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14 const unsigned int L1GctJetFinderBase::MAX_JETS_OUT = 6;
15 const unsigned int L1GctJetFinderBase::N_EXTRA_REGIONS_ETA00 = 2;
16 const unsigned int L1GctJetFinderBase::COL_OFFSET = L1GctJetFinderParams::NUMBER_ETA_VALUES+N_EXTRA_REGIONS_ETA00;
20 const unsigned int L1GctJetFinderBase::N_COLS = 2;
21 const unsigned int L1GctJetFinderBase::CENTRAL_COL0 = 0;
26  m_id(id),
27  m_neighbourJetFinders(2),
28  m_idInRange(false),
29  m_gotNeighbourPointers(false),
30  m_gotJetFinderParams(false),
31  m_gotJetEtCalLuts(false),
32  m_gotChannelMask(false),
33  m_positiveEtaWheel(id >= (int) (L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI/2)), m_minColThisJf(0),
34  m_CenJetSeed(0), m_FwdJetSeed(0), m_TauJetSeed(0), m_EtaBoundry(0),
35  m_jetEtCalLuts(),
36  m_useImprovedTauAlgo(false), m_ignoreTauVetoBitsForIsolation(false), m_tauIsolationThreshold(0),
37  m_HttSumJetThreshold(0), m_HtmSumJetThreshold(0),
38  m_EttMask(), m_EtmMask(), m_HttMask(), m_HtmMask(),
39  m_inputRegions(MAX_REGIONS_IN),
40  m_sentProtoJets(MAX_JETS_OUT), m_rcvdProtoJets(MAX_JETS_OUT), m_keptProtoJets(MAX_JETS_OUT),
41  m_outputJets(MAX_JETS_OUT), m_sortedJets(MAX_JETS_OUT),
42  m_outputHfSums(),
43  m_outputJetsPipe(MAX_JETS_OUT),
44  m_outputEtSumPipe(), m_outputExSumPipe(), m_outputEySumPipe(),
45  m_outputHtSumPipe(), m_outputHxSumPipe(), m_outputHySumPipe()
46 {
47  // Call reset to initialise vectors for input and output
48  this->reset();
49  //Check jetfinder setup
50  if(m_id < 0 || m_id >= static_cast<int>(L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI))
51  {
52  if (m_verbose) {
53  edm::LogWarning("L1GctSetupError")
54  << "L1GctJetFinderBase::L1GctJetFinderBase() : Jet Finder ID " << m_id << " has been incorrectly constructed!\n"
55  << "ID number should be between the range of 0 to " << L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI-1 << "\n";
56  }
57  } else { m_idInRange = true; }
59 }
62 {
63 }
66 void L1GctJetFinderBase::setNeighbourJetFinders(const std::vector<L1GctJetFinderBase*>& neighbours)
67 {
69  if (neighbours.size()==2) {
70  m_neighbourJetFinders = neighbours;
71  } else {
72  m_gotNeighbourPointers = false;
73  if (m_verbose) {
74  edm::LogWarning("L1GctSetupError")
75  << "L1GctJetFinderBase::setNeighbourJetFinders() : In Jet Finder ID " << m_id
76  << " size of input vector should be 2, but is in fact " << neighbours.size() << "\n";
77  }
78  }
79  if (m_neighbourJetFinders.at(0) == 0) {
80  m_gotNeighbourPointers = false;
81  if (m_verbose) {
82  edm::LogWarning("L1GctSetupError")
83  << "L1GctJetFinderBase::setNeighbourJetFinders() : In Jet Finder ID " << m_id
84  << " first neighbour pointer is set to zero\n";
85  }
86  }
87  if (m_neighbourJetFinders.at(1) == 0) {
88  m_gotNeighbourPointers = false;
89  if (m_verbose) {
90  edm::LogWarning("L1GctSetupError")
91  << "L1GctJetFinderBase::setNeighbourJetFinders() : In Jet Finder ID " << m_id
92  << " second neighbour pointer is set to zero\n";
93  }
94  }
96  edm::LogError("L1GctSetupError") << "Jet Finder ID " << m_id << " has incorrect assignment of neighbour pointers";
97  }
98 }
102 {
103  m_CenJetSeed = jfpars->getCenJetEtSeedGct();
104  m_FwdJetSeed = jfpars->getForJetEtSeedGct();
105  m_TauJetSeed = jfpars->getTauJetEtSeedGct();
110  m_gotJetFinderParams = true;
111 }
115 {
116  m_jetEtCalLuts = jfluts;
118 }
122 {
123  bool matchCheckEttAndEtm = true;
124  if (chmask != 0) {
125  static const unsigned N_ETA = L1GctJetFinderParams::NUMBER_ETA_VALUES;
126  for (unsigned ieta=0; ieta<N_ETA; ++ieta) {
