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4 //#include <RecoTracker/Record/interface/TrackerRecoGeometryRecord.h>
30  theOption = par.getParameter<unsigned int>("option");
31  theCopyMuonRecHit = par.getParameter<bool>("copyMuonRecHit");
33  double Chi2 = par.getParameter<double>("maxChi2");
36  thePropagatorName = par.getParameter<std::string>("propagatorName");
37  thePropagatorCompatibleName = par.getParameter<std::string>("propagatorCompatibleName");
39  theCategory = "TSGForRoadSearch|TrackerSeedGenerator";
41  theManySeeds = par.getParameter<bool>("manySeeds");
42  if (theManySeeds){ theUpdator = new KFUpdator();}
43  else{ theUpdator=0;}
45  edm::ParameterSet errorMatrixPset = par.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("errorMatrixPset");
46  if (!errorMatrixPset.empty()){
47  theAdjustAtIp = errorMatrixPset.getParameter<bool>("atIP");
48  theErrorMatrixAdjuster = new MuonErrorMatrix(errorMatrixPset);}
49  else {
50  theAdjustAtIp =false;
53  theMeasurementTrackerEventTag = par.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("MeasurementTrackerEvent");
57 }
60  delete theChi2Estimator;
61  if (theUpdator) delete theUpdator;
63 }
67  theProxyService = service;
68 }
71  //get the measurementtracker
72  if (theManySeeds){
74  if (!theMeasurementTracker.isValid())/*abort*/{edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"measurement tracker geometry not found ";}
75  }
79  event.getByToken(theMeasurementTrackerEventToken, data);
81 }
85 void TSGForRoadSearch::trackerSeeds(const TrackCand & muonTrackCand, const TrackingRegion& region, const TrackerTopology *tTopo,
86  std::vector<TrajectorySeed> & result){
87  switch (theOption){
88  case 0:
89  makeSeeds_0(*muonTrackCand.second,result);break;
90  case 1:
91  makeSeeds_1(*muonTrackCand.second,result);break;
92  case 2:
93  makeSeeds_2(*muonTrackCand.second,result);break;
94  case 3:
95  makeSeeds_3(*muonTrackCand.second,result);break;
96  case 4:
97  makeSeeds_4(*muonTrackCand.second,result);break;
98  }
99 }
102  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"outer state: "<<state;
105  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"outer state after rescale: "<<state;
106  }
107  return true;
108 }
113  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"pure L2 state: "<<fts;
114  if (fts.position().mag()==0 && fts.momentum().mag()==0){ edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"initial state of muon is (0,0,0)(0,0,0). no seed.";
115  return false;}
117  //rescale the error at IP
119  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"after adjusting the error matrix: "<<fts;}
121  return true;
122 }
124 //-----------------------------------------
125 // inside-out generator option NO pixel used
126 //-----------------------------------------
127 void TSGForRoadSearch::makeSeeds_0(const reco::Track & muon, std::vector<TrajectorySeed>& result){
128  //get the state at IP
129  FreeTrajectoryState cIPFTS;
130  if (!IPfts(muon, cIPFTS)) return;
132  //take state at inner surface and check the first part reached
133  const std::vector<const BarrelDetLayer*> & blc = theGeometricSearchTracker->tibLayers();
134  TrajectoryStateOnSurface inner = theProxyService->propagator(thePropagatorName)->propagate(cIPFTS,blc.front()->surface());
135  if ( !inner.isValid() ) {LogDebug(theCategory) <<"inner state is not valid. no seed."; return;}
137  //rescale the error
138  if (!notAtIPtsos(inner)) return;
140  double z = inner.globalPosition().z();
142  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ptidc = theGeometricSearchTracker->posTidLayers();
143  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ptecc = theGeometricSearchTracker->posTecLayers();
144  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ntidc = theGeometricSearchTracker->negTidLayers();
145  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ntecc = theGeometricSearchTracker->negTecLayers();
147  const DetLayer *inLayer = 0;
148  if( fabs(z) < ptidc.front()->surface().position().z() ) {
149  inLayer = blc.front();
