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8 #include "AlignmentProducer.h"
16 // System include files
17 #include <memory>
18 #include <sstream>
20 // Framework
29 // Conditions database
33 // Geometry
61 // Tracking, LAS and cluster flag map (fwd is enough!)
67 // Alignment
79 //_____________________________________________________________________________
81  theAlignmentAlgo(0), theAlignmentParameterStore(0),
82  theAlignableExtras(0), theAlignableTracker(0), theAlignableMuon(0),
83  globalPositions_(0),
84  nevent_(0), theParameterSet(iConfig),
85  theMaxLoops( iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("maxLoops") ),
86  stNFixAlignables_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("nFixAlignables") ),
87  stRandomShift_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("randomShift")),
88  stRandomRotation_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("randomRotation")),
89  applyDbAlignment_( iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("applyDbAlignment")),
90  checkDbAlignmentValidity_( iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("checkDbAlignmentValidity")),
91  doMisalignmentScenario_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("doMisalignmentScenario")),
92  saveToDB_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("saveToDB")),
93  saveApeToDB_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("saveApeToDB")),
94  saveDeformationsToDB_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("saveDeformationsToDB")),
95  doTracker_( iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doTracker") ),
96  doMuon_( iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("doMuon") ),
97  useExtras_( iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("useExtras") ),
98  useSurvey_( iConfig.getParameter<bool>("useSurvey") ),
99  tjTkAssociationMapTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tjTkAssociationMapTag")),
100  beamSpotTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("beamSpotTag")),
101  tkLasBeamTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tkLasBeamTag")),
102  clusterValueMapTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hitPrescaleMapTag"))
103 {
104  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::AlignmentProducer";
106  // Tell the framework what data is being produced
107  if (doTracker_) {
109  }
110  if (doMuon_) {
113  }
115  // Create the alignment algorithm
116  edm::ParameterSet algoConfig = iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>( "algoConfig" );
117  edm::VParameterSet iovSelection = iConfig.getParameter<edm::VParameterSet>( "RunRangeSelection" );
118  algoConfig.addUntrackedParameter<edm::VParameterSet>( "RunRangeSelection", iovSelection );
119  std::string algoName = algoConfig.getParameter<std::string>( "algoName" );
120  theAlignmentAlgo = AlignmentAlgorithmPluginFactory::get( )->create( algoName, algoConfig );
122  // Check if found
123  if ( !theAlignmentAlgo )
124  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Couldn't find algorithm called " << algoName;
126  // Now create monitors:
127  edm::ParameterSet monitorConfig = iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>( "monitorConfig" );
128  std::vector<std::string> monitors = monitorConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<std::string> >( "monitors" );
129  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator miter = monitors.begin(); miter != monitors.end(); ++miter) {
130  AlignmentMonitorBase* newMonitor = AlignmentMonitorPluginFactory::get()->create(*miter, monitorConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::ParameterSet>(*miter));
132  if (!newMonitor) throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Couldn't find monitor named " << *miter;
134  theMonitors.push_back(newMonitor);
135  }
137  // Finally create integrated calibrations:
138  edm::VParameterSet calibrations = iConfig.getParameter<edm::VParameterSet>("calibrations");
139  for (auto iCalib = calibrations.begin(); iCalib != calibrations.end(); ++iCalib) {
140  const std::string name(iCalib->getParameter<std::string>("calibrationName"));
142  // exception comes from line before: if (!theCalibrations.back()) throw cms::Exception(..) << ..;
143  }
145 }
148 //_____________________________________________________________________________
149 // Delete new objects
151 {
152  delete theAlignmentAlgo;
154  // Delete monitors as well??
156  for (auto iCal = theCalibrations.begin(); iCal != theCalibrations.end(); ++iCal) {
157  delete *iCal; // delete integrated calibration pointed to by (*iCal)
158  }
161  delete theAlignableExtras;
162  delete theAlignableTracker;
163  delete theAlignableMuon;
165  delete globalPositions_;
166 }
169 //_____________________________________________________________________________
170 // Produce tracker geometry
171 boost::shared_ptr<TrackerGeometry>
173 {
174  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::produceTracker";
175  return theTracker;
176 }
178 //_____________________________________________________________________________
179 // Produce muonDT geometry
180 boost::shared_ptr<DTGeometry>
182 {
183  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::produceDT";
184  return theMuonDT;
185 }
187 //_____________________________________________________________________________
188 // Produce muonCSC geometry
189 boost::shared_ptr<CSCGeometry>
191 {
192  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::produceCSC";
193  return theMuonCSC;
194 }
197 //_____________________________________________________________________________
198 // Initialize algorithm
200 {
201  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::beginOfJob";
203  //Retrieve tracker topology from geometry
204  edm::ESHandle<TrackerTopology> tTopoHandle;
205  iSetup.get<TrackerTopologyRcd>().get(tTopoHandle);
206  const TrackerTopology* const tTopo = tTopoHandle.product();
208  // Create the geometries from the ideal geometries (first time only)
209  this->createGeometries_( iSetup );
211  // Retrieve and apply alignments, if requested (requires DB setup)
212  if ( applyDbAlignment_ ) {
213  // we need GlobalPositionRcd - and have to keep track for later removal
214  // before writing again to DB...