127  unsigned globalEta = (m_positiveEtaWheel ? N_ETA+ieta : N_ETA - (ieta+1) );
128  m_EttMask[ieta] = chmask->totalEtMask(globalEta);
129  m_EtmMask[ieta] = chmask->missingEtMask(globalEta);
130  m_HttMask[ieta] = chmask->totalHtMask(globalEta);
131  m_HtmMask[ieta] = chmask->missingHtMask(globalEta);
133  matchCheckEttAndEtm &= (m_EttMask[ieta] == m_EtmMask[ieta]);
134  }
135  if (!matchCheckEttAndEtm)
136  edm::LogWarning("L1GctSetupError")
137  << "L1GctJetFinderBase::setEnergySumMasks() : In Jet Finder ID " << m_id
138  << " setting eta-dependent masks for Et sums: you cannot have different masks for total and missing Et\n";
139  m_gotChannelMask = true;
140  }
141 }
144 std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const L1GctJetFinderBase& algo)
145 {
146  using std::endl;
147  os << "ID = " << algo.m_id << endl;
148  os << "Calibration lut pointers stored for " << algo.m_jetEtCalLuts.size() << " eta bins" << endl;
149  for (unsigned ieta=0; ieta<algo.m_jetEtCalLuts.size(); ieta++) {
150  os << "Eta bin " << ieta << ", JetEtCalibrationLut* = " << algo.m_jetEtCalLuts.at(ieta) << endl;
151  }
152  os << "No of input regions " << algo.m_inputRegions.size() << endl;
153 // for(unsigned i=0; i < algo.m_inputRegions.size(); ++i)
154 // {
155 // os << algo.m_inputRegions.at(i);
156 // }
157  os << "No of output jets " << algo.m_outputJets.size() << endl;
158 // for(unsigned i=0; i < algo.m_outputJets.size(); ++i)
159 // {
160 // os << algo.m_outputJets.at(i);
161 // }
162  os << "Output total scalar Et " << algo.m_outputEtSum << endl;
163  os << "Output vector Et x component " << algo.m_outputExSum << endl;
164  os << "Output vector Et y component " << algo.m_outputEySum << endl;
165  os << "Output total scalar Ht " << algo.m_outputHtSum << endl;
166  os << "Output vector Ht x component " << algo.m_outputHxSum << endl;
167  os << "Output vector Ht y component " << algo.m_outputHySum << endl;
168  os << endl;
170  return os;
171 }
175 {
176  m_inputRegions.clear();
177  m_inputRegions.resize(this->maxRegionsIn());
178  m_outputJets.clear();
179  m_outputJets.resize(MAX_JETS_OUT);
180  m_sortedJets.clear();
181  m_sortedJets.resize(MAX_JETS_OUT);
183  m_sentProtoJets.clear();
185  m_rcvdProtoJets.clear();
187  m_keptProtoJets.clear();
190  m_outputEtSum = 0;
191  m_outputExSum = 0;
192  m_outputEySum = 0;
193  m_outputHtSum = 0;
194  m_outputHxSum = 0;
195  m_outputHySum = 0;
198 }
201 {
202  m_outputJetsPipe.reset(numOfBx());
203  m_outputEtSumPipe.reset(numOfBx());
204  m_outputExSumPipe.reset(numOfBx());
205  m_outputEySumPipe.reset(numOfBx());
206  m_outputHtSumPipe.reset(numOfBx());
207  m_outputHxSumPipe.reset(numOfBx());
208  m_outputHySumPipe.reset(numOfBx());
209 }
215 {
218  L1GctRegion tempRgn;
219  tempRgn.setBx(bxAbs());
220  m_inputRegions.assign(this->maxRegionsIn(), tempRgn);
224  m_sentProtoJets.assign(MAX_JETS_OUT, tempRgn);
225  m_rcvdProtoJets.assign(MAX_JETS_OUT, tempRgn);
226  m_keptProtoJets.assign(MAX_JETS_OUT, tempRgn);
229  L1GctJet tempJet;
230  tempJet.setBx(bxAbs());
231  m_outputJets.assign(MAX_JETS_OUT, tempJet);
232 }
234 // This is how the regions from the RCT get into the GCT for processing
236 {
237  static const unsigned NPHI = L1CaloRegionDetId::N_PHI;
238  static const unsigned N_00 = N_EXTRA_REGIONS_ETA00;
239  unsigned crate = region.rctCrate();
240  // Find the column for this region in a global (eta,phi) array
241  // Note the column numbers here are not the same as region->gctPhi()
242  // because the RCT crates are not numbered from phi=0.