150  } else if ( fabs(z) < ptecc.front()->surface().position().z() ) {
151  inLayer = ( z < 0 ) ? ntidc.front() : ptidc.front() ;
152  } else {
153  inLayer = ( z < 0 ) ? ntecc.front() : ptecc.front() ;
154  }
156  //find out at least one compatible detector reached
157  std::vector< DetLayer::DetWithState > compatible;
158  compatible.reserve(10);
161  //loop the parts until at least a compatible is found
162  while (compatible.size()==0) {
163  switch ( GeomDetEnumerators::subDetGeom[inLayer->subDetector()] ) {
168  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"from inside-out, trying TEC or TOB layers. no seed.";
169  return;
170  break;
172  inLayer = ( z < 0 ) ? ntidc.front() : ptidc.front() ;
173  break;
175  inLayer = ( z < 0 ) ? ntecc.front() : ptecc.front() ;
176  break;
177  default:
178  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"subdetectorid is not a tracker sub-dectector id. skipping.";
179  return;
180  }
182  }
184  pushTrajectorySeed(muon,compatible,alongMomentum,result);
186  return;
187 }
189 void TSGForRoadSearch::makeSeeds_1(const reco::Track & muon, std::vector<TrajectorySeed>& result){
190  edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"option 1 of TSGForRoadSearch is not implemented yet. Please use 0,3 or 4. no seed.";
191  return;
192 }
194 void TSGForRoadSearch::makeSeeds_2(const reco::Track & muon, std::vector<TrajectorySeed>& result){
195  edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"option 2 of TSGForRoadSearch is not implemented yet. Please use 0,3 or 4. no seed.";
196  return;
197 }
199 //---------------------------------
200 // outside-in seed generator option
201 //---------------------------------
202 void TSGForRoadSearch::makeSeeds_3(const reco::Track & muon, std::vector<TrajectorySeed>& result){
203  //get the state at IP
204  FreeTrajectoryState cIPFTS;
205  if (!IPfts(muon, cIPFTS)) return;
207  //take state at outer surface and check the first part reached
208  const std::vector<const BarrelDetLayer*> &blc = theGeometricSearchTracker->tobLayers();
210  // TrajectoryStateOnSurface outer = theProxyService->propagator(thePropagatorName)->propagate(cIPFTS,blc.back()->surface());
212  TrajectoryStateOnSurface outer = onBounds(cIPFTS);
214  if ( !outer.isValid() ) {LogDebug(theCategory) <<"outer state is not valid. no seed."; return;}
216  //rescale the error
217  if (!notAtIPtsos(outer)) return;
219  double z = outer.globalPosition().z();
221  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ptecc = theGeometricSearchTracker->posTecLayers();
222  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ntecc = theGeometricSearchTracker->negTecLayers();
224  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"starting looking for a compatible layer from: "<<outer<<"\nz: "<<z<<"TEC1 z: "<<ptecc.front()->surface().position().z();
226  unsigned int layerShift=0;
227  const DetLayer *inLayer = 0;
228  if (fabs(z) < ptecc.front()->surface().position().z() ){
229  inLayer = *(blc.rbegin()+layerShift);
230  LogTrace(theCategory)<<"choosing TOB layer with shift: "<<layerShift;
231  } else {
232  unsigned int tecIt=1;
233  for (; tecIt!=ptecc.size();tecIt++){
234  LogTrace(theCategory)<<"checking surface with shift: "<<tecIt
235  <<"z: "<<ptecc[tecIt]->surface().position().z();
236  if (fabs(z) < ptecc[tecIt]->surface().position().z())
237  {inLayer = ( z < 0 ) ? ntecc[tecIt-1] : ptecc[tecIt-1] ;
238  layerShift=tecIt-1;
239  LogTrace(theCategory)<<"choosing TEC layer with shift: "<<layerShift
240  <<" and z: "<<inLayer->surface().position().z();
241  break;}}
242  if (!inLayer) {inLayer = ( z < 0 ) ? ntecc.back() : ptecc.back();
243  LogTrace(theCategory)<<"choosing last TEC layer with z: "<<inLayer->surface().position().z();
244  }
245  }
247  //find out at least one compatible detector reached
248  std::vector< DetLayer::DetWithState > compatible;
249  compatible.reserve(10);
252  //loop the parts until at least a compatible is found
253  while (compatible.size()==0) {
254  switch ( GeomDetEnumerators::subDetGeom[inLayer->subDetector()] ) {
260  layerShift++;
