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ntuple_cff Namespace Reference


tuple AfterAbortGapFilter
tuple gainCalibrationTreeAagBunch = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))
tuple gainCalibrationTreeAagBunch0T = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))
tuple gainCalibrationTreeIsoMuon = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))
tuple gainCalibrationTreeIsoMuon0T = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))
tuple gainCalibrationTreeStdBunch = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))
tuple gainCalibrationTreeStdBunch0T = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))
tuple inputDataSequence = cms.Sequence( shallowEventRun + shallowTracks + shallowGainCalibration )
tuple IsolatedMuonFilter
tuple laCalibrationTree = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))
tuple LorentzAngleNtuple
list LorentzAngleOutputCommands
list OfflineChannelGainOutputCommands
tuple OfflineGainNtuple_AagBunch
tuple OfflineGainNtuple_AagBunch0T
tuple OfflineGainNtuple_IsoMuon
tuple OfflineGainNtuple_IsoMuon0T
tuple OfflineGainNtuple_StdBunch
tuple OfflineGainNtuple_StdBunch0T
tuple ZeroBiasFilter

Variable Documentation

tuple ntuple_cff.AfterAbortGapFilter
Initial value:
1 = triggerResultsFilter.clone(
2 # triggerConditions = cms.vstring("HLT_ZeroBias_*"),
3  triggerConditions = cms.vstring("HLT_ZeroBias_FirstCollisionAfterAbortGap_*"),
4  hltResults = cms.InputTag( "TriggerResults", "", "HLT" ),
5  l1tResults = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  throw = cms.bool(False)
7  )

Definition at line 9 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.gainCalibrationTreeAagBunch = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))

Definition at line 46 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.gainCalibrationTreeAagBunch0T = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))

Definition at line 49 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.gainCalibrationTreeIsoMuon = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))

Definition at line 58 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.gainCalibrationTreeIsoMuon0T = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))

Definition at line 61 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.gainCalibrationTreeStdBunch = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))

Definition at line 52 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.gainCalibrationTreeStdBunch0T = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))

Definition at line 55 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.inputDataSequence = cms.Sequence( shallowEventRun + shallowTracks + shallowGainCalibration )

Definition at line 66 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.IsolatedMuonFilter
Initial value:
1 = triggerResultsFilter.clone(
2 # triggerConditions = cms.vstring("HLT_ZeroBias_*"),
3  triggerConditions = cms.vstring("HLT_IsoMu20_*"),
4  hltResults = cms.InputTag( "TriggerResults", "", "HLT" ),
5  l1tResults = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  throw = cms.bool(False)
7  )

Definition at line 17 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.laCalibrationTree = cms.EDAnalyzer("ShallowTree", outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('drop *'))

Definition at line 18 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.LorentzAngleNtuple
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence( (shallowClusters +
2  shallowTrackClusters) *
3  laCalibrationTree
4  )

Definition at line 21 of file ntuple_cff.py.

list ntuple_cff.LorentzAngleOutputCommands
Initial value:
1 = [ 'keep *_shallowClusters_clusterdetid_*',
2  'keep *_shallowClusters_clusterwidth_*',
3  'keep *_shallowClusters_clustervariance_*',
4  'keep *_shallowTrackClusters_tsostrackmulti_*',
5  'keep *_shallowTrackClusters_tsosdriftx_*',
6  'keep *_shallowTrackClusters_tsosdriftz_*',
7  'keep *_shallowTrackClusters_tsoslocaltheta_*',
8  'keep *_shallowTrackClusters_tsoslocalphi_*',
9  'keep *_shallowTrackClusters_tsosBdotY_*',
10  #'keep *_shallowTrackClusters_tsoslocaly_*',
11  'keep *_shallowTrackClusters_tsosglobalZofunitlocalY_*']

Definition at line 6 of file ntuple_cff.py.

list ntuple_cff.OfflineChannelGainOutputCommands
Initial value:
1 = [
2  'keep *_shallowEventRun_*_*',
3  'keep *_shallowTracks_trackchi2ndof_*',
4  'keep *_shallowTracks_trackmomentum_*',
5  'keep *_shallowTracks_trackpt_*',
6  'keep *_shallowTracks_tracketa_*',
7  'keep *_shallowTracks_trackphi_*',
8  'keep *_shallowTracks_trackhitsvalid_*',
9  'keep *_shallowTracks_trackalgo_*',
10  'keep *_shallowGainCalibration_*_*'
11  ]

Definition at line 34 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.OfflineGainNtuple_AagBunch
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence( siStripBFieldOnFilter + AfterAbortGapFilter +
2  inputDataSequence * gainCalibrationTreeAagBunch )

Definition at line 74 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.OfflineGainNtuple_AagBunch0T
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence( siStripBFieldOffFilter + AfterAbortGapFilter +
2  inputDataSequence * gainCalibrationTreeAagBunch0T )

Definition at line 77 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.OfflineGainNtuple_IsoMuon
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence( siStripBFieldOnFilter + AfterAbortGapFilter +
2  inputDataSequence * gainCalibrationTreeIsoMuon )

Definition at line 80 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.OfflineGainNtuple_IsoMuon0T
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence( siStripBFieldOffFilter + AfterAbortGapFilter +
2  inputDataSequence * gainCalibrationTreeIsoMuon0T )

Definition at line 83 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.OfflineGainNtuple_StdBunch
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence( ZeroBiasFilter + siStripBFieldOnFilter +
2  inputDataSequence * gainCalibrationTreeStdBunch )

Definition at line 68 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.OfflineGainNtuple_StdBunch0T
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence( ZeroBiasFilter + siStripBFieldOffFilter +
2  inputDataSequence * gainCalibrationTreeStdBunch0T )

Definition at line 71 of file ntuple_cff.py.

tuple ntuple_cff.ZeroBiasFilter
Initial value:
1 = triggerResultsFilter.clone(
2 # triggerConditions = cms.vstring("HLT_ZeroBias_*"),
3  triggerConditions = cms.vstring("HLT_ZeroBias_*"),
4  hltResults = cms.InputTag( "TriggerResults", "", "HLT" ),
5  l1tResults = cms.InputTag( "" ),
6  throw = cms.bool(False)
7  )

Definition at line 25 of file ntuple_cff.py.