215  edm::ESHandle<Alignments> globalPositionRcd;
216  iSetup.get<GlobalPositionRcd>().get(globalPositionRcd);
217  globalPositions_ = new Alignments(*globalPositionRcd);
219  if ( doTracker_ ) { // apply to tracker
220  this->applyDB<TrackerGeometry,TrackerAlignmentRcd,TrackerAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd>
221  (&(*theTracker), iSetup,
223  this->applyDB<TrackerGeometry,TrackerSurfaceDeformationRcd>(&(*theTracker), iSetup);
224  }
226  if ( doMuon_ ) { // apply to tracker
227  this->applyDB<DTGeometry,DTAlignmentRcd,DTAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd>
228  (&(*theMuonDT), iSetup,
230  this->applyDB<CSCGeometry,CSCAlignmentRcd,CSCAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd>
231  (&(*theMuonCSC), iSetup,
233  }
234  }
236  // Create alignable tracker and muon
237  if (doTracker_) {
238  theAlignableTracker = new AlignableTracker( &(*theTracker), tTopo );
239  }
241  if (doMuon_) {
243  }
245  if (useExtras_) {
247  }
249  // Create alignment parameter builder
250  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::beginOfJob"
251  << "Creating AlignmentParameterBuilder";
252  edm::ParameterSet aliParamBuildCfg =
253  theParameterSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("ParameterBuilder");
254  AlignmentParameterBuilder alignmentParameterBuilder(theAlignableTracker,
257  aliParamBuildCfg );
258  // Fix alignables if requested
259  if (stNFixAlignables_>0) alignmentParameterBuilder.fixAlignables(stNFixAlignables_);
261  // Get list of alignables
262  Alignables theAlignables = alignmentParameterBuilder.alignables();
263  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::beginOfJob"
264  << "got " << theAlignables.size() << " alignables";
266  // Create AlignmentParameterStore
267  edm::ParameterSet aliParamStoreCfg =
269  theAlignmentParameterStore = new AlignmentParameterStore(theAlignables, aliParamStoreCfg);
270  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::beginOfJob"
271  << "AlignmentParameterStore created!";
273  // Apply misalignment scenario to alignable tracker and muon if requested
274  // WARNING: this assumes scenarioConfig can be passed to both muon and tracker
276  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::beginOfJob"
277  << "Applying misalignment scenario to "
278  << (doTracker_ ? "tracker" : "")
279  << (doMuon_ ? (doTracker_ ? " and muon" : "muon") : ".");
280  edm::ParameterSet scenarioConfig
281  = theParameterSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>( "MisalignmentScenario" );
282  if (doTracker_) {
283  TrackerScenarioBuilder scenarioBuilder( theAlignableTracker );
284  scenarioBuilder.applyScenario( scenarioConfig );
285  }
286  if (doMuon_) {
287  MuonScenarioBuilder muonScenarioBuilder( theAlignableMuon );
288  muonScenarioBuilder.applyScenario( scenarioConfig );
289  }
290  } else {
291  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::beginOfJob"
292  << "NOT applying misalignment scenario!";
293  }
295  // Apply simple misalignment
296  const std::string sParSel(theParameterSet.getParameter<std::string>("parameterSelectorSimple"));
297  this->simpleMisalignment_(theAlignables, sParSel, stRandomShift_, stRandomRotation_, true);
299  // Initialize alignment algorithm and integrated calibration and pass the latter to algorithm
300  theAlignmentAlgo->initialize( iSetup,
302  theAlignmentParameterStore );
303  for (auto iCal = theCalibrations.begin(); iCal != theCalibrations.end(); ++iCal) {
305  }
306  // Not all algorithms support calibrations - so do not pass empty vector
307  // and throw if non-empty and not supported:
309  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "[AlignmentProducer::beginOfJob]\n"
310  << "Configured " << theCalibrations.size() << " calibration(s) "
311  << "for algorithm not supporting it.";
312  }
314  for (std::vector<AlignmentMonitorBase*>::const_iterator monitor = theMonitors.begin();
315  monitor != theMonitors.end(); ++monitor) {
316  (*monitor)->beginOfJob(theAlignableTracker, theAlignableMuon, theAlignmentParameterStore);
317  }
318 }
320 //_____________________________________________________________________________
321 // Terminate algorithm
323 {
324  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::endOfJob";
326  for (std::vector<AlignmentMonitorBase*>::const_iterator monitor = theMonitors.begin(); monitor != theMonitors.end(); ++monitor) {
327  (*monitor)->endOfJob();
328  }
330  if (0 == nevent_) {
331  edm::LogError("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::endOfJob" << "Did not process any "
332  << "events in last loop, do not dare to store to DB.";
333  } else {
335  // Expand run ranges and make them unique
336  edm::VParameterSet runRangeSelectionVPSet(theParameterSet.getParameter<edm::VParameterSet>("RunRangeSelection"));
337  RunRanges uniqueRunRanges(this->makeNonOverlappingRunRanges(runRangeSelectionVPSet));
338  if (uniqueRunRanges.empty()) { // create dummy IOV
339  const RunRange runRange(cond::timeTypeSpecs[cond::runnumber].beginValue,
341  uniqueRunRanges.push_back(runRange);
342  }
344  std::vector<AlgebraicVector> beamSpotParameters;
346  for (RunRanges::const_iterator iRunRange = uniqueRunRanges.begin();
347  iRunRange != uniqueRunRanges.end();
348  ++iRunRange) {
352  // Save alignments to database
354  this->writeForRunRange((*iRunRange).first);
356  // Deal with extra alignables, e.g. beam spot
357  if (theAlignableExtras) {
359  if (!alis.empty()) {
360  BeamSpotAlignmentParameters *beamSpotAliPars = dynamic_cast<BeamSpotAlignmentParameters*>(alis[0]->alignmentParameters());
361  beamSpotParameters.push_back(beamSpotAliPars->parameters());
362  }
363  }
364  }
366  if (theAlignableExtras) {
367  std::ostringstream bsOutput;
369  std::vector<AlgebraicVector>::const_iterator itPar = beamSpotParameters.begin();
370  for (RunRanges::const_iterator iRunRange = uniqueRunRanges.begin();
371  iRunRange != uniqueRunRanges.end();
372  ++iRunRange, ++itPar) {
373  bsOutput << "Run range: " << (*iRunRange).first << " - " << (*iRunRange).second << "\n";
374  bsOutput << " Displacement: x=" << (*itPar)[0] << ", y=" << (*itPar)[1] << "\n";
375  bsOutput << " Slope: dx/dz=" << (*itPar)[2] << ", dy/dz=" << (*itPar)[3] << "\n";
376  }
378  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::endOfJob"
379  << "Parameters for alignable beamspot:\n"
380  << bsOutput.str();
381  }
383  for (auto iCal = theCalibrations.begin(); iCal != theCalibrations.end(); ++iCal) {
384  (*iCal)->endOfJob();
385  }
387  }
388 }
390 //_____________________________________________________________________________
391 // Called at beginning of loop
392 void AlignmentProducer::startingNewLoop(unsigned int iLoop )
393 {
394  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::startingNewLoop"
395  << "Starting loop number " << iLoop;
397  nevent_ = 0;
400  // FIXME: Should this be done in algorithm::startNewLoop()??