261  if (layerShift>=blc.size()){
262  LogDebug(theCategory) <<"all barrel layers are exhausted to find starting state. no seed,";
263  return;}
264  inLayer = *(blc.rbegin()+layerShift);
265  break;
267  if (layerShift==0){
268  LogDebug(theCategory) <<"failed to get a compatible module on a TEC layer, using the last TOB layer.";
269  inLayer = *(blc.rbegin()+layerShift);
270  }
271  else{
272  layerShift--;
273  LogDebug(theCategory) <<"reaching more in with layer "<<layerShift<<" in TEC";
274  inLayer = ( z < 0 ) ? ntecc[layerShift] : ptecc[layerShift] ;
275  }
276  break;
277  default:
278  edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"subdetectorid is not a tracker sub-dectector id. skipping.";
279  return;
280  }
282  }
284  pushTrajectorySeed(muon,compatible,oppositeToMomentum,result);
286  return;
287 }
290 //-----------------------------------------
291 // inside-out generator option, using pixel
292 //-----------------------------------------
293 void TSGForRoadSearch::makeSeeds_4(const reco::Track & muon, std::vector<TrajectorySeed>& result){
294  //get the state at IP
295  FreeTrajectoryState cIPFTS;
296  if (!IPfts(muon, cIPFTS)) return;
298  //take state at inner surface and check the first part reached
299  const std::vector<const BarrelDetLayer*> & blc = theGeometricSearchTracker->pixelBarrelLayers();
300  if (blc.empty()){edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"want to start from pixel layer, but no barrel exists. trying without pixel.";
301  makeSeeds_0(muon, result);
302  return;}
304  TrajectoryStateOnSurface inner = theProxyService->propagator(thePropagatorName)->propagate(cIPFTS,blc.front()->surface());
305  if ( !inner.isValid() ) {LogDebug(theCategory) <<"inner state is not valid. no seed."; return;}
307  //rescale the error
308  if (!notAtIPtsos(inner)) return;
310  double z = inner.globalPosition().z();
312  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ppxlc = theGeometricSearchTracker->posPixelForwardLayers();
313  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &npxlc = theGeometricSearchTracker->negPixelForwardLayers();
314  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ptidc = theGeometricSearchTracker->posTidLayers();
315  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ptecc = theGeometricSearchTracker->posTecLayers();
316  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ntidc = theGeometricSearchTracker->negTidLayers();
317  const std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*> &ntecc = theGeometricSearchTracker->negTecLayers();
319  if ((ppxlc.empty() || npxlc.empty()) && (ptidc.empty() || ptecc.empty()) )
320  { edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"want to start from pixel layer, but no forward layer exists. trying without pixel.";
321  makeSeeds_0(muon, result);
322  return;}
324  const DetLayer *inLayer = 0;
325  std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*>::const_iterator layerIt ;
327  double fz=fabs(z);
329  //simple way of finding a first layer to try out
330  if (fz < fabs(((z>0)?ppxlc:npxlc).front()->surface().position().z())){
331  inLayer = blc.front();}
332  else if (fz < fabs(((z>0)?ppxlc:npxlc).back()->surface().position().z())){
333  layerIt = ((z>0)?ppxlc:npxlc).begin();
334  inLayer= *layerIt;}
335  else if (fz < fabs(((z>0)?ptidc:ntidc).front()->surface().position().z())){
336  layerIt = ((z>0)?ppxlc:npxlc).end()-1;
337  inLayer= *layerIt;}
338  else if (fz < fabs(((z>0)?ptecc:ntecc).front()->surface().position().z())){
339  layerIt = ((z>0)?ptidc:ntidc).begin();
340  inLayer= *layerIt;}
341  else if (fz < fabs(((z>0)?ptecc:ntecc).back()->surface().position().z())){
342  layerIt = ((z>0)?ptecc:ntecc).begin();
343  inLayer= *layerIt;}
344  else {
345  edm::LogWarning(theCategory)<<"the state is not consistent with any tracker layer:\n"
346  <<inner;
347  return;}
349  //find out at least one compatible detector reached
350  std::vector< DetLayer::DetWithState > compatible;
351  compatible.reserve(10);
354  //if none were found. you should do something more.
