match to source from hard scatter (pdgId of heaviest particle in chain, 25 for H, 6 for t, 23/24 for W/Z), zero if non-prompt or fake"),
15 NTupleVariable(
lambda x : x.mcGamma.pt()
if getattr(x,
else 0., mcOnly=
True, help=
"p_{T} of associated gen photon"),