401  for (auto iCal = theCalibrations.begin(); iCal != theCalibrations.end(); ++iCal) {
402  (*iCal)->startNewLoop();
403  }
405  for (std::vector<AlignmentMonitorBase*>::const_iterator monitor = theMonitors.begin(); monitor != theMonitors.end(); ++monitor) {
406  (*monitor)->startingNewLoop();
407  }
409  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::startingNewLoop"
410  << "Now physically apply alignments to geometry...";
413  // Propagate changes to reconstruction geometry (from initialisation or iteration)
414  GeometryAligner aligner;
415  if ( doTracker_ ) {
416  std::auto_ptr<Alignments> alignments(theAlignableTracker->alignments());
417  std::auto_ptr<AlignmentErrorsExtended> alignmentErrors(theAlignableTracker->alignmentErrors());
418  aligner.applyAlignments<TrackerGeometry>( &(*theTracker),&(*alignments),&(*alignmentErrors), AlignTransform() ); // don't apply global a second time!
419  std::auto_ptr<AlignmentSurfaceDeformations> aliDeforms(theAlignableTracker->surfaceDeformations());
420  aligner.attachSurfaceDeformations<TrackerGeometry>(&(*theTracker), &(*aliDeforms));
422  }
423  if ( doMuon_ ) {
424  std::auto_ptr<Alignments> dtAlignments( theAlignableMuon->dtAlignments());
425  std::auto_ptr<AlignmentErrorsExtended> dtAlignmentErrorsExtended( theAlignableMuon->dtAlignmentErrorsExtended());
426  std::auto_ptr<Alignments> cscAlignments( theAlignableMuon->cscAlignments());
427  std::auto_ptr<AlignmentErrorsExtended> cscAlignmentErrorsExtended( theAlignableMuon->cscAlignmentErrorsExtended());
429  aligner.applyAlignments<DTGeometry>( &(*theMuonDT), &(*dtAlignments), &(*dtAlignmentErrorsExtended), AlignTransform() ); // don't apply global a second time!
430  aligner.applyAlignments<CSCGeometry>( &(*theMuonCSC), &(*cscAlignments), &(*cscAlignmentErrorsExtended), AlignTransform() ); // nope!
431  }
432 }
435 //_____________________________________________________________________________
436 // Called at end of loop
438 AlignmentProducer::endOfLoop(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup, unsigned int iLoop)
439 {
441  if (0 == nevent_) {
442  // beginOfJob is usually called by the framework in the first event of the first loop
443  // (a hack: beginOfJob needs the EventSetup that is not well defined without an event)
444  // and the algorithms rely on the initialisations done in beginOfJob. We cannot call
445  // this->beginOfJob(iSetup); here either since that will access the EventSetup to get
446  // some geometry information that is not defined either without having seen an event.
447  edm::LogError("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::endOfLoop"
448  << "Did not process any events in loop " << iLoop
449  << ", stop processing without terminating algorithm.";
450  return kStop;
451  }
453  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::endOfLoop"
454  << "Ending loop " << iLoop << ", terminating algorithm.";
456  theAlignmentAlgo->terminate(iSetup);
457  // FIXME: Should this be done in algorithm::terminate(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup)??
458  for (auto iCal = theCalibrations.begin(); iCal != theCalibrations.end(); ++iCal) {
459  (*iCal)->endOfLoop();
460  }
462  for (std::vector<AlignmentMonitorBase*>::const_iterator monitor = theMonitors.begin(); monitor != theMonitors.end(); ++monitor) {
463  (*monitor)->endOfLoop(iSetup);
464  }
466  if ( iLoop == theMaxLoops-1 || iLoop >= theMaxLoops ) return kStop;
467  else return kContinue;
468 }
470 //_____________________________________________________________________________
471 // Called at each event
474  const edm::EventSetup& setup )
475 {
476  ++nevent_;
478  // reading in survey records
479  this->readInSurveyRcds(setup);
481  // Printout event number
482  for ( int i=10; i<10000000; i*=10 )
483  if ( nevent_<10*i && (nevent_%i)==0 )
484  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::duringLoop"
485  << "Events processed: " << nevent_;
487  // Retrieve trajectories and tracks from the event
488  // -> merely skip if collection is empty
490  if (event.getByLabel(tjTkAssociationMapTag_, m_TrajTracksMap)) {
492  // Form pairs of trajectories and tracks
493  ConstTrajTrackPairCollection trajTracks;
494  for ( TrajTrackAssociationCollection::const_iterator iPair = m_TrajTracksMap->begin();
495  iPair != m_TrajTracksMap->end(); ++iPair) {
496  trajTracks.push_back( ConstTrajTrackPair( &(*(*iPair).key), &(*(*iPair).val) ) );
497  }
499  event.getByLabel(beamSpotTag_, beamSpot);
501  if (nevent_==1 && theAlignableExtras) {
502  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::duringLoop"
503  << "initializing AlignableBeamSpot" << std::endl;
504  theAlignableExtras->initializeBeamSpot(beamSpot->x0(), beamSpot->y0(), beamSpot->z0(),
505  beamSpot->dxdz(), beamSpot->dydz());
506  }
508  // Run the alignment algorithm with its input
509  const AliClusterValueMap *clusterValueMapPtr = 0;
510  if(clusterValueMapTag_.encode().size()){//check that the input tag is not empty
511  edm::Handle<AliClusterValueMap> clusterValueMap;
512  event.getByLabel(clusterValueMapTag_, clusterValueMap);
513  clusterValueMapPtr = &(*clusterValueMap);
514  }
516  const AlignmentAlgorithmBase::EventInfo eventInfo(event.id(), trajTracks, *beamSpot,
517  clusterValueMapPtr);
518  theAlignmentAlgo->run(setup, eventInfo);
521  for (std::vector<AlignmentMonitorBase*>::const_iterator monitor = theMonitors.begin();
522  monitor != theMonitors.end(); ++monitor) {
523  (*monitor)->duringLoop(event, setup, trajTracks); // forward eventInfo?
