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Pyquen2015Settings_cff Namespace Reference


tuple collisionParameters2760GeV
tuple collisionParameters4TeV
tuple collisionParameters5020GeV
tuple hydjetParameters
tuple pyquenParameters
tuple pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock
tuple qgpParameters

Variable Documentation

tuple Pyquen2015Settings_cff.collisionParameters2760GeV
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number
2  comEnergy = cms.double(2760.0)
3  )

Definition at line 11 of file Pyquen2015Settings_cff.py.

tuple Pyquen2015Settings_cff.collisionParameters4TeV
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number
2  comEnergy = cms.double(4000.0)
3  )

Definition at line 7 of file Pyquen2015Settings_cff.py.

tuple Pyquen2015Settings_cff.collisionParameters5020GeV
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(aBeamTarget = cms.double(208.0), ## beam/target atomic number
2  comEnergy = cms.double(5020.0)
3  )

Definition at line 15 of file Pyquen2015Settings_cff.py.

tuple Pyquen2015Settings_cff.hydjetParameters
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(sigmaInelNN = cms.double(70),
2  shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(1),
3  nMultiplicity = cms.int32(25000),
4  fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),
5  maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(4.5),
6  maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.25),
7  rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),
8  allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),
9  angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(1), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum
10  embeddingMode = cms.bool(False)
11  )

Definition at line 34 of file Pyquen2015Settings_cff.py.

tuple Pyquen2015Settings_cff.pyquenParameters
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(doIsospin = cms.bool(True),
2  angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(0), ## angular emitted gluon spectrum
3  embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),
4  backgroundLabel = cms.InputTag("generator","unsmeared") ## ineffective in no mixing
5  )

Definition at line 28 of file Pyquen2015Settings_cff.py.

tuple Pyquen2015Settings_cff.pyquenPythiaDefaultBlock

Definition at line 46 of file Pyquen2015Settings_cff.py.

tuple Pyquen2015Settings_cff.qgpParameters
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.1), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;
2  qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;
3  hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.125),
4  doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss
5  doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(True),
6  qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3
7  numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0) ## to be removed
8  )

Definition at line 19 of file Pyquen2015Settings_cff.py.