243  unsigned colAbsolute = (crate+1)*2 + region.rctPhi();
244  unsigned colRelative = ((colAbsolute+NPHI) - m_minColThisJf) % NPHI;
245  if (colRelative < this->nCols()) {
246  // We are in the right range in phi
247  // Now check we are in the right wheel (positive or negative eta)
248  if ( (crate/N_JF_PER_WHEEL) == (m_id/N_JF_PER_WHEEL) ) {
249  unsigned i = colRelative*COL_OFFSET + N_00 + region.rctEta();
251  } else {
252  // Accept neighbouring regions from the other wheel
253  if (region.rctEta() < N_00) {
254  unsigned i = colRelative*COL_OFFSET + N_00 - (region.rctEta()+1);
256  }
257  }
258  }
259 }
262 std::vector< L1GctInternJetData > L1GctJetFinderBase::getInternalJets() const {
264  std::vector< L1GctInternJetData > result;
265  for (RawJetVector::const_iterator jet=m_outputJetsPipe.contents.begin();
266  jet!=m_outputJetsPipe.contents.end(); jet++) {
267  result.push_back( L1GctInternJetData::fromEmulator(jet->id(),
268  jet->bx(),
269  jet->calibratedEt(m_jetEtCalLuts.at(jet->rctEta())),
270  jet->overFlow(),
271  jet->tauVeto(),
272  jet->hwEta(),
273  jet->hwPhi(),
274  jet->rank(m_jetEtCalLuts.at(jet->rctEta())) ) );
275  }
276  return result;
278 }
281 std::vector< L1GctInternEtSum > L1GctJetFinderBase::getInternalEtSums() const {
283  std::vector< L1GctInternEtSum > result;
284  for (int bx=0; bx<numOfBx(); bx++) {
285  result.push_back( L1GctInternEtSum::fromEmulatorJetTotEt ( m_outputEtSumPipe.contents.at(bx).value(),
286  m_outputEtSumPipe.contents.at(bx).overFlow(),
287  static_cast<int16_t> (bx-bxMin()) ) );
288  result.push_back( L1GctInternEtSum::fromEmulatorJetMissEt( m_outputExSumPipe.contents.at(bx).value(),
289  m_outputExSumPipe.contents.at(bx).overFlow(),
290  static_cast<int16_t> (bx-bxMin()) ) );
291  result.push_back( L1GctInternEtSum::fromEmulatorJetMissEt( m_outputEySumPipe.contents.at(bx).value(),
292  m_outputEySumPipe.contents.at(bx).overFlow(),
293  static_cast<int16_t> (bx-bxMin()) ) );
294  result.push_back( L1GctInternEtSum::fromEmulatorJetTotHt ( m_outputHtSumPipe.contents.at(bx).value(),
295  m_outputHtSumPipe.contents.at(bx).overFlow(),
296  static_cast<int16_t> (bx-bxMin()) ) );
297  }
298  return result;
299 }
301 std::vector< L1GctInternHtMiss > L1GctJetFinderBase::getInternalHtMiss() const {
303  std::vector< L1GctInternHtMiss > result;
304  for (int bx=0; bx<numOfBx(); bx++) {
305  result.push_back( L1GctInternHtMiss::emulatorJetMissHt( m_outputHxSumPipe.contents.at(bx).value(),
306  m_outputHySumPipe.contents.at(bx).value(),
307  m_outputHxSumPipe.contents.at(bx).overFlow(),
308  static_cast<int16_t> (bx-bxMin()) ) );
309  }
310  return result;
312 }
318 {
319  switch (ft) {
320  case TOP :
321  m_rcvdProtoJets = m_neighbourJetFinders.at(0)->getSentProtoJets(); break;
322  case BOT :
323  m_rcvdProtoJets = m_neighbourJetFinders.at(1)->getSentProtoJets(); break;
324  case TOPBOT :
325  // Copy half the jets from each neighbour
326  static const unsigned int MAX_TOPBOT_JETS = MAX_JETS_OUT/2;
