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31 #include <TF1.h>
33 using namespace std;
34 using namespace edm;
39  MultiTrackValidatorBase(pset, consumesCollector(),true),
40  histoProducerAlgo_(std::make_unique<MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTracker>(pset.getParameter<ParameterSet>("histoProducerAlgoBlock"), consumesCollector())) {
41  dirName_ = pset.getParameter<std::string>("dirName");
43  tpSelector = TrackingParticleSelector(pset.getParameter<double>("ptMinTP"),
44  pset.getParameter<double>("minRapidityTP"),
45  pset.getParameter<double>("maxRapidityTP"),
46  pset.getParameter<double>("tipTP"),
47  pset.getParameter<double>("lipTP"),
48  pset.getParameter<int>("minHitTP"),
49  pset.getParameter<bool>("signalOnlyTP"),
50  pset.getParameter<bool>("intimeOnlyTP"),
51  pset.getParameter<bool>("chargedOnlyTP"),
52  pset.getParameter<bool>("stableOnlyTP"),
53  pset.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("pdgIdTP"));
55  builderName = pset.getParameter<std::string>("TTRHBuilder");
57  for (auto const& associator: associators) {
58  associatorTokens.push_back(consumes<reco::TrackToTrackingParticleAssociator>(associator));
59  }
60 }
65  {
66  ibook.cd();
67  ibook.setCurrentFolder(dirName_ + "simulation");
69  //Booking histograms concerning with simulated tracks
70  histoProducerAlgo_->bookSimHistos(ibook);
71  }
73  for (unsigned int ww=0;ww<associators.size();ww++){
74  for (unsigned int www=0;www<label.size();www++){
76  ibook.cd();
77  InputTag algo = label[www];
78  string dirName=dirName_;
79  if (algo.process()!="")
80  dirName+=algo.process()+"_";
81  if(algo.label()!="")
82  dirName+=algo.label()+"_";
83  if(algo.instance()!="")
84  dirName+=algo.instance()+"_";
85  // if (dirName.find("Seeds")<dirName.length()){
86  // dirName.replace(dirName.find("Seeds"),6,"");
87  // }
88  string assoc= associators[ww].label();;
89  if (assoc.find("Track")<assoc.length()){
90  assoc.replace(assoc.find("Track"),5,"");
91  }
92  dirName+=assoc;
93  std::replace(dirName.begin(), dirName.end(), ':', '_');
95  ibook.setCurrentFolder(dirName.c_str());
97  //Booking histograms concerning with reconstructed tracks
98  histoProducerAlgo_->bookSimTrackHistos(ibook);
99  histoProducerAlgo_->bookRecoHistos(ibook);
100  }//end loop www
101  }// end loop ww
102 }
107  edm::LogInfo("TrackValidator") << "\n====================================================" << "\n"
108  << "Analyzing new event" << "\n"
109  << "====================================================\n" << "\n";
111  edm::ESHandle<ParametersDefinerForTP> parametersDefinerTP;
112  setup.get<TrackAssociatorRecord>().get(parametersDefiner,parametersDefinerTP);
115  setup.get<TrackerTopologyRcd>().get(httopo);
116  const TrackerTopology& ttopo = *httopo;
119  setup.get<TransientRecHitRecord>().get(builderName,theTTRHBuilder);
122  setup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(theMF);
124  edm::Handle<TrackingParticleCollection> TPCollectionHeff ;
125  event.getByToken(label_tp_effic,TPCollectionHeff);
126  const TrackingParticleCollection tPCeff = *(TPCollectionHeff.product());
128  edm::Handle<TrackingParticleCollection> TPCollectionHfake ;
129  event.getByToken(label_tp_fake,TPCollectionHfake);
130  const TrackingParticleCollection tPCfake = *(TPCollectionHfake.product());
132  if (tPCeff.size()==0) {edm::LogInfo("TrackValidator") << "TP Collection for efficiency studies has size = 0! Skipping Event." ; return;}
133  if (tPCfake.size()==0) {edm::LogInfo("TrackValidator") << "TP Collection for fake rate studies has size = 0! Skipping Event." ; return;}
135  edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> recoBeamSpotHandle;
136  event.getByToken(bsSrc,recoBeamSpotHandle);
137  reco::BeamSpot bs = *recoBeamSpotHandle;
140  event.getByToken(label_pileupinfo,puinfoH);
141  PileupSummaryInfo puinfo;
143  for (unsigned int puinfo_ite=0;puinfo_ite<(*puinfoH).size();++puinfo_ite){
144  if ((*puinfoH)[puinfo_ite].getBunchCrossing()==0){
145  puinfo=(*puinfoH)[puinfo_ite];
146  break;
147  }
148  }
150  // Calculate the number of 3D layers for TPs
151  //
152  // I would have preferred to produce the ValueMap to Event and read
153  // it from there, but there would have been quite some number of
154  // knock-on effects, and again the fact that we take two TP
155  // collections do not support Ref<TP>'s would have complicated that.