524  }
525  } else {
526  edm::LogError("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::duringLoop"
527  << "No track collection found: skipping event";
528  }
531  return kContinue;
532 }
534 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
536 {
537  theAlignmentAlgo->beginRun(setup); // do not forward edm::Run...
538 }
540 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
542 {
543  // call with or without las beam info...
545  if (tkLasBeamTag_.encode().size()) { // non-empty InputTag
548  run.getByLabel(tkLasBeamTag_, lasBeams);
549  run.getByLabel(tkLasBeamTag_, tsoses);
551  theAlignmentAlgo->endRun(EndRunInfo(run.id(), &(*lasBeams), &(*tsoses)), setup);
552  } else {
553  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::endRun"
554  << "No Tk LAS beams to forward to algorithm.";
555  theAlignmentAlgo->endRun(EndRunInfo(run.id(), 0, 0), setup);
556  }
557 }
559 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
561  const edm::EventSetup &setup)
562 {
563  theAlignmentAlgo->beginLuminosityBlock(setup); // do not forward edm::LuminosityBlock
564 }
566 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
568  const edm::EventSetup &setup)
569 {
570  theAlignmentAlgo->endLuminosityBlock(setup); // do not forward edm::LuminosityBlock
571 }
573 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
576  float shift, float rot, bool local)
577 {
579  std::ostringstream output; // collecting output
581  if (shift > 0. || rot > 0.) {
582  output << "Adding random flat shift of max size " << shift
583  << " and adding random flat rotation of max size " << rot <<" to ";
585  std::vector<bool> commSel(0);
586  if (selection != "-1") {
587  AlignmentParameterSelector aSelector(0,0); // no alignable needed here...
588  const std::vector<char> cSel(aSelector.convertParamSel(selection));
589  if (cSel.size() < RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::N_PARAM) {
590  throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
591  << "[AlignmentProducer::simpleMisalignment_]\n"
592  << "Expect selection string '" << selection << "' to be at least of length "
593  << RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::N_PARAM << " or to be '-1'.\n"
594  << "(Most probably you have to adjust the parameter 'parameterSelectorSimple'.)";
595  }
596  for (std::vector<char>::const_iterator cIter = cSel.begin(); cIter != cSel.end(); ++cIter) {
597  commSel.push_back(*cIter == '0' ? false : true);
598  }
599  output << "parameters defined by (" << selection
600  << "), representing (x,y,z,alpha,beta,gamma),";
601  } else {
602  output << "the active parameters of each alignable,";
603  }
604  output << " in " << (local ? "local" : "global") << " frame.";
606  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator it = alivec.begin(); it != alivec.end(); ++it) {
607  Alignable* ali=(*it);
608  std::vector<bool> mysel(commSel.empty() ? ali->alignmentParameters()->selector() : commSel);
610  if (std::abs(shift)>0.00001) {
611  double s0 = 0., s1 = 0., s2 = 0.;
612  if (mysel[RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dx]) s0 = shift * double(random()%1000-500)/500.;
613  if (mysel[RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dy]) s1 = shift * double(random()%1000-500)/500.;
614  if (mysel[RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dz]) s2 = shift * double(random()%1000-500)/500.;
616  if (local) ali->move( ali->surface().toGlobal(align::LocalVector(s0,s1,s2)) );
617  else ali->move( align::GlobalVector(s0,s1,s2) );
619  //AlignmentPositionError ape(dx,dy,dz);
620  //ali->addAlignmentPositionError(ape);
621  }
623  if (std::abs(rot)>0.00001) {
625  if (mysel[RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dalpha]) r(1)=rot*double(random()%1000-500)/500.;
626  if (mysel[RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dbeta]) r(2)=rot*double(random()%1000-500)/500.;
627  if (mysel[RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dgamma]) r(3)=rot*double(random()%1000-500)/500.;
629  const align::RotationType mrot = align::toMatrix(r);
630  if (local) ali->rotateInLocalFrame(mrot);
631  else ali->rotateInGlobalFrame(mrot);
633  //ali->addAlignmentPositionErrorFromRotation(mrot);
634  }
635  } // end loop on alignables
636  } else {
637  output << "No simple misalignment added!";
638  }
639  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::simpleMisalignment_" << output.str();
640 }
643 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
645 {
647  iSetup.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get( cpv );
649  if (doTracker_) {
650  edm::ESHandle<GeometricDet> geometricDet;
651  iSetup.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get( geometricDet );
654  iSetup.get<PTrackerParametersRcd>().get( ptp );
656  edm::ESHandle<TrackerTopology> tTopoHandle;
657  iSetup.get<TrackerTopologyRcd>().get(tTopoHandle);
658  const TrackerTopology* const tTopo = tTopoHandle.product();
660  TrackerGeomBuilderFromGeometricDet trackerBuilder;
661  theTracker = boost::shared_ptr<TrackerGeometry>( trackerBuilder.build(&(*geometricDet), *ptp, tTopo ));
662  }
664  if (doMuon_) {
666  iSetup.get<MuonNumberingRecord>().get(mdc);
667  DTGeometryBuilderFromDDD DTGeometryBuilder;
669  theMuonDT = boost::shared_ptr<DTGeometry>(new DTGeometry );
