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PostProcessorExample_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple ExamplePostVal
tuple myEgammaPostVal
tuple myMuonPostVal
tuple myTauPostVal
tuple myTopPostVal

Variable Documentation

tuple PostProcessorExample_cfi.ExamplePostVal
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  myMuonPostVal
3  +myEgammaPostVal
4  +myTauPostVal
5  +myTopPostVal
6  )

Definition at line 57 of file PostProcessorExample_cfi.py.

tuple PostProcessorExample_cfi.myEgammaPostVal
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('EgammaPostProcessor.root'),
3  commands = cms.vstring(),
4  resolution = cms.vstring(),
5  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/HLTEgammaValidation/*'),
6  efficiency = cms.vstring(
7  "EFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' hltL1sDoubleEgammaeta hltL1sDoubleEgammaeta"
8  )
9 )

Definition at line 26 of file PostProcessorExample_cfi.py.

tuple PostProcessorExample_cfi.myMuonPostVal
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  verbose = cms.untracked.uint32(0), #set this to zero!
3  outputFileName = cms.untracked.string(''),# set this to empty!
4  #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('MuonPostProcessor.root'),
5  commands = cms.vstring(),
6  resolution = cms.vstring(),
7  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/Muon/Distributions/*'),
8  efficiency = cms.vstring(
9  "EFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' genPassEta_L1Filtered genPassEta_All"
10  )
11 )

Definition at line 13 of file PostProcessorExample_cfi.py.

tuple PostProcessorExample_cfi.myTauPostVal
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('TauPostProcessor.root'),
3  commands = cms.vstring(),
4  resolution = cms.vstring(),
5  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/HLTTAU/*'),
6  efficiency = cms.vstring(
7  "EFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' L1Tau1Eta GenTauElecEta"
8  )
9 )

Definition at line 36 of file PostProcessorExample_cfi.py.

tuple PostProcessorExample_cfi.myTopPostVal
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
2  #outputFileName= cms.untracked.string('TopPostProcessor.root'),
3  commands = cms.vstring(),
4  resolution = cms.vstring(),
5  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring('HLT/Top/'),
6  efficiency = cms.vstring(
7  "TrigEFF 'my title; my x-label; my y-label' pt_trig_off_mu pt_off_mu"
8  )
9 )

Definition at line 47 of file PostProcessorExample_cfi.py.