156  //
157  // In principle we could use the SimHitTPAssociationList read above
158  // for parametersDefinerIsCosmic_, but since we don't currently
159  // support Ref<TP>s, we can't in general use it since eff/fake TP
160  // collections can, in general, be different.
161  TrackingParticleNumberOfLayers tpNumberOfLayersAlgo(event, simHitTokens_);
162  auto nlayers_tPCeff_ptrs = tpNumberOfLayersAlgo.calculate(TPCollectionHeff, setup);
163  const auto& nLayers_tPCeff = *(std::get<TrackingParticleNumberOfLayers::nTrackerLayers>(nlayers_tPCeff_ptrs));
164  const auto& nPixelLayers_tPCeff = *(std::get<TrackingParticleNumberOfLayers::nPixelLayers>(nlayers_tPCeff_ptrs));
165  const auto& nStripMonoAndStereoLayers_tPCeff = *(std::get<TrackingParticleNumberOfLayers::nStripMonoAndStereoLayers>(nlayers_tPCeff_ptrs));
167  int w=0;
168  for (unsigned int ww=0;ww<associators.size();ww++){
170  event.getByToken(associatorTokens[ww], theAssociator);
171  const reco::TrackToTrackingParticleAssociator *associator = theAssociator.product();
173  for (unsigned int www=0;www<label.size();www++){
174  edm::LogVerbatim("TrackValidator") << "Analyzing "
175  << label[www].process()<<":"
176  << label[www].label()<<":"
177  << label[www].instance()<<" with "
178  << associators[ww] <<"\n";
179  //
180  //get collections from the event
181  //
182  edm::Handle<edm::View<TrajectorySeed> > seedCollection;
183  event.getByToken(labelTokenSeed[www], seedCollection);
184  if (seedCollection->size()==0) {
185  edm::LogInfo("TrackValidator") << "SeedCollection size = 0!" ;
186  continue;
187  }
189  //associate seeds
190  LogTrace("TrackValidator") << "Calling associateRecoToSim method" << "\n";
191  reco::RecoToSimCollectionSeed recSimColl=associator->associateRecoToSim(seedCollection,
192  TPCollectionHfake);
193  LogTrace("TrackValidator") << "Calling associateSimToReco method" << "\n";
194  reco::SimToRecoCollectionSeed simRecColl=associator->associateSimToReco(seedCollection,
195  TPCollectionHeff);
197  //
198  //fill simulation histograms
199  //compute number of seeds per eta interval
200  //
201  edm::LogVerbatim("TrackValidator") << "\n# of TrackingParticles: " << tPCeff.size() << "\n";
202  int ats(0); //This counter counts the number of simTracks that are "associated" to recoTracks
203  int st(0); //This counter counts the number of simulated tracks passing the MTV selection (i.e. tpSelector(tp) )
204  unsigned sts(0); //This counter counts the number of simTracks surviving the bunchcrossing cut
205  unsigned asts(0); //This counter counts the number of simTracks that are "associated" to recoTracks surviving the bunchcrossing cut
206  for (TrackingParticleCollection::size_type i=0; i<tPCeff.size(); i++){
207  TrackingParticleRef tp(TPCollectionHeff, i);
209  if (tp->charge()==0) continue;
211  if(! tpSelector(*tp)) continue;
213  TrackingParticle::Vector momentumTP = tp->momentum();
214  TrackingParticle::Point vertexTP = tp->vertex();
215  //Calcualte the impact parameters w.r.t. PCA
216  TrackingParticle::Vector momentum = parametersDefinerTP->momentum(event,setup,tp);
217  TrackingParticle::Point vertex = parametersDefinerTP->vertex(event,setup,tp);
218  double dxySim = (-vertex.x()*sin(momentum.phi())+vertex.y()*cos(momentum.phi()));
219  double dzSim = vertex.z() - (vertex.x()*momentum.x()+vertex.y()*momentum.y())/sqrt(momentum.perp2())