670  DTGeometryBuilder.build( theMuonDT, &(*cpv), *mdc);
671  theMuonCSC = boost::shared_ptr<CSCGeometry>( new CSCGeometry );
672  CSCGeometryBuilder.build( theMuonCSC, &(*cpv), *mdc );
673  }
674 }
677 {
678  const std::vector<Alignable*>& comp = ali->components();
680  unsigned int nComp = comp.size();
682  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nComp; ++i) addSurveyInfo_(comp[i]);
686  if ( ali->id() != error.rawId() ||
687  ali->alignableObjectId() != error.structureType() )
688  {
689  throw cms::Exception("DatabaseError")
690  << "Error reading survey info from DB. Mismatched id!";
691  }
693  const CLHEP::Hep3Vector& pos = theSurveyValues->m_align[theSurveyIndex].translation();
694  const CLHEP::HepRotation& rot = theSurveyValues->m_align[theSurveyIndex].rotation();
696  AlignableSurface surf( align::PositionType( pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() ),
697  align::RotationType( rot.xx(), rot.xy(), rot.xz(),
698  rot.yx(), rot.yy(), rot.yz(),
699  rot.zx(), rot.zy(), rot.zz() ) );
701  surf.setWidth( ali->surface().width() );
702  surf.setLength( ali->surface().length() );
704  ali->setSurvey( new SurveyDet( surf, error.matrix() ) );
706  ++theSurveyIndex;
707 }
711  // Get Survey Rcds and add Survey Info
712  if ( doTracker_ && useSurvey_ ){
713  bool tkSurveyBool = watchTkSurveyRcd_.check(iSetup);
714  bool tkSurveyErrBool = watchTkSurveyErrRcd_.check(iSetup);
715  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "watcher tksurveyrcd: " << tkSurveyBool;
716  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "watcher tksurveyerrrcd: " << tkSurveyErrBool;
717  if ( tkSurveyBool || tkSurveyErrBool){
719  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "ADDING THE SURVEY INFORMATION";
721  edm::ESHandle<SurveyErrors> surveyErrors;
723  iSetup.get<TrackerSurveyRcd>().get(surveys);
724  iSetup.get<TrackerSurveyErrorExtendedRcd>().get(surveyErrors);
726  theSurveyIndex = 0;
727  theSurveyValues = &*surveys;
728  theSurveyErrors = &*surveyErrors;
730  }
731  }
733  if ( doMuon_ && useSurvey_) {
734  bool DTSurveyBool = watchTkSurveyRcd_.check(iSetup);
735  bool DTSurveyErrBool = watchTkSurveyErrRcd_.check(iSetup);
736  bool CSCSurveyBool = watchTkSurveyRcd_.check(iSetup);
737  bool CSCSurveyErrBool = watchTkSurveyErrRcd_.check(iSetup);
739  if ( DTSurveyBool || DTSurveyErrBool || CSCSurveyBool || CSCSurveyErrBool ){
740  edm::ESHandle<Alignments> dtSurveys;
741  edm::ESHandle<SurveyErrors> dtSurveyErrors;
742  edm::ESHandle<Alignments> cscSurveys;
743  edm::ESHandle<SurveyErrors> cscSurveyErrors;
745  iSetup.get<DTSurveyRcd>().get(dtSurveys);
746  iSetup.get<DTSurveyErrorExtendedRcd>().get(dtSurveyErrors);
747  iSetup.get<CSCSurveyRcd>().get(cscSurveys);
748  iSetup.get<CSCSurveyErrorExtendedRcd>().get(cscSurveyErrors);
750  theSurveyIndex = 0;
751  theSurveyValues = &*dtSurveys;
752  theSurveyErrors = &*dtSurveyErrors;
753  std::vector<Alignable*> barrels = theAlignableMuon->DTBarrel();
754  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iter = barrels.begin(); iter != barrels.end(); ++iter) {
755  addSurveyInfo_(*iter);
756  }
758  theSurveyIndex = 0;
759  theSurveyValues = &*cscSurveys;
760  theSurveyErrors = &*cscSurveyErrors;
761  std::vector<Alignable*> endcaps = theAlignableMuon->CSCEndcaps();
762  for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iter = endcaps.begin(); iter != endcaps.end(); ++iter) {
763  addSurveyInfo_(*iter);
764  }
765  }
766  }
768 }
772 // a templated method - but private, so not accessible from outside
773 // ==> does not have to be in header file
774 template<class G, class Rcd, class ErrRcd>
776  const AlignTransform &globalCoordinates) const
777 {
778  // 'G' is the geometry class for that DB should be applied,
779  // 'Rcd' is the record class for its Alignments
780  // 'ErrRcd' is the record class for its AlignmentErrorsExtended
781  // 'globalCoordinates' are global transformation for this geometry
783  const Rcd & record = iSetup.get<Rcd>();
785  const edm::ValidityInterval & validity = record.validityInterval();
786  const edm::IOVSyncValue first = validity.first();
787  const edm::IOVSyncValue last = validity.last();
788  if (first!=edm::IOVSyncValue::beginOfTime() ||
790  throw cms::Exception("DatabaseError")
791  << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::applyDB"
792  << "\nTrying to apply "
793  << record.key().name()
794  << " with multiple IOVs in tag.\n"
795  << "Validity range is "
796  << first.eventID().run() << " - " << last.eventID().run();
797  }
798  }
800  edm::ESHandle<Alignments> alignments;
801  record.get(alignments);
804  iSetup.get<ErrRcd>().get(alignmentErrors);
806  GeometryAligner aligner;
807  aligner.applyAlignments<G>(geometry, &(*alignments), &(*alignmentErrors),
808  globalCoordinates);
809 }
813 // a templated method - but private, so not accessible from outside
814 // ==> does not have to be in header file
815 template<class G, class DeformationRcd>
817 {
818  // 'G' is the geometry class for that DB should be applied,
819  // 'DeformationRcd' is the record class for its surface deformations
821  const DeformationRcd & record = iSetup.get<DeformationRcd>();
823  const edm::ValidityInterval & validity = record.validityInterval();
824  const edm::IOVSyncValue first = validity.first();
