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AlcaRecoSelection_cff Namespace Reference


tuple ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated
tuple ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedGoodMuons = TkAlGoodIdMuonSelector.clone()
tuple ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedRelCombIsoMuons = TkAlRelCombIsoMuonSelector.clone(src = 'ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedGoodMuons')
tuple goodPVs
 Good Primary Vertex Selection. More...
tuple mySeqALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated = cms.Sequence(ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedGoodMuons*ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedRelCombIsoMuons*ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated)
 Define ALCARECO sequence. More...
tuple oneGoodPVSelection
tuple seqVertexSelection = cms.Sequence(goodPVs*oneGoodPVSelection)
tuple TkAlGoodIdMuonSelector
 ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated selection. More...
tuple TkAlRelCombIsoMuonSelector

Variable Documentation

tuple AlcaRecoSelection_cff.ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated
Initial value:
1 = Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi.AlignmentTrackSelector.clone(
2  filter = True, ##do not store empty events
3  applyBasicCuts = True,
4  ptMin = 2.0, ##GeV
5  etaMin = -3.5,
6  etaMax = 3.5,
7  nHitMin = 0
8 )

Definition at line 30 of file AlcaRecoSelection_cff.py.

tuple AlcaRecoSelection_cff.ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedGoodMuons = TkAlGoodIdMuonSelector.clone()

Definition at line 25 of file AlcaRecoSelection_cff.py.

tuple AlcaRecoSelection_cff.ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedRelCombIsoMuons = TkAlRelCombIsoMuonSelector.clone(src = 'ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedGoodMuons')

Definition at line 26 of file AlcaRecoSelection_cff.py.

tuple AlcaRecoSelection_cff.goodPVs
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("VertexSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag('offlinePrimaryVertices'),
3  cut = cms.string('ndof>4 &'
4  'abs(z)<24 &'
5  '!isFake &'
6  'position.Rho<2'
7  ),
8 )

Good Primary Vertex Selection.

Definition at line 54 of file AlcaRecoSelection_cff.py.

tuple AlcaRecoSelection_cff.mySeqALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated = cms.Sequence(ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedGoodMuons*ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolatedRelCombIsoMuons*ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated)

Define ALCARECO sequence.

Definition at line 47 of file AlcaRecoSelection_cff.py.

tuple AlcaRecoSelection_cff.oneGoodPVSelection
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("VertexCountFilter",
2  src = cms.InputTag('goodPVs'),
3  minNumber = cms.uint32(1),
4  maxNumber = cms.uint32(99999),
6 )

Definition at line 62 of file AlcaRecoSelection_cff.py.

tuple AlcaRecoSelection_cff.seqVertexSelection = cms.Sequence(goodPVs*oneGoodPVSelection)

Definition at line 68 of file AlcaRecoSelection_cff.py.

tuple AlcaRecoSelection_cff.TkAlGoodIdMuonSelector
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("MuonSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag('muons'),
3  cut = cms.string('isGlobalMuon &'
4  'isTrackerMuon &'
5  'numberOfMatches > 1 &'
6  'globalTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidMuonHits > 0 &'
7  'abs(eta) < 2.5 &'
8  'globalTrack.normalizedChi2 < 20.'),
9  filter = cms.bool(True)
10 )

ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated selection.

First select goodId + isolated muons

Definition at line 10 of file AlcaRecoSelection_cff.py.

tuple AlcaRecoSelection_cff.TkAlRelCombIsoMuonSelector
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("MuonSelector",
2  src = cms.InputTag(''),
3  cut = cms.string('(isolationR03().sumPt + isolationR03().emEt + isolationR03().hadEt)/pt < 0.15'),
4  filter = cms.bool(True)
5 )

Definition at line 20 of file AlcaRecoSelection_cff.py.