220  * momentum.z()/sqrt(momentum.perp2());
222  if(tp->eventId().bunchCrossing() == 0) {
223  st++;
224  }
226  if(w == 0)
227  histoProducerAlgo_->fill_generic_simTrack_histos(momentumTP,vertexTP, tp->eventId().bunchCrossing());
229  const TrajectorySeed* matchedSeedPointer=0;
230  std::vector<std::pair<edm::RefToBase<TrajectorySeed>, double> > rt;
231  if(simRecColl.find(tp) != simRecColl.end()){
232  rt = simRecColl[tp];
233  if (rt.size()!=0) {
234  ats++;
235  matchedSeedPointer = rt.begin()->first.get();
236  edm::LogVerbatim("TrackValidator") << "TrackingParticle #" << st
237  << " with pt=" << sqrt(tp->momentum().perp2())
238  << " associated with quality:" << rt.begin()->second <<"\n";
239  }
240  }else{
241  edm::LogVerbatim("TrackValidator") << "TrackingParticle #" << st
242  << " with pt=" << sqrt(tp->momentum().perp2())
243  << " NOT associated to any TrajectorySeed" << "\n";
244  }
246  int nSimHits = tp->numberOfTrackerHits();
247  int nSimLayers = nLayers_tPCeff[tp];
248  int nSimPixelLayers = nPixelLayers_tPCeff[tp];
249  int nSimStripMonoAndStereoLayers = nStripMonoAndStereoLayers_tPCeff[tp];
251  //fixme convert seed into track
252  reco::Track* matchedTrackPointer = 0;
253  if (matchedSeedPointer) {
254  TSCBLBuilderNoMaterial tscblBuilder;
255  TransientTrackingRecHit::RecHitPointer recHit = theTTRHBuilder->build(&*(matchedSeedPointer->recHits().second-1));
256  TrajectoryStateOnSurface state = trajectoryStateTransform::transientState( matchedSeedPointer->startingState(), recHit->surface(), theMF.product());
257  TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine tsAtClosestApproachSeed = tscblBuilder(*state.freeState(),bs);//as in TrackProducerAlgorithm
258  if(!(tsAtClosestApproachSeed.isValid())){
259  edm::LogVerbatim("SeedValidator")<<"TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine not valid";
260  continue;
261  }
262  const reco::TrackBase::Point vSeed1(tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().position().x(),
263  tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().position().y(),
264  tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().position().z());
265  const reco::TrackBase::Vector pSeed(tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().momentum().x(),
266  tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().momentum().y(),
267  tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().momentum().z());
268  //GlobalPoint vSeed(vSeed1.x()-bs.x0(),vSeed1.y()-bs.y0(),vSeed1.z()-bs.z0());
269  PerigeeTrajectoryError seedPerigeeErrors = PerigeeConversions::ftsToPerigeeError(tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA());
270  matchedTrackPointer = new reco::Track(0.,0., vSeed1, pSeed, 1, seedPerigeeErrors.covarianceMatrix());
271  matchedTrackPointer->appendHits(matchedSeedPointer->recHits().first,matchedSeedPointer->recHits().second, ttopo);
272  }
274  double dR=0;//fixme: plots vs dR not implemented for now
275  histoProducerAlgo_->fill_recoAssociated_simTrack_histos(w,*tp,tp->momentum(),tp->vertex(),dxySim,dzSim,0,0,nSimHits,nSimLayers,nSimPixelLayers,nSimStripMonoAndStereoLayers,
276  matchedTrackPointer,puinfo.getPU_NumInteractions(),dR, nullptr);
278  sts++;
279  if (matchedTrackPointer) asts++;
281  } // End for (TrackingParticleCollection::size_type i=0; i<tPCeff.size(); i++){
283  if(w == 0)