825  const edm::IOVSyncValue last = validity.last();
826  if (first!=edm::IOVSyncValue::beginOfTime() ||
828  throw cms::Exception("DatabaseError")
829  << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::applyDB"
830  << "\nTrying to apply "
831  << record.key().name()
832  << " with multiple IOVs in tag.\n"
833  << "Validity range is "
834  << first.eventID().run() << " - " << last.eventID().run();
835  }
836  }
838  record.get(surfaceDeformations);
840  GeometryAligner aligner;
841  aligner.attachSurfaceDeformations<G>(geometry, &(*surfaceDeformations));
842 }
846 {
847  if ( doTracker_ ) { // first tracker
848  const AlignTransform *trackerGlobal = 0; // will be 'removed' from constants
849  if (globalPositions_) { // i.e. applied before in applyDB
852  }
854  Alignments *alignments = theAlignableTracker->alignments();
856  this->writeDB(alignments, "TrackerAlignmentRcd",
857  alignmentErrors, "TrackerAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd", trackerGlobal,
858  time);
859  }
861  if ( doMuon_ ) { // now muon
862  const AlignTransform *muonGlobal = 0; // will be 'removed' from constants
863  if (globalPositions_) { // i.e. applied before in applyDB
865  DetId(DetId::Muon));
866  }
867  // Get alignments+errors, first DT - ownership taken over by writeDB(..), so no delete
868  Alignments *alignments = theAlignableMuon->dtAlignments();
870  this->writeDB(alignments, "DTAlignmentRcd",
871  alignmentErrors, "DTAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd", muonGlobal,
872  time);
874  // Get alignments+errors, now CSC - ownership taken over by writeDB(..), so no delete
875  alignments = theAlignableMuon->cscAlignments();
876  alignmentErrors = theAlignableMuon->cscAlignmentErrorsExtended();
877  this->writeDB(alignments, "CSCAlignmentRcd",
878  alignmentErrors, "CSCAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd", muonGlobal,
879  time);
880  }
882  // Save surface deformations to database
884  AlignmentSurfaceDeformations *alignmentSurfaceDeformations = theAlignableTracker->surfaceDeformations();
885  this->writeDB(alignmentSurfaceDeformations, "TrackerSurfaceDeformationRcd", time);
886  }
887 }
891  const std::string &alignRcd,
892  AlignmentErrorsExtended *alignmentErrors,
893  const std::string &errRcd,
894  const AlignTransform *globalCoordinates,
895  cond::Time_t time) const
896 {
897  Alignments * tempAlignments = alignments;
898  AlignmentErrorsExtended * tempAlignmentErrorsExtended = alignmentErrors;
900  // Call service
902  if (!poolDb.isAvailable()) { // Die if not available
903  delete tempAlignments; // promised to take over ownership...
904  delete tempAlignmentErrorsExtended; // dito
905  throw cms::Exception("NotAvailable") << "PoolDBOutputService not available";
906  }
908  if (globalCoordinates // happens only if (applyDbAlignment_ == true)
909  && globalCoordinates->transform() != AlignTransform::Transform::Identity) {
911  tempAlignments = new Alignments(); // temporary storage for
912  tempAlignmentErrorsExtended = new AlignmentErrorsExtended(); // final alignments and errors
914  GeometryAligner aligner;
915  aligner.removeGlobalTransform(alignments, alignmentErrors,
916  *globalCoordinates,
917  tempAlignments, tempAlignmentErrorsExtended);
919  delete alignments; // have to delete original alignments
920  delete alignmentErrors; // same thing for the errors
922  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::writeDB"
923  << "globalCoordinates removed from alignments (" << alignRcd
924  << ") and errors (" << alignRcd << ").";
925  }
927  if (saveToDB_) {
928  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "Writing Alignments for run " << time
929  << " to " << alignRcd << ".";
930  poolDb->writeOne<Alignments>(tempAlignments, time, alignRcd);
931  } else { // poolDb->writeOne(..) takes over 'alignments' ownership,...
932  delete tempAlignments; // ...otherwise we have to delete, as promised!
933  }
935  if (saveApeToDB_) {
936  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "Writing AlignmentErrorsExtended for run " << time
937  << " to " << errRcd << ".";
938  poolDb->writeOne<AlignmentErrorsExtended>(tempAlignmentErrorsExtended, time, errRcd);
939  } else { // poolDb->writeOne(..) takes over 'alignmentErrors' ownership,...
940  delete tempAlignmentErrorsExtended; // ...otherwise we have to delete, as promised!
941  }
942 }
946 void AlignmentProducer::writeDB(AlignmentSurfaceDeformations *alignmentSurfaceDeformations,
947  const std::string &surfaceDeformationRcd,
948  cond::Time_t time) const
949 {
950  // Call service
952  if (!poolDb.isAvailable()) { // Die if not available
953  delete alignmentSurfaceDeformations; // promised to take over ownership...
954  throw cms::Exception("NotAvailable") << "PoolDBOutputService not available";
955  }
957  if (saveDeformationsToDB_) {
958  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "Writing AlignmentSurfaceDeformations for run " << time
959  << " to " << surfaceDeformationRcd << ".";
960  poolDb->writeOne<AlignmentSurfaceDeformations>(alignmentSurfaceDeformations, time,
961  surfaceDeformationRcd);
962  } else { // poolDb->writeOne(..) takes over 'surfaceDeformation' ownership,...
963  delete alignmentSurfaceDeformations; // ...otherwise we have to delete, as promised!
