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cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff Namespace Reference


tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_loose = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V5( WP_Loose_EB, WP_Loose_EE, isoInputs)
tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_medium = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V5( WP_Medium_EB, WP_Medium_EE, isoInputs)
tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_tight = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V5( WP_Tight_EB, WP_Tight_EE, isoInputs)
string idName = "cutBasedPhotonID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-loose"
tuple isoInputs
tuple WP_Loose_EB
tuple WP_Loose_EE
tuple WP_Medium_EB
tuple WP_Medium_EE
tuple WP_Tight_EB
tuple WP_Tight_EE

Variable Documentation

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_loose = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V5( WP_Loose_EB, WP_Loose_EE, isoInputs)

Definition at line 132 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_medium = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V5( WP_Medium_EB, WP_Medium_EE, isoInputs)

Definition at line 133 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_standalone_tight = configureVIDCutBasedPhoID_V5( WP_Tight_EB, WP_Tight_EE, isoInputs)

Definition at line 134 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.

string cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.idName = "cutBasedPhotonID-Spring15-25ns-V1-standalone-loose"

Definition at line 23 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.isoInputs
Initial value:
1 = IsolationCutInputs(
2  # chHadIsolationMapName
3  'photonIDValueMapProducer:phoChargedIsolation' ,
4  # chHadIsolationEffAreas
5  "RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/data/Spring15/effAreaPhotons_cone03_pfChargedHadrons_25ns_NULLcorrection.txt",
6  # neuHadIsolationMapName
7  'photonIDValueMapProducer:phoNeutralHadronIsolation' ,
8  # neuHadIsolationEffAreas
9  "RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/data/Spring15/effAreaPhotons_cone03_pfNeutralHadrons_25ns_90percentBased.txt" ,
10  # phoIsolationMapName
11  "photonIDValueMapProducer:phoPhotonIsolation" ,
12  # phoIsolationEffAreas
13  "RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/data/Spring15/effAreaPhotons_cone03_pfPhotons_25ns_90percentBased.txt"
14 )

Definition at line 114 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.WP_Loose_EB
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V2(
2  idName , # idName
3  0.05 , # hOverECut
4  0.0102 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5 # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2, except for NeuHad is < C1 + pt*C2 + pt*pt*C3
6  3.32 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  1.92 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.014 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  0.000019 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C3
11  0.81 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
12  0.0053 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
13  )

Definition at line 24 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.WP_Loose_EE
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V2(
2  idName , #idName
3  0.05 , # hOverECut
4  0.0274 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5 # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2, except for NeuHad is < C1 + pt*C2 + pt*pt*C3
6  1.97 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0.00 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  11.86 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.0139 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  0.000025 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C3
11  0.83 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
12  0.0034 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
13  )

Definition at line 37 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.WP_Medium_EB
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V2(
2  idName , # idName
3  0.05 , # hOverECut
4  0.0102 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5 # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2, except for NeuHad is < C1 + pt*C2 + pt*pt*C3
6  1.37 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0.00 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  1.06 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.014 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  0.000019 , # absPFNeuHadIsowithEACut_C3
11  0.28 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
12  0.0053 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
13  )

Definition at line 53 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.WP_Medium_EE
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V2(
2  idName , #idName
3  0.05 , # hOverECut
4  0.0268 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5 # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2, except for NeuHad is < C1 + pt*C2 + pt*pt*C3
6  1.10 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0.00 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  2.69 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.0139 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  0.000025 , # absPFNeuHadIsowithEACut_C3
11  0.39 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
12  0.0034 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
13  )

Definition at line 67 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.WP_Tight_EB
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V2(
2  idName , # idName
3  0.05 , # hOverECut
4  0.0100 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5 # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2, except for NeuHad is < C1 + pt*C2 + pt*pt*C3
6  0.76 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0.00 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  0.97 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.014 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  0.000019 , # absPFNeuHadIsowithEACut_C3
11  0.08 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
12  0.0053 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
13  )

Definition at line 83 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.

tuple cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.WP_Tight_EE
Initial value:
1 = WorkingPoint_V2(
2  idName , #idName
3  0.05 , # hOverECut
4  0.0268 , # full5x5_SigmaIEtaIEtaCut
5 # Isolation cuts are generally absIso < C1 + pt*C2, except for NeuHad is < C1 + pt*C2 + pt*pt*C3
6  0.56 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C1
7  0.00 , # absPFChaHadIsoWithEACut_C2
8  2.09 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C1
9  0.0139 , # absPFNeuHadIsoWithEACut_C2
10  0.000025 , # absPFNeuHadIsowithEACut_C3
11  0.16 , # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C1
12  0.0034 # absPFPhoIsoWithEACut_C2
13  )

Definition at line 97 of file cutBasedPhotonID_Spring15_25ns_V1_cff.py.