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TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple matchMCQCD = cms.Sequence(matchMCQCDShrinkingCone)
tuple matchMCQCDInsideOut
 QCD Truth matchers #. More...
tuple matchMCQCDShrinkingCone
tuple matchMCTaus = cms.Sequence(matchMCTausShrinkingCone)
tuple matchMCTausInsideOut
 Tau Truth matchers #. More...
tuple matchMCTausShrinkingCone
tuple qcdTruthMatchingReqs
tuple tauTruthMatchingReqs
 RECO-Truth standard matching criteria. More...

Variable Documentation

tuple TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.matchMCQCD = cms.Sequence(matchMCQCDShrinkingCone)

Definition at line 51 of file TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.py.

tuple TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.matchMCQCDInsideOut
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("PFTauDecayModeTruthMatcher",
2  qcdTruthMatchingReqs,
3  src = cms.InputTag("makeMCQCDTauDecayModes"),
4  matched = cms.InputTag("pfRecoTauProducerInsideOut")
5 )

QCD Truth matchers #.

Definition at line 39 of file TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.py.

tuple TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.matchMCQCDShrinkingCone
Initial value:
1 = matchMCQCDInsideOut.clone(
2 # qcdTruthMatchingReqs,
3  src = cms.InputTag("makeMCQCDTauDecayModes"),
4  matched = cms.InputTag("shrinkingConePFTauProducer")
5 )

Definition at line 45 of file TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.py.

tuple TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.matchMCTaus = cms.Sequence(matchMCTausShrinkingCone)

Definition at line 33 of file TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.py.

tuple TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.matchMCTausInsideOut
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("PFTauDecayModeTruthMatcher",
2  tauTruthMatchingReqs,
3  src = cms.InputTag("makeMCTauDecayModes"),
4  matched = cms.InputTag("pfRecoTauProducerInsideOut")
5 )

Tau Truth matchers #.

Definition at line 21 of file TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.py.

tuple TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.matchMCTausShrinkingCone
Initial value:
1 = matchMCTausInsideOut.clone(
2 # tauTruthMatchingReqs,
3  src = cms.InputTag("makeMCTauDecayModes"),
4  matched = cms.InputTag("shrinkingConePFTauProducer")
5 )

Definition at line 27 of file TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.py.

tuple TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.qcdTruthMatchingReqs
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  maxDPtRel = cms.double(10000000.0),
3  resolveByMatchQuality = cms.bool(True),
4  resolveAmbiguities = cms.bool(True),
5  maxDeltaR = cms.double(0.3)
6 )

Definition at line 10 of file TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.py.

tuple TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.tauTruthMatchingReqs
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  maxDPtRel = cms.double(10000000.0), #don't apply a Pt resolution cut
3  resolveByMatchQuality = cms.bool(True),
4  resolveAmbiguities = cms.bool(True),
5  maxDeltaR = cms.double(0.15)
6 )

RECO-Truth standard matching criteria.

Definition at line 4 of file TauRecoTruthMatchers_cfi.py.