355  if (compatible.size()==0){
356  std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*>::const_iterator pxlEnd = (z>0)? ppxlc.end() : npxlc.end();
357  std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*>::const_iterator tidEnd = (z>0)? ptidc.end() : ntidc.end();
358  std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*>::const_iterator tecEnd = (z>0)? ptecc.end() : ntecc.end();
359  std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*>::const_iterator pxlBegin = (z>0)? ppxlc.begin() : npxlc.begin();
360  std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*>::const_iterator tidBegin = (z>0)? ptidc.begin() : ntidc.begin();
361  std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer*>::const_iterator tecBegin = (z>0)? ptecc.begin() : ntecc.begin();
363  //go to first disk if not already in a disk situation
364  if (!dynamic_cast<const ForwardDetLayer*>(inLayer)) layerIt =pxlBegin--;
366  while (compatible.size()==0) {
367  switch ( GeomDetEnumerators::subDetGeom[(*layerIt)->subDetector()] ) {
369  {
370  layerIt++;
371  //if end of list reached. go to the first TID
372  if (layerIt==pxlEnd) layerIt=tidBegin;
373  break;
374  }
376  {
377  layerIt++;
378  //if end of list reached. go to the first TEC
379  if (layerIt==tidEnd) layerIt = tecBegin;
380  break;
381  }
383  {
384  layerIt++;
385  if (layerIt==tecEnd){
386  edm::LogWarning(theCategory)<<"ran out of layers to find a seed: no seed.";
387  return;}
388  }
389  case GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel: { edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"this should not happen... ever. Please report. GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel. no seed."; return;}
390  case GeomDetEnumerators::TIB: { edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"this should not happen... ever. Please report. GeomDetEnumerators::TIB. no seed."; return;}
391  case GeomDetEnumerators::TOB: { edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"this should not happen... ever. Please report. GeomDetEnumerators::TOB. no seed."; return;}
392  default: { edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"Subdetector id is not a tracker sub-detector id. no seed."; return;}
393  }//switch
395  (*layerIt)->compatibleDetsV(inner,*theProxyService->propagator(thePropagatorCompatibleName),*theChi2Estimator,compatible);
396  }//while
397  }//if size==0
399  pushTrajectorySeed(muon,compatible,alongMomentum,result);
401  return;
402 }
408 void TSGForRoadSearch::pushTrajectorySeed(const reco::Track & muon, std::vector<DetLayer::DetWithState > & compatible, PropagationDirection direction, std::vector<TrajectorySeed>& result)const {
410  if (compatible.empty()){
411  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"pushTrajectorySeed with no compatible module. 0 seed.";
412  return;}
414  if (theManySeeds){
417  //finf out every compatible measurements
418  for (std::vector<DetLayer::DetWithState >::iterator DWSit = compatible.begin(); DWSit!=compatible.end();++DWSit){
419  bool aBareTS=false;
420  const GeomDet * gd = DWSit->first;
421  if (!gd){edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"GeomDet is not valid."; continue;}
423  std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> tmp = md.fastMeasurements(DWSit->second,DWSit->second,*theProxyService->propagator(thePropagatorCompatibleName),*theChi2Estimator);