284  histoProducerAlgo_->fill_simTrackBased_histos(st);
286  //
287  //fill reconstructed seed histograms
288  //
289  edm::LogVerbatim("TrackValidator") << "\n# of TrajectorySeeds with "
290  << label[www].process()<<":"
291  << label[www].label()<<":"
292  << label[www].instance()
293  << ": " << seedCollection->size() << "\n";
294  int sat(0); //This counter counts the number of recoTracks that are associated to SimTracks from Signal only
295  int at(0); //This counter counts the number of recoTracks that are associated to SimTracks
296  int rT(0); //This counter counts the number of recoTracks in general
298  TSCBLBuilderNoMaterial tscblBuilder;
299  for(TrajectorySeedCollection::size_type i=0; i<seedCollection->size(); ++i){
300  edm::RefToBase<TrajectorySeed> seed(seedCollection, i);
301  rT++;
303  //get parameters and errors from the seed state
304  TransientTrackingRecHit::RecHitPointer recHit = theTTRHBuilder->build(&*(seed->recHits().second-1));
305  TrajectoryStateOnSurface state = trajectoryStateTransform::transientState( seed->startingState(), recHit->surface(), theMF.product());
306  TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine tsAtClosestApproachSeed = tscblBuilder(*state.freeState(),bs);//as in TrackProducerAlgorithm
307  if(!(tsAtClosestApproachSeed.isValid())){
308  edm::LogVerbatim("SeedValidator")<<"TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine not valid";
309  continue;
310  }
311  const reco::TrackBase::Point vSeed1(tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().position().x(),
312  tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().position().y(),
313  tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().position().z());
314  const reco::TrackBase::Vector pSeed(tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().momentum().x(),
315  tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().momentum().y(),
316  tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA().momentum().z());
317  //GlobalPoint vSeed(vSeed1.x()-bs.x0(),vSeed1.y()-bs.y0(),vSeed1.z()-bs.z0());
318  PerigeeTrajectoryError seedPerigeeErrors = PerigeeConversions::ftsToPerigeeError(tsAtClosestApproachSeed.trackStateAtPCA());
320  //fixme
321  reco::Track* trackFromSeed = new reco::Track(0.,0., vSeed1, pSeed, 1, seedPerigeeErrors.covarianceMatrix());
322  trackFromSeed->appendHits(seed->recHits().first,seed->recHits().second, ttopo);
324  bool isSigSimMatched(false);
325  bool isSimMatched(false);
326  bool isChargeMatched(true);
327  int numAssocSeeds = 0;
328  int nSimHits = 0;
329  double sharedFraction = 0.;
330  std::vector<std::pair<TrackingParticleRef, double> > tp;
331  if(recSimColl.find(seed) != recSimColl.end()) {
332  tp = recSimColl[seed];
333  if (tp.size()!=0) {
335  nSimHits = tp[0].first->numberOfTrackerHits();
336  sharedFraction = tp[0].second;
337  isSimMatched = true;
338  if (tp[0].first->charge() != seed->startingState().parameters().charge()) isChargeMatched = false;
339  if(simRecColl.find(tp[0].first) != simRecColl.end()) numAssocSeeds = simRecColl[tp[0].first].size();
340  //std::cout << numAssocRecoTracks << std::endl;
342  at++;
344  for (unsigned int tp_ite=0;tp_ite<tp.size();++tp_ite){
345  TrackingParticle trackpart = *(tp[tp_ite].first);
346  if ((trackpart.eventId().event() == 0) && (trackpart.eventId().bunchCrossing() == 0)){