327  unsigned j=0;
329  temp = m_neighbourJetFinders.at(0)->getSentProtoJets();
330  for ( ; j<MAX_TOPBOT_JETS; ++j) {
331  m_rcvdProtoJets.at(j) = temp.at(j);
332  }
333  temp = m_neighbourJetFinders.at(1)->getSentProtoJets();
334  for ( ; j<MAX_JETS_OUT; ++j) {
335  m_rcvdProtoJets.at(j) = temp.at(j);
336  }
337  break;
338  }
339 }
343 {
344  JetVector tempJets(MAX_JETS_OUT);
345  for (unsigned j=0; j<MAX_JETS_OUT; j++) {
346  tempJets.at(j) = m_outputJets.at(j).jetCand(m_jetEtCalLuts);
347  }
349  // Sort the jets
350  L1GctJetSorter jSorter(tempJets);
351  m_sortedJets = jSorter.getSortedJets();
353  //store jets in "pipeline memory" for checking
355 }
359 {
361  // Refactored energy sums code - find scalar and vector sums
362  // of Et and Ht instead of strip stums
363  doEtSums();
364  doHtSums();
366  //calculate the Hf tower Et sums and tower-over-threshold counts
369  return;
370 }
372 // Calculates scalar and vector sum of Et over input regions
374  unsigned et0 = 0;
375  unsigned et1 = 0;
376  bool of = false;
378  // Add the Et values from regions 2 to 12 for strip 0,
379  // the Et values from regions 15 to 25 for strip 1.
380  unsigned offset = COL_OFFSET * centralCol0();
381  unsigned ieta = 0;
382  for (UShort i=offset+N_EXTRA_REGIONS_ETA00; i < offset+COL_OFFSET; ++i, ++ieta) {
383  if (!m_EttMask[ieta]) {
384  et0 += m_inputRegions.at(i).et();
385  of |= m_inputRegions.at(i).overFlow();
386  et1 += m_inputRegions.at(i+COL_OFFSET).et();
387  of |= m_inputRegions.at(i+COL_OFFSET).overFlow();
388  }
389  }
391  etTotalType etStrip0(et0);
392  etTotalType etStrip1(et1);
393  etStrip0.setOverFlow(etStrip0.overFlow() || of);
394  etStrip1.setOverFlow(etStrip1.overFlow() || of);
395  unsigned xfact0 = (4*m_id + 6) % 36;
396  unsigned xfact1 = (4*m_id + 8) % 36;
397  unsigned yfact0 = (4*m_id + 15) % 36;
398  unsigned yfact1 = (4*m_id + 17) % 36;
399  m_outputEtSum = etStrip0 + etStrip1;
401  m_outputExSum = etComponentForJetFinder<L1GctInternEtSum::kTotEtOrHtNBits,L1GctInternEtSum::kJetMissEtNBits>
402  (etStrip0, xfact0, etStrip1, xfact1);
403  m_outputEySum = etComponentForJetFinder<L1GctInternEtSum::kTotEtOrHtNBits,L1GctInternEtSum::kJetMissEtNBits>
404  (etStrip0, yfact0, etStrip1, yfact1);
408  m_outputEySumPipe.store(m_outputEySum, bxRel());
409 }
411 // Calculates scalar and vector sum of Ht over calibrated jets
413  unsigned htt = 0;
414  unsigned ht0 = 0;
415  unsigned ht1 = 0;
416  bool of = false;
418  for(UShort i=0; i < MAX_JETS_OUT; ++i)
419  {
420  // Only sum Ht for valid jets
421  if (!m_outputJets.at(i).isNullJet()) {
422  unsigned ieta = m_outputJets.at(i).rctEta();
423  unsigned htJet = m_outputJets.at(i).calibratedEt(m_jetEtCalLuts.at(ieta));
424  // Scalar sum of Htt, with associated threshold
425  if (htJet >= m_HttSumJetThreshold && !m_HttMask[ieta]) {
426  htt += htJet;
427  }
428  // Strip sums, for input to Htm calculation, with associated threshold
429  if (htJet >= m_HtmSumJetThreshold && !m_HtmMask[ieta]) {