424  //make a trajectory seed for each of them
426  for (std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement>::iterator Mit = tmp.begin(); Mit!=tmp.end();++Mit){
427  TrajectoryStateOnSurface predState(Mit->predictedState());
430  if (theCopyMuonRecHit){
431  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"copying ("<<muon.recHitsSize()<<") muon recHits";
432  //copy the muon rechit into the seed
433  for (trackingRecHit_iterator trit = muon.recHitsBegin(); trit!=muon.recHitsEnd();trit++) {
434  rhContainer.push_back( (*trit)->clone() ); }}
436  if ( hit->isValid()) {
437  TrajectoryStateOnSurface upState(theUpdator->update(predState,*hit));
440  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"state used to build a trajectory seed: \n"<<upState
441  <<"on detector: "<<gd->geographicalId().rawId();
442  //add the tracking rechit
443  if (theCopyMuonRecHit){
444  edm::LogError(theCategory)<<"not a bare seed and muon hits are copied. dumping the muon hits.";
445  rhContainer.clear();}
446  rhContainer.push_back(hit->hit()->clone());
448  result.push_back(TrajectorySeed(PTSOD,rhContainer,direction));
449  }
450  else {
451  //rec hit is not valid. put a bare TrajectorySeed, only once !
452  if (!aBareTS){
453  aBareTS=true;
456  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"state used to build a bare trajectory seed: \n"<<predState
457  <<"on detector: "<<gd->geographicalId().rawId();
459  result.push_back(TrajectorySeed(PTSOD,rhContainer,direction));
460  }
461  }
463  }
466  }
467  }
468  else{
469  //transform it into a PTrajectoryStateOnDet
471  PTrajectoryStateOnDet const& PTSOD = trajectoryStateTransform::persistentState(compatible.front().second,compatible.front().first->geographicalId().rawId());
472  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"state used to build a bare trajectory seed: \n"<<compatible.front().second
473  <<"on detector: "<<compatible.front().first->geographicalId().rawId();
476  if (theCopyMuonRecHit){
477  LogDebug(theCategory)<<"copying ("<<muon.recHitsSize()<<") muon recHits";
478  //copy the muon rechit into the seed
479  for (trackingRecHit_iterator trit = muon.recHitsBegin(); trit!=muon.recHitsEnd();trit++) {
480  rhContainer.push_back( (*trit)->clone() ); }}
482  //add this seed to the list and return it
483  result.push_back(TrajectorySeed(PTSOD,rhContainer,direction));
484  }
485  return;
486 }
#define LogDebug(id)
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > consumes(edm::InputTag const &tag)
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
bool empty() const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:218
MeasurementDetWithData idToDet(const DetId &id) const
Previous MeasurementDetSystem interface.
virtual const BoundSurface & surface() const =0
The surface of the GeometricSearchDet.
edm::InputTag theMeasurementTrackerEventTag
void adjust(FreeTrajectoryState &state)
adjust the error matrix on the state
const edm::EventSetup & eventSetup() const
get the whole EventSetup
edm::ESHandle< GeometricSearchTracker > theGeometricSearchTracker
std::pair< const Trajectory *, reco::TrackRef > TrackCand
size_t recHitsSize() const
Get number of RecHits. (Warning, this includes invalid hits, which are not physical hits)...