347  isSigSimMatched = true;
348  sat++;
349  break;
350  }
351  }
354  edm::LogVerbatim("SeedValidator") << "TrajectorySeed #" << rT << " associated with quality:" << tp.begin()->second <<"\n";
355  }
356  } else {
357  edm::LogVerbatim("SeedValidator") << "TrajectorySeed #" << rT << " NOT associated to any TrackingParticle" << "\n";
358  }
360  double dR = 0.;//fixme: plots vs dR not implemented for now
361  histoProducerAlgo_->fill_generic_recoTrack_histos(w,*trackFromSeed,bs.position(), nullptr, isSimMatched,isSigSimMatched,
362  isChargeMatched, numAssocSeeds,
363  puinfo.getPU_NumInteractions(),
364  nSimHits, sharedFraction, dR);
366  //Fill other histos
367  try{
368  if (tp.size()==0) continue;
370  histoProducerAlgo_->fill_simAssociated_recoTrack_histos(w,*trackFromSeed);
372  TrackingParticleRef tpr = tp.begin()->first;
374  //compute tracking particle parameters at point of closest approach to the beamline
375  TrackingParticle::Vector momentumTP = parametersDefinerTP->momentum(event,setup,tpr);
376  TrackingParticle::Point vertexTP = parametersDefinerTP->vertex(event,setup,tpr);
378  // LogTrace("SeedValidatorTEST") << "assocChi2=" << tp.begin()->second << "\n"
379  // << "" << "\n"
380  // << "ptREC=" << ptSeed << "\n"
381  // << "etaREC=" << etaSeed << "\n"
382  // << "qoverpREC=" << qoverpSeed << "\n"
383  // << "dxyREC=" << dxySeed << "\n"
384  // << "dzREC=" << dzSeed << "\n"
385  // << "thetaREC=" << thetaSeed << "\n"
386  // << "phiREC=" << phiSeed << "\n"
387  // << "" << "\n"
388  // << "qoverpError()=" << qoverpErrorSeed << "\n"
389  // << "dxyError()=" << dxyErrorSeed << "\n"
390  // << "dzError()=" << dzErrorSeed << "\n"
391  // << "thetaError()=" << lambdaErrorSeed << "\n"
392  // << "phiError()=" << phiErrorSeed << "\n"
393  // << "" << "\n"
394  // << "ptSIM=" << sqrt(assocTrack->momentum().perp2()) << "\n"
395  // << "etaSIM=" << assocTrack->momentum().Eta() << "\n"
396  // << "qoverpSIM=" << qoverpSim << "\n"
397  // << "dxySIM=" << dxySim << "\n"
398  // << "dzSIM=" << dzSim << "\n"
399  // << "thetaSIM=" << M_PI/2-lambdaSim << "\n"
400  // << "phiSIM=" << phiSim << "\n"
401  // << "" << "\n"
402  // << "contrib_Qoverp=" << contrib_Qoverp << "\n"
403  // << "contrib_dxy=" << contrib_dxy << "\n"
404  // << "contrib_dz=" << contrib_dz << "\n"
405  // << "contrib_theta=" << contrib_theta << "\n"
406  // << "contrib_phi=" << contrib_phi << "\n"
407  // << "" << "\n"
408  // <<"chi2PULL="<<contrib_Qoverp+contrib_dxy+contrib_dz+contrib_theta+contrib_phi<<"\n";
410  histoProducerAlgo_->fill_ResoAndPull_recoTrack_histos(w,momentumTP,vertexTP,tpr->charge(),
411  *trackFromSeed,bs.position());
414  } catch (cms::Exception e){
415  LogTrace("SeedValidator") << "exception found: " << e.what() << "\n";
416  }
417  }// End of for(TrajectorySeedCollection::size_type i=0; i<seedCollection->size(); ++i)
419  histoProducerAlgo_->fill_trackBased_histos(w,at,rT,st);
421  edm::LogVerbatim("SeedValidator") << "Total Simulated: " << st << "\n"
422  << "Total Associated (simToReco): " << ats << "\n"
423  << "Total Reconstructed: " << rT << "\n"
424  << "Total Associated (recoToSim): " << at << "\n"
425  << "Total Fakes: " << rT-at << "\n";
426  w++;
427  }
428  }
429 }
virtual char const * what() const
Definition: Exception.cc:141
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
Method called once per event.