430  if (m_outputJets.at(i).rctPhi() == 0) {
431  ht0 += htJet;
432  }
433  if (m_outputJets.at(i).rctPhi() == 1) {
434  ht1 += htJet;
435  }
436  of |= m_outputJets.at(i).overFlow();
437  }
438  }
439  }
441  etHadType httTotal(htt);
442  etHadType htStrip0(ht0);
443  etHadType htStrip1(ht1);
444  httTotal.setOverFlow(httTotal.overFlow() || of);
445  if (httTotal.overFlow()) httTotal.setValue(htTotalMaxValue);
446  htStrip0.setOverFlow(htStrip0.overFlow() || of);
447  htStrip1.setOverFlow(htStrip1.overFlow() || of);
448  unsigned xfact0 = (4*m_id + 10) % 36;
449  unsigned xfact1 = (4*m_id + 4) % 36;
450  unsigned yfact0 = (4*m_id + 19) % 36;
451  unsigned yfact1 = (4*m_id + 13) % 36;
452  m_outputHtSum = httTotal;
453  m_outputHxSum = etComponentForJetFinder<L1GctInternEtSum::kTotEtOrHtNBits,L1GctInternHtMiss::kJetMissHtNBits>
454  (htStrip0, xfact0, htStrip1, xfact1);
455  m_outputHySum = etComponentForJetFinder<L1GctInternEtSum::kTotEtOrHtNBits,L1GctInternHtMiss::kJetMissHtNBits>
456  (htStrip0, yfact0, htStrip1, yfact1);
458  // Common overflow for Ht components
459  bool htmOverFlow = m_outputHxSum.overFlow() || m_outputHySum.overFlow();
460  m_outputHxSum.setOverFlow(htmOverFlow);
461  m_outputHySum.setOverFlow(htmOverFlow);
465  m_outputHySumPipe.store(m_outputHySum, bxRel());
466 }
469 // Calculates Hf inner rings Et sum, and counts number of "fineGrain" bits set
471 {
472  static const UShort NUMBER_OF_FRWRD_RINGS = 4;
473  static const UShort NUMBER_OF_INNER_RINGS = 2;
474  std::vector<unsigned> et(NUMBER_OF_INNER_RINGS, 0);
475  std::vector<bool> of(NUMBER_OF_INNER_RINGS, false);
476  std::vector<unsigned> nt(NUMBER_OF_INNER_RINGS, 0);
479  for (UShort i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_FRWRD_RINGS; ++i) {
480  offset--;
482  // Sum HF Et and count jets above threshold over "inner rings"
484  et.at(i) += m_inputRegions.at(offset).et();
485  of.at(i) = of.at(i) || m_inputRegions.at(offset).overFlow();
487  et.at(i) += m_inputRegions.at(offset+COL_OFFSET).et();
488  of.at(i) = of.at(i) || m_inputRegions.at(offset+COL_OFFSET).overFlow();
490  if (m_inputRegions.at(offset).fineGrain()) nt.at(i)++;
491  if (m_inputRegions.at(offset+COL_OFFSET).fineGrain()) nt.at(i)++;
492  }
493  }
494  hfTowerSumsType temp(et.at(0), et.at(1), nt.at(0), nt.at(1));
495  temp.etSum0.setOverFlow(temp.etSum0.overFlow() || of.at(0));
496  temp.etSum1.setOverFlow(temp.etSum1.overFlow() || of.at(1));
497  return temp;
498 }
501 // Here is where the rotations are actually done
502 // Procedure suitable for implementation in hardware, using
503 // integer multiplication and bit shifting operations
505 template <int kBitsInput, int kBitsOutput>
508  const L1GctUnsignedInt<kBitsInput>& etStrip1, const unsigned& fact1) {
510  // typedefs and constants
511  typedef L1GctTwosComplement<kBitsOutput> OutputType;
513  // The sin(phi), cos(phi) factors are represented in 15 bits,
514  // as numbers in the range -2^14 to 2^14.