Definition: Track.h:119
bool IPfts(const reco::Track &, FreeTrajectoryState &)
get the FTS for a Track: adjusting the error matrix if requested
edm::ESHandle< MeasurementTracker > theMeasurementTracker
PTrajectoryStateOnDet persistentState(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &ts, unsigned int detid)
virtual SubDetector subDetector() const =0
The type of detector (PixelBarrel, PixelEndcap, TIB, TOB, TID, TEC, CSC, DT, RPCBarrel, RPCEndcap)
GlobalPoint globalPosition() const
void makeSeeds_2(const reco::Track &, std::vector< TrajectorySeed > &)
not implemented
edm::EDGetTokenT< MeasurementTrackerEvent > theMeasurementTrackerEventToken
edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > magneticField() const
get the magnetic field
bool theAdjustAtIp
adjust the state at IP or where it is defined for the seed
tuple result
Definition: mps_fire.py:84
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:43
std::string theCategory
void push_back(D *&d)
Definition: OwnVector.h:290
virtual TrajectoryStateOnSurface update(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &, const TrackingRecHit &) const =0
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
std::vector< TrajectoryMeasurement > fastMeasurements(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &stateOnThisDet, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &tsos2, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est) const
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:64
bool notAtIPtsos(TrajectoryStateOnSurface &state)
make the adjustement away from PCA state if requested
void clear()
Definition: OwnVector.h:451
Chi2MeasurementEstimator * theChi2Estimator
void setEvent(const edm::Event &event)
set the event: update the MeasurementTracker
DetId geographicalId() const
The label of this GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:79
TSGForRoadSearch(const edm::ParameterSet &pset, edm::ConsumesCollector &IC)
trackingRecHit_iterator recHitsBegin() const
Iterator to first hit on the track.
Definition: Track.h:104
void makeSeeds_1(const reco::Track &, std::vector< TrajectorySeed > &)
not implemented
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
#define LogTrace(id)
const MuonServiceProxy * theProxyService
const MeasurementTrackerEvent * theMeasurementTrackerEvent
SubDetector subDetGeom[18]
void makeSeeds_3(const reco::Track &, std::vector< TrajectorySeed > &)
outside-in: outermost Strip layer
void makeSeeds_0(const reco::Track &, std::vector< TrajectorySeed > &)
oseed from inside-out: innermost Strip layer
MuonErrorMatrix * theErrorMatrixAdjuster
void pushTrajectorySeed(const reco::Track &muon, std::vector< DetLayer::DetWithState > &compatible, PropagationDirection direction, std::vector< TrajectorySeed > &result) const
add the seed(s) to the collection of seeds
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:56
void trackerSeeds(const TrackCand &, const TrackingRegion &, const TrackerTopology *, BTSeedCollection &)
generated seed(s) for a track. the tracking region is not used.
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:86
void init(const MuonServiceProxy *service)
initialize the service
TrackingRecHit::ConstRecHitPointer ConstRecHitPointer
std::string thePropagatorCompatibleName
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
Definition: MVATrainer.cc:100
void makeSeeds_4(const reco::Track &, std::vector< TrajectorySeed > &)
inside-out: innermost Pixel/Strip layer
virtual ~TSGForRoadSearch()
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
static int position[264][3]
Definition: ReadPGInfo.cc:509
std::string thePropagatorName
Definition: Chi2.h:17
unsigned int theOption
bool isValid() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:47
FreeTrajectoryState initialFreeState(const reco::Track &tk, const MagneticField *field, bool withErr=true)
const PositionType & position() const
TrajectoryStateUpdator * theUpdator
virtual void compatibleDetsV(const TrajectoryStateOnSurface &startingState, const Propagator &prop, const MeasurementEstimator &est, std::vector< DetWithState > &result) const
edm::ESHandle< Propagator > propagator(std::string propagatorName) const
get the propagator
TrackingRecHitCollection::base::const_iterator trackingRecHit_iterator
iterator over a vector of reference to TrackingRecHit in the same collection
trackingRecHit_iterator recHitsEnd() const
Iterator to last hit on the track.
Definition: Track.h:109