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
std::vector< edm::InputTag > associators
int event() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (should be protected?)
const double w
Definition: UKUtility.cc:23
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< PileupSummaryInfo > > label_pileupinfo
std::vector< TrackingParticle > TrackingParticleCollection
const_iterator end() const
last iterator over the map (read only)
edm::EDGetTokenT< TrackingParticleCollection > label_tp_effic
void cd(void)
Definition: DQMStore.cc:268
edm::Ref< GenParticleCollection > GenParticleRef
persistent reference to a GenParticle
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
const_iterator find(const key_type &k) const
find element with specified reference key
uint16_t size_type
TrackingParticleSelector tpSelector
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > bsSrc
math::XYZPointD Point
point in the space
SingleObjectSelector< TrackingParticleCollection,::TrackingParticleSelector > TrackingParticleSelector
std::vector< edm::InputTag > label
std::vector< edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::View< TrajectorySeed > > > labelTokenSeed
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
Method called to book the DQM histograms.
int bunchCrossing() const
get the detector field from this detid
FreeTrajectoryState const * freeState(bool withErrors=true) const
TrackerSeedValidator(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
Definition: TrackBase.h:83
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
edm::ESHandle< TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder > theTTRHBuilder
#define LogTrace(id)
std::shared_ptr< TrackingRecHit const > RecHitPointer
PTrajectoryStateOnDet const & startingState() const
void setCurrentFolder(const std::string &fullpath)
Definition: DQMStore.cc:276
TrajectoryStateOnSurface transientState(const PTrajectoryStateOnDet &ts, const Surface *surface, const MagneticField *field)
T const * product() const
Definition: Handle.h:81
reco::RecoToSimCollection associateRecoToSim(const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Track > > &tCH, const edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &tPCH) const
compare reco to sim the handle of reco::Track and TrackingParticle collections
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:56
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
range recHits() const
TrackCharge charge() const
Charge (-1, 0 or 1)
const int getPU_NumInteractions() const
std::string const & label() const
Definition: InputTag.h:36
EncodedEventId eventId() const
Signal source, crossing number.
std::string const & process() const
Definition: InputTag.h:40
std::tuple< std::unique_ptr< edm::ValueMap< unsigned int > >, std::unique_ptr< edm::ValueMap< unsigned int > >, std::unique_ptr< edm::ValueMap< unsigned int > > > calculate(const edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &tps, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) const
Monte Carlo truth information used for tracking validation.
PerigeeTrajectoryError ftsToPerigeeError(const FTS &originalFTS)
virtual ~TrackerSeedValidator()
const Point & position() const
Definition: BeamSpot.h:62
reco::SimToRecoCollection associateSimToReco(const edm::Handle< edm::View< reco::Track > > &tCH, const edm::Handle< TrackingParticleCollection > &tPCH) const
compare reco to sim the handle of reco::Track and TrackingParticle collections
math::XYZVectorD Vector
point in the space
std::vector< edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< PSimHit > > > simHitTokens_
edm::EDGetTokenT< TrackingParticleCollection > label_tp_fake
math::XYZVector Vector
spatial vector
Definition: TrackBase.h:80
std::string const & instance() const
Definition: InputTag.h:37
std::unique_ptr< MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTracker > histoProducerAlgo_
bool appendHits(const C &c, const TrackerTopology &ttopo)
append hit patterns from vector of hit references
Definition: TrackBase.h:480
tuple size
Write out results.
std::vector< edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackToTrackingParticleAssociator > > associatorTokens
const LocalTrajectoryParameters & parameters() const
Definition: Run.h:43