964  }
965 }
969 {
970  static bool oldRunRangeSelectionWarning = false;
975  RunRanges uniqueRunRanges;
976  if (!RunRangeSelectionVPSet.empty()) {
978  std::map<RunNumber,RunNumber> uniqueFirstRunNumbers;
980  for (std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>::const_iterator ipset = RunRangeSelectionVPSet.begin();
981  ipset != RunRangeSelectionVPSet.end();
982  ++ipset) {
983  const std::vector<std::string> RunRangeStrings = (*ipset).getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("RunRanges");
984  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator irange = RunRangeStrings.begin();
985  irange != RunRangeStrings.end();
986  ++irange) {
988  if ((*irange).find(':')==std::string::npos) {
990  RunNumber first = beginValue;
991  long int temp = strtol((*irange).c_str(), 0, 0);
992  if (temp!=-1) first = temp;
993  uniqueFirstRunNumbers[first] = first;
995  } else {
997  if (!oldRunRangeSelectionWarning) {
998  edm::LogWarning("BadConfig") << "@SUB=AlignmentProducer::makeNonOverlappingRunRanges"
999  << "Config file contains old format for 'RunRangeSelection'. Only the start run\n"
1000  << "number is used internally. The number of the last run is ignored and can be\n"
1001  << "safely removed from the config file.\n";
1002  oldRunRangeSelectionWarning = true;
1003  }
1005  std::vector<std::string> tokens = edm::tokenize(*irange, ":");
1006  long int temp;
1007  RunNumber first = beginValue;
1008  temp = strtol(tokens[0].c_str(), 0, 0);
1009  if (temp!=-1) first = temp;
1010  uniqueFirstRunNumbers[first] = first;
1011  }
1012  }
1013  }
1015  for (std::map<RunNumber,RunNumber>::iterator iFirst = uniqueFirstRunNumbers.begin();
1016  iFirst!=uniqueFirstRunNumbers.end();
1017  ++iFirst) {
1018  uniqueRunRanges.push_back(std::pair<RunNumber,RunNumber>((*iFirst).first, endValue));
1019  }
1020  for (unsigned int i = 0;i<uniqueRunRanges.size()-1;++i) {
1021  uniqueRunRanges[i].second = uniqueRunRanges[i+1].first - 1;
1022  }
1024  } else {
1026  uniqueRunRanges.push_back(std::pair<RunNumber,RunNumber>(beginValue, endValue));
1028  }
1030  return uniqueRunRanges;
1031 }
RunNumber_t run() const
Definition: EventID.h:39
std::vector< Alignable * > Alignables
const TimeTypeSpecs timeTypeSpecs[]
Definition: Time.cc:22
align::Scalar width() const
AlignmentProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
virtual void beginLuminosityBlock(const edm::EventSetup &setup)
called at begin of luminosity block (no lumi block info passed yet)
virtual void beginRun(const edm::EventSetup &setup)
called at begin of run
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
align::ID id() const
Return the ID of Alignable, i.e. DetId of &#39;first&#39; component GeomDet(Unit).
Definition: Alignable.h:185
bool getByLabel(std::string const &label, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Run.h:219
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
boost::shared_ptr< TrackerGeometry > theTracker
virtual void rotateInLocalFrame(const RotationType &rotation)
Rotation intepreted in the local reference frame.
Definition: Alignable.cc:120
const bool doMisalignmentScenario_
RunID const & id() const
Definition: RunBase.h:39
virtual void run(const edm::EventSetup &setup, const EventInfo &eventInfo)=0
Run the algorithm (must be implemented in derived class)
Builds a scenario from configuration and applies it to the alignable Muon.
AlignmentAlgorithmBase * theAlignmentAlgo
virtual void terminate(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)=0
Call at end of each loop (must be implemented in derived class)
const EventID & eventID() const
Definition: IOVSyncValue.h:42
virtual boost::shared_ptr< TrackerGeometry > produceTracker(const TrackerDigiGeometryRecord &iRecord)
Produce the tracker geometry.
AlignmentErrorsExtended * alignmentErrors() const
Return alignment errors, sorted by DetId.
Time_t beginValue
Definition: Time.h:45
Class to update a given geometry with a set of alignments.
void simpleMisalignment_(const Alignables &alivec, const std::string &selection, float shift, float rot, bool local)
Apply random shifts and rotations to selected alignables, according to configuration.
JetCorrectorParameters::Record record
Definition: classes.h:7
void readInSurveyRcds(const edm::EventSetup &)
read in survey records
std::vector< ParameterSet > VParameterSet
Definition: ParameterSet.h:33
ErrorMatrix matrix() const
Definition: SurveyError.h:76
void writeDB(Alignments *alignments, const std::string &alignRcd, AlignmentErrorsExtended *alignmentErrors, const std::string &errRcd, const AlignTransform *globalCoordinates, cond::Time_t time) const
virtual boost::shared_ptr< DTGeometry > produceDT(const MuonGeometryRecord &iRecord)
Produce the muon DT geometry.
align::Alignables DTBarrel()
main part
Definition: corrVsCorr.py:98
virtual void endLuminosityBlock(const edm::EventSetup &setup)
called at end of luminosity block (no lumi block info passed yet)
static const IOVSyncValue & endOfTime()
Definition: IOVSyncValue.cc:97
virtual void beginRun(const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
Called at run start and calling algorithms beginRun.
std::vector< IntegratedCalibrationBase * > theCalibrations
#define DEFINE_FWK_LOOPER(type)
virtual Status endOfLoop(const edm::EventSetup &, unsigned int iLoop)
Called at end of loop.
edm::ParameterSet theParameterSet
TrackerGeometry * build(const GeometricDet *gd, const PTrackerParameters &ptp, const TrackerTopology *tTopo)
virtual void move(const GlobalVector &displacement)=0
Movement with respect to the global reference frame.
const std::vector< bool > & selector(void) const
Get alignment parameter selector vector.
void setWidth(align::Scalar width)
TRandom random
Definition: MVATrainer.cc:138
const edm::InputTag tkLasBeamTag_
const Alignments * theSurveyValues
void addSurveyInfo_(Alignable *)
Add survey info to an alignable.
uint8_t structureType() const
Definition: SurveyError.h:66
void createGeometries_(const edm::EventSetup &)
Create tracker and muon geometries.
virtual Alignables components() const =0
Return vector of all direct components.
std::vector< AlignTransform > m_align
Definition: Alignments.h:19
std::string encode() const
Definition: InputTag.cc:164
AlignmentParameters * alignmentParameters() const
Get the AlignmentParameters.
Definition: Alignable.h:57
void setWhatProduced(T *iThis, const es::Label &iLabel=es::Label())
Definition: ESProducer.h:115
const bool applyDbAlignment_
define event information passed to algorithms
tuple s2
Definition: indexGen.py:106
const IOVSyncValue & last() const
virtual void endRun(const EndRunInfo &runInfo, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
called at end of run - order of arguments like in EDProducer etc.
AlignmentAlgorithmBase::RunNumber RunNumber
void build(boost::shared_ptr< CSCGeometry > geom, const DDCompactView *fv, const MuonDDDConstants &muonConstants)
Build the geometry.
virtual bool addCalibrations(const Calibrations &)
void setLength(align::Scalar length)
const unsigned int theMaxLoops
const AlgebraicVector & parameters(void) const
Get alignment parameters.
