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TrackWithVertexSelectorParams_cff Namespace Reference


tuple trackWithVertexSelectorParams

Variable Documentation

tuple TrackWithVertexSelectorParams_cff.trackWithVertexSelectorParams
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  # the track collection
3  src = cms.InputTag('generalTracks'),
4  # kinematic cuts (pT in GeV)
5  etaMin = cms.double(0.0),
6  etaMax = cms.double(5.0),
7  ptMin = cms.double(0.3),
8  ptMax = cms.double(500.0),
9  # impact parameter cut (in cm)
10  d0Max = cms.double(999.),
11  dzMax = cms.double(999.),
12  # quality cuts (valid hits, normalized chi2)
13  normalizedChi2 = cms.double(999999.),
14  numberOfValidHits = cms.uint32(0),
15  numberOfLostHits = cms.uint32(999), ## at most 999 lost hits
16  numberOfValidPixelHits = cms.uint32(0), ## at least <n> hits in the pixels
17  ptErrorCut = cms.double(0.2), ## [pTError/pT]*max(1,normChi2) <= ptErrorCut
18  quality = cms.string("highPurity"), # quality cut as defined in reco::TrackBase
19  # compatibility with a vertex ?
20  useVtx = cms.bool(True),
21  vertexTag = cms.InputTag('offlinePrimaryVertices'),
22  nVertices = cms.uint32(0), ## how many vertices to look at before dropping the track
23  vtxFallback = cms.bool(True), ## falback to beam spot if there are no vertices
24  # uses vtx=(0,0,0) with deltaZeta=15.9, deltaRho = 0.2
25  zetaVtx = cms.double(1.0),
26  rhoVtx = cms.double(0.2), ## tags used by b-tagging folks
27  # should _not_ be used for the TrackWithVertexRefSelector
28  copyExtras = cms.untracked.bool(False), ## copies also extras and rechits on RECO
29  copyTrajectories = cms.untracked.bool(False), # don't set this to true on AOD!
30 )

Definition at line 3 of file TrackWithVertexSelectorParams_cff.py.