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ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff Namespace Reference


tuple EcalTrigPrimESProducer
tuple tpparams
tuple tpparams10
tuple tpparams11
tuple tpparams12
tuple tpparams13
tuple tpparams14
tuple tpparams15
tuple tpparams16
tuple tpparams2
tuple tpparams3
tuple tpparams4
tuple tpparams5
tuple tpparams6
tuple tpparams7
tuple tpparams8
tuple tpparams9

Variable Documentation

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.EcalTrigPrimESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer("EcalTrigPrimESProducer",
2  DatabaseFile = cms.untracked.string('TPG_beamv5_MC_startup.txt.gz'),
3  WriteInFile = cms.bool(False)
4 )

Definition at line 4 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGLinearizationConstRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 9 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams10
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGFineGrainStripEERcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 63 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams11
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGFineGrainTowerEERcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 69 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams12
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGPhysicsConstRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 75 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams13
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGCrystalStatusRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 81 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams14
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGTowerStatusRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 87 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams15
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGSpikeRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 93 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams16
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGStripStatusRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 99 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams2
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGPedestalsRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 15 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams3
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGSlidingWindowRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 21 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams4
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGWeightIdMapRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 27 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams5
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGWeightGroupRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 33 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams6
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGLutGroupRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 39 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams7
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGLutIdMapRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 45 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams8
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGFineGrainEBIdMapRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 51 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.

tuple ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.tpparams9
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string('EcalTPGFineGrainEBGroupRcd'),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True),
4  firstValid = cms.vuint32(1)
5 )

Definition at line 57 of file ecalTrigPrimESProducer_cff.py.