515  // We multiply each input strip Et by the required factor
516  // then shift, to divide by 2^13. This gives an extra bit
517  // of precision on the LSB of the output values.
518  // It's important to avoid systematically biasing the Ex, Ey
519  // component values because this results in an asymmetric
520  // distribution in phi for the final MEt.
521  // The extra LSB is required because one of the factors is 0.5.
522  // Applying this factor without the extra LSB corrects odd values
523  // systematically down by 0.5; or all values by 0.25
524  // on average, giving a shift of -2 units in Ex.
526  static const int internalComponentSize = 15;
527  static const int maxEt = 1<<internalComponentSize;
529  static const int kBitsFactor = internalComponentSize+kBitsInput+1;
530  static const int maxFactor = 1<<kBitsFactor;
532  static const int bitsToShift = internalComponentSize-2;
533  static const int halfInputLsb = 1<<(bitsToShift-1);
535  // These factors correspond to the sine of angles from -90 degrees to
536  // 90 degrees in 10 degree steps, multiplied by 16383 and written
537  // as a <kBitsFactor>-bit 2s-complement number.
538  const int factors[19] = {maxFactor-16383, maxFactor-16134, maxFactor-15395, maxFactor-14188, maxFactor-12550,
539  maxFactor-10531, maxFactor-8192, maxFactor-5603, maxFactor-2845, 0,
540  2845, 5603, 8192, 10531, 12550, 14188, 15395, 16134, 16383};
542  int rotatedValue0, rotatedValue1, myFact;
543  int etComponentSum = 0;
545  if (fact0 >= 36 || fact1 >= 36) {
546  if (m_verbose) {
547  edm::LogError("L1GctProcessingError")
548  << "L1GctJetLeafCard::rotateEtValue() has been called with factor numbers "
549  << fact0 << " and " << fact1 << "; should be less than 36 \n";
550  }
551  } else {
553  // First strip - choose the required multiplication factor
554  if (fact0>18) { myFact = factors[(36-fact0)]; }
555  else { myFact = factors[fact0]; }
557  // Multiply the Et value by the factor.
558  rotatedValue0 = static_cast<int>(etStrip0.value()) * myFact;
560  // Second strip - choose the required multiplication factor
561  if (fact1>18) { myFact = factors[(36-fact1)]; }
562  else { myFact = factors[fact1]; }
564  // Multiply the Et value by the factor.
565  rotatedValue1 = static_cast<int>(etStrip1.value()) * myFact;
567  // Add the two scaled values together, with full resolution including
568  // fractional parts from the sin(phi), cos(phi) scaling.
569  // Adjust the value to avoid truncation errors since these
570  // accumulate and cause problems for the missing Et measurement.
571  // Then discard the 13 LSB and interpret the result as
572  // a 15-bit twos complement integer.
573  etComponentSum = ((rotatedValue0 + rotatedValue1) + halfInputLsb)>>bitsToShift;
575  etComponentSum = etComponentSum & (maxEt-1);
576  if (etComponentSum >= (maxEt/2)) {
577  etComponentSum = etComponentSum - maxEt;
578  }
579  }
581  // Store as a TwosComplement format integer and return
582  OutputType temp(etComponentSum);
583  temp.setOverFlow(temp.overFlow() || etStrip0.overFlow() || etStrip1.overFlow());
584  return temp;
585 }
587 // Declare the specific versions we want to use, to help the linker out
588 // One for the MET components
589 template
591 L1GctJetFinderBase::etComponentForJetFinder<L1GctInternEtSum::kTotEtOrHtNBits,L1GctInternEtSum::kJetMissEtNBits>
592 (const L1GctJetFinderBase::etTotalType&, const unsigned&,
593  const L1GctJetFinderBase::etTotalType&, const unsigned&);
595 // One for the MHT components
596 template
598 L1GctJetFinderBase::etComponentForJetFinder<L1GctInternEtSum::kTotEtOrHtNBits,L1GctInternHtMiss::kJetMissHtNBits>
599 (const L1GctJetFinderBase::etTotalType&, const unsigned&,
600  const L1GctJetFinderBase::etTotalType&, const unsigned&);
bool m_idInRange
Remember whether range check on the input ID was ok.
