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PFEmbeddingSource_cff Namespace Reference


tuple cleanedGeneralTracks
tuple cleanedParticleFlow
tuple filterEmptyEv
tuple ProductionFilterSequence
tuple TauolaNoPolar
tuple TauolaPolar

Variable Documentation

tuple PFEmbeddingSource_cff.cleanedGeneralTracks
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("MuonTrackCleaner",
2  selectedMuons = cms.InputTag(""), # CV: replaced in embeddingCustomizeAll.py
3  tracks = cms.VInputTag("generalTracks"),
4  dRmatch = cms.double(3.e-1),
5  removeDuplicates = cms.bool(True),
6  type = cms.string("inner tracks"),
7  verbosity = cms.int32(0)
8 )

Definition at line 26 of file PFEmbeddingSource_cff.py.

tuple PFEmbeddingSource_cff.cleanedParticleFlow
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("MuonPFCandidateCleaner",
2  selectedMuons = cms.InputTag(""), # CV: replaced in embeddingCustomizeAll.py
3  pfCands = cms.InputTag("particleFlow"),
4  dRmatch = cms.double(3.e-1),
5  removeDuplicates = cms.bool(True),
6  verbosity = cms.int32(0)
7 )

Definition at line 34 of file PFEmbeddingSource_cff.py.

tuple PFEmbeddingSource_cff.filterEmptyEv
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter("EmptyEventsFilter",
2  target = cms.untracked.int32(1),
3  src = cms.untracked.InputTag("generatorSmeared", "", "HLT2")
4 )

Definition at line 21 of file PFEmbeddingSource_cff.py.

tuple PFEmbeddingSource_cff.ProductionFilterSequence
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  cleanedGeneralTracks
3  + cleanedParticleFlow
4  + generator
5  + filterEmptyEv
6 )

Definition at line 42 of file PFEmbeddingSource_cff.py.

tuple PFEmbeddingSource_cff.TauolaNoPolar
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  UseTauolaPolarization = cms.bool(False)
3 )

Definition at line 7 of file PFEmbeddingSource_cff.py.

tuple PFEmbeddingSource_cff.TauolaPolar
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  UseTauolaPolarization = cms.bool(True)
3 )

Definition at line 10 of file PFEmbeddingSource_cff.py.