AlignableExtras * theAlignableExtras
virtual bool setParametersForRunRange(const RunRange &rr)
Alignments * dtAlignments()
unsigned long long Time_t
Definition: Time.h:16
align::Alignables CSCEndcaps()
const bool checkDbAlignmentValidity_
boost::shared_ptr< CSCGeometry > theMuonCSC
static const IOVSyncValue & beginOfTime()
const edm::InputTag clusterValueMapTag_
void attachSurfaceDeformations(C *geometry, const AlignmentSurfaceDeformations *surfaceDeformations)
void removeGlobalTransform(const Alignments *alignments, const AlignmentErrorsExtended *alignmentErrors, const AlignTransform &globalCoordinates, Alignments *newAlignments, AlignmentErrorsExtended *newAlignmentErrorsExtended)
bool isAvailable() const
Definition: Service.h:46
unsigned int theSurveyIndex
virtual StructureType alignableObjectId() const =0
Return the alignable type identifier.
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
std::vector< AlignmentMonitorBase * > theMonitors
virtual void startingNewLoop(unsigned int iLoop)
Called at beginning of loop.
RunRanges makeNonOverlappingRunRanges(const edm::VParameterSet &RunRangeSelectionVPSet)
AlignmentParameterStore * theAlignmentParameterStore
align::ID rawId() const
Definition: SurveyError.h:71
void writeOne(T *payload, Time_t time, const std::string &recordName, bool withlogging=false)
AlignmentSurfaceDeformations * surfaceDeformations() const
Return surface deformations, sorted by DetId.
Definition: Alignable.cc:245
AlignmentAlgorithmBase::EndRunInfo EndRunInfo
virtual void initialize(const edm::EventSetup &setup, AlignableTracker *tracker, AlignableMuon *muon, AlignableExtras *extras, AlignmentParameterStore *store)=0
Call at beginning of job (must be implemented in derived class)
void applyScenario(const edm::ParameterSet &scenario)
Apply misalignment scenario to the tracker.
boost::shared_ptr< DTGeometry > theMuonDT
void initializeBeamSpot(double x, double y, double z, double dxdz, double dydz)
Initialize the alignable beam spot with the given parameters.
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
const edm::InputTag beamSpotTag_
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:418
virtual void endRun(const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
Called at run end - currently reading TkFittedLasBeam if an InpuTag is given for that.
AlignmentErrorsExtended * cscAlignmentErrorsExtended()
const AlignableSurface & surface() const
Return the Surface (global position and orientation) of the object.
Definition: Alignable.h:131
const SurveyErrors * theSurveyErrors
tuple G
Definition: callgraph.py:12
const edm::InputTag tjTkAssociationMapTag_
virtual Status duringLoop(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
Called at each event.
Definition: DetId.h:18
AlignableMuon * theAlignableMuon
void applyAlignments(C *geometry, const Alignments *alignments, const AlignmentErrorsExtended *alignmentErrors, const AlignTransform &globalCoordinates)
const bool saveDeformationsToDB_
virtual void endOfJob()
Called at end of job.
AlgebraicVector EulerAngles
Definition: Definitions.h:36
align::Scalar length() const
const double stRandomShift_
virtual void beginOfJob()
Definition: EDLooperBase.cc:88
Transform transform() const
void build(boost::shared_ptr< DTGeometry > theGeometry, const DDCompactView *cview, const MuonDDDConstants &muonConstants)
virtual void rotateInGlobalFrame(const RotationType &rotation)=0
void addUntrackedParameter(std::string const &name, T const &value)
Definition: ParameterSet.h:208
std::vector< std::string > tokenize(std::string const &input, std::string const &separator)
breaks the input string into tokens, delimited by the separator
Definition: Parse.cc:57
void setSurvey(const SurveyDet *)
Set survey info.
Definition: Alignable.cc:306
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:56
virtual void endLuminosityBlock(const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiBlock, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
Called at lumi block end, calling algorithm&#39;s endLuminosityBlock.
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
std::vector< ConstTrajTrackPair > ConstTrajTrackPairCollection
Alignments * cscAlignments()
AlignmentErrorsExtended * dtAlignmentErrorsExtended()
bool check(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
Definition: ESWatcher.h:57
ESHandle< TrackerGeometry > geometry
edm::EventID id() const
Definition: EventBase.h:59
virtual boost::shared_ptr< CSCGeometry > produceCSC(const MuonGeometryRecord &iRecord)
Produce the muon CSC geometry.
edm::ESWatcher< TrackerSurveyRcd > watchTkSurveyRcd_
align::GlobalPoints toGlobal(const align::LocalPoints &) const
Return in global coord given a set of local points.
AlignableTracker * theAlignableTracker
RotationType toMatrix(const EulerAngles &)
Convert rotation angles about x-, y-, z-axes to matrix.
Definition: Utilities.cc:40
virtual void beginLuminosityBlock(const edm::LuminosityBlock &lumiBlock, const edm::EventSetup &setup)
Called at lumi block start, calling algorithm&#39;s beginLuminosityBlock.
std::vector< char > convertParamSel(const std::string &selString) const
Converting std::string into std::vector&lt;char&gt;
static unsigned int const shift
void applyDB(G *geometry, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const AlignTransform &globalPosition) const
edm::ESWatcher< TrackerSurveyErrorExtendedRcd > watchTkSurveyErrRcd_
const AlignTransform & DetectorGlobalPosition(const Alignments &allGlobals, const DetId &id)
void writeForRunRange(cond::Time_t time)
const IOVSyncValue & first() const
Alignments * alignments() const
Return alignments, sorted by DetId.
Time_t endValue
Definition: Time.h:46
std::vector< SurveyError > m_surveyErrors
Definition: SurveyErrors.h:23
std::pair< const Trajectory *, const reco::Track * > ConstTrajTrackPair
define run information passed to algorithms (in endRun)
Builds a scenario from configuration and applies it to the alignable tracker.
const Alignments * globalPositions_
GlobalPositions that might be read from DB, NULL otherwise.
Alignables & beamSpot()
Return beam spot alignable as a vector with one element.
void applyScenario(const edm::ParameterSet &scenario)
Apply misalignment scenario to the Muon.
T get(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:55
AlignmentAlgorithmBase::RunRange RunRange
const double stRandomRotation_
Definition: Run.h:43
std::vector< RunRange > RunRanges