bool overFlow() const
access overflow
void setOverFlow(bool oflow)
set the overflow bit
void reset()
complete reset of processor
etTotalType m_outputEtSum
output Et strip sums and Ht - refactored
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
static const unsigned int MAX_JETS_OUT
Max of 6 jets found per jetfinder in a 2*11 search area.
std::vector< L1GctJetCand > JetVector
void doEtSums()
Calculates scalar and vector sum of Et over input regions.
void setOverFlow(bool oflow)
set the overflow bit
RegionsVector m_sentProtoJets
List of pre-clustered jets to be sent to neighbour after the first stage of clustering.
htCompInternJfType m_outputHySum
static L1GctInternEtSum fromEmulatorJetTotEt(unsigned totEt, bool overFlow, int16_t bx)
Emulator constructors.
hfTowerSumsType calcHfSums() const
Calculates Et sum and number of towers over threshold in Hf.
unsigned rctEta() const
get local eta index (within RCT crate)
Definition: L1CaloRegion.h:174
unsigned rctCrate() const
get RCT crate ID
Definition: L1CaloRegion.h:165
bool m_verbose
Flag to control output messages.
unsigned getCenJetEtSeedGct() const
unsigned getTauJetEtSeedGct() const
std::vector< L1GctInternHtMiss > getInternalHtMiss() const
bool m_gotChannelMask
Remember whether channel mask have been stored.
Gct version of a calorimeter region, used within GCT emulation.
Definition: L1GctRegion.h:17
void setBx(int16_t bx)
set bx
Pipeline< etCompInternJfType > m_outputExSumPipe
int bxRel() const
virtual void resetPipelines()
bool totalHtMask(unsigned ieta) const
int bxMin() const
Support for multiple beam crossing operation.
void setNeighbourJetFinders(const std::vector< L1GctJetFinderBase * > &neighbours)
Set pointers to neighbours - needed to complete the setup.
bool missingHtMask(unsigned ieta) const
different ways of getting the neighbour data
htCompInternJfType m_outputHxSum
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ALILine &li)
Definition: ALILine.cc:188
virtual void setupObjects()
Initialise inputs with null objects for the correct bunch crossing if required.
unsigned getTauIsoEtThresholdGct() const
Pipeline< htCompInternJfType > m_outputHySumPipe
int numOfBx() const
Pipeline< htCompInternJfType > m_outputHxSumPipe
L1GctJetFinderBase(int id)
id is 0-8 for -ve Eta jetfinders, 9-17 for +ve Eta, for increasing Phi.
A Level-1 jet candidate, used within GCT emulation.
Definition: L1GctJet.h:27
void setBx(const int16_t bx)
Definition: L1GctJet.h:51
virtual unsigned centralCol0() const
JetVector getSortedJets() const
Base class to allow implementation of jetFinder algorithms.
static L1GctRegion makeJfInputRegion(const L1CaloRegion &)
Definition: L1GctRegion.cc:7
ABC for a GCT trigger data processing unit.
tuple result
Definition: mps_fire.py:84
static L1GctInternEtSum fromEmulatorJetTotHt(unsigned totHt, bool overFlow, int16_t bx)
unsigned value() const
access value as unsigned
unsigned getMHtJetEtThresholdGct() const
L1GctTwosComplement< kBitsOutput > etComponentForJetFinder(const L1GctUnsignedInt< kBitsInput > &etStrip0, const unsigned &fact0, const L1GctUnsignedInt< kBitsInput > &etStrip1, const unsigned &fact1)
Private method for calculating MEt and MHt components.
bool m_gotNeighbourPointers
Remember whether the neighbour pointers have been stored.
std::vector< L1GctInternJetData > getInternalJets() const
get output jets in raw format - to be stored in the event
void doHtSums()
Calculates scalar and vector sum of Ht over calibrated jets.
Definition of signed integer types with overflow.
static L1GctInternHtMiss emulatorJetMissHt(const int htx, const int hty, const bool overFlow, const int16_t bx)
Named ctor for making missing Ht x &amp; y components object from emulator (jetFinder output)...
void sortJets()
Sort the found jets. All jetFinders should call this in process().
std::vector< L1GctInternEtSum > getInternalEtSums() const
get et sums in raw format - to be stored in the event
unsigned rctPhi() const
get local phi index (within RCT crate)
Definition: L1CaloRegion.h:177
void setJetEtCalibrationLuts(const lutPtrVector &jfluts)
Set pointer to calibration Lut - needed to complete the setup.
lutPtrVector m_jetEtCalLuts
Jet Et Conversion LUT pointer.
int j
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
std::vector< L1GctJetFinderBase * > m_neighbourJetFinders
Store neighbour pointers.
Pipeline< etHadType > m_outputHtSumPipe
static const unsigned int N_EXTRA_REGIONS_ETA00
Number of additional regions to process on the &quot;wrong&quot; side of eta=0 (determines COL_OFFSET) ...
unsigned short int UShort
static const unsigned int CENTRAL_COL0
RegionsVector m_keptProtoJets
List of pre-clustered jets retained locally as input to the final clustering.
static const unsigned int MAX_REGIONS_IN
The real jetFinders must define these constants.
static const unsigned int COL_OFFSET
The index offset between columns.
RawJetVector m_outputJets
output jets
void setJetFinderParams(const L1GctJetFinderParams *jfpars)
Set pointer to parameters - needed to complete the setup.
RegionsVector m_inputRegions
static const unsigned NUMBER_ETA_VALUES
Number of eta bins used in correction.
int nt
Definition: AMPTWrapper.h:32
Pipeline< etCompInternJfType > m_outputEySumPipe
RawJetPipeline m_outputJetsPipe
Output jets &quot;pipeline memory&quot; for checking.
virtual void resetProcessor()
Separate reset methods for the processor itself and any data stored in pipelines. ...
static L1GctInternJetData fromEmulator(L1CaloRegionDetId rgn, int16_t bx, uint16_t et, bool overFlow, bool tauVeto, uint8_t eta, uint8_t phi, uint16_t rank)
unsigned getCenForJetEtaBoundary() const
void setInputRegion(const L1CaloRegion &region)
Set input data.
virtual unsigned nCols() const
void setEnergySumMasks(const L1GctChannelMask *chmask)
Set masks for energy summing.
std::vector< lutPtr > lutPtrVector
void fetchProtoJetsFromNeighbour(const fetchType ft)
fetch the protoJets from neighbour jetFinder
unsigned getHtJetEtThresholdGct() const
bool totalEtMask(unsigned ieta) const
etCompInternJfType m_outputEySum
void setValue(unsigned value)
Set value from unsigned.
int bxAbs() const
Pipeline< etTotalType > m_outputEtSumPipe
&quot;Pipeline memories&quot; for energy sums
unsigned getForJetEtSeedGct() const
bool m_gotJetFinderParams
Remember whether jetfinder parameters have been stored.
A calorimeter trigger region (sum of 4x4 trigger towers)
Definition: L1CaloRegion.h:22
virtual unsigned maxRegionsIn() const
static L1GctInternEtSum fromEmulatorJetMissEt(int missEtxOrEty, bool overFlow, int16_t bx)
static const unsigned N_PHI
unsigned m_minColThisJf
parameter to determine which Regions belong in our acceptance
volatile std::atomic< bool > shutdown_flag false
bool overFlow() const
access overflow
RegionsVector m_rcvdProtoJets
List of pre-clustered jets received from neighbour before the final stage of clustering.
static const unsigned int N_COLS
std::vector< L1GctRegion > RegionsVector
etCompInternJfType m_outputExSum
bool missingEtMask(unsigned ieta) const
bool m_gotJetEtCalLuts
Remember whether jet Et calibration Lut pointers have been stored.
void doEnergySums()
Fill the Et strip sums and Ht sum. All jetFinders should call this in process().
hfTowerSumsType m_outputHfSums
static const unsigned int N_JF_PER_WHEEL
No of